Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

'Naturalism' is not the same as 'evolution' - evolution is what is taught in schools, not 'naturalism'. Again, the OP seems to be confusing two terms.

Science limits itself to what can be tested, proven, replicated: it has no means to observe the nonphysical world.

It does not deny the metaphysical or spiritual exists, it simply does not cover the topic. That's what religion is all about: we don't need science to cover the spiritual.

It appears the OP is unaware of the many theists who find the Theory of Evolution the best explanation for the area it legitimately describes: the 'origin of species'. (note that this does not include abiogenesis).

If there is no God then everything came in to existence through naturalism. This is the philosophy of many evolutionists and where their presuppositions come from. To say scientists do not possess presuppositions is nonsense.

It's a common tactic of creationists to associate "evilutionist" with the beginning of life. The theory of evolution does not address how life began.

Unfortunately, people such as ywc with virtually no background in science will argue against an established scientific principle they know nothing about.

Learn your own theory if you are gonna discuss it.

The evolution model includes the scientific evidence and the related inferences suggesting that:

I. The universe and the solar system emerged by naturalistic processes.
II. Life emerged from nonlife by naturalistic processes.
III. All present kinds emerged from simpler earlier kinds, so that single-celled organisms evolved into invertebrates, then vertebrates, then amphibians, then reptiles, then mammals, then primates, including man.
IV. Mutation and natural selection have brought about the emergence of present complex kinds from a simple primordial organism.
V. Man and apes emerged from a common ancestor.
VI. The earth's geologic features were fashioned largely by slow, gradual processes, with infrequent catastrophic events restricted to a local scale (uniformitarianism).
VII. The inception of the earth and then of life must have occurred several billion years ago.
scientific presuppositions are based on available evidence..
not pulled from the metaphorical ass like biblical presuppositions are...

Bullshit ! your presuppositions close your mind to the possibility of creation don't even attempt to Bullshit me daws.. Everyone is affected by their presuppositions, Whether it's political,philosophy or whatever it is your presuppositions will affect your interpretations.
looks like a tantrum to me...
answer the question slapdick does the bible have presuppositions in it or not? and do those presuppositions effect an objective interpretation of evidence.?

No I am educating you daws.
Daws how absurd of a response. You have evidence all around you of living organisms producing more living organisms and not one example of life coming from non-living matter.
I'm sure you see it that way...but as with all your observations it's false.
ALL LIFE HAS NON LIVING COMPONENTS: MINERALS AND WATER...without those there is no life...
procreation or life from life is not proof it started that way..

Daws that is a fact.

The life that began life was the living being that designed it.
YOURS on the other hand is based on a fairy tale.....
I'm sure you see it that way...but as with all your observations it's false.
ALL LIFE HAS NON LIVING COMPONENTS: MINERALS AND WATER...without those there is no life...
procreation or life from life is not proof it started that way..

Daws that is a fact.

The life that began life was the living being that designed it.
Your gawds are living beings?

Is that why they were as as ascribed by their human inventors with human attributes?

No we have attributes of God get it right.
No I just posted it and left off the link thought you would have been smart enough to at least look up the term before making a fool of yourself.

Furthermore you lack the basic honesty and integrity to admit when you are caught lying.

Here is EXACTLY what you posted;


a scientific account of the world in terms of causes and natural forces that rejects all spiritual, supernatural, or teleological explanations

The only fool is the one who forgets what they have already posted.

Put your big boy pants on admit you are stupid.

Why the fuck would I have to post a link for a definition dumbshit ?

You are a friggen MORON.

So not only do you have to explain to Jesus why you lied but you also have to explain why you resorted to cursing too. You must be running short on brownie points with him these days.
Bullshit ! your presuppositions close your mind to the possibility of creation don't even attempt to Bullshit me daws.. Everyone is affected by their presuppositions, Whether it's political,philosophy or whatever it is your presuppositions will affect your interpretations.
looks like a tantrum to me...
answer the question slapdick does the bible have presuppositions in it or not? and do those presuppositions effect an objective interpretation of evidence.?

