Why is Obama So Invested in 'Global Warming?

4. "The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference,COP21orCMP 11is being held in Le Bourget, Paris, from November 30 to December 11.[1]It will be the 21st yearly session of theConference of the Partiesto the 1992United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)..." 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. "...the Paris conference on climate change will be the occasion for the customary lamentations about the imminent demise of life on Earth...[to] reduce carbon emission levels, and thus avoid the toasting of the world.

The adduced scientific evidence does not justify any such state of alarm.

[But, in reality]...the 'Post-Soviet LeftLatched Onto the ClimateFor Crusade on Capitalism'" How the Post-Soviet Left Latched Onto the Climate For Crusade on Capitalism - The New York Sun

Communism, frustrated by the great President Reagan, re-rears its ugly head with a plan to bankrupt capitalism....

...Global Warming
You're making the same logical error as those who blame all Muslims for the actions of a few.
Strawman typical of leftists...no one is blaming ALL Muslims.

Stop watching MSLSD.
.....It is no accident that April 22, Earth Day, is also the birth date of Vladimir Lenin,...

Interesting, I didn't know that part of the theory yet


In Stalin's empire (the former Soviet Union and the enslaved small nations behind the Iron Curtain) his birthday was hailed as the beginning of light after darkness. Commies have a strange fixation on birthdays.

Stalin's birthday? December 21st.
You didn't understand it, she's didn't say the USSR were environmentalists, they were wanted total control and with ObamaCare and AGW Cult they'll get total control over the US economy and people
I know what she intended. I'm no noob here. The point is that you can't throw together a bunch of "facts" and assume they're all connectioned. Communists love their children. Do I have to hate mine or risk being considered one?
Back in the 70's the fear was a new "ice age". The alleged "scientists" and the media skewed a few details and presto they had a big story about the earth cooling. Actually they were correct on one detail, the source of all energy is the Sun and the Sun burps and sneezes occasionally (in geological terms) to produce varying degrees of energy. We know that we are barely emerging from the last ice age in geological terms but the alleged "scientists" pretend that the earth is less than 10,000 years old to promote a silly theory. Al Gore lost the election to George Bush so he lashed out against the U.S. with a fake scenario that was designed to change the way we live (except for the elites like him) and give more power to the government. The timing was perfect even if Mr. Gore had no background in science because liberals thrive on fear and anger (and change). Even though Mr. Gore's little compound used more energy than a small city he was able to dodge criticism and stood to make a bundle selling energy credits. The liberal Nobel people wanted to help but they couldn't award Mr.Gore a science prize because he had no background in science and didn't rely on scientific principals for his theory so instead they awarded him a prize in politics. While the rest of the world gobbles up fossil fuel our own president thinks he can "wean" Americans off oil consumption. Even the French must be scratching their heads when they see the president traveling to France barely a week after the worst terrorist shooting in French history since WW2 and claim that global warming was the biggest threat to their lives.
Back in the 70's the fear was a new "ice age". The alleged "scientists" and the media skewed a few details and presto they had a big story about the earth cooling.
What "fear"? Any new Ice Age would be thousands of years in the future. The question I'd be asking is, "what made those scientists change their minds so fast?"
4. "The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference,COP21orCMP 11is being held in Le Bourget, Paris, from November 30 to December 11.[1]It will be the 21st yearly session of theConference of the Partiesto the 1992United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)..." 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. "...the Paris conference on climate change will be the occasion for the customary lamentations about the imminent demise of life on Earth...[to] reduce carbon emission levels, and thus avoid the toasting of the world.

The adduced scientific evidence does not justify any such state of alarm.

[But, in reality]...the 'Post-Soviet LeftLatched Onto the ClimateFor Crusade on Capitalism'" How the Post-Soviet Left Latched Onto the Climate For Crusade on Capitalism - The New York Sun

Communism, frustrated by the great President Reagan, re-rears its ugly head with a plan to bankrupt capitalism....

...Global Warming

For starters he's a tool for the UN. Second he fancies himself this G-d like human being and should be in CONTROL of us little people because we don't know how to run our own lives. we need these Elected asses in Government to make all our important decisions in life. three, he's just an evil and disgusting person/if he is a human being. I think he's a robot myself. all he does is run read his "prepared" speech then runs off to a golf course.

this is his vision for us all

Listen you two who seem to investigate more than others. I had it explained to me by a lawyer a while back, (a very good corporate lawyer) that the reason we are all screwed on this is the Supreme court. His wording to me was something like this........the Supreme court decided in some case, that carbon dioxide was now considered a pollutant. Once that decision was made, it opened the doors for the government to control virtually everything, because all mammals exhale carbon dioxide; or CO2. Theoretically, they could shut down a working ranch because the animals were omitting to much CO2. Also theoretically, because we human Americans exhale CO2, any restrictions they put in on CO2, has the ability to impact our ability to breath. (as he said, far fetched, but accurate)

