Why is Obama So Invested in 'Global Warming?

Big time Democrat donors invested in green energy tech. So Obama needs to keep pushing the we are killing the planet theme. As is often said. Follow the money.
It's funny how the denialists will invoke "follow the money" when they're talking about scientists working on relatively paltry government grants, but completely ignore the lavish amounts of money spent by opponents of AGW. Real scientists actually have to do experiments and publish papers. Denialist flacks only have to cast aspersions on those who do, for many times the money.
Hi, you stupid fucking monkey. You are dumb. I am smarter than you. I think for myself. The pathetic thing about a fucking trained monkey like you, is how smart you think you are.
You actually read my posts and imagine that I was saying that the communists were about saving the environment??????
Perhaps not, but you haven't proven that proponents of AGW are communists or wish the downfall of capitalism. Multiple question marks doesn't make it any more true. As a matter of fact, more than three of the same punctuation marks in a row is prima facie evidence of mental illness!!!
Because he is stupid.

Well, I happen to think he has an agenda. Meaning, what he is doing is deliberate. In other words, the devil is not stupid.

I do believe the man is evil and his actions are deliberate.
Big time Democrat donors invested in green energy tech. So Obama needs to keep pushing the we are killing the planet theme. As is often said. Follow the money.
It's funny how the denialists will invoke "follow the money" when they're talking about scientists working on relatively paltry government grants, but completely ignore the lavish amounts of money spent by opponents of AGW. Real scientists actually have to do experiments and publish papers. Denialist flacks only have to cast aspersions on those who do, for many times the money.

Stay with this thread: I'll demolish this: "Real scientists actually have to do experiments and publish papers."

"...the denialists will invoke "follow the money" when they're talking about scientists working on relatively paltry government grants, but completely ignore the lavish amounts of money spent by opponents of AGW."
This is a bald-faced lie.

"Climate Money: The Climate Industry: $79 billion so far – trillions to come

The US government has spent over $79 billion since 1989 on policies related to
climate change, including science and technology research, administration, education campaigns, foreign aid, and tax breaks.

Despite the billions: “audits” of the science are left to unpaid volunteers. A
dedicated but largely uncoordinated grassroots movement of scientists has sprung up around the globe to test the integrity of the theory and compete with a well funded highly organized climate monopoly. They have exposed major errors.

By pouring so much money into a question have we inadvertently created a selffulfilling prophesy instead of an unbiased investigation?

Can science survive the vice-like grip of politics and finance?"
Hi, you stupid fucking monkey. You are dumb. I am smarter than you. I think for myself. The pathetic thing about a fucking trained monkey like you, is how smart you think you are.
Thank you, as soon as you go for the invective, I know I've won. :biggrin:
You actually read my posts and imagine that I was saying that the communists were about saving the environment??????
Perhaps not, but you haven't proven that proponents of AGW are communists or wish the downfall of capitalism. Multiple question marks doesn't make it any more true. As a matter of fact, more than three of the same punctuation marks in a row is prima facie evidence of mental illness!!!

Oh, just shut the fuck up. Go eat bananas or whatever you trained monkeys eat for breakfast.
Students of geo-political history know why. Here, the prologue to this story:
1. In the Iron Curtain countries, where there were no constitutional democracies and no private property rights, the central planning ethic could be fully realized; the results have been shown to be catastrophic. The principles of the American republic produced prosperity based on private property and individualism, and constitutional restrictions on the power of the government. The principles behind both environmentalism, and of the former Soviet Union are based on ending private property rights, and making the collective all powerful, what Robespierre would call ‘the general will.’ Which actually advances the greater good?
IMO, your analysis falls flat on this first point. The SU only cared about breakneck development, NOT the environment. They were one of the world's worst offenders, when it came to environmental pollution. Russia and the other states of the former SU are still cleaning up that legacy.
You should take note...the left is all about AGW today, just as they were all about international communism some decades ago.

Wrong on both counts. Right?
The US government has spent over $79 billion since 1989 on policies related to climate change, including science and technology research, administration, education campaigns, foreign aid, and tax breaks.
You do realize that $79 billion since '89 is peanuts compared to the kind of money the energy companies spend, don't you?
Because AGW or Climate Change or whatever they are naming the scam these days is the perfect vehicle for taking control of everything and everyone. Climate effects us all, and that promotes a global community and loss of the individual.

Exact what Progressives want. With them in charge of course.
You should take note...the left is all about AGW today, just as they were all about international communism some decades ago. Wrong on both counts. Right?
You're wrong on both counts. It's a connection made onlty by the conspiracy minded. You might as well be blaming The Illuminati.
Because he is stupid.

Well, I happen to think he has an agenda. Meaning, what he is doing is deliberate. In other words, the devil is not stupid.

I do believe the man is evil and his actions are deliberate.
He's doing exactly what Kissinger (Jesuit agent of Rome) is telling him to do.

Do not buy into all of your anti-Catholic rhetoric. Sorry.

Or else the Christian Bible would be illegitimate today. The bible as we know it was not put together until the late 4th century by the same so called whore of Babylon.

I like a lot of your posts but your anti-Catholic rhetoric is misguided. I am no fan of this pope. However, I can show you a lot of things that every church is guilty of. Including Baptists, Calvinists, etc etc etc. All have sins on their hands. All of them.
4. "The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference,COP21orCMP 11is being held in Le Bourget, Paris, from November 30 to December 11.[1]It will be the 21st yearly session of theConference of the Partiesto the 1992United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)..." 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. "...the Paris conference on climate change will be the occasion for the customary lamentations about the imminent demise of life on Earth...[to] reduce carbon emission levels, and thus avoid the toasting of the world.

