Why is none of the damaging evidence against Hillary being released

It was much more than that it was rape of someone that could be his granddaughter of age..

Big deal. Only three more years between Clinton and Lewensky than there are between Trump and Melania. She was legal age, and wanted to swallow. Nobody forced her to do anything.
See another point you're a liar, she obviously didn't swallow. The reason Bill got busted. Lol, you're a lowlife, a deplorable.

OK you got me curious now. How do you know she didn't swallow?
Blue dress ring the blind spot in your head?

I guess you don't understand how some blowjobs work. Google MESSY BLOWJOB, and you will understand how she could swallow and still get some on her dress.

Why are you getting disgusting here and are fixated on blow jobs which this is not the point?

In that situation, that blow job had nothing to do with his ability to govern, It was nobody's business but His and the people personally effected by it. Quit looking through people's windows,

Newt Gingrich had the decency to step down, governor Bentley is getting impeached because of it...

Like I said Before Obama, Michelle, Newt, Nancy, Harry, both Bush combined don't have as many scandals as Hillary


Yet the left doesn't notice a pattern here?


Gingrich had troubles with claims that a course as tax exempt, and Bently was spending state money on the woman he was screwing. Both proven. What have you proven other than you got a lot of people to believe in manufactured scandals that you couldn't prove?

Couldn't prove?

Kennith Starr's multi-million dollar report proved it with out a doubt on Billy Clinton..

It shut 95% if you up except the likes of you and Franco..


He proved a blowjob. He also said he would apologize to Clinton if he ever saw him.
Please provide the link. Just think if the Clinton's cooperated we wouldn't of found out about The blow job. Just like if hillary didn't lie about Bengazi we wouldn't of found out about the e-mails. There is a moral story to that.

Yep Witch hunts will eventually find something to whine about.
It was much more than that it was rape of someone that could be his granddaughter of age..

Big deal. Only three more years between Clinton and Lewensky than there are between Trump and Melania. She was legal age, and wanted to swallow. Nobody forced her to do anything.
See another point you're a liar, she obviously didn't swallow. The reason Bill got busted. Lol, you're a lowlife, a deplorable.

OK you got me curious now. How do you know she didn't swallow?
Blue dress ring the blind spot in your head?

I guess you don't understand how some blowjobs work. Google MESSY BLOWJOB, and you will understand how she could swallow and still get some on her dress.
So you get off on thinking that way? Well we see you are a lowlife. What did she do gag herself or did Clinton abuse her to try to destroy evidence? Which is it columbo?
The fact is Clinton lied under oath about that blow job, and you thinks it's okay. He would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for a blue dress. So tell me how many lies do you believe still?

Never cared about his blowjob to start with. How many accusations have you proven?
It was much more than that it was rape of someone that could be his granddaughter of age..

Big deal. Only three more years between Clinton and Lewensky than there are between Trump and Melania. She was legal age, and wanted to swallow. Nobody forced her to do anything.

I see your stooping to trashing women now to defend Bill...

That's exactly what Hillary did.


Not trashing. it was consensual.

In the White House which our daughters, mothers and sisters vist.

The fact is Clinton lied under oath about that blow job, and you thinks it's okay. He would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for a blue dress. So tell me how many lies do you believe still?

Never cared about his blowjob to start with. How many accusations have you proven?
It was much more than that it was rape of someone that could be his granddaughter of age..

Big deal. Only three more years between Clinton and Lewensky than there are between Trump and Melania. She was legal age, and wanted to swallow. Nobody forced her to do anything.

I see your stooping to trashing women now to defend Bill...

That's exactly what Hillary did.


Not trashing. it was consensual.
You do know the reasons you don't mix business with pleasure? Right?
Big deal. Only three more years between Clinton and Lewensky than there are between Trump and Melania. She was legal age, and wanted to swallow. Nobody forced her to do anything.
See another point you're a liar, she obviously didn't swallow. The reason Bill got busted. Lol, you're a lowlife, a deplorable.

OK you got me curious now. How do you know she didn't swallow?
Blue dress ring the blind spot in your head?

I guess you don't understand how some blowjobs work. Google MESSY BLOWJOB, and you will understand how she could swallow and still get some on her dress.

Why are you getting disgusting here and are fixated on blow jobs which this is not the point?