No I am educating you daws.
is this a lesson in evading the question?
answer the question slapdick! does the bible have presuppositions in it or not? and do those presuppositions effect an objective interpretation of evidence.?
I'm sure you see it that way...but as with all your observations it's false.
ALL LIFE HAS NON LIVING COMPONENTS: MINERALS AND WATER...without those there is no life...
procreation or life from life is not proof it started that way..

Daws that is a fact.

The life that began life was the living being that designed it.
YOURS on the other hand is based on a fairy tale.....

You have no evidence that life arose through naturalism,so your comment is not accurate and based on your imagination.
No I just posted it and left off the link thought you would have been smart enough to at least look up the term before making a fool of yourself.

Furthermore you lack the basic honesty and integrity to admit when you are caught lying.

Here is EXACTLY what you posted;


a scientific account of the world in terms of causes and natural forces that rejects all spiritual, supernatural, or teleological explanations

The only fool is the one who forgets what they have already posted.

Put your big boy pants on admit you are stupid.

Why the fuck would I have to post a link for a definition dumbshit ?

You are a friggen MORON.

It's an important requirement that you post links with your cutting and pasting. We have a consistent pattern of your posting falsified, edited and parsed "quotes".

Basically, your're simply dishonest with a proven history of lies in furtherance of your religious fundamentalist views.
Last edited:
Furthermore you lack the basic honesty and integrity to admit when you are caught lying.

Here is EXACTLY what you posted;


The only fool is the one who forgets what they have already posted.

Put your big boy pants on admit you are stupid.

Why the fuck would I have to post a link for a definition dumbshit ?

You are a friggen MORON.

So not only do you have to explain to Jesus why you lied but you also have to explain why you resorted to cursing too. You must be running short on brownie points with him these days.

Getting desperate you pompous Ass.
Furthermore you lack the basic honesty and integrity to admit when you are caught lying.

Here is EXACTLY what you posted;


The only fool is the one who forgets what they have already posted.

Put your big boy pants on admit you are stupid.

Why the fuck would I have to post a link for a definition dumbshit ?

You are a friggen MORON.

It's an important requirement that you post links with your cutting and pasting. We have a consistent pattern of your posting falsified, edited and parsed "quotes".

Basically, your simply dishonest with a proven history of lies in furtherance of your religious fundamentalist views.

:eusa_liar: daws has posted definitions with no link.
Put your big boy pants on admit you are stupid.

Why the fuck would I have to post a link for a definition dumbshit ?

You are a friggen MORON.

So not only do you have to explain to Jesus why you lied but you also have to explain why you resorted to cursing too. You must be running short on brownie points with him these days.

Getting desperate you pompous Ass.

Kindly refrain from projecting your own shortcomings onto others.
Daws that is a fact.

The life that began life was the living being that designed it.
YOURS on the other hand is based on a fairy tale.....

You have no evidence that life arose through naturalism,so your comment is not accurate and based on your imagination.
never said I DID, life arose through evolution.

Naturalism is "the idea or belief that only natural (as opposed to supernatural or spiritual) laws and forces operate in the world; (occas.) the idea or belief that nothing exists beyond the natural world."[1] Adherents of naturalism (i.e. naturalists) assert that natural laws are the rules that govern the structure and behavior of the natural universe, that the universe is a product of these laws.[2]

Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. Evolutionary processes give rise to diversity at every level of biological organisation, including species, individual organisms and molecules such as DNA and proteins.[1]
All life on earth is descended from a last universal ancestor that lived approximately 3.8 billion years ago. Repeated speciation and the divergence of life can be inferred from shared sets of biochemical and morphological traits, or by shared DNA sequences.[2] These homologous traits and sequences are more similar among species that share a more recent common ancestor, and can be used to reconstruct evolutionary histories, using both existing species and the fossil record. Existing patterns of biodiversity have been shaped both by speciation and by extinction.[3]


put your big boy pants on admit you are stupid.

Why the fuck would i have to post a link for a definition dumbshit ?