The adduced scientific evidence does not justify any such state of alarm.

[But, in reality]...the 'Post-Soviet LeftLatched Onto the ClimateFor Crusade on Capitalism'" How the Post-Soviet Left Latched Onto the Climate For Crusade on Capitalism - The New York Sun

Communism, frustrated by the great President Reagan, re-rears its ugly head with a plan to bankrupt capitalism....

...Global Warming
Students of geo-political history know why.
Here, the prologue to this story:

1. In the Iron Curtain countries, where there were no constitutional democracies and no private property rights, the central planning ethic could be fully realized; the results have been shown to be catastrophic.

The principles of the American republic produced prosperity based on private property and individualism, and constitutional restrictions on the power of the government.
The principles behind both environmentalism, and of the former Soviet Union are based on ending private property rights, and making the collective all powerful, what Robespierre would call ‘the general will.’
Which actually advances the greater good?

a. "Collectivization (1929-33) was the opening and defining phase of Stalin's untrammelled power: it was the first thing he did the moment his hands were free. As a crime against humanity it eclipses the Great Terror,...During Collectivization Stalin is reckoned to have killed about 4 million children. For the man himself, though, and for the man's psychology, the most salient feature of Collectivization was the abysmal depth, and gigantic reach, of its failure.....
Martin Amis, "Koba, The Dread"

b. "...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.'" Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)

2. When the Soviet Union fell, many fellow travelers migrated to the environmental movement. So much so, that the movement is often referred to as the ‘Watermelon Movement:" green on the outside, red on the inside.

a. It is no accident that April 22, Earth Day, is also the birth date of Vladimir Lenin, an acolyte of Karl Marx, the lunatic who invented communism as an alternative to capitalism. Earth Day is naked communism. To begin, it substitutes a worship of the Earth, Gaia, for the worship of God, creator of the universe and the instructor of moral behavior for mankind. The Earth does not demand a moral code of personal behavior. While America was established to ensure “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, environmentalism exists to exert more and more control over our lives by limiting our choices, our liberty.
Warning Signs: The Naked Communism of Earth Day
Warning Signs: The Naked Communism of Earth Day

3. Communism is international socialism. And so is the United Nations: it was the brain-child of Joseph Stalin. He used his influence over Franklin Roosevelt, and his spy, Alger Hiss to set it in motion.

"A young American diplomat wasthe leading force in the designing of the United Nations. He was secretary of the Dumbarten Oaks Conversations from August to October of 1944 where most of the preliminaryplanning for the U.N.was done.

He wasRoosevelt's right-hand man in February of 1945 at Yalta where the postwar boundaries of Europe were drawn(Roosevelt was a dying man at the time. His death came only ten weeks later).

At Yalta it was agreed that theSoviet Union would have three votes (one each for Russia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia) in the U.N. General Assembly, even though the United States had only one.At Yalta much of Europe was placed under the iron heel of communist rule. At Yalta, Churchill, Roosevelt, andStalin appointed this young diplomatic shining star to be the first Secretary-general of the U.N.for the founding conference held in San Francisco,April/June of 1945.

All of this seemed well and good until three years later.Alger Hisswas exposed as a communist spy...."
What The U.N. Doesn't Want You To Know
What The U.N. Doesn't Want You To Know

And the force behind Global Warming today? The United Nations.
Because it's much easier combating an imaginary evil than the Islamofascism taking over the world.
For starters he's a tool for the UN. Second he fancies himself this G-d like human being and should be in CONTROL of us little people because we don't know how to run our own lives. we need these Elected asses in Government to make all our important decisions in life. three, he's just an evil and disgusting person/if he is a human being. I think he's a robot myself. all he does is run read his "prepared" speech then runs off to a golf course.

this is his vision for us all
4. "The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference,COP21orCMP 11is being held in Le Bourget, Paris, from November 30 to December 11.[1]It will be the 21st yearly session of theConference of the Partiesto the 1992United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)..." 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. "...the Paris conference on climate change will be the occasion for the customary lamentations about the imminent demise of life on Earth...[to] reduce carbon emission levels, and thus avoid the toasting of the world.

The adduced scientific evidence does not justify any such state of alarm.

[But, in reality]...the 'Post-Soviet LeftLatched Onto the ClimateFor Crusade on Capitalism'" How the Post-Soviet Left Latched Onto the Climate For Crusade on Capitalism - The New York Sun

Communism, frustrated by the great President Reagan, re-rears its ugly head with a plan to bankrupt capitalism....

...Global Warming
You're making the same logical error as those who blame all Muslims for the actions of a few.
For starters he's a tool for the UN. Second he fancies himself this G-d like human being and should be in CONTROL of us little people because we don't know how to run our own lives. we need these Elected asses in Government to make all our important decisions in life. three, he's just an evil and disgusting person/if he is a human being. I think he's a robot myself. all he does is run read his "prepared" speech then runs off to a golf course.
You should take note...the left is all about AGW today, just as they were all about international communism some decades ago. Wrong on both counts. Right?
You're wrong on both counts. It's a connection made onlty by the conspiracy minded. You might as well be blaming The Illuminati.
What connection am I wrong about?

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