Why is Putin regarded as a dictator if there are elections?

yes, the dem/libs are short in many areas, thanks for confirming.
Bottom line, Russian elections are fixed. Probably not as egregiously stolen as US elections, but similar. The Russians aren't as ham-handed about it.... they don't need fake water main breaks and manufactured ballot deliveries at 4am, on camera, that's for amateurs. They're a lot more organized about it.

Lots of other similarities, Medvedev and Putin traded positions every other election cycle due to constitutional term limits but Putin will always be in charge.... much like the kenyan muzzie faggot is still in charge here. Putin locks up his political enemies, our stuttering fuck is trying to put President Trump in prison for 700 years.

The corruption is about the same. I lived in Russia for 4 years and learned to appreciate the openness of their corruption. They're not sneaky about it (like these apes in Fulton county). All-in-all, there's very little difference between the two corrupt shitholes.
Liar. Such embarrassing lies.

Funny thing is, these lies have been debunked over and over by the republican Georgia officials.

Why do you lie so much?
I think it's far worse than lying. I think most of them really believe it.

No matter how many times the lies are debunked, it doesn't matter. It's "the truth" to them, and that's it.

They're far too emotionally invested in this to turn back now.
I think it's far worse than lying. I think most of them really believe it.
I'm sure you are correct. But that should be ignored. They should be told they are lying. At least that gives them an ounce of credit for not being gullible and aggressively ignorant.

Else we have to pat them on their heads and treat them like they are retarded. I prefer to treat them the way the world treats lying adults.
I await anyone here to produce the evidence that Russian elections are rigged.

Where is it?

It's not that I don't think they are rigged, it's that I don't think you can provide the evidence.

Give us a link.
You gotta be kidding
I'm sure you are correct. But that should be ignored. They should be told they are lying. At least that gives them an ounce of credit for not being gullible and aggressively ignorant.

Else we have to pat them on their heads and treat them like they are retarded. I prefer to treat them the way the world treats lying adults.
My guess is that the only way they'll turn is if they wake up themselves. That's generally how cults begin to dissolve.

It won't come from something he does. He was right about raping shooting someone on Fifth Avenue. This is so deep that it will have to come from within.

For some, it never happens.
I await anyone here to produce the evidence that Russian elections are rigged.

Where is it?

It's not that I don't think they are rigged, it's that I don't think you can provide the evidence.

Give us a link.
You're serious?
You gotta be kidding
He already showed us it is a sealion post.

He admitted he thinks they are rigged. He just wants everyone to spoonfeed him and do his little exercise.

A more normal adult would list the reasons that compel them and present arguments for and/or against these reasons.

But Votto would rather sit back and be served by strangers, so he can shit on them and on their posts. We have a lot of posters here like that.
My guess is that the only way they'll turn is if they wake up themselves. That's generally how cults begin to dissolve.
Which would probably just happen naturally, if the orange slob would just drop dead already.

but that isn't going to stop the momentum of the march to the far right. That will be a generational thing. Like, you aren't going to rehabilitate 28-year old gang members. They are lost. Gotta worry about the kids.
He already showed us it is a sealion post.

He admitted he thinks they are rigged. He just wants everyone to spoonfeed him and do his little exercise.

A more normal adult would list the reasons that compel them and present arguments for and/or against these reasons.

But Votto would rather sit back and be served by strangers, so he can shit on them and on their posts. We have a lot of posters here like that.
I want to see from your own sources that there is proof the elections are rigged, but you seem unable to provide them. I know you fascists are picky on what sources you choose to believe, but you seem unwilling to give them.


John Kirby, the Coordinator of the White House National Security Council, commented sarcastically on the announcement by Russian dictator Vladimir Putin regarding his candidacy in the presidential elections of Russia, scheduled for March 2024.

Journalists asked Kirby how he could comment on Putin's "re-election," to which he humorously implied the Russian elections would not be competitive.

"Well, this will be quite a race, won't it? That's all I can say about it," replied the representative of the U.S. president's administration.

Putin announced his participation in the 2024 Russian presidential elections on Dec. 8. This will be his fifth term as the Kremlin dictator.

Earlier, it was reported that the Russian militant Artem Zhoga had "asked" Putin to run for president during an awards ceremony in Moscow.

In addition, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation has approved the dates for the elections, which will last for a record three days – from March 15 to 17, 2024.
I want to see from your own sources that there is proof the elections are rigged, but you seem unable to provide them. I know you fascists are picky on what sources you choose to believe, but you seem unwilling to give them.

Nah, you want a bunch of strangers to spoonfeed you and give you attention, so you can shit on them and on their posts.

Else you would just make your own arguments.

You're not the first sealion to sealion, my man.

John Kirby, the Coordinator of the White House National Security Council, commented sarcastically on the announcement by Russian dictator Vladimir Putin regarding his candidacy in the presidential elections of Russia, scheduled for March 2024.

Journalists asked Kirby how he could comment on Putin's "re-election," to which he humorously implied the Russian elections would not be competitive.

"Well, this will be quite a race, won't it? That's all I can say about it," replied the representative of the U.S. president's administration.

Putin announced his participation in the 2024 Russian presidential elections on Dec. 8. This will be his fifth term as the Kremlin dictator.

Earlier, it was reported that the Russian militant Artem Zhoga had "asked" Putin to run for president during an awards ceremony in Moscow.

In addition, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation has approved the dates for the elections, which will last for a record three days – from March 15 to 17, 2024.

Does Biden and the DNC have any proof of rigged elections in Russia or do they hate democracy?

Because he only allows one person on the ballot, HIM. Pooty kills or jails his opposition, ALexi Navlny was democratic activist and after trying to poisin him, Pooty had him put in jail on false charges. Pooty a former Lieutant Colonel the former KGB. He is lying piece of communist shit.
Nah, you want a bunch of strangers to spoonfeed you and give you attention, so you can shit on them and on their posts.

Else you would just make your own arguments.

You're not the first sealion to sealion, my man.
The bottom line is, you demand proof of accusations made against your cult, the DNC, but refuse to provide the same evidence for accusations made against people you and the DNC don't like.

Let this be a lesson for everyone.
Because he only allows one person on the ballot, HIM. Pooty kills or jails his opposition, ALexi Navlny was democratic activist and after trying to poisin him, Pooty had him put in jail on false charges. Pooty a former Lieutant Colonel the former KGB. He is lying piece of communist shit.
But that is not evidence.

If it was evidence, you would say that if Trump is put in jail it was because he deserved it.

Does it trouble you that Putin and Biden are so similar?
The bottom line is, you demand proof of accusations made against your cult, the DNC, but refuse to provide the same evidence for accusations made against people you and the DNC don't like.

Let this be a lesson for everyone.
No, that's the strawman you invented to justify your pathetic sealioning to yourself.
No, that's the strawman you invented to justify your pathetic sealioning to yourself.
You refuse to provide us with evidence, as I thought you would.

You just blindly accept what you want to believe, as I suspected.
You refuse to provide us with evidence, as I thought you would.
Correct. I don't feed the sealions. I don't do troll exercies for bad faith attention beggers. Not ever.

And your 4th grade playground taunts won't work.

"tHeN yOu doNT hAvE aNy EviDenCE"

they just embarrass you for being utterly ignorant of publicly available information, and they show you are not honestly curious about the topic your are sealioning over.

I hope this is all clear enough and simple enough for you to understand.

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