You are a friggen moron.

it's an important requirement that you post links with your cutting and pasting. We have a consistent pattern of your posting falsified, edited and parsed "quotes".

Basically, your simply dishonest with a proven history of lies in furtherance of your religious fundamentalist views.

:eusa_liar: Daws has posted definitions with no link.
you gonna tell mom on me too?
If there is no God then everything came in to existence through naturalism. This is the philosophy of many evolutionists and where their presuppositions come from. To say scientists do not possess presuppositions is nonsense.

It's a common tactic of creationists to associate "evilutionist" with the beginning of life. The theory of evolution does not address how life began.

Unfortunately, people such as ywc with virtually no background in science will argue against an established scientific principle they know nothing about.

Learn your own theory if you are gonna discuss it.

The evolution model includes the scientific evidence and the related inferences suggesting that:

I. The universe and the solar system emerged by naturalistic processes.
II. Life emerged from nonlife by naturalistic processes.
III. All present kinds emerged from simpler earlier kinds, so that single-celled organisms evolved into invertebrates, then vertebrates, then amphibians, then reptiles, then mammals, then primates, including man.
IV. Mutation and natural selection have brought about the emergence of present complex kinds from a simple primordial organism.
V. Man and apes emerged from a common ancestor.
VI. The earth's geologic features were fashioned largely by slow, gradual processes, with infrequent catastrophic events restricted to a local scale (uniformitarianism).
VII. The inception of the earth and then of life must have occurred several billion years ago.
Here again, you are deliberately omitting a link because you are dishonest and conniving.

You are cutting and pasting a portion of what you scoured from the ICR.

It really is sleazy how you will attempt to lie and cheat without a moments hesitation or second thought.
It's a common tactic of creationists to associate "evilutionist" with the beginning of life. The theory of evolution does not address how life began.

Unfortunately, people such as ywc with virtually no background in science will argue against an established scientific principle they know nothing about.

Learn your own theory if you are gonna discuss it.

The evolution model includes the scientific evidence and the related inferences suggesting that:

I. The universe and the solar system emerged by naturalistic processes.
II. Life emerged from nonlife by naturalistic processes.
III. All present kinds emerged from simpler earlier kinds, so that single-celled organisms evolved into invertebrates, then vertebrates, then amphibians, then reptiles, then mammals, then primates, including man.
IV. Mutation and natural selection have brought about the emergence of present complex kinds from a simple primordial organism.
V. Man and apes emerged from a common ancestor.
VI. The earth's geologic features were fashioned largely by slow, gradual processes, with infrequent catastrophic events restricted to a local scale (uniformitarianism).
VII. The inception of the earth and then of life must have occurred several billion years ago.
Here again, you are deliberately omitting a link because you are dishonest and conniving.

You are cutting and pasting a portion of what you scoured from the ICR.

It really is sleazy how you will attempt to lie and cheat without a moments hesitation or second thought.

The link is here in the thread I guess you didn't read the article before you resorting to your rhetoric. I was just helping you with your theory here is a little more help for you naturalist.

Chemical evolution.

Chemical evolution | Define Chemical evolution at Dictionary.com
I don't believe life came from slime in water. Life begets life how hard is that to understand ?

Science has nothing to do with 'belief' and everything to do with testable repeatable results. I'm not deying that one's beliefs are important in one's life - just that they have any particular weight in adding to scientific knowledge.

If this is true how can you make scientific predictions ?

I already answered that. Scientific method doesn't give weight to 'beliefs' which are of the kind which can never be proven - as a religious belief. It is simply not part of the field.
Science has nothing to do with 'belief' and everything to do with testable repeatable results. I'm not deying that one's beliefs are important in one's life - just that they have any particular weight in adding to scientific knowledge.

If this is true how can you make scientific predictions ?

I already answered that. Scientific method doesn't give weight to 'beliefs' which are of the kind which can never be proven - as a religious belief. It is simply not part of the field.

Sure it does there is plenty of conjecture in science,explanations are just that, a view or a belief.

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