Really? It's the only thing the Clintons have been proven guilty of.
Never cared about his blowjob to start with. How many accusations have you proven?
It was much more than that it was rape of someone that could be his granddaughter of age..

Big deal. Only three more years between Clinton and Lewensky than there are between Trump and Melania. She was legal age, and wanted to swallow. Nobody forced her to do anything.

I see your stooping to trashing women now to defend Bill...

That's exactly what Hillary did.


Not trashing. it was consensual.

In the White House which our daughters, mothers and sisters vist.


I'm pretty sure none of the White House visitors saw the blowjob.
Yes, where is all of that evidence that Hillary is a liar, a crook, a warmonger, taking bribes? For 25+ years the Clintons have endured investigation after investigation, all of which has come up with nothing.

Despite claims by Republicans that the Clintons are a crime family, and despite 17 investigations costing taxpayers $100,000,000, there hasn't been a single witness produced, a single piece of evidence of wrong-doing, or indictment, except for Bill lying about a blow job under oath.

Most of these investigations were begun at the behest of Republicans on fishing expeditions, who started rumours of illegal activities by the Clintons and then went seeking evidence that the Clintons did what the Republicans claimed (with no evidence) that they did. In every instance, Republicans came up short - they found NOTHING.

Call me crazy, but I conclude, there was nothing to find in the first place.

You are starting to sound like a Franco sock, I thought you were Canadian?

Listen I told Franco this and I will tell you also

Obama, Michelle, Nancy Pelosi, harry Reid, Bush sr, Bush Jr, Newt Gingrich combined don't have as many scandals as Hillary has...

Do you see a pattern here?


I looked into every one of the so-called "Clinton Scandals" in depth, reading accounts and news reports from as early as 1990, and some even earlier (for the Anita Broaddrick case) and here is what I found:

Republicans start a rumour of some impropriety by one or both of the Clintons, or someone the Clintons know or who has any sort of tie to the Clintons, is found to be dirty, so Republicans start speculating as to ways the Clintons could be involved. Then they start talking as if their speculation is fact. Then they want these "facts" investigated. An investigation follows where no evidence is found that the Clintons did anything wrong. No witnesses turn against them, even with immunity, and a report is issued clearing the Clintons for lack of any evidence whatsoever. Republicans issue this report and the moment they close the report, they repeat the same lie the report disproves as if the investigation had never happened, and the Clintons hadn't been exonerated.

This happened over and over again. Through 7 Benghazi investigations. Through Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate.

Anita Broaddrick filed an affidavit in the Paula Jones case denying that Clinton had ever raped her and begging the press and the Republican Party to respect her privacy and her leave her alone about it. The Special Prosecutor had the FBI haul her in and threaten her with a perjury charge if she didn't recant and offer her immunity if she did. After that Anita said whatever Republicans told her to say.

Ken Starr has publically apologized to the Clintons for his part in what he deemed to be a "public witch hunt" against them and said he is ashamed of his actions which were motivated by partisanship and damaging to the country.

Today's crop of Republicans have had no such attacks of conscience. Party over country - always.

Please show your reliable sources and links to this nonsense.

In addition to the Impeachment of President Clinton for felony perjury.

These are the results and convictions of the various investigations into President Clinton.


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony - Whitewater real-estate investor

John Haley - felony 1998 on fraud

Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy

Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery

Eugene Fitzhugh - Whitewater - bribery

Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign Finance:

Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate:

William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him signed statement admitting to his deception

Post Administration
Sandy Bergergate

Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly class documents from the National Archive and destroying them

Yes, Clinton was persecuted mightily for lying about a blow job. But in reality, that is what he did. No I don't consider perjury a minor matter but had this frivolous law suit not be brought to harass and embarass the President of the United States, a suit that DISMISSED with PREJUDICE, none of that would have happened.

You have listed more than a dozen people who were arrested and convicted of crimes related to Whitewater, but none of them were named "Clinton". There was no evidence against the Clintons, and none of those who were subsequently convicted, testified against the Clintons. Ken Starr throughly investigated these charges and this is part of what he apologized for:

Okay, would you defend Trump the same way, if he did the exact same thing? Be honest because I will save your answer. If I get one.

