Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

Seriously what really fits the evidence best is what matters. Unless you can give a viable explanation for origins you can't rule out the creator. We can point to what happens to undirected processes and then compare it to the results of directed processes.

Random or purposeful design which better fits the evidence. Who makes bigger assumptions atheistic evolutionist or creationists ?

Although some Christians have attacked evolution as “just a theory,” that would be raising Darwin’s idea to a level it doesn’t deserve.

A theory has its genesis in a hypothesis, which is a working assumption as to why we observe something—an educated guess. To test this assumption, scientists conduct experiments that either disprove or correlate with the hypothesis.

Over time, if a hypothesis continues to stand up to scrutiny and many different experiments, the scientific community may begin referring to it as a “theory.” In essence, this means that because the hypothesis has not been disproved over many years and no other known hypothesis works, then we can be reasonably sure that it’s accurate.

Theories, however, are not imperishable. If new technology allows better experimentation, for example, a theory may need to be discarded. (See Louis Pasteur’s Views on Creation, Evolution, and the Genesis of Germs).
Where Evolution Falls Short

Two problems prevent anyone from legitimately calling evolution a theory. First, there’s no direct, observable experiment that can ever be performed. Scientists can measure bones, study mutations, decode DNA, and notice similarities in morphology (the form and structure of animals and plants), but they can never test evolutionary events in the past.

Some point to natural selection as a form of “evolution in action,” but natural selection can only act upon the genetic potential that already exists. What we do observe from natural selection fits perfectly with a recent creation and does not point to common descent.

Secondly, and related to the above, evolution misses the mark as a theory because all the supposed “tests” to confirm Darwinism do not necessarily and distinctively correspond to the idea. In other words, each has an alternate and equally viable explanation. A theory requires that the confirming experiments correspond to one specific hypothesis. Otherwise, the experiment cannot establish legitimacy. Evolution has no such legitimacy.
So What Is It?
Free online book: Evolution Exposed: Biology

Check out this free online book that reveals and refutes every instance of evolution in America’s most popular biology textbooks, or purchase a copy.

Evolution, at its core, is a necessary requirement of naturalism. Since naturalists cannot allow a higher power, they must rely on a form of spontaneous generation and the unguided development of life. Either someone or something created, or nature created itself.

Because naturalism depends on this assumption, evolution artificially carries the weight of a theory for naturalists—without meeting the requirements. Evolution has been grafted in simply out of the desire to deny the Creator or to deny His power and authority.

Evolution: Not Even a Theory - Answers in Genesis

Evolution: Not Even a Theory - Answers in Genesis

Oh good lord. AIG. What a joke.

Attached is a link to their "statement of faith".

It reads like a propaganda statement for a cult initiation.

The AiG Statement of Faith - Answers in Genesis

Just about the only thing you have gotten right today. The LORD is good.
you have an addiction to this conspiracy theory like a crack addict needs a fix. Why get defensive when it is noted that your ocd - like proclivities cause you to champion this conspiracy at every opportunity.

i believe it is you that has some conspiracy surrounding the sworn statements of apollo crew and defense ministers..clearly you do not believe these statements and question the motives...
isn't there a 12 step program for folks like yourself who are addicted to conspiracy theories?

are you attending that to deal with your apollo crew conspiracy ?
And that is the classic god of the gaps argument. If you don't know what that is, I suggest you look it up. Congratulations. When you can list professional bibliographies for these guys, then we'll have more to talk about.

Actually, the fact of the matter is that there are many more Christians who support the theory of evolution than oppose it. I know that must chafe your arse, but live with it.

Only foolish ones.

Right, so every Christian denomination except radical evangelicals got it wrong. Oh my. Talk about being biased!

I am saying some people put to much trust in man and are fools for doing so. People actually believe macroevolution has been observed and you're one of them by posting that case of microadaptations by Dr. Theobald and calling it macroevolution.

You have done the typical thing of evolutionists trying to say that microevolution and macroevolution are the same thing. I don't like the term evolution because that is not what is observed. What is observed are results of microadaptations and selective breeding. We also are seeing the results of that genetic information that was in the Genome all along.

Why is it we can point to more genetic disorders from mutations than benefits from mutations ? That is exactly what your side needs is beneficial mutations and a lot of them for the diversity of life.

We have have many new genetic disorders popping up why can't we point to many benefits from mutations ?

Explain to me how a gene takes over a population to bring about evolution ?

Why is macroevolution a theory when the scientific method can't be used to verify ?

