Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

If you know this than rationally you should be able to decipher What I am doing, or is it that comprehension problem raising it's head again ?
you're doing the same old debunked bulshit you always do..
plus plagiarizing.
you want fries with that.

btw rational and rationally are above your pay grade...
what you believe is by definition not rational...

I bet if you took your car with a full tank of gas, and just parked it outside with the key in the ignition ,that car would never start itself.

I am sure you would go along with that logic but go against that logic by thinking chemicals left to themselves would fully develop a cell that produced all life.

Is what you believe rational ?

Wow, you REALLY need to take a chemistry class, because, damn!
you're doing the same old debunked bulshit you always do..
plus plagiarizing.
you want fries with that.

btw rational and rationally are above your pay grade...
what you believe is by definition not rational...

I bet if you took your car with a full tank of gas, and just parked it outside with the key in the ignition ,that car would never start itself.

I am sure you would go along with that logic but go against that logic by thinking chemicals left to themselves would fully develop a cell that produced all life.

Is what you believe rational ?
false comparison..the reason why is obvious..
thanks for playing..

Ok the truth is you can't admit your view is illogical. It takes something to flip that switch to start that car,just like it takes something to properly sequence those chemicals and convert them into something that would produce life.
you're doing the same old debunked bulshit you always do..
plus plagiarizing.
you want fries with that.

btw rational and rationally are above your pay grade...
what you believe is by definition not rational...

I bet if you took your car with a full tank of gas, and just parked it outside with the key in the ignition ,that car would never start itself.

I am sure you would go along with that logic but go against that logic by thinking chemicals left to themselves would fully develop a cell that produced all life.

Is what you believe rational ?

Wow, you REALLY need to take a chemistry class, because, damn!

Nah I don't,whip that magic on me.
Because the earth would have been exp more and more disorder for almost 2 billion years. Tell me how order and complexity arose after that long of disorder ?

2 billion years of disorder means evolution cannot occur?

Tell me how order and complexity arose after that long of disorder?

Tell me why the length of time makes the slightest difference?
If the Earth was 1 million years old, energy could be used to perform work, make things ordered and complex but when the Earth is 2 billion years old, energy can't perform work, make things ordered and complex?

Is the Earth too old now for a tree to use the Sun's energy to turn CO2 and H2O into something more complex?

Because as time passes disorder would increase and with the more disorder the less of the chance of it becoming ordered.

Once again you are using a bad argument. the only reason why that tree can use the suns energy to overcome disorder is because of it's genetic coding that forces it's will on matter but that is only a temporary state of a natural cycle.

If a system has input and output, would you call that an isolated system, or an open system?
Because the earth would have been exp more and more disorder for almost 2 billion years. Tell me how order and complexity arose after that long of disorder ?

2 billion years of disorder means evolution cannot occur?

Tell me how order and complexity arose after that long of disorder?

Tell me why the length of time makes the slightest difference?
If the Earth was 1 million years old, energy could be used to perform work, make things ordered and complex but when the Earth is 2 billion years old, energy can't perform work, make things ordered and complex?

Is the Earth too old now for a tree to use the Sun's energy to turn CO2 and H2O into something more complex?

Because as time passes disorder would increase and with the more disorder the less of the chance of it becoming ordered.

Once again you are using a bad argument. the only reason why that tree can use the suns energy to overcome disorder is because of it's genetic coding that forces it's will on matter but that is only a temporary state of a natural cycle.

Because as time passes disorder would increase and with the more disorder the less of the chance of it becoming ordered.

Time passing does not make order less likely with the application of energy.

Some of the atoms that make up the Earth get more ordered all the time, why do you refuse to see?

the only reason why that tree can use the suns energy to overcome disorder is because of it's genetic coding

It's true, things are becoming ordered on the Earth, even now. Even 4.6 billion (or so) years after the Earth was formed. With no violation of the 2nd Law in sight.
I bet if you took your car with a full tank of gas, and just parked it outside with the key in the ignition ,that car would never start itself.

I am sure you would go along with that logic but go against that logic by thinking chemicals left to themselves would fully develop a cell that produced all life.

Is what you believe rational ?
false comparison..the reason why is obvious..
thanks for playing..