It's impossible to defend Trump because his history is the opposite of Hillary. 3000 law suits. Many of which he has settled. I come from 30 years in corporate law, and 10 years in banking before that. I've watched Trump far more closely over the years than I watched Hillary, because I was keenly interested in successful business people. As a young bank manager, I was expected to keep abreast of business news, and Trump was then one of the brash new guys making a slash - even before Bill Gates and Stephen Jobs, there was Donald Trump, and Sam Walton, Richard Branson. But it soon became obvious that Donald Trump was not cut from the same cloth, and by the time he went bankrupt for the second time, it was pretty obvious he was a lousy businessman.

When Trump went broke operating a casino, I wrote him off as a rich boy with no business skills. I haven't seen anything since in his business dealings which would lead me to change my opinion of him, and much to confirm it. He's a liar and a con artist. Any members of the public who have trusted him with their money, either buying stock in his companies, or tuition at his "university", lost their shirts. A

Any opinion I have about Trump is due to following his business dealings since the 1970's. I am also aware that a bigtime Republican donor has spent millions of dollars formulating conspiracy theories about the Clintons (the Clintons killed Vince Foster, and the Clinton Foundation is pay for play), then paying writers to write a book about it, and ultimately, getting Congress to investigate it.

Republicans admitted that the last Benghazi Investigation was to continue to smear Hillary throughout the Presidential campaign, and to keep a lot of negative publicity going about her.

Again, you have a highly qualified candidate with a long history of being a well-respected Senator on Capital Hill, and a popular Secretary of State, until she declared her candidacy and then she was the devil personified.

If that because Republicans were so devoid of ideas that their only strategy is to lie about and villianize Clinton. I thought this was all about who could do the best job for America. Republicans have the Presidency, the House and the Senate, yet here you are, continuing the character assassination of Hillary Clinton.

Newt Gingrich had the decency to step down, governor Bentley is getting impeached because of it...

Like I said Before Obama, Michelle, Newt, Nancy, Harry, both Bush combined don't have as many scandals as Hillary


Yet the left doesn't notice a pattern here?


Gingrich had troubles with claims that a course as tax exempt, and Bently was spending state money on the woman he was screwing. Both proven. What have you proven other than you got a lot of people to believe in manufactured scandals that you couldn't prove?

Couldn't prove?

Kennith Starr's multi-million dollar report proved it with out a doubt on Billy Clinton..

It shut 95% if you up except the likes of you and Franco..


He proved a blowjob. He also said he would apologize to Clinton if he ever saw him.
Please provide the link. Just think if the Clinton's cooperated we wouldn't of found out about The blow job. Just like if hillary didn't lie about Bengazi we wouldn't of found out about the e-mails. There is a moral story to that.

Yep Witch hunts will eventually find something to whine about.

So tell us how many witch hunts were about Obama compared to Hillary?

Hell Obama almost got caught up in the ex governor of Illinois Blagobitch scheme of selling a Senate seat..

Yet it still is child's play compared to Hillary's scandals
It was much more than that it was rape of someone that could be his granddaughter of age..

Big deal. Only three more years between Clinton and Lewensky than there are between Trump and Melania. She was legal age, and wanted to swallow. Nobody forced her to do anything.

I see your stooping to trashing women now to defend Bill...

That's exactly what Hillary did.


Not trashing. it was consensual.

In the White House which our daughters, mothers and sisters vist.


I'm pretty sure none of the White House visitors saw the blowjob.

True, but plenty of people saw him lying about it.
There should be five minutes every hour for a retort. Those RW turds couldn't survive it.


Progressives have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, ESPN, The New York Times and virtually every other print newspaper. Then you have MidiaMatters, The Nation, DailyKOS, DemocratUnderground, and how many other websites?

As for surviving with 5 minutes of government-mandated propaganda on talk radio. How did the exclusively Progressive radio network Air America, financed initially by Al "snake oil salesman" Gore work out?

Stirring the pot again I see.
I am talking in the mainstream Franco, an average guy like me didn't hear from him in along time..

I always said if Bill did what Newt did and step down we wouldn't of had Bush Jr, Obama and now Trump..


Sure, but you've always said a lot of goofy shit.

Who is on defense here?

Not me.....
No. You're on a soap box.

And your not? You want to revise history I do not.


