Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

Now you understand my contempt for the courts and atheists. A day of reckoning is coming.

God had it right.

Psa 14:1 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. The fool has said in his heart, There is no God! They acted corruptly; they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.

Thanks for tacitly admitting that you are not a Christian.
I thought you said you don't read peoples minds ? Did you slip and hit your head ?

Why are trying to divert attention from your own unchristian comments?
Educate yourself this is partly the reason the judge decided in favor of the plantiffs rather than the defendants.

But I pointed out the ignorance of the judge earlier.

Separation of Church and State - Political Science - Prager University

So your current false prophet is called John Eastman. Probably going to end up exactly like all of the others.

Now you understand my contempt for the courts and atheists. A day of reckoning is coming.

God had it right.

Psa 14:1 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. The fool has said in his heart, There is no God! They acted corruptly; they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.

Actually we’ve always understood the Christian right’s contempt for the Constitution and rule of law, in that it prevents you from codifying your dogma of ignorance and hate.
So your current false prophet is called John Eastman. Probably going to end up exactly like all of the others.

Now you understand my contempt for the courts and atheists. A day of reckoning is coming.

God had it right.

Psa 14:1 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. The fool has said in his heart, There is no God! They acted corruptly; they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.

Actually we’ve always understood the Christian right’s contempt for the Constitution and rule of law, in that it prevents you from codifying your dogma of ignorance and hate.

Has this country gotten better since since 1947 , where a few words in a letter from Jefferson were taken out of context ? That changed the history of this country and we have gone downhill ever since.
From here on out let's discuss the thread topic ,if you can't, then remain silent thank you.

The gawds sent you an email about making goofy threats in their name, right?

I am doing my Christian duty to warn you of the coming judgement,it is up to you what you do with the warning.

If your house was on fire, and you didn't know it, would you appreciate someone warning you ?
Now you understand my contempt for the courts and atheists. A day of reckoning is coming.

God had it right.

Psa 14:1 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. The fool has said in his heart, There is no God! They acted corruptly; they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.

Actually we’ve always understood the Christian right’s contempt for the Constitution and rule of law, in that it prevents you from codifying your dogma of ignorance and hate.

Has this country gotten better since since 1947 , where a few words in a letter from Jefferson were taken out of context ? That changed the history of this country and we have gone downhill ever since.

Gee whiz. If you were a nice, honorable fellow then I'd be inclined to give you a pass. But a self-hating, bigoted, misogynistic and nasty piece of work that happens to have the communication skills of mildew and social skills to match… you're a bit of an open goal.

Yep. Hate, hate, hate. They hates themselves, they hate each other and they hate their miserable lives. Their religion becomes the engine that powers their hate.

What a shame that you can’t use your religious belief to improve your life. Instead, you would hope to use it in rather degenerative and destructive ways to promote your religious fascism.
Ayatollah ywc doesn’t quite understand that fundamentalist christianity has a reputation that precedes itself. In the modern Western world of elected officials, accountable government and personal freedoms, theocratic totalitarianism is a relic of religious fascism defined by gender apartheid, witch hunts and Inquisitions.

It’s something you will have to deal with if the above causes you offence. But you know, there's a reason why I’m not rocking back and forth in spasmodic, rote memorization of your bibles after having watched the neighbor collapse in a bloody heap under one hundred lashes for committing some infraction of your religious laws.
Actually we’ve always understood the Christian right’s contempt for the Constitution and rule of law, in that it prevents you from codifying your dogma of ignorance and hate.

Has this country gotten better since since 1947 , where a few words in a letter from Jefferson were taken out of context ? That changed the history of this country and we have gone downhill ever since.

Gee whiz. If you were a nice, honorable fellow then I'd be inclined to give you a pass. But a self-hating, bigoted, misogynistic and nasty piece of work that happens to have the communication skills of mildew and social skills to match… you're a bit of an open goal.

Yep. Hate, hate, hate. They hates themselves, they hate each other and they hate their miserable lives. Their religion becomes the engine that powers their hate.