Ok the truth is you can't admit your view is illogical. It takes something to flip that switch to start that car,just like it takes something to properly sequence those chemicals and convert them into something that would produce life.
the truth is you're making a false comparison..a car is not and does not have the potential to be life.
your example is neither logical log·i·cal [loj-i-kuhl] Show IPA
according to or agreeing with the principles of logic: a logical inference.
reasoning in accordance with the principles of logic, as a person or the mind: logical thinking.
reasonable; to be expected: War was the logical consequence of such threats.
of or pertaining to logic.

ra·tion·al [rash-uh-nl, rash-nl] Show IPA
agreeable to reason; reasonable; sensible: a rational plan for economic development.
having or exercising reason, sound judgment, or good sense: a calm and rational negotiator.
being in or characterized by full possession of one's reason; sane; lucid: The patient appeared perfectly rational.
endowed with the faculty of reason: rational beings.
of, pertaining to, or constituting reasoning powers: the rational faculty.
I bet if you took your car with a full tank of gas, and just parked it outside with the key in the ignition ,that car would never start itself.

I am sure you would go along with that logic but go against that logic by thinking chemicals left to themselves would fully develop a cell that produced all life.

Is what you believe rational ?

Wow, you REALLY need to take a chemistry class, because, damn!

Nah I don't,whip that magic on me.
any thing you might have learned was tossed out when you had your Epiphany.
2 billion years of disorder means evolution cannot occur?

Tell me how order and complexity arose after that long of disorder?

Tell me why the length of time makes the slightest difference?
If the Earth was 1 million years old, energy could be used to perform work, make things ordered and complex but when the Earth is 2 billion years old, energy can't perform work, make things ordered and complex?

Is the Earth too old now for a tree to use the Sun's energy to turn CO2 and H2O into something more complex?

Because as time passes disorder would increase and with the more disorder the less of the chance of it becoming ordered.

Once again you are using a bad argument. the only reason why that tree can use the suns energy to overcome disorder is because of it's genetic coding that forces it's will on matter but that is only a temporary state of a natural cycle.

If a system has input and output, would you call that an isolated system, or an open system?

Open system.

Earth is a closed system.

http://www.uvm.edu/~cmehrten/courses/earthhist/Earth Closed System.pdf
Because as time passes disorder would increase and with the more disorder the less of the chance of it becoming ordered.

Once again you are using a bad argument. the only reason why that tree can use the suns energy to overcome disorder is because of it's genetic coding that forces it's will on matter but that is only a temporary state of a natural cycle.

If a system has input and output, would you call that an isolated system, or an open system?

Open system.

Earth is a closed system.

http://www.uvm.edu/~cmehrten/courses/earthhist/Earth Closed System.pdf
bullshit .

Is earth an open or closed system?
In: Geology, Environmental Issues
both. For everything except energy, it's closed.
For energy (i.e. the sun's input, radiation into space at night) it's open.

One definition of a closed system is a system that can exchange energy with it's environment but not matter. Therefore the earth is a closed system by this logic.

Is earth an open or closed system
If a system has input and output, would you call that an isolated system, or an open system?

Open system.

Earth is a closed system.

http://www.uvm.edu/~cmehrten/courses/earthhist/Earth Closed System.pdf
bullshit .

Is earth an open or closed system?
In: Geology, Environmental Issues
both. For everything except energy, it's closed.
For energy (i.e. the sun's input, radiation into space at night) it's open.

One definition of a closed system is a system that can exchange energy with it's environment but not matter. Therefore the earth is a closed system by this logic.

Is earth an open or closed system

I know you did not read what I posted,heck it even has your favorite things daws,pictures.
Because as time passes disorder would increase and with the more disorder the less of the chance of it becoming ordered.

Once again you are using a bad argument. the only reason why that tree can use the suns energy to overcome disorder is because of it's genetic coding that forces it's will on matter but that is only a temporary state of a natural cycle.

If a system has input and output, would you call that an isolated system, or an open system?

Open system.

Earth is a closed system.

http://www.uvm.edu/~cmehrten/courses/earthhist/Earth Closed System.pdf

A closed system allows energy in and out. Which is why a tree can turn simple molecules, CO2 and H2O into complex molecules like sugars and cellulose. No violation of the 2nd Law here.
false comparison..the reason why is obvious..
thanks for playing..

Ok the truth is you can't admit your view is illogical. It takes something to flip that switch to start that car,just like it takes something to properly sequence those chemicals and convert them into something that would produce life.
the truth is you're making a false comparison..a car is not and does not have the potential to be life.
your example is neither logical log·i·cal [loj-i-kuhl] Show IPA
according to or agreeing with the principles of logic: a logical inference.
reasoning in accordance with the principles of logic, as a person or the mind: logical thinking.
reasonable; to be expected: War was the logical consequence of such threats.
of or pertaining to logic.

ra·tion·al [rash-uh-nl, rash-nl] Show IPA
agreeable to reason; reasonable; sensible: a rational plan for economic development.
having or exercising reason, sound judgment, or good sense: a calm and rational negotiator.
being in or characterized by full possession of one's reason; sane; lucid: The patient appeared perfectly rational.
endowed with the faculty of reason: rational beings.
of, pertaining to, or constituting reasoning powers: the rational faculty.