Age of the earth really,tell me why the dating methods are so reliable ? and you're not trying to change the subject.
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I can cite from a hundred different sources and they will all tell you the same thing. See, this is your problem. You don't understand even the most basic concepts of the theory. So to suggest to any of us that you know what you are talking about is just pure horse manure.

So, do you want to talk about the age of the Earth? I can spend hours talking about it, so let's have at it, grasshopper, if you dare.

I spent a lot of money on this education spare me the B.S. Hell they can't even produce macroevolution using Bioengineering,that is replacing genes. Can you explain why they can't ? and why do they hide it from the public ?

You keep resorting to the god of the gaps argument. You should ask your school for a refund, because, damn, dude.

There are gaps in every theory :lol: but I do have a reason to believe everything is the result of creation. That is the same thing for you for those gaps you believe naturalism fills those gaps.

I credit my school for teaching me to test all things and use reason in the process. We have tried to cause evolution in the lab on flies and bacterium for a long time and it hasn't happened why ? Now the science community can remove genes and add genes and can't produce macroevolution why ?

What happens to organisms that reach their limits of adapting ? or changing? give me an example of this.
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No doubt, you can list all 6,000, right? I won't say that I know how many beneficial mutations that human beings have, but I can cite a few. One is our large brain, and associated intelligence. Another is our binocular vision. Another is our five digited extremities with opposable thumbs. Another is our bipedalism. Shall I continue?

Do you doubt the real scientists that have made the claim ?

Hope Through Knowledge

There are over 6,000 genetic disorders that can be passed down through the generations, many of which are fatal or severely debilitating. Since 1997, the GDF has worked with Mount Sinai to help provide funding for research to improve early detection and treatment options for many of these disorders

Genetic Disease Foundation: Hope Through Knowledge

So explain mutation fixation to me and why so many harmful mutations exist in the gene pool and would have a negative affect on evolution ?

If evolution easily spreads through the gene pool why do we not all have the same genetic disorders ?

Because there are over 6 billion human beings on the planet. Unless you are suggesting that each of us have had sex and babies with every other human being (in which case, damn), what's your point?

Creationist have been saying and proving this for a long time but actually they say at least 4% difference in the Dna of chimps and humans,which is double the size of immense.

When considering that many human characteristics and bodily functions require the complex interaction of many protein-encoding genes, even a difference of 2 percent (as is the case with humans and chimps) can be considered immense.

10 Things Our Genes Can Tell Us : Discovery Channel

Why have we not found a genetic defect in apes that humans share ?
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Do you doubt the real scientists that have made the claim ?

Hope Through Knowledge

There are over 6,000 genetic disorders that can be passed down through the generations, many of which are fatal or severely debilitating. Since 1997, the GDF has worked with Mount Sinai to help provide funding for research to improve early detection and treatment options for many of these disorders

Genetic Disease Foundation: Hope Through Knowledge

So explain mutation fixation to me and why so many harmful mutations exist in the gene pool and would have a negative affect on evolution ?

If evolution easily spreads through the gene pool why do we not all have the same genetic disorders ?

Because there are over 6 billion human beings on the planet. Unless you are suggesting that each of us have had sex and babies with every other human being (in which case, damn), what's your point?

Creationist have been saying and proving this for a long time but actually they say at least 4% difference in the Dna of chimps and humans,which is double the size of immense.

When considering that many human characteristics and bodily functions require the complex interaction of many protein-encoding genes, even a difference of 2 percent (as is the case with humans and chimps) can be considered immense.

10 Things Our Genes Can Tell Us : Discovery Channel

Why have we not found a genetic defect in apes that humans share ?

Human-chimp genetic differences: New insights into why humans are more susceptible to cancer and other diseases

In research published in September's American Journal of Human Genetics, Yi looked at brain samples of each species. She found that differences in certain DNA modifications, called methylation, may contribute to phenotypic changes. The results also hint that DNA methylation plays an important role for some disease-related phenotypes in humans, including cancer and autism.

Why did the gods feel a need to create humans and primates with such similar DNA structure?

Were primates a first try by the gods at human "creation" but just a little off?
I can cite from a hundred different sources and they will all tell you the same thing. See, this is your problem. You don't understand even the most basic concepts of the theory. So to suggest to any of us that you know what you are talking about is just pure horse manure.

So, do you want to talk about the age of the Earth? I can spend hours talking about it, so let's have at it, grasshopper, if you dare.

I spent a lot of money on this education spare me the B.S. Hell they can't even produce macroevolution using Bioengineering,that is replacing genes. Can you explain why they can't ? and why do they hide it from the public ?

