Why is “Sedition Hunters” Not Hunting for We-Gotta-Fill-Up-the-Capitol! “Scaffold Commander?”


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

Since Speaker Mike Johnson’s release of over 40,000 hours of J6 video, the evidence of a set-up of peaceful J6 protesters for criminal charges is overwhelming. This only confirms what J6 Capitol Police Chief Sund and Capitol Police Lt. Tarik Johnson have been passionately saying, officials so highly place one would think that in a sane world, this alone would call for mistrials.  Chief Sund is the more circumspect of the two, saying in an interview with Tucker Carlson just before Carlson was taken off the air: “Could there possibly be actually… they kind of wanted something to happen?”Chief Sund said: “everything appears to be a cover-up.”

Lt. Johnson is more direct: “You guys were all set up. 100%.”

Moreover, an epic investigation and report from Revolver News, the target of a 60 Minutes hit piece for running a “conspiracy theory” about Ray Epps, highlights holes in the official “insurrection” narrative that one could drive a Mack truck through. Such as why is the FBI not the least bit interested in identifying and prosecuting the most central player of that day, the authoritative, domineering man mounted at the top of the scaffold outside the Capitol, dubbed “Scaffold Commander?”

Neither the FBI, nor the vigilante group Sedition Hunters, which has identified and tracked down protesters who were merely on the Capitol grounds, is saying a single word about Scaffold Commander, the most important instigator of the day.

There can only be one reason: Scaffold Commander was the FBI asset or agent charged with ensuring that thousands of protesters would enter the building, many peacefully through open doors manned by helpful police officers, and thus open themselves up to the ruthless mass round-up of anyone questioning the official results of the 2020 election.

From his perch on high with his bullhorn, the as yet unidentified Scaffold Commander, although his face is clear, does more than an other person to keep the crowd moving forward to the Capitol, rather than allow them to disperse into a scattered, day-long picnic. He bellowed urgently as the crowd was arriving from the Trump speech “keep moving forward!” “we need help!”  After manipulating the crowd to move forward for over an hour, and packing them into an irresistible force, some of them enraged because police had been launching stun grenades unprovoked, the first handful of rioters entered the building.  Scaffold Commander yelled:

“Okay we’re in! We’re in! Come on! We gotta fill up the Capitol! Come on! Come now! We need help we gotta fill up the Capitol! They got in.!

In the minutes before Scaffold Commander mounts the tower at 1 pm, as the main body of the crowd begins to arrive from the Trump speech, he helps other men remove fencing which marks the restricted area, which protesters unwittingly cross into.

Yet this man is not on the FBI Most Wanted list, nor does the FBI appear to be looking for him, the way it has ruthlessly hunted down anyone who was on the Capitol grounds, and sentenced one man who was not even in DC but in Baltimore to 22 years in prison for “seditious conspiracy,”

Below: “Scaffold Commander”: “We’re in! Come on! We gotta fill up the Capitol!” (view at Rumble)

“Scaffold Commander”


Below source


Below: Scaffold Commander assists in removing fence marking the restricted area next to the Capitol, at approximately 1:53 pm. (source)


Numerous clear videos have emerged of men who were never charged, some with sidearms concealed of the type issued by the government, exhorting the crowd, breaking windows, and urging people on. One “protester” accused by a woman in the crowd of “pushing” them inside the building has a communications earpiece visible on close inspection.

Window-Breaking J6 Fed Wearing Earpiece is Not on “Most Wanted” List – Man stops when he realizes he is being recorded (source)


MORE Why is “Sedition Hunters” Not Hunting for We-Gotta-Fill-Up-the-Capitol! “Scaffold Commander?”
It's no great mystery why government agents would be planted in a crowd that was intent on an active coup against government.

Having government agents planted with guns could have been called upon to take control of the situation by snuffing a few of the more violent coup leaders.

That which is quite amazing is that the plans made by both sides were abided by without there being many deaths by gun! Either side could have renegged on the deal made to keep the guns out of it.

Those who think they're getting dicked around by government should obviously be raising the issue that it was prearranged by government and insurrectionist leaders to have no large number of deaths by gun. It ain't no fkn coincidence that neither side didn't start blazing away with the AR-15's and the military versions! America arranged itself a phony coup in which no congress members would be touched!

That could have had the effect of cutting the legs out from under government before anybody went to jail.

The planners of the whole relatively bloodless affair are being hidden from the public's view.

We're not talking about active participants now, we're talking about the planners behind the scene!

Will it ever get real? Probably not but that shouldn't stop some people who are in on the planning from blowing some whistles.
Trump says "Go peacefully protest" and hes accused of "insurrection". While other obvious REAL THREATS are ignored. Things that make ya go hmmmmmmm.
Arrangements had to have been made to keep the phony coup attempt bloodless. Why haven't lawyers for those prosecuted brought it up. Isn't it just too obvious that congress members were led away in the nick of time? Isn't it too obvious that those looking for them didn't find them or even go looking for them. Not even Nancy's life war threatened by the bunch of play coup comedians!

