Why is no one in the Biden admin being held accountable for drone bombing a dozen innocents in Kabul?

I'm sure President Biden was grieved by the deaths of seven children and the allies killed. And I suspect he was also grieved by the suicide bomber who killed the Marines and one Sailor, as well as a couple of hundred others seeking shelter.

Assholes like you are quick to point fingers on President Biden. You are not alone, this message board is filled with hate all related to the result of the last election. How quickly you and others intentionally forget Iran's rockets attacking our armed forces and he tried to cover it up as a minor event.

WASHINGTON – More than 100 U.S. troops have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury from last month's Iranian missile attack on a base in Iraq, the Pentagon announced Monday.

The number of troops wounded by the explosions at the Ain al-Assad base has risen dramatically since the Jan. 8 ballistic missile attacks. Initial reports, cited by President Donald Trump, indicated there were no casualties from the missile strike, which was launched in response to the U.S. drone strike that killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

A week later, the Pentagon acknowledged 11 troops were being treated for traumatic brain injury. By Jan. 31, the number had risen to 64. As of Monday, 109 troops have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury, and 76 of them have returned to duty.
He didn't appear "grieved" to me at all....and he didn't appear grieved to a lot of Americans which is why he is getting heckled everywhere he goes in front of the public.....
At least he showed up.

Presidents don't usually go to Dover to receive our deceased Marines Sailors Airmen and soldiers unless they are directly responsible for their death like Joe is.....
They would be going twice a month when the war was hot...think...don't read the Huffpost...think for yourself...presidents do not have that kind of time...stop believing the hate Trump media....
Presidents don't usually go to Dover to receive our deceased Marines Sailors Airmen and soldiers unless they are directly responsible for their death like Joe is.....
They would be going twice a month when the war was hot...think...don't read the Huffpost...think for yourself...presidents do not have that kind of time...stop believing the hate Trump media....
The commander in chief is always responsible for the deaths of soldiers they send into combat.
"Held accountable" that is a term that is often thrown around. Sure the Biden administration admitted it used faulty intelligence in a hasty attack that killed seven kids, but..."Woopsie daisy, our bad" does not cut it. Was anyone fired, reprimanded or even scolded? Being held responsible means that those things should have happened to someone, somewhere along the chain of command. Unfortunately, Biden truly can not be righteously held accountable because he is senile and just a puppet to say "The buck stops here" when everyone knows that it really does not.
He didn't appear "grieved" to me at all....and he didn't appear grieved to a lot of Americans which is why he is getting heckled everywhere he goes in front of the public.....
Aw, so you see what you want to see. BTW, Trump is a piece of shit, and he killed the Iranian General and Iran responded as noted in my post above. Why didn't Trump respond to the attack on our post? Because he's a bully and when challenged he's a chicken shit punk.
Not directly....

Yes IMO directly. It's why I said that Bush, Obama and Trump should be sent to be tried for war crimes. (among others but we are talking presidents here). Biden did get us out. He did make an error which if you want to hold him accountable for that, do so but you can not without holding those who came before him accountable.

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