What's in it for you to defend Hillary's past shenanigans?

Only to justify future ones?

Again if Bill would of done the honorable thing, like Richard Nixon and Newt and stepped down we never would of had the disaster of Bush Jr, Obama and now Trump...

But you're not man enough to admit it.


Nixon committed treason. He ran an illegal war against Cambodia and didn't tell Congress, in total violation of the Constitution. He ordered a break-in of the DNC by people he hired using an illegal slush fund, and then conspired to cover up the crime. He kept an "enemies list" and used the IRS to go after them, and that's just off the top of my head.

Bill lied about a blow job. BIG difference.
Come on kid, Hillary Clinton never once opened her mouth and told the truth

Is that why the right has such a long line of accusations, but not one piece of actionable evidence to back even one of them up? Except for that silly blowjob from an extremely willing participant.
The fact is Clinton lied under oath about that blow job, and you thinks it's okay. He would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for a blue dress. So tell me how many lies do you believe still?

Never cared about his blowjob to start with. How many accusations have you proven?
It was much more than that it was rape of someone that could be his granddaughter of age..

Big deal. Only three more years between Clinton and Lewensky than there are between Trump and Melania. She was legal age, and wanted to swallow. Nobody forced her to do anything.
Slick Willy is a rapist/child molester and should be treated as such...
That's a white lie to you. So if I show Obama lied the same. You will be okay with that, but we are talking about lying under oath. Which you have proven your okay with. I'll also ask you, you okay lying under oath about treason?

Of course not. What a dumb question.
So tell me when does lying under oath is wrong?

In that situation, that blow job had nothing to do with his ability to govern, It was nobody's business but His and the people personally effected by it. Quit looking through people's windows,
So why do you make a big deal with Trumps grabbing pussy remarks? I mean that doesn't make him a bad guy.

NOBODY ever claimed Clinton's blow job wasn't consensual. Not so with Trump's pussy grabbing.

Really, Clinton has a much longer history than that one incident.
Because the releases will be timed for her or her bimbo daughters 2020 run for office.

Aint it great

Trump Ally Roger Stone Claims Huma Abedin Collected Damaging Material on the Clintons

Yes, where is all of that evidence that Hillary is a liar, a crook, a warmonger, taking bribes? For 25+ years the Clintons have endured investigation after investigation, all of which has come up with nothing.

Despite claims by Republicans that the Clintons are a crime family, and despite 17 investigations costing taxpayers $100,000,000, there hasn't been a single witness produced, a single piece of evidence of wrong-doing, or indictment, except for Bill lying about a blow job under oath.

Most of these investigations were begun at the behest of Republicans on fishing expeditions, who started rumours of illegal activities by the Clintons and then went seeking evidence that the Clintons did what the Republicans claimed (with no evidence) that they did. In every instance, Republicans came up short - they found NOTHING.

Call me crazy, but I conclude, there was nothing to find in the first place.

You are starting to sound like a Franco sock, I thought you were Canadian?

Listen I told Franco this and I will tell you also

Obama, Michelle, Nancy Pelosi, harry Reid, Bush sr, Bush Jr, Newt Gingrich combined don't have as many scandals as Hillary has...

Do you see a pattern here?


I looked into every one of the so-called "Clinton Scandals" in depth, reading accounts and news reports from as early as 1990, and some even earlier (for the Anita Broaddrick case) and here is what I found:

Republicans start a rumour of some impropriety by one or both of the Clintons, or someone the Clintons know or who has any sort of tie to the Clintons, is found to be dirty, so Republicans start speculating as to ways the Clintons could be involved. Then they start talking as if their speculation is fact. Then they want these "facts" investigated. An investigation follows where no evidence is found that the Clintons did anything wrong. No witnesses turn against them, even with immunity, and a report is issued clearing the Clintons for lack of any evidence whatsoever. Republicans issue this report and the moment they close the report, they repeat the same lie the report disproves as if the investigation had never happened, and the Clintons hadn't been exonerated.

This happened over and over again. Through 7 Benghazi investigations. Through Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate.

Anita Broaddrick filed an affidavit in the Paula Jones case denying that Clinton had ever raped her and begging the press and the Republican Party to respect her privacy and her leave her alone about it. The Special Prosecutor had the FBI haul her in and threaten her with a perjury charge if she didn't recant and offer her immunity if she did. After that Anita said whatever Republicans told her to say.

