Why is Sharpton silent of this teenager?


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Well Mr blow hard sharpton why aren't you protesting the murder of this Black teenager? Is his death less than Trayvon Martins?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hU1dIAFvkk]Teen beaten to death caught on tape!! - YouTube[/ame]
Why arent you out protesting?

Since sharpton has protesting covered why isn't the loud mouth doing it now? Oh that's right I forgot he can't play his race card. To a racist like Sharpton there is no value in the death of a black against another black teenage
Why arent you out protesting?

Since sharpton has protesting covered why isn't the loud mouth doing it now? Oh that's right I forgot he can't play his race card. To a racist like Sharpton there is no value in the death of a black against another black teenage

Easy for you to say others should be outraged....where is your outrage?
Why arent you out protesting?

Since sharpton has protesting covered why isn't the loud mouth doing it now? Oh that's right I forgot he can't play his race card. To a racist like Sharpton there is no value in the death of a black against another black teenage

Easy for you to say others should be outraged....where is your outrage?

I'm outraged that sharpton picks and chooses certain black deaths over another one. Their is no value for a racist like sharpton with black on black crime.
Since sharpton has protesting covered why isn't the loud mouth doing it now? Oh that's right I forgot he can't play his race card. To a racist like Sharpton there is no value in the death of a black against another black teenage

Easy for you to say others should be outraged....where is your outrage?

I'm outraged that sharpton picks and chooses certain black deaths over another one. Their is no value for a racist like sharpton with black on black crime.

So you think Sharpton should be the only one to be outraged over the death of a black teen

Where is Romneys outrage?
Easy for you to say others should be outraged....where is your outrage?

I'm outraged that sharpton picks and chooses certain black deaths over another one. Their is no value for a racist like sharpton with black on black crime.

So you think Sharpton should be the only one to be outraged over the death of a black teen

Where is Romneys outrage?

He seems too think it's his job so try again. I notice you are defending the racist Sharpton way too much.
Well, Sharpton does seem to insert himself into "high profile" race situations; in local or non-controversial areas, not so much. I think it's fair to point out that he is just a publicity hound.

On another note, I was surprised to see the new peak of school behavior in this video - the "90% attendance" certificate. "Son, we're so proud that of the 100 days last semester, you only skipped 10." I remember as a kid there were certificates for perfect attendence, but nothing less. Just another sign of our "applaud mediocrity" society. :clap2:
The perps were black. The victim a VERY light skinned black. If you are lighter than a paper bag, you are not considered black. He didn't pass the paper bag test.

Your linked article doesn't suggest that being lighter than a paper bag means that you aren't black, dumbass.
The perps were black. The victim a VERY light skinned black. If you are lighter than a paper bag, you are not considered black. He didn't pass the paper bag test.

Your linked article doesn't suggest that being lighter than a paper bag means that you aren't black, dumbass.

I didn't say it did. It just defined the term. But I have worked with a large number of blacks and I have seen the light skinned ones treated with much disdain by the darker ones. They did not pass the 'paper bag' test. Unlike you, I do more than post on a message board all day.

If you by some strange coincidence were to decide to do more for yourself you could easily find that lightness of skin is an issue with blacks:

In his 1996 book The Future of the Race, Henry Louis Gates Jr., chairman of the Afro-American studies department at Harvard, described his encounter with the brown paper bag when he came to Yale in the late 1960s, when skin-tone bias was brazenly practiced: "Some of the brothers who came from New Orleans held a "bag party.' As a classmate explained it to me, a bag party was a New Orleans custom wherein a brown paper bag was stuck on the door.

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Because that death isn't about the stand your ground law and similar laws that have been passed.
Sharpton's agenda is about getting rid of those types of laws, even though it has nothing to do with Trayvons killing.
Because that death isn't about the stand your ground law and similar laws that have been passed.
Sharpton's agenda is about getting rid of those types of laws, even though it has nothing to do with Trayvons killing.

I think there is a place for stand your ground laws. There are people who, were they to be required to flee, would not be able to flee an aggressor of greater size and strength and would be killed. The gun only makes the situation equal, unless of course the person with the carry permit is required to flee first.
We all know Sharpton has an agenda.
Anything that gets him the TV spotlight interests him.
He made a career on stuff like Tawana Brawley....
It was a great plan until it bit him on the ass.
Then he had a white guy shooting Trayvon Martin.
And the big payoff.Sharpton now has a TV show....

Then OOOOooops it turns out the white guy killing a black kid
turned out to be Hispanic.But Sharpton was already in the thick of it
so he's making the most of it.
I would like to kick Al Sharpton. Especially for that Twanna Bradley rape fraud business. He is a race huckster. I wonder, what would have happened if T. Martin had been the shooter, and G. Zimmerman had been the victim? This wouldn’t be an issue. This shouldn’t be about the race of the victim, it should be about innocence. But, it isn’t really, is IT? Treyvone, the black kid VS ...all those bad evil white people. I am seeing racism here, but isn't whites doing the “perpetrating”.
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The perps were black. The victim a VERY light skinned black. If you are lighter than a paper bag, you are not considered black. He didn't pass the paper bag test.

Your linked article doesn't suggest that being lighter than a paper bag means that you aren't black, dumbass.

I didn't say it did. It just defined the term. But I have worked with a large number of blacks and I have seen the light skinned ones treated with much disdain by the darker ones. They did not pass the 'paper bag' test. Unlike you, I do more than post on a message board all day.

If you by some strange coincidence were to decide to do more for yourself you could easily find that lightness of skin is an issue with blacks:

In his 1996 book The Future of the Race, Henry Louis Gates Jr., chairman of the Afro-American studies department at Harvard, described his encounter with the brown paper bag when he came to Yale in the late 1960s, when skin-tone bias was brazenly practiced: "Some of the brothers who came from New Orleans held a "bag party.' As a classmate explained it to me, a bag party was a New Orleans custom wherein a brown paper bag was stuck on the door.

Columns: The paper bag test

The paper bag test was used by light-skinned blacks to keep out the darker blacks. Lighter was considered better, especially in New Orleans. You should read:

Our Kind of People: Inside America's Black Upper Class

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Our-Kind-People-Inside-Americas/dp/0060984384]Amazon.com: Our Kind of People: Inside America's Black Upper Class (9780060984380): Lawrence Otis Graham: Books[/ame]


"Color Struck" a play by Zora Neale Hurston, originally published in 1925 in Opportunity Magazine.

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