What a shame that you can’t use your religious belief to improve your life. Instead, you would hope to use it in rather degenerative and destructive ways to promote your religious fascism.
Ayatollah ywc doesn’t quite understand that fundamentalist christianity has a reputation that precedes itself. In the modern Western world of elected officials, accountable government and personal freedoms, theocratic totalitarianism is a relic of religious fascism defined by gender apartheid, witch hunts and Inquisitions.

It’s something you will have to deal with if the above causes you offence. But you know, there's a reason why I’m not rocking back and forth in spasmodic, rote memorization of your bibles after having watched the neighbor collapse in a bloody heap under one hundred lashes for committing some infraction of your religious laws.

The truth shall set you free, it does not seem to work with some,I wonder why ?
From here on out let's discuss the thread topic ,if you can't, then remain silent thank you.

The gawds sent you an email about making goofy threats in their name, right?

I am doing my Christian duty to warn you of the coming judgement,it is up to you what you do with the warning.

If your house was on fire, and you didn't know it, would you appreciate someone warning you ?

I don’t believe you’re doing anything but using your religion to inflict blunt force trauma.

But you know, I prefer the whacked out, openly hostile, End-time ranting Christian cult members that we mistakenly identify as "radical" or "extremist," because, well, I know where they stand. They're basically just faithful Christian cultists who have no issue with using their fundamentalist religious beliefs as a means for threats. I'd just rather deal with unabashed nutjobs like this, than the "moderate" who ends up with the He was such a nice guy, I can't believe he'd do this! impromptu eulogy after committing some horrendous act of savagery for his gawds. The former are easier to spot and imprison before they do something really stupid.
Has this country gotten better since since 1947 , where a few words in a letter from Jefferson were taken out of context ? That changed the history of this country and we have gone downhill ever since.

Gee whiz. If you were a nice, honorable fellow then I'd be inclined to give you a pass. But a self-hating, bigoted, misogynistic and nasty piece of work that happens to have the communication skills of mildew and social skills to match… you're a bit of an open goal.

Yep. Hate, hate, hate. They hates themselves, they hate each other and they hate their miserable lives. Their religion becomes the engine that powers their hate.

What a shame that you can’t use your religious belief to improve your life. Instead, you would hope to use it in rather degenerative and destructive ways to promote your religious fascism.
Ayatollah ywc doesn’t quite understand that fundamentalist christianity has a reputation that precedes itself. In the modern Western world of elected officials, accountable government and personal freedoms, theocratic totalitarianism is a relic of religious fascism defined by gender apartheid, witch hunts and Inquisitions.

It’s something you will have to deal with if the above causes you offence. But you know, there's a reason why I’m not rocking back and forth in spasmodic, rote memorization of your bibles after having watched the neighbor collapse in a bloody heap under one hundred lashes for committing some infraction of your religious laws.

The truth shall set you free, it does not seem to work with some,I wonder why ?

Because those "some" suffer from a defect that religious zealotry is a magnet for.
I thought you said you don't read peoples minds ? Did you slip and hit your head ?

Why are trying to divert attention from your own unchristian comments?

Christians unfortunately commit sin and have forginess of that sin.

So, you're suggesting that your use of Christianity to promote hate and derision will be forgiven?

I can only attribute a serious medical condition to your view of religion as a mechanism of promoting hate and derision. It’s difficult to think that your cult fantasies of imposing religious fascism have any mainstream support. You are silly and pretentious but don’t mistake those attributes as furthering of your rather odd views as a cult clone. Fundie zealots’ anti-human and delusional claims of entitlement notwithstanding, human focused values such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness will always appeal more broadly and are more honorable than hate, oppression, and the perpetuation of misery and suffering. The resonant slap to the face dealt to the notion of religious fascism by liberal democracy enrages the Christian fundie because a broad and sweeping reform movement has made them little more than caricatures of the hair-on-fire, bible thumping clowns.
Been there, done that, don't need yet another t-shirt proving that creationists are clueless when it comes to science.