Ken Starr has publically apologized to the Clintons for his part in what he deemed to be a "public witch hunt" against them and said he is ashamed of his actions which were motivated by partisanship and damaging to the country.

Today's crop of Republicans have had no such attacks of conscience. Party over country - always.

Please show your reliable sources and links to this nonsense.

In addition to the Impeachment of President Clinton for felony perjury.

These are the results and convictions of the various investigations into President Clinton.


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony - Whitewater real-estate investor

John Haley - felony 1998 on fraud

Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy

Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery

Eugene Fitzhugh - Whitewater - bribery

Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign Finance:

Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate:

William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him signed statement admitting to his deception

Post Administration
Sandy Bergergate

Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly class documents from the National Archive and destroying them

Yes, Clinton was persecuted mightily for lying about a blow job. But in reality, that is what he did. No I don't consider perjury a minor matter but had this frivolous law suit not be brought to harass and embarass the President of the United States, a suit that DISMISSED with PREJUDICE, none of that would have happened.

You have listed more than a dozen people who were arrested and convicted of crimes related to Whitewater, but none of them were named "Clinton". There was no evidence against the Clintons, and none of those who were subsequently convicted, testified against the Clintons. Ken Starr throughly investigated these charges and this is part of what he apologized for:

They just slapped slick willies wrist, The piece of shit got off Scott free.
You are starting to sound like a Franco sock, I thought you were Canadian?

Listen I told Franco this and I will tell you also

Obama, Michelle, Nancy Pelosi, harry Reid, Bush sr, Bush Jr, Newt Gingrich combined don't have as many scandals as Hillary has...

Do you see a pattern here?


I looked into every one of the so-called "Clinton Scandals" in depth, reading accounts and news reports from as early as 1990, and some even earlier (for the Anita Broaddrick case) and here is what I found:

Republicans start a rumour of some impropriety by one or both of the Clintons, or someone the Clintons know or who has any sort of tie to the Clintons, is found to be dirty, so Republicans start speculating as to ways the Clintons could be involved. Then they start talking as if their speculation is fact. Then they want these "facts" investigated. An investigation follows where no evidence is found that the Clintons did anything wrong. No witnesses turn against them, even with immunity, and a report is issued clearing the Clintons for lack of any evidence whatsoever. Republicans issue this report and the moment they close the report, they repeat the same lie the report disproves as if the investigation had never happened, and the Clintons hadn't been exonerated.

This happened over and over again. Through 7 Benghazi investigations. Through Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate.

Anita Broaddrick filed an affidavit in the Paula Jones case denying that Clinton had ever raped her and begging the press and the Republican Party to respect her privacy and her leave her alone about it. The Special Prosecutor had the FBI haul her in and threaten her with a perjury charge if she didn't recant and offer her immunity if she did. After that Anita said whatever Republicans told her to say.

Ken Starr has publically apologized to the Clintons for his part in what he deemed to be a "public witch hunt" against them and said he is ashamed of his actions which were motivated by partisanship and damaging to the country.

Today's crop of Republicans have had no such attacks of conscience. Party over country - always.

Please show your reliable sources and links to this nonsense.

In addition to the Impeachment of President Clinton for felony perjury.

These are the results and convictions of the various investigations into President Clinton.


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony - Whitewater real-estate investor

John Haley - felony 1998 on fraud

Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy

Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery

Eugene Fitzhugh - Whitewater - bribery

Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign Finance:

Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate:

William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him signed statement admitting to his deception

Post Administration
Sandy Bergergate

Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly class documents from the National Archive and destroying them

Yes, Clinton was persecuted mightily for lying about a blow job. But in reality, that is what he did. No I don't consider perjury a minor matter but had this frivolous law suit not be brought to harass and embarass the President of the United States, a suit that DISMISSED with PREJUDICE, none of that would have happened.

You have listed more than a dozen people who were arrested and convicted of crimes related to Whitewater, but none of them were named "Clinton". There was no evidence against the Clintons, and none of those who were subsequently convicted, testified against the Clintons. Ken Starr throughly investigated these charges and this is part of what he apologized for:

Okay, would you defend Trump the same way, if he did the exact same thing? Be honest because I will save your answer. If I get one.

