Why is Putin regarded as a dictator if there are elections?

John Kirby, the Coordinator of the White House National Security Council, commented sarcastically on the announcement by Russian dictator Vladimir Putin regarding his candidacy in the presidential elections of Russia, scheduled for March 2024.

Journalists asked Kirby how he could comment on Putin's "re-election," to which he humorously implied the Russian elections would not be competitive.

"Well, this will be quite a race, won't it? That's all I can say about it," replied the representative of the U.S. president's administration.

Putin announced his participation in the 2024 Russian presidential elections on Dec. 8. This will be his fifth term as the Kremlin dictator.

Earlier, it was reported that the Russian militant Artem Zhoga had "asked" Putin to run for president during an awards ceremony in Moscow.

In addition, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation has approved the dates for the elections, which will last for a record three days – from March 15 to 17, 2024.

Does Biden and the DNC have any proof of rigged elections in Russia or do they hate democracy?
:rolleyes-41: Kim has elections, too!
Correct. I don't feed the sealions. I don't do troll exercies for bad faith attention beggers. Not ever.

And your 4th grade playground taunts won't work.

"tHeN yOu doNT hAvE aNy EviDenCE"

they just embarrass you for being utterly ignorant of publicly available information, and they show you are not honestly curious about the topic your are sealioning over.

I hope this is all clear enough and simple enough for you to understand.
I thought I knew what pathetic was until I met you.
A decent read, for those interested:

From your own article, they provide no evidence, just accusations.

First they use as evidence that the elections are rigged, the fact that Putin tries to convict and arrest them. Why is this then not evidence with Trump?

Then they use 4 other measures.

  1. Dominate the media message by controlling major news outlets through ownership, creating laws that stifle press freedom and repressing outspoken journalists.
  2. Assert control over local government officials who then ensure that voters turn out to support the regime.
  3. Build a vote tabulation process that allows ballot stuffing and falsified vote counts.
  4. Declare victory immediately and allow no questioning of the results.

1. The DNC controls the news as it all leans left. Someone once said that without a free media, you can't have a true democracy, for obvious reasons.

2. Assert control over government officials? You mean like how someone bought Obama's seat as he left Congress?

Or how about when Obama tried to buy a Senate seat in his own party primary. Democrat Joe Sestake said the Obama administration bribed him with a high paying job to not run against Arlene Specter, someone Obama favored.

And this is only what we actually know happened as I'm sure most does not come to light like this.

3. Build a voting machine? You mean like ballot harvesting? Yea, democrats are good at that as well.

4. This is perhaps the only think democrats don't do, but it does nothing to prove that an election is fair or not fair.

All that and no evidence, like I said.
From your own article, they provide no evidence, just accusations.
Because it's a smart article for smart people. So they link to the evidence. All over the article.

I probably should have posted something with smaller words and more pictures.
From your own article, they provide no evidence, just accusations.

First they use as evidence that the elections are rigged, the fact that Putin tries to convict and arrest them. Why is this then not evidence with Trump?

Then they use 4 other measures.

  1. Dominate the media message by controlling major news outlets through ownership, creating laws that stifle press freedom and repressing outspoken journalists.
  2. Assert control over local government officials who then ensure that voters turn out to support the regime.
  3. Build a vote tabulation process that allows ballot stuffing and falsified vote counts.
  4. Declare victory immediately and allow no questioning of the results.

1. The DNC controls the news as it all leans left. Someone once said that without a free media, you can't have a true democracy, for obvious reasons.

2. Assert control over government officials? You mean like how someone bought Obama's seat as he left Congress?

Or how about when Obama tried to buy a Senate seat in his own party primary. Democrat Joe Sestake said the Obama administration bribed him with a high paying job to not run against Arlene Specter, someone Obama favored.

And this is only what we actually know happened as I'm sure most does not come to light like this.

3. Build a voting machine? You mean like ballot harvesting? Yea, democrats are good at that as well.

4. This is perhaps the only think democrats don't do, but it does nothing to prove that an election is fair or not fair.

All that and no evidence, like I said.
Comparing Trump’s problems to what Putin does to his opponents is ludicrous!
Because it's a smart article for smart people. So they link to the evidence. All over the article.