Nobody could have been sent to jail for participating in a planned event!
They (our gov) knew they'd be questioned releasing all the videos

But they aren't exactly stampeding in with explanations

So the real issue becomes that of transparency and clarity in government

It's no great mystery why government agents would be planted in a crowd that was intent on an active coup against government.

Having government agents planted with guns could have been called upon to take control of the situation by snuffing a few of the more violent coup leaders.

That which is quite amazing is that the plans made by both sides were abided by without there being many deaths by gun! Either side could have renegged on the deal made to keep the guns out of it.

Those who think they're getting dicked around by government should obviously be raising the issue that it was prearranged by government and insurrectionist leaders to have no large number of deaths by gun. It ain't no fkn coincidence that neither side didn't start blazing away with the AR-15's and the military versions! America arranged itself a phony coup in which no congress members would be touched!

That could have had the effect of cutting the legs out from under government before anybody went to jail.

The planners of the whole relatively bloodless affair are being hidden from the public's view.

We're not talking about active participants now, we're talking about the planners behind the scene!

Will it ever get real? Probably not but that shouldn't stop some people who are in on the planning from blowing some whistles.
It's one thing to plant agents to monitor the protest. It's another to incite a riot, which is what they did.
Ray Epps was a protagonist of the riot to was the scaffold guy. Neither have been punished.
Ashli wasn't thoroughly rehearsed on how far she should have pushed the envelope. She left the police officer no choice on account of she would have gained access within seconds. It appears that she was the only one who exceeded the limits of the agreements made.

But there's also little doubt that thr shooter was gleefully taking advantage of the opportunity to kill her.
It's one thing to plant agents to monitor the protest. It's another to incite a riot, which is what they did.
Ray Epps was a protagonist of the riot to was the scaffold guy. Neither have been punished.
That's all beside the point. You don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of a coup being planned in advance should have kept everybody out of jail.

Both sides have reasons why they can't reveal the true facts. I as a Canadian can talk about it without a dog in the fight.

Let's face it my friend, no halfassed lawyer worth his salt would be missing this 'stay out of jail free' card!

Why do they need to sacrifice their clients to near life sentences?

Have arrangements been made in a backroom to let them out with much less than full time served?
Poor USMB, it is being taken over by those who were too extreme for GreatAwakenings.win. Look, at the Bizarro Desk contributions today:

Nobody could have been sent to jail for participating in a planned event!
Yet, one got 22yrs in prison, another 18, and whole bunch of 'em from 5 to 10.
Somebody didn't get Donald H.'s memo that that wasn't supposed to happen. WTH!!
Was it simple miscommunication? (it happens).... Or part of the plan?
And those J6Goons with the big sentences are really in Cancun, or Key West?

Arrangements had to have been made to keep the phony coup attempt bloodless. Why haven't lawyers for those prosecuted brought it up.
Ah so, the damn criminal defense attorneys were in on the Grift too?
Who can a good honest MAGA trust anymore?
There are Lefties, Progs, Dems, Antifa, BLM, FBI, MSM, and Chris Christie.....all of 'em, backsliding, CYA'g.....as the conspiracy is being uncovered.

Say it ain't so, Joe.

Trump says "Go peacefully protest" and hes accused of "insurrection". While other obvious REAL THREATS are ignored. Things that make ya go hmmmmmmm.

Ah, yes...the things that make you go 'hmmmm?'

1. Urgen communications among the conspirators to keep secret the development of the fraudulent elector scheme and ballots.
2. Urgent communications among the conspirators to keep secret the "impromptu" announcement from the Ellipse stage to march to the Capitol.
3. Urgent communications forbidding requesting a permit from the Park Police to conduct a march down a heavily trafficked thoroughfare in a major city.
4. The December 19th Tweet from Don Trump: "
"Big protest in D.C. on January 6th, "Be there, will be wild!"
5. Trump: "“We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,”
6. Giuliani from the Ellipse on January 6: " let's have trial by combat."

The dude was obviously on the government payroll. Why else wouldn’t a leftest not be calling for his arrest?

More things that make go hmmmmmmm.
Stop and think for a change. None of the leftists would have the information on him being on the payroll.

Arrangements were made ahead of time in a backroom by both sides. Ashli is the only anomaly because she fkd up by taking one step too many.
Then the cop was more than happy to provide her with her reward!
Poor USMB, it is being taken over by those who were too extreme for GreatAwakenings.win. Look, at the Bizarro Desk contributions today:

Yet, one got 22yrs in prison, another 18, and whole bunch of 'em from 5 to 10.
Somebody didn't get Donald H.'s memo that that wasn't supposed to happen. WTH!!
Was it simple miscommunication? (it happens).... Or part of the plan?
And those J6Goons with the big sentences are really in Cancun, or Key West?


