Why is Putin regarded as a dictator if there are elections?

the Biden election cheating is well documented on many videos. Everyone knows he lost, even you if you are honest about it.
Many videos huh, but not a single court of law in any state when it mattered. Damn, if only they would have given him a greater margin of victory like all the other dick taters got. Democrat cheaters can fuck up a wet dream...
Many videos huh, but not a single court of law in any state when it mattered. Damn, if only they would have given him a greater margin of victory like all the other dick taters got. Democrat cheaters can fuck up a wet dream...
not one case has been heard in full in any court in any state. The DOJ has caused them to be dismissed and not heard for bullshit reasons like "lack of standing" and other legal tricks. Face it, the DC establishment is scared shitless for their continued huge incomes if the truth comes out. Problem is that it is coming out as we speak and lots of swamp heads will eventually roll.
not one case has been heard in full in any court in any state. The DOJ has caused them to be dismissed and not heard for bullshit reasons like "lack of standing" and other legal tricks. Face it, the DC establishment is scared shitless for their continued huge incomes if the truth comes out. Problem is that it is coming out as we speak and lots of swamp heads will eventually roll.
The is no evidence that anyone other than the state courts were involved in hearing or dispensing the cases in each of the states the MAGA_LAWYERS brought. Benedict Donald lost fair and square just like SoS Clinton lost in 2016. The Anti-American Neo-GOP have all been hoaxed by their leader Benedict Donald.
Ukraine is none of our fricken business, let Putin have it then he will have to deal with that very corrupt country. it is not worth one US dollar or one US life. You Ukraine surrigates are the ones that should be in jail.
if all that fought and died in WW2 could rise up and tell you how hard they fought
to keep a dictator from controlling half the world or more. Would you believe them?
not one case has been heard in full in any court in any state. The DOJ has caused them to be dismissed and not heard for bullshit reasons like "lack of standing" and other legal tricks. Face it, the DC establishment is scared shitless for their continued huge incomes if the truth comes out. Problem is that it is coming out as we speak and lots of swamp heads will eventually roll.
Lack of standing is not a “legal trick”

It’s the court saying “you’re full of shit”
Lack of standing is not a “legal trick”

It’s the court saying “you’re full of shit”
bullshit, its a lawyer game that works when the other side allows it to. Using that "logic" no american citizen would have "standing" to challenge the vote count in their home state. BTW, not one vote fraud case from 2020 was ever presented to any court or the american people. If they are all fake why not let them be heard and laughed at? Ya know why? because they are not fake and allowing them to be heard would put many democrats in jail for a long time.
Using that "logic" no american citizen would have "standing" to challenge the vote count in their home state.
Nonsense, of course. There are avenues for challenging the vote count.

Bleating idiotic lies and having no evidence is not actually one of them. You actually have to have substance and evidence.
Nonsense, of course. There are avenues for challenging the vote count.

Bleating idiotic lies and having no evidence is not actually one of them. You actually have to have substance and evidence.
there is video evidence of vote fraud, lots of it. Why has it been hidden from the american people by our government?
Nonsense, of course. There are avenues for challenging the vote count.

Bleating idiotic lies and having no evidence is not actually one of them. You actually have to have substance and evidence.
our government is becoming a copy of Russia's, China's,. Cuba's, Iran's. Why do you support that?
Nonsense, of course. There are avenues for challenging the vote count.

Bleating idiotic lies and having no evidence is not actually one of them. You actually have to have substance and evidence.
why do you support the suppression of differing opinions in this country?

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