It's impossible to defend Trump because his history is the opposite of Hillary. 3000 law suits. Many of which he has settled. I come from 30 years in corporate law, and 10 years in banking before that. I've watched Trump far more closely over the years than I watched Hillary, because I was keenly interested in successful business people. As a young bank manager, I was expected to keep abreast of business news, and Trump was then one of the brash new guys making a slash - even before Bill Gates and Stephen Jobs, there was Donald Trump, and Sam Walton, Richard Branson. But it soon became obvious that Donald Trump was not cut from the same cloth, and by the time he went bankrupt for the second time, it was pretty obvious he was a lousy businessman.

When Trump went broke operating a casino, I wrote him off as a rich boy with no business skills. I haven't seen anything since in his business dealings which would lead me to change my opinion of him, and much to confirm it. He's a liar and a con artist. Any members of the public who have trusted him with their money, either buying stock in his companies, or tuition at his "university", lost their shirts. A

Any opinion I have about Trump is due to following his business dealings since the 1970's. I am also aware that a bigtime Republican donor has spent millions of dollars formulating conspiracy theories about the Clintons (the Clintons killed Vince Foster, and the Clinton Foundation is pay for play), then paying writers to write a book about it, and ultimately, getting Congress to investigate it.

Republicans admitted that the last Benghazi Investigation was to continue to smear Hillary throughout the Presidential campaign, and to keep a lot of negative publicity going about her.

Again, you have a highly qualified candidate with a long history of being a well-respected Senator on Capital Hill, and a popular Secretary of State, until she declared her candidacy and then she was the devil personified.

If that because Republicans were so devoid of ideas that their only strategy is to lie about and villianize Clinton. I thought this was all about who could do the best job for America. Republicans have the Presidency, the House and the Senate, yet here you are, continuing the character assassination of Hillary Clinton.


Hillary's entire attitude has been snobbish and screw the working man, what really ticked me off was her war hawkishness by bombing Libya for no apparent reason just to up Bush Jr. Fiasco in Iraq.

She is to me like Leona and her snobbish attitude of "just little people pay taxes" to the likes of Nancy pelosi " the people of Kentucky don't know what's good for them we know what's good for them" to Elizabeth warrens "you didn't build that"

I keep posting when a person has so many scandals you have to sit back and think why?

Trump honestly and truly believes he is for the working man.. He keeps saying it in his mind and he is truly trying to govern like that.
I looked into every one of the so-called "Clinton Scandals" in depth, reading accounts and news reports from as early as 1990, and some even earlier (for the Anita Broaddrick case) and here is what I found:

Republicans start a rumour of some impropriety by one or both of the Clintons, or someone the Clintons know or who has any sort of tie to the Clintons, is found to be dirty, so Republicans start speculating as to ways the Clintons could be involved. Then they start talking as if their speculation is fact. Then they want these "facts" investigated. An investigation follows where no evidence is found that the Clintons did anything wrong. No witnesses turn against them, even with immunity, and a report is issued clearing the Clintons for lack of any evidence whatsoever. Republicans issue this report and the moment they close the report, they repeat the same lie the report disproves as if the investigation had never happened, and the Clintons hadn't been exonerated.

This happened over and over again. Through 7 Benghazi investigations. Through Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate.

Anita Broaddrick filed an affidavit in the Paula Jones case denying that Clinton had ever raped her and begging the press and the Republican Party to respect her privacy and her leave her alone about it. The Special Prosecutor had the FBI haul her in and threaten her with a perjury charge if she didn't recant and offer her immunity if she did. After that Anita said whatever Republicans told her to say.

Ken Starr has publically apologized to the Clintons for his part in what he deemed to be a "public witch hunt" against them and said he is ashamed of his actions which were motivated by partisanship and damaging to the country.

Today's crop of Republicans have had no such attacks of conscience. Party over country - always.

Please show your reliable sources and links to this nonsense.

In addition to the Impeachment of President Clinton for felony perjury.

These are the results and convictions of the various investigations into President Clinton.