It would be fun to see if you can show you understand the Genome and Dna base pairs thouroughly enough to defend what you believe.

It is readily apparent that YOU don't in spite of your spurious claims to be "educated" in this "area of expertise".

... times five to the power of infinity ...
I thought you said you don't read peoples minds ? Did you slip and hit your head ?

Why are trying to divert attention from your own unchristian comments?

Christians unfortunately commit sin and have forginess of that sin.

Keyword: "unfortunately".

It means that if you SAY you're a "christian", you can do damn near anything and still get "forgiven".

Murder, incest, rape, kidnapping, robbery ... just ask for "forgiveness" and you can go out tomorrow and do the same crimes/sins all over again.

Damn convenient, that.

Funny thing is, if catholic, that includes the pedophile priests. for that matter, it might include non-catholic pedophiles as well.

Nice gig for a serial criminal. You can molest all the little kids you want while preaching about how much you love fetuses.
Oh and "Youwerecreated" has never even tried to answer my question of WHY do "christians" insist on preaching their scam to non-believers?

Why the constant preaching? Why not just leave people alone?

Why pretend you have some sort of proof of the existence of some Magic Sky Fairy when, clearly,




have any such proof.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - You are most welcome to whatever gets you through the night. Believe what you wish and welcome to it.

But, why must you constantly try to shove your silly fantasies down the throats of others? Books and tracts and videos and pamphlets and SHIT.

I had the same idiot morms knock on my door TWICE this past Saturday. I closed the door in their faces and a while later, there they were, pounding on my door again.

When its not the damn morms, its some other wacko sect/cult. I even had one of you fools accost me in a park. I was tempted to slap her into the middle of next week.

Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy ... its all the same. You're already running a huge scam on taxes the rest of us have to pay for you. Can't you leave us in peace?

You are welcome to your nutty beliefs. Go handle snakes and speak in tongues and swoon and mutter and on and on and on Do what you want (Leave little kids alone. Go molest adults instead) , believe what you want but dammit, WHY must you rant and rave your nonsensical beliefs at other people?
Oh and "Youwerecreated" has never even tried to answer my question of WHY do "christians" insist on preaching their scam to non-believers?

Why the constant preaching? Why not just leave people alone?

Why pretend you have some sort of proof of the existence of some Magic Sky Fairy when, clearly,




have any such proof.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - You are most welcome to whatever gets you through the night. Believe what you wish and welcome to it.

But, why must you constantly try to shove your silly fantasies down the throats of others? Books and tracts and videos and pamphlets and SHIT.

I had the same idiot morms knock on my door TWICE this past Saturday. I closed the door in their faces and a while later, there they were, pounding on my door again.

When its not the damn morms, its some other wacko sect/cult. I even had one of you fools accost me in a park. I was tempted to slap her into the middle of next week.

Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy ... its all the same. You're already running a huge scam on taxes the rest of us have to pay for you. Can't you leave us in peace?

You are welcome to your nutty beliefs. Go handle snakes and speak in tongues and swoon and mutter and on and on and on Do what you want (Leave little kids alone. Go molest adults instead) , believe what you want but dammit, WHY must you rant and rave your nonsensical beliefs at other people?

They have something they think is important that they want to share with others. Why is that a problem? They're no more pushy about than any other salespeople. Less so generally.

I'll push back if they go too far with hellfire and damnation stuff, especially if they try use it to scare kids, but I don't hear that line often. And hardly ever from Mormons.
Now you understand my contempt for the courts and atheists. A day of reckoning is coming.

God had it right.

Psa 14:1 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. The fool has said in his heart, There is no God! They acted corruptly; they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.

Actually we’ve always understood the Christian right’s contempt for the Constitution and rule of law, in that it prevents you from codifying your dogma of ignorance and hate.

Has this country gotten better since since 1947 , where a few words in a letter from Jefferson were taken out of context ? That changed the history of this country and we have gone downhill ever since.


