Why is our mainstream media not reporting on the consequences of illegal immigration?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Isn’t is odd that after over 1.5 million poverty stricken poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, infected and criminal illegal entrants have been released into our nation’s interior in the last several months, that there are no stories appearing in our mainstream media how hospital emergency rooms are being filled with them, how the children of these illegal entrants are overburdening and causing havoc in our public schools, nor are there any headlines reporting on various infectious disease outbreaks traceable to them, public housing is being taken over by them, and crime is on the rise in the cities where our federal government has released them?

Of course, one does not have to be a rocket scientist to realize the above consequences are occurring across our country. The only question is . . . why is our mainstream media not reporting on the consequences which American citizens and their children are experiencing from illegal immigration?


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, Covid infected, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.
That is easy to answer.
The Press is part of the Democrat Hate Machine and Hollywood is the other half.
The Corrupt Democrat Party panders to the racist Latino nationalist who brag that they are going to take over America and at the same time that accuse Anglos of being racist for not accepting the mass cultural invasion.
It is all for votes and power.
End Welfare--Food stamps--the college circuit for a government check bullshit and there are no jobs to fill anymore.. It would save the US trillions...

The cows are going to milk themselves and the chickens pluck themselves?
Isn’t is odd that after over 1.5 million poverty stricken poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, infected and criminal illegal entrants have been released into our nation’s interior in the last several months, that there are no stories appearing in our mainstream media how hospital emergency rooms are being filled with them, how the children of these illegal entrants are overburdening and causing havoc in our public schools, nor are there any headlines reporting on various infectious disease outbreaks traceable to them, public housing is being taken over by them, and crime is on the rise in the cities where our federal government has released them?

Of course, one does not have to be a rocket scientist to realize the above consequences are occurring across our country. The only question is . . . why is our mainstream media not reporting on the consequences which American citizens and their children are experiencing from illegal immigration?


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, Covid infected, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

Its easy to solve illegal immigration. Expand e-verify and fine employers who hire illegals.

Give them both a grace period.. Illegals get 6 months to go home and employers have 6 months to fire them. Other countries do this very successfully without all the drama and infighting.
The cows are going to milk themselves and the chickens pluck themselves?
We got all sorts of CRiminals and welfare hos that claim that they can't find a job--kick their asses off the government tits and they will be forced to get a job. Nothing like having a job that you hate to make you and your children want to do better when they have to get a job..
We got all sorts of CRiminals and welfare hos that claim that they can't find a job--kick their asses off and they will be forced to get a job. Nothing like having a job that you hate to make you and your children want to do better when they have to get a job..

Maybe they can create a fake college or something....................
Because they do their best to not make the current administration look bad. It's nothing else.

Msm in America is liberal for the most part and they want things to stay that way. The few that aren't and do report on it aren't taken seriously by most because they are the minority and most people think if it isn't being reported by everyone then it's not real news.
We got all sorts of CRiminals and welfare hos that claim that they can't find a job--kick their asses off the government tits and they will be forced to get a job. Nothing like having a job that you hate to make you and your children want to do better when they have to get a job..
Simple people have simple answers. Go to your local trailer park and give them your simple minded lecture. The highest unemployment rates are in rural red counties in my state.
Simple people have simple answers. Go to your local trailer park and give them your simple minded lecture. The highest unemployment rates are in rural red counties in my state.
ooooh....look an insult because you don't like the TRUTH. Simple Answers are always the best solutions. Complicated ones tend to not to work for a variety of reasons.

Kick the welfare hos and criminals off--make them get a job...most of these low level jobs would then be filled and would save taxpayers from supporting the illegals and their offspring and the other welfare hos at the same time. It would also cut down on over population, prisons, and pollution as an added bonus.
That is easy to answer.
The Press is part of the Democrat Hate Machine and Hollywood is the other half.
The Corrupt Democrat Party panders to the racist Latino nationalist who brag that they are going to take over America and at the same time that accuse Anglos of being racist for not accepting the mass cultural invasion.
It is all for votes and power.
That doesn't make sense. American citizens and their children are suffering devastating consequences from the current mass immigration, and it doesn't make a difference what their political party affiliation may be.

Do our mainstream media journalist not care how the current mass immigration is affecting American citizens and their children?

Back in 2019 I read the following story: Border shock: 50% surge in gang members, 650,000 illegal immigrants will be freed into US in 2019

Of course, allowing unvetted foreigners into our country can and does have some very devastating effects. And with regard to gang member being allowed into our country, I read the following story a while back:

How Out of Control Illegal Immigration Brought One Long Island Town to Its Knees

In Brentwood, a community of 60,000 residents on New York’s tranquil Long Island, four teenagers between ages 15 and 19 were found dead in September of this year. Police said they were all victims of MS-13, and they may have been entirely innocent, having perhaps had no previous contact with the group at all.

What I can't understand is, with a massive influx of unvetted illegal entrants flooding across our border beginning early this year, the consequences of this mass immigration seems to have disappeared from our mainstream media headlines even though common sense tell us many American citizens and their children are feeling the pain of this massive and unvetted flood across our borders. WHY? Do our mainstream media journalists not care about the general welfare of American citizens and their children?


It’s not a “Deep State”. It’s a subversive socialist/communist “Shadow Government” which began to entrench itself during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. Its mission being, to advance GLOBALISM and socialist policies, and obstruct attempts to roll back such policies.
...and there are fuckloads of unemployed Americans that need those jobs.

Sure, but they expect to be able to afford to eat and pay their rent and not have to live with 3-4 other families when they work.
People need to realize that we are dealing with a plan. The media promotes the plan, the political system is implementing the plan the populace is being conditioned to accept the plan. The plan has been announced with the ominous words "build back better".

What people are failing to grasp is that to be built back, America needs to be torn down first,and to be "better" it needs to abandon all the traditional American principles that ensure personal liberty and replaced with a more Stalinist style system where all power and control is invested in party apparatchiks.

The illegals are simply a tool, as allowing them to flood into this country unfettered like the elites are doing is just part of the process of destabilization they view as necessary towards their goal.

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