You keep resorting to the god of the gaps argument. You should ask your school for a refund, because, damn, dude.

I would also like to know why apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes and humans 23 ?
I spent a lot of money on this education spare me the B.S. Hell they can't even produce macroevolution using Bioengineering,that is replacing genes. Can you explain why they can't ? and why do they hide it from the public ?

You keep resorting to the god of the gaps argument. You should ask your school for a refund, because, damn, dude.

I would also like to know why apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes and humans 23 ?

That's not identified in the bibles?
Because there are over 6 billion human beings on the planet. Unless you are suggesting that each of us have had sex and babies with every other human being (in which case, damn), what's your point?

Creationist have been saying and proving this for a long time but actually they say at least 4% difference in the Dna of chimps and humans,which is double the size of immense.

When considering that many human characteristics and bodily functions require the complex interaction of many protein-encoding genes, even a difference of 2 percent (as is the case with humans and chimps) can be considered immense.

10 Things Our Genes Can Tell Us : Discovery Channel

Why have we not found a genetic defect in apes that humans share ?

Human-chimp genetic differences: New insights into why humans are more susceptible to cancer and other diseases

In research published in September's American Journal of Human Genetics, Yi looked at brain samples of each species. She found that differences in certain DNA modifications, called methylation, may contribute to phenotypic changes. The results also hint that DNA methylation plays an important role for some disease-related phenotypes in humans, including cancer and autism.

Why did the gods feel a need to create humans and primates with such similar DNA structure?

Were primates a first try by the gods at human "creation" but just a little off?

This is the beauty of it all that is going over your head. God is so great he can use the same ingredients and mechanisms but produce the bio diversity that is observed.

The big difference is the genetic information that is translated.
I spent a lot of money on this education spare me the B.S. Hell they can't even produce macroevolution using Bioengineering,that is replacing genes. Can you explain why they can't ? and why do they hide it from the public ?

You keep resorting to the god of the gaps argument. You should ask your school for a refund, because, damn, dude.

I would also like to know why apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes and humans 23 ?

Understanding Genetics

Why are the gods so careless about their "design"?

With 6,000 harmful mutations, why are the gods such inept "designers".
You keep resorting to the god of the gaps argument. You should ask your school for a refund, because, damn, dude.

I would also like to know why apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes and humans 23 ?

Understanding Genetics

Why are the gods so careless about their "design"?

With 6,000 harmful mutations, why are the gods such inept "designers".

Thanks for pointing out what was confirmed yesterday that there are 6,000 genetic disorders that can be passed on to members of the gene pool. Which in turn is a problem for evolution.

Do learn something about genetic inheritance, and mutation fixation.
Creationist have been saying and proving this for a long time but actually they say at least 4% difference in the Dna of chimps and humans,which is double the size of immense.

When considering that many human characteristics and bodily functions require the complex interaction of many protein-encoding genes, even a difference of 2 percent (as is the case with humans and chimps) can be considered immense.

10 Things Our Genes Can Tell Us : Discovery Channel

Why have we not found a genetic defect in apes that humans share ?

Human-chimp genetic differences: New insights into why humans are more susceptible to cancer and other diseases

In research published in September's American Journal of Human Genetics, Yi looked at brain samples of each species. She found that differences in certain DNA modifications, called methylation, may contribute to phenotypic changes. The results also hint that DNA methylation plays an important role for some disease-related phenotypes in humans, including cancer and autism.

Why did the gods feel a need to create humans and primates with such similar DNA structure?

Were primates a first try by the gods at human "creation" but just a little off?

This is the beauty of it all that is going over your head. God is so great he can use the same ingredients and mechanisms but produce the bio diversity that is observed.

The big difference is the genetic information that is translated.

Hell, that might be true if the gods were so great. However, we have no reason to believe the tales and fables which served as the invention of your gods.

Hell, your gods are only "your gods" because you happened to have been born in a geographic location where the Christian gods were the "most popular".

How really arbitrary and capricious is it that you are the bible thumping zealot when had you been born in the islamist Middle East, you would have become the Koran thumping, muhammud worshipping zealot.
Human-chimp genetic differences: New insights into why humans are more susceptible to cancer and other diseases

Why did the gods feel a need to create humans and primates with such similar DNA structure?

Were primates a first try by the gods at human "creation" but just a little off?

This is the beauty of it all that is going over your head. God is so great he can use the same ingredients and mechanisms but produce the bio diversity that is observed.

The big difference is the genetic information that is translated.