Establishment Clause jurisprudence is predicated on a comprehensive and objective examination of the Framers’ intent, their understanding of the dangers of conjoining church and state, and case law dating back to the Foundation Era.

It was never the Framers’ intent to create a theocracy, some had even first-hand experience of the bane of religion in government, and wisely amended the Constitution to prohibit the codification of religious dogma.

And America is indeed a better place now for it.
Oh and "Youwerecreated" has never even tried to answer my question of WHY do "christians" insist on preaching their scam to non-believers?

Why the constant preaching? Why not just leave people alone?

Why pretend you have some sort of proof of the existence of some Magic Sky Fairy when, clearly,




have any such proof.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - You are most welcome to whatever gets you through the night. Believe what you wish and welcome to it.

But, why must you constantly try to shove your silly fantasies down the throats of others? Books and tracts and videos and pamphlets and SHIT.

I had the same idiot morms knock on my door TWICE this past Saturday. I closed the door in their faces and a while later, there they were, pounding on my door again.

When its not the damn morms, its some other wacko sect/cult. I even had one of you fools accost me in a park. I was tempted to slap her into the middle of next week.

Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy ... its all the same. You're already running a huge scam on taxes the rest of us have to pay for you. Can't you leave us in peace?

You are welcome to your nutty beliefs. Go handle snakes and speak in tongues and swoon and mutter and on and on and on Do what you want (Leave little kids alone. Go molest adults instead) , believe what you want but dammit, WHY must you rant and rave your nonsensical beliefs at other people?

This is your only post worth a response.If I really thought that Jesus Christ was a scam I would feel like you. Heck I once felt like you then I matured. We were asked to preach the gospels and the true sheep of God will listen.

God has been separating the sheep from the goats since Adam. I must ask you why if you're truly offended would you even reply to the thread ? do you need attention or something or could it be you feel a little guilty ?

Anyways no one is making you read or reply to the thread so I am at a loss for words why you posted what you did.

I notice no one is willing to step up to the plate and take a swing concerning genetics. None of you seem to know enough to defend your theory and explain to me how we are related to anything that is not a Homo Sapien.
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Actually we’ve always understood the Christian right’s contempt for the Constitution and rule of law, in that it prevents you from codifying your dogma of ignorance and hate.

Has this country gotten better since since 1947 , where a few words in a letter from Jefferson were taken out of context ? That changed the history of this country and we have gone downhill ever since.


Establishment Clause jurisprudence is predicated on a comprehensive and objective examination of the Framers’ intent, their understanding of the dangers of conjoining church and state, and case law dating back to the Foundation Era.

It was never the Framers’ intent to create a theocracy, some had even first-hand experience of the bane of religion in government, and wisely amended the Constitution to prohibit the codification of religious dogma.

And America is indeed a better place now for it.

You need to learn your history, and go back to 1947 and read the decision of the supreme court.

It was because of a short phrase by jefferson in a letter. This countries morals have declined ever since the removal of God from Government.

People as old as I, have had enough time in this country to see the decline.
Oh and "Youwerecreated" has never even tried to answer my question of WHY do "christians" insist on preaching their scam to non-believers?

Why the constant preaching? Why not just leave people alone?

Why pretend you have some sort of proof of the existence of some Magic Sky Fairy when, clearly,




have any such proof.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - You are most welcome to whatever gets you through the night. Believe what you wish and welcome to it.

But, why must you constantly try to shove your silly fantasies down the throats of others? Books and tracts and videos and pamphlets and SHIT.

I had the same idiot morms knock on my door TWICE this past Saturday. I closed the door in their faces and a while later, there they were, pounding on my door again.

When its not the damn morms, its some other wacko sect/cult. I even had one of you fools accost me in a park. I was tempted to slap her into the middle of next week.

Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy ... its all the same. You're already running a huge scam on taxes the rest of us have to pay for you. Can't you leave us in peace?