I probably should have posted something with smaller words and more pictures.
You mean smart people like yourself pushing a Presidential candidate that shows dementia every time he is videotaped and then turn right around and tell the world what you are seeing is not real?

Yea, you people are geniuses.
Ignorant dumba$$ Russian peasants wouldn't recognize democracy or free, honest elections if it came up and bit 'em on the a$$.

There is something in the collective Russian psyche that needs an Autocrat or Dictator or Strong Man to rule over them.

They have neither the brains nor the courage to rule themselves.

So they get what the "settle" for... pathetic... embarrassing for them... they like letting Strong Men do their thinking for them.

And like sheep being led to the slaughter, they bahhhh and bleat and docilely head to the killing fields... Russians are Sheeple...
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A decent read, for those interested:

yes, the russians, chinese, north koreans and cubans are more subtle about rigging elections, while we PRETEND that ours are fair and honest when we all know that they are not. They probably were fair and honest in the 1700s and 1800s but not in recent times.
that's funny. When your party (dem/lib) wants to turn this country into a socialist one party dictatorship run be a feeble senile criminal. its you libs that want to take us back--------back to a monarchy dictatorship where the citizens have no rights and are merely pawns for the ruler's amusement.
Holy shit are you confused!!!
Because they need to get the herd onside against Russia, if they can say Russia is a dictatorship ruled by some insane evil monster who wants to take over the World many soak it up, we have had anti Russian and anti Putin propaganda for years almost 24/7, the propaganda would make Goebbels blush, it really has been at a Nazi level.
Because they need to get the herd onside against Russia, if they can say Russia is a dictatorship ruled by some insane evil monster who wants to take over the World many soak it up, we have had anti Russian and anti Putin propaganda for years almost 24/7, the propaganda would make Goebbels blush, it really has been at a Nazi level.
You confuse yourself agan. To do that, nobody has to waste their time regurgitating and crafting embarrassing propaganda and lies.

The normal peole can just turn on their TVs and see the results of the maniac's dictatorship.
Because they need to get the herd onside against Russia, if they can say Russia is a dictatorship ruled by some insane evil monster who wants to take over the World many soak it up, we have had anti Russian and anti Putin propaganda for years almost 24/7, the propaganda would make Goebbels blush, it really has been at a Nazi level.
Pro-Putin propaganda and no explanation for why calling him a dictator is wrong! :dunno:
Because they need to get the herd onside against Russia, if they can say Russia is a dictatorship ruled by some insane evil monster who wants to take over the World many soak it up, we have had anti Russian and anti Putin propaganda for years almost 24/7, the propaganda would make Goebbels blush, it really has been at a Nazi level.
Da, Tvaritch... you tell 'em... read 'em some more of that Putinesque bulll$hit from your basement in Moscow... :cranky:

John Kirby, the Coordinator of the White House National Security Council, commented sarcastically on the announcement by Russian dictator Vladimir Putin regarding his candidacy in the presidential elections of Russia, scheduled for March 2024.

Journalists asked Kirby how he could comment on Putin's "re-election," to which he humorously implied the Russian elections would not be competitive.

"Well, this will be quite a race, won't it? That's all I can say about it," replied the representative of the U.S. president's administration.

Putin announced his participation in the 2024 Russian presidential elections on Dec. 8. This will be his fifth term as the Kremlin dictator.

Earlier, it was reported that the Russian militant Artem Zhoga had "asked" Putin to run for president during an awards ceremony in Moscow.

In addition, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation has approved the dates for the elections, which will last for a record three days – from March 15 to 17, 2024.

Does Biden and the DNC have any proof of rigged elections in Russia or do they hate democracy?
because he rigs his own re-election each time? duh!..
You confuse yourself agan. To do that, nobody has to waste their time regurgitating and crafting embarrassing propaganda and lies.

The normal peole can just turn on their TVs and see the results of the maniac's dictatorship.
You mean return to your version of reality on your TV which is Orwellian, it just makes you feel good about yourself if you can convince yourself Putin is some insane dictator, you have been driven bonkers with propaganda.

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