So, the people with robes have AGAIN given the government the ability to regulate our lives. As he plainly stated to me.............you can ask of proof of man made global warming all you want, the government probably can't, won't, but doesn't have to produce it. Why? Because the government got the Supreme Court to make CO2 a pollutant, not global warming; there fore, the argument in any court case is NOT if CO2 is causing global warming, but rather that CO2 is a pollutant, and that is all the government has to say, since the Supreme Court made it so! And so, we are REGULATED, and NOT because of global warming, that is just the excuse to keep your eyes on what they want you to think is the cause. It is because the idiots on the Supreme court decided what you exhale is poison, and the government can because of it, regulate it wherever they can.
There is money to be made by Obama and friends of green energy when Obama leaves office.
I'm sure Obama will end up being connected to some climate change company that
benefits from a democrat in the WH pushing Climate change and taxpayer $ to Obama's firm.
Strawman typical of leftists...no one is blaming ALL Muslims. Stop watching MSLSD.
No one? Stop being willfully blind.

the willfully blind is you. No one is saying that all muslims are a danger. What is being said is that the radical wing of Islam is a danger and the literal interpretations of some parts of the Koran are a danger. What is also very evident is that the "good" muslims are not standing up and opposing or condemning the radicals.

How many more are there in this country like the San Bernadino murderers? No one knows, and that my little friend, is the problem.
Denialist flacks only have to cast aspersions on those who do, for many times the money.
Denier is a cult word, it's the secret handshake word used to identify members of the AGW Cult, no real scientist ever uses it
I know what a tizzy AGW opponents get into over the word. It's like they're being called Nazis. Never mind that they'll call AGW proponents "communists" at the drop of a hat. That's why I say "denialist", in deference to your tender feelings. :itsok:
You actually read my posts and imagine that I was saying that the communists were about saving the environment??????
Perhaps not, but you haven't proven that proponents of AGW are communists or wish the downfall of capitalism. Multiple question marks doesn't make it any more true. As a matter of fact, more than three of the same punctuation marks in a row is prima facie evidence of mental illness!!!

IPCC admitted Climate Change was a wealth redistribution scheme
the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, it will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now, the acts of humans have never had anything to do with it.

If you libs need a cause to rally behind, take on pollution. That's a real problem the needs to be addressed.

BTW, pollution does not cause climate change, pollution causes polluted air and water.
you haven't proven that proponents of AGW are communists or wish the downfall of capitalism.
IPCC admitted Climate Change was a wealth redistribution scheme
Even if I accepted that statement, it still isn't communism or a wish to see the downfall of capitalism.

wanting to control the actions of citizens is a communist doctrine. The end result of the AGW cult is control of human activity. Until you deal with that reality, you will be pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
at least now we know it was always a liberal cause (trojan horse).
i'm concerned good people are afraid to voice their opinions, because they are in fear of being ridiculed or labeled.
IPCC admitted Climate Change was a wealth redistribution scheme
Even if I accepted that statement, it still isn't communism or a wish to see the downfall of capitalism.
wanting to control the actions of citizens is a communist doctrine. The end result of the AGW cult is control of human activity.
All governments control their citizens to some extent. That doesn't make them communistic.
the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, it will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now, the acts of humans have never had anything to do with it.
If you expect me to believe that, you're going to have a natural explanation for where the increased CO2 in the atmosphere is coming from.
you haven't proven that proponents of AGW are communists or wish the downfall of capitalism.
IPCC admitted Climate Change was a wealth redistribution scheme
Even if I accepted that statement, it still isn't communism or a wish to see the downfall of capitalism.

6. How will Obama's promises to raid America's treasury and pass it on to the globalists attack capitalism?
Where do you suppose he'll get the money?

Effectively, the global warming scam is an international version of Coward-Piven:

a. "TheCloward–Piven strategyis a political strategy outlined in 1966 byAmericansociologists and political activistsRichard Clowardand Frances Fox Piventhat called for overloading theU.S. public welfare systemin order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of "a guaranteed annual incomeand thus an end to poverty." Cloward–Piven strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. ".... the demand arose from developing countries that the economically advanced countries had permanently impaired the under-developed countries and that the $100 billion compensation fund that President Obama had promised to raise for the less-advanced countries was completely inadequate,..." How the Post-Soviet Left Latched Onto the Climate For Crusade on Capitalism - The New York Sun

c. "Three years ago, President Obama helped create a United Nations Green Slush Fund that would redistribute over $100 billion from developed countries to developing countries. While he has been racking up huge deficits and talking up tax increases, [Obama] has already sent billions of American taxpayer dollars to the United Nations –..."
Obama Quietly Funnels BILLIONS To UN For ‘Global Warming’

Bankrupting the system is the aim.
The free-market system.
the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, it will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now, the acts of humans have never had anything to do with it.
If you expect me to believe that, you're going to have a natural explanation for where the increased CO2 in the atmosphere is coming from.

CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. It was at that same level millions of years ago. You are a victim of left wing lies and data manipulation.
IPCC admitted Climate Change was a wealth redistribution scheme
Even if I accepted that statement, it still isn't communism or a wish to see the downfall of capitalism.
wanting to control the actions of citizens is a communist doctrine. The end result of the AGW cult is control of human activity.
All governments control their citizens to some extent. That doesn't make them communistic.

The definition of "control" is the issue here. Sure, we need laws to make theft and murder illegal etc. But do you really want a law telling you where to set your thermostat?

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