You are welcome to your nutty beliefs. Go handle snakes and speak in tongues and swoon and mutter and on and on and on Do what you want (Leave little kids alone. Go molest adults instead) , believe what you want but dammit, WHY must you rant and rave your nonsensical beliefs at other people?

This is your only post worth a response.If I really thought that Jesus Christ was a scam I would feel like you. Heck I once felt like you then I matured. We were asked to preach the gospels and the true sheep of God will listen.

God has been separating the sheep from the goats since Adam. I must ask you why if you're truly offended would you even reply to the thread ? do you need attention or something or could it be you feel a little guilty ?

Anyways no one is making you read or reply to the thread so I am at a loss for words why you posted what you did.

I notice no one is willing to step up to the plate and take a swing concerning genetics. None of you seem to know enough to defend your theory and explain to me how we are related to anything that is not a Homo Sapien.
Let's be honest, here. Your genetics information is nothing more than cliches' and slogans you scour from various creation ministries.

You should make every effort to aoid discussing science matters. The revulsion you and your creation ministries have for science causes you to promote the most outrageous and nonsensical claims that are not at all science fact.... more like warped creationist fantasy.
Has this country gotten better since since 1947 , where a few words in a letter from Jefferson were taken out of context ? That changed the history of this country and we have gone downhill ever since.


Establishment Clause jurisprudence is predicated on a comprehensive and objective examination of the Framers’ intent, their understanding of the dangers of conjoining church and state, and case law dating back to the Foundation Era.

It was never the Framers’ intent to create a theocracy, some had even first-hand experience of the bane of religion in government, and wisely amended the Constitution to prohibit the codification of religious dogma.

And America is indeed a better place now for it.

You need to learn your history, and go back to 1947 and read the decision of the supreme court.

It was because of a short phrase by jefferson in a letter. This countries morals have declined ever since the removal of God from Government.

People as old as I, have had enough time in this country to see the decline.

Once again, you have some diseased view that this nation is somehow worse off for not enforcing your version of religiously inspired hate and derision.

In reality, the nation has rejected fundie christian zealotry and the divisions caused by extremist religious nutbars.
Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

Because scientific method demands empirical evidence to make an assertion and naturalism (a term I seldon hear anyone use, I note) starts with the supposition that all things that are exist in the real world and therefore ARE ...em·pir·i·cal


Because while both agree that "you were created" (the evidence for your existence IS empirical) creationism seeks to explain WHY and HOW without any empirical evidence to support its explanation.

Admittedly, the answer depends on how you define “scientific.” Too often, “science” and “naturalism” are considered one and the same, leaving creationist views out by definition.

Naturalism is NOT scientific method. Naturalism is a belief system, scientific method is an approach to problem solving.

Such sophistry (suggesting that naturalism IS science is sophistry, amigo) is an interesting exercise in playing a rhetorical game but essentially worthless in doing anything to support the theories of CREATIONISM.


GIGO...you started out with a supposition that was false...naturalism is NOT science, neither is it scientic method.

Naturalism is a philosophy that one might say springs from science without in any way BEING science
Great post.


Yes, natural recurring processes can be observed does not mean the processes happened naturally. The question should be is how these natural processes that recur over and over got started.

In lieu of suffient empirical evidence that reveals the answer to that question, that question remains unanswerable by scientific method.

My point is why do they look to explain that everything is a product of naturalism when their is no natural process that can be observed that could account for origins of life Or origins of any kind . The natural recurring processes that are observed have all the necessities already in place.

I presume by "they" you mean science? There are countless pieces of empirical evidence supporting the hypothesis of how life started.

I do disagree with one of your points However.Creation is a process of design which can be observed in nature.

Creation as in the creation of life from either nothing (the mind of God if you prefer) or from inanimate elements?

I'd like to see your evidence for that.

Science does NOT claim tohaveing the COMPLETE answer the question of the existence of the universe or to the existence of life here on earth.

Apparently you believe Creationism does?

Bring out that evidence and I am sure we'd all love to see it

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