Why is Putin regarded as a dictator if there are elections?

Because they need to get the herd onside against Russia, if they can say Russia is a dictatorship ruled by some insane evil monster who wants to take over the World many soak it up, we have had anti Russian and anti Putin propaganda for years almost 24/7, the propaganda would make Goebbels blush, it really has been at a Nazi level.
very true, but you will never get any leftie to admit it. they are all mindless sheep unable to form a cogent thought on their own and only able to parrot the talking points pumped into their small heads by their masters.
to the OP, yes Russia has elections but the outcome is determined before anyone casts a vote.
Sadly, that is what the dems want for the USA
Rig how? you really can't get it through your head Putin is popular with most of the people, well live with it and worry about your own rigged elections.
oh please. he had Navalny killed.
even people just laying flowers for Navalny got arrested and thrown in jail.
You mean return to your version of reality on your TV which is Orwellian, it just makes you feel good about yourself if you can convince yourself Putin is some insane dictator, you have been driven bonkers with propaganda.
Nope, I meant just see the facts of what Putin has done and what he says.

You confuse your own slavish obedience for that of others.
very true, but you will never get any leftie to admit it. they are all mindless sheep unable to form a cogent thought on their own and only able to parrot the talking points pumped into their small heads by their masters.
That's why they have been handing you your ass for months, now. 🙄
Because they need to get the herd onside against Russia, if they can say Russia is a dictatorship ruled by some insane evil monster who wants to take over the World many soak it up, we have had anti Russian and anti Putin propaganda for years almost 24/7, the propaganda would make Goebbels blush, it really has been at a Nazi level.

Because Putin has been non stop attacking and taking over countries, as well as interfering in our elections since he took office, you dope!
Rig how? you really can't get it through your head Putin is popular with most of the people, well live with it and worry about your own rigged elections.
The people of Russia are forced to live with it, while those who want to feel free are forced to flee.

The people of Russia are forced to live with it, while those who want to feel free are forced to flee.

Median income in Russia is now down to about $9500 USD annually. The self styled superpower Russia is a second world country, trending downward.
Median income in Russia is now down to about $9500 USD annually. The self styled superpower Russia is a second world country, trending downward.
Tucker Carlson praised Moscow and said how it was nicer than American cities. That’s easy, when you put all your money into one city! Did you go anywhere else, Tucker?
Because Putin has been non stop attacking and taking over countries, as well as interfering in our elections since he took office, you dope!
and we have been doing the same things world wide for decades, wake the fuck up.
Because Putin has been non stop attacking and taking over countries, as well as interfering in our elections since he took office, you dope!
You can’t be serious.

Oh, I get it. You consume lots of cable tv news, so you know very little.

John Kirby, the Coordinator of the White House National Security Council, commented sarcastically on the announcement by Russian dictator Vladimir Putin regarding his candidacy in the presidential elections of Russia, scheduled for March 2024.

Journalists asked Kirby how he could comment on Putin's "re-election," to which he humorously implied the Russian elections would not be competitive.

"Well, this will be quite a race, won't it? That's all I can say about it," replied the representative of the U.S. president's administration.

Putin announced his participation in the 2024 Russian presidential elections on Dec. 8. This will be his fifth term as the Kremlin dictator.

Earlier, it was reported that the Russian militant Artem Zhoga had "asked" Putin to run for president during an awards ceremony in Moscow.

In addition, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation has approved the dates for the elections, which will last for a record three days – from March 15 to 17, 2024.

Does Biden and the DNC have any proof of rigged elections in Russia or do they hate democracy?
The dreary weather and the lack of citrus fruit has ground the Russia people down. They have accepted their fate. They learned to love their tyrant.

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