Daws you have a fully functional car all you need is to evolve a mechanism to turn that key. Just as you need a mechanism to properly sequence chemicals at each stage to produce life.
Because as time passes disorder would increase and with the more disorder the less of the chance of it becoming ordered.

Once again you are using a bad argument. the only reason why that tree can use the suns energy to overcome disorder is because of it's genetic coding that forces it's will on matter but that is only a temporary state of a natural cycle.

If a system has input and output, would you call that an isolated system, or an open system?

Open system.

Earth is a closed system.

http://www.uvm.edu/~cmehrten/courses/earthhist/Earth Closed System.pdf

Wrong answer. For matter, even though it receives a miniscule amount of matter in the form of meteorites and space dust, and loses a miniscule amount of matter to space in the form of gases such as helium and water vapor, it is essentially closed with respect to matter. But with respect to energy, it is an open system, since it constantly receives energy from the sun and from cosmic rays, and constantly emits infrared radiation back into space. For energy, it is an open system.
If a system has input and output, would you call that an isolated system, or an open system?

Open system.

Earth is a closed system.

http://www.uvm.edu/~cmehrten/courses/earthhist/Earth Closed System.pdf

A closed system allows energy in and out. Which is why a tree can turn simple molecules, CO2 and H2O into complex molecules like sugars and cellulose. No violation of the 2nd Law here.

The argument is that life would have never formed in a disordered system and that means no chance of evolution.not the evolution that would result in all the diversity of life according to theory.
If a system has input and output, would you call that an isolated system, or an open system?

Open system.

Earth is a closed system.

http://www.uvm.edu/~cmehrten/courses/earthhist/Earth Closed System.pdf

Wrong answer. For matter, even though it receives a miniscule amount of matter in the form of meteorites and space dust, and loses a miniscule amount of matter to space in the form of gases such as helium and water vapor, it is essentially closed with respect to matter. But with respect to energy, it is an open system, since it constantly receives energy from the sun and from cosmic rays, and constantly emits infrared radiation back into space. For energy, it is an open system.

There are others that agree that the earth is a closed system for the very reasons that was given on the pdf form.

A closed system allows energy in and out. Which is why a tree can turn simple molecules, CO2 and H2O into complex molecules like sugars and cellulose. No violation of the 2nd Law here.

The argument is that life would have never formed in a disordered system and that means no chance of evolution.not the evolution that would result in all the diversity of life according to theory.

The argument is that life would have never formed in a disordered system

I know, because of the 2nd Law. LOL!

Come on, you're putting us on. You can't really be this stupid.
bullshit .

Is earth an open or closed system?
In: Geology, Environmental Issues
both. For everything except energy, it's closed.
For energy (i.e. the sun's input, radiation into space at night) it's open.

One definition of a closed system is a system that can exchange energy with it's environment but not matter. Therefore the earth is a closed system by this logic.

Is earth an open or closed system

I know you did not read what I posted,heck it even has your favorite things daws,pictures.
false ...I read it the first time you posted it .this is the umptheenth you've done so
and you're still wrong.
besides it's basic science.
I understand the idea that something could be two thing at the same time befuddles you.
it's more proof you have no imagination.
Last edited:
Ok the truth is you can't admit your view is illogical. It takes something to flip that switch to start that car,just like it takes something to properly sequence those chemicals and convert them into something that would produce life.
the truth is you're making a false comparison..a car is not and does not have the potential to be life.
your example is neither logical log·i·cal [loj-i-kuhl] Show IPA
according to or agreeing with the principles of logic: a logical inference.
reasoning in accordance with the principles of logic, as a person or the mind: logical thinking.
reasonable; to be expected: War was the logical consequence of such threats.
of or pertaining to logic.

ra·tion·al [rash-uh-nl, rash-nl] Show IPA
agreeable to reason; reasonable; sensible: a rational plan for economic development.
having or exercising reason, sound judgment, or good sense: a calm and rational negotiator.
being in or characterized by full possession of one's reason; sane; lucid: The patient appeared perfectly rational.
endowed with the faculty of reason: rational beings.
of, pertaining to, or constituting reasoning powers: the rational faculty.

Daws you have a fully functional car all you need is to evolve a mechanism to turn that key. Just as you need a mechanism to properly sequence chemicals at each stage to produce life.
justification of a false premise.
your post reeks of desperation.

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