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony - Whitewater real-estate investor

John Haley - felony 1998 on fraud

Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy

Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery

Eugene Fitzhugh - Whitewater - bribery

Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign Finance:

Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate:

William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him signed statement admitting to his deception

Post Administration
Sandy Bergergate

Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly class documents from the National Archive and destroying them

Yes, Clinton was persecuted mightily for lying about a blow job. But in reality, that is what he did. No I don't consider perjury a minor matter but had this frivolous law suit not be brought to harass and embarass the President of the United States, a suit that DISMISSED with PREJUDICE, none of that would have happened.

You have listed more than a dozen people who were arrested and convicted of crimes related to Whitewater, but none of them were named "Clinton". There was no evidence against the Clintons, and none of those who were subsequently convicted, testified against the Clintons. Ken Starr throughly investigated these charges and this is part of what he apologized for:

Okay, would you defend Trump the same way, if he did the exact same thing? Be honest because I will save your answer. If I get one.

It's impossible to defend Trump because his history is the opposite of Hillary. 3000 law suits. Many of which he has settled. I come from 30 years in corporate law, and 10 years in banking before that. I've watched Trump far more closely over the years than I watched Hillary, because I was keenly interested in successful business people. As a young bank manager, I was expected to keep abreast of business news, and Trump was then one of the brash new guys making a slash - even before Bill Gates and Stephen Jobs, there was Donald Trump, and Sam Walton, Richard Branson. But it soon became obvious that Donald Trump was not cut from the same cloth, and by the time he went bankrupt for the second time, it was pretty obvious he was a lousy businessman.

When Trump went broke operating a casino, I wrote him off as a rich boy with no business skills. I haven't seen anything since in his business dealings which would lead me to change my opinion of him, and much to confirm it. He's a liar and a con artist. Any members of the public who have trusted him with their money, either buying stock in his companies, or tuition at his "university", lost their shirts. A

Any opinion I have about Trump is due to following his business dealings since the 1970's. I am also aware that a bigtime Republican donor has spent millions of dollars formulating conspiracy theories about the Clintons (the Clintons killed Vince Foster, and the Clinton Foundation is pay for play), then paying writers to write a book about it, and ultimately, getting Congress to investigate it.

Republicans admitted that the last Benghazi Investigation was to continue to smear Hillary throughout the Presidential campaign, and to keep a lot of negative publicity going about her.

Again, you have a highly qualified candidate with a long history of being a well-respected Senator on Capital Hill, and a popular Secretary of State, until she declared her candidacy and then she was the devil personified.

If that because Republicans were so devoid of ideas that their only strategy is to lie about and villianize Clinton. I thought this was all about who could do the best job for America. Republicans have the Presidency, the House and the Senate, yet here you are, continuing the character assassination of Hillary Clinton.


Hillary's entire attitude has been snobbish and screw the working man, what really ticked me off was her war hawkishness by bombing Libya for no apparent reason just to up Bush Jr. Fiasco in Iraq.

She is to me like Leona and her snobbish attitude of "just little people pay taxes" to the likes of Nancy pelosi " the people of Kentucky don't know what's good for them we know what's good for them" to Elizabeth warrens "you didn't build that"

I keep posting when a person has so many scandals you have to sit back and think why?

Trump honestly and truly believes he is for the working man.. He keeps saying it in his mind and he is truly trying to govern like that.

I'm hearing crickets.
Sure, but you've always said a lot of goofy shit.

Who is on defense here?

Not me.....
No. You're on a soap box.

And your not? You want to revise history I do not.


What's in it for you to defend Hillary's past shenanigans?

Only to justify future ones?

Again if Bill would of done the honorable thing, like Richard Nixon and Newt and stepped down we never would of had the disaster of Bush Jr, Obama and now Trump...

But you're not man enough to admit it.


Nixon committed treason. He ran an illegal war against Cambodia and didn't tell Congress, in total violation of the Constitution. He ordered a break-in of the DNC by people he hired using an illegal slush fund, and then conspired to cover up the crime. He kept an "enemies list" and used the IRS to go after them, and that's just off the top of my head.

Bill lied about a blow job. BIG difference.

Most everyones mind changed after the fact, I remember reading about a 20th something girls interview with Nixion around 1992 before he died..it was fascinating..

Wow just got side tracked dragon lady trying to find that book and read this...

How Richard Nixon Created Hillary Clinton


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