Ah so, the damn criminal defense attorneys were in on the Grift too?
Who can a good honest MAGA trust anymore?
There are Lefties, Progs, Dems, Antifa, BLM, FBI, MSM, and Chris Christie.....all of 'em, backsliding, CYA'g.....as the conspiracy is being uncovered.

Say it ain't so, Joe.

Ah, yes...the things that make you go 'hmmmm?'

1. Urgen communications among the conspirators to keep secret the development of the fraudulent elector scheme and ballots.
2. Urgent communications among the conspirators to keep secret the "impromptu" announcement from the Ellipse stage to march to the Capitol.
3. Urgent communications forbidding requesting a permit from the Park Police to conduct a march down a heavily trafficked thoroughfare in a major city.
4. The December 19th Tweet from Don Trump: "
"Big protest in D.C. on January 6th, "Be there, will be wild!"
5. Trump: "“We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,”
6. Giuliani from the Ellipse on January 6: " let's have trial by combat."

You've got it now. The planning for the event is still not exposed. But it's so painfully obvious that it was planned.

Everybody didn't leave their guns at home coincidentally!

Or brought a gun that was very carefully concealed just in case the arrangements turned sour.

Now get out there and do the work that should have been done long ago! Your friends are rotting in a fkng jail!

Call a few lawyers and tell them you have evidence that can come home with their chickens.
Stop and think for a change. None of the leftists would have the information on him being on the payroll.

Arrangements were made ahead of time in a backroom by both sides. Ashli is the only anomaly because she fkd up by taking one step too many.
Then the cop was more than happy to provide her with her reward!

So, you’re making excuses for screwing up. We get it.
Poor USMB, it is being taken over by those who were too extreme for GreatAwakenings.win. Look, at the Bizarro Desk contributions today:

Yet, one got 22yrs in prison, another 18, and whole bunch of 'em from 5 to 10.
Somebody didn't get Donald H.'s memo that that wasn't supposed to happen. WTH!!
Was it simple miscommunication? (it happens).... Or part of the plan?
And those J6Goons with the big sentences are really in Cancun, or Key West?


Ah so, the damn criminal defense attorneys were in on the Grift too?
Who can a good honest MAGA trust anymore?
There are Lefties, Progs, Dems, Antifa, BLM, FBI, MSM, and Chris Christie.....all of 'em, backsliding, CYA'g.....as the conspiracy is being uncovered.

Say it ain't so, Joe.

Ah, yes...the things that make you go 'hmmmm?'

1. Urgen communications among the conspirators to keep secret the development of the fraudulent elector scheme and ballots.
2. Urgent communications among the conspirators to keep secret the "impromptu" announcement from the Ellipse stage to march to the Capitol.
3. Urgent communications forbidding requesting a permit from the Park Police to conduct a march down a heavily trafficked thoroughfare in a major city.
4. The December 19th Tweet from Don Trump: "
"Big protest in D.C. on January 6th, "Be there, will be wild!"
5. Trump: "“We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,”
6. Giuliani from the Ellipse on January 6: " let's have trial by combat."


Alternate electors on standby are legit in a disputed election.
"Alternate electors on standby are legit in a disputed election."
Two things:

First, not legit if they claim they ARE the legal electors. Which they did. And they were not. No caveats. No footnotes. No 'Howevers'.... They claimed they were the real deal. Which is fraud.

Second, the election was no longer in dispute. Elections are certified by States. All states had certified theirs, even in the face of a tidal wave of lawsuits from Rudy G., Don Trump, and KrakenPot Powell. All of those lawsuits had been disposed of by the time of the EC counting in Congress.
Second, the election was no longer in dispute. Elections are certified by States. All states had certified theirs, even in the face of a tidal wave of lawsuits from Rudy G., Don Trump, and KrakenPot Powell. All of those lawsuits had been disposed of by the time of the EC counting in Congress.
That's why three states had petitioned for another week or so, to investigate and ascertain that their certifications were indeed correct...Because there was no dispute. :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
That's why three states had petitioned for another week or so, to investigate and ascertain that their certifications were indeed correct.

The "States" through their designated and legal representatives...HAD....certified the election per legal procedures and requirements. States do that.

In some states, there were dissident politicos....elected representatives and mere activists....who wanted MORE investigations and audits. But, they were outside of the duly authorized protocols and legal operating procedures established by their state.

There are always some boo-bird sore-losers who will seek to delay delay delay. ANYBODY.....can shrilly demand more audits, can ask for longer investigations. But......but there is a legal format, and a legal time frame for that to be accomplished prior to the January 6th procedural tallying of the EC ballots.

In short, all the hissyfitters, whiners, malcontents, and gripers......had their legal opportunities to question their particular state's results Hell, 60+ lawsuits should signal to you that a good faith effort was made by the losing side. It wasn't enough. They didn't bring enough game to the game.

But the business of America must move ahead. We simply cannot wait for some complaining sore losers to drag out the process and hinder America's governance and progress.


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