Hell, that might be true if the gods were so great. However, we have no reason to believe the tales and fables which served as the invention of your gods.

Hell, your gods are only "your gods" because you happened to have been born in a geographic location where the Christian gods were the "most popular".

How really arbitrary and capricious is it that you are the bible thumping zealot when had you been born in the islamist Middle East, you would have become the Koran thumping, muhammud worshipping zealot.

Speechless I know,don't worry I have that affect on some.
I would also like to know why apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes and humans 23 ?

Understanding Genetics

Why are the gods so careless about their "design"?

With 6,000 harmful mutations, why are the gods such inept "designers".

Thanks for pointing out what was confirmed yesterday that there are 6,000 genetic disorders that can be passed on to members of the gene pool. Which in turn is a problem for evolution.

Do learn something about genetic inheritance, and mutation fixation.

Thanks for pointing out that you have no clue regarding either genetics or evolution.

I'm afraid that your posting of the 6,000 genetic disorders™ slogan fails to account for the fact that all genetic "disorders" (mutations), are harmful.

Did you know that they have discovered that genetic disorder No. 6001 causes the debilitating condition of religious fundamentalism?
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This is the beauty of it all that is going over your head. God is so great he can use the same ingredients and mechanisms but produce the bio diversity that is observed.

The big difference is the genetic information that is translated.

Hell, that might be true if the gods were so great. However, we have no reason to believe the tales and fables which served as the invention of your gods.

Hell, your gods are only "your gods" because you happened to have been born in a geographic location where the Christian gods were the "most popular".

How really arbitrary and capricious is it that you are the bible thumping zealot when had you been born in the islamist Middle East, you would have become the Koran thumping, muhammud worshipping zealot.

Speechless I know,don't worry I have that affect on some.

Here, I corrected your post:

Dumbfounded I know,don't worry my posts suggest that.
Understanding Genetics

Why are the gods so careless about their "design"?

With 6,000 harmful mutations, why are the gods such inept "designers".

Thanks for pointing out what was confirmed yesterday that there are 6,000 genetic disorders that can be passed on to members of the gene pool. Which in turn is a problem for evolution.

Do learn something about genetic inheritance, and mutation fixation.

Thanks for pointing out that you have no clue regarding either genetics or evolution.

I'm afraid that your posting of the 6,000 genetic disorders™ slogan fails to account for the fact that all genetic "disorders" (mutations), are harmful.

Did you know that they have discovered that genetic disorder No. 6001 causes the debilitating condition of religious fundamentalism?

I never made that claim but I have made the claim beneficial mutations are rare and the numbers do not lie.
Ok hollie, enough with your rhetoric, if you care to address some of the questions asked this morning I will be more than happy to discuss them with you.
Thanks for pointing out what was confirmed yesterday that there are 6,000 genetic disorders that can be passed on to members of the gene pool. Which in turn is a problem for evolution.

Do learn something about genetic inheritance, and mutation fixation.

Thanks for pointing out that you have no clue regarding either genetics or evolution.

I'm afraid that your posting of the 6,000 genetic disorders™ slogan fails to account for the fact that all genetic "disorders" (mutations), are harmful.

Did you know that they have discovered that genetic disorder No. 6001 causes the debilitating condition of religious fundamentalism?

I never made that claim but I have made the claim beneficial mutations are rare and the numbers do not lie.
And with consistency, you use the 6,000 genetic disorders™ slogan as though it precludes mutations that have a positive attribute for fitness.

I understand it serves your science-loathing agenda but it also demonstrates a lack of objectivity.
Ok hollie, enough with your rhetoric, if you care to address some of the questions asked this morning I will be more than happy to discuss them with you.

OK fundie man, enough of your sidestepping. As you know, your rhetorical "questions" are posed as a means to discredit science in the hopes that it will serve your religious agenda.

I noted without a moment of hesitation your rush for the exits regarding AIG's biased application of predefined conclusions used to press a specific religious agenda.

You insist that others answer your "questions" (which they do), but you typically shuffle -off when you are tasked with addressing the explicit bias announced by the creation ministries your cut and paste from.

While you arrogantly demand that others address your rhetoric, you refuse to address the inherent anti-science / anti-intellectual bias in your religious dogma as a means to further your religious agenda without the intellectual baggage of conscience or a moral compass. You ignore the blatant double standard inherent in all of this without a hint of the dishonesty associated with doing so. I’ve pointed this out to you on several occasions but with consistency, you blithely proceed on as though you don't understand the concept of a double standard.

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