Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden

All of a sudden in the 1930's socialism became popular in America as New Deal programs with socialist tenets were implemented to resolve the Great Depression by creating jobs and eventually prepare for WWII. 90 years later and 90 years after socialism became a major structure and part of the American economy, in 2018 some Americans are whining about Socialism "suddenly" becoming popular as if socialism in America is "new".
All of a sudden in the 1930's socialism became popular in America as New Deal programs with socialist tenets were implemented to resolve the Great Depression by creating jobs and eventually prepare for WWII. 90 years later and 90 years after socialism became a major structure and part of the American economy, in 2018 some Americans are whining about Socialism "suddenly" becoming popular as if socialism in America is "new".
You are right.

Democrats are introducing communism now, not socialism.
All of a sudden in the 1930's socialism became popular in America as New Deal programs with socialist tenets were implemented to resolve the Great Depression by creating jobs and eventually prepare for WWII. 90 years later and 90 years after socialism became a major structure and part of the American economy, in 2018 some Americans are whining about Socialism "suddenly" becoming popular as if socialism in America is "new".
You are right.

Democrats are introducing communism now, not socialism.

You don't know what communism is junior. But what you want is fascism. That's what your white nationalism is.
All of a sudden in the 1930's socialism became popular in America as New Deal programs with socialist tenets were implemented to resolve the Great Depression by creating jobs and eventually prepare for WWII. 90 years later and 90 years after socialism became a major structure and part of the American economy, in 2018 some Americans are whining about Socialism "suddenly" becoming popular as if socialism in America is "new".
You are right.

Democrats are introducing communism now, not socialism.
Sorry, I really do not consider the claim of Democrats introducing communism to be a serious statement. Why not just accuse them of being agents of the Devil or space invaders?
All of a sudden in the 1930's socialism became popular in America as New Deal programs with socialist tenets were implemented to resolve the Great Depression by creating jobs and eventually prepare for WWII. 90 years later and 90 years after socialism became a major structure and part of the American economy, in 2018 some Americans are whining about Socialism "suddenly" becoming popular as if socialism in America is "new".
You are right.

Democrats are introducing communism now, not socialism.

You don't know what communism is junior. But what you want is fascism. That's what your white nationalism is.
White nationalism =//= fascism

Fascism is a specific type of government.

White nationalism is wanting a nation for white people.

You don’t know what any of the 3 terms are, moron.
There are many kinds of socialism. Can anyone name a country in the world that does not have or use socialist programs or policies?
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Decades of increasing doses of Gubmint Cheese (social services programming and benefits) have made us lazy enough to go for it?

There are some things that we do better collectively, but we keep waffling between Bedford Falls and Pottersville, and can't get it right.
All of a sudden in the 1930's socialism became popular in America as New Deal programs with socialist tenets were implemented to resolve the Great Depression by creating jobs and eventually prepare for WWII. 90 years later and 90 years after socialism became a major structure and part of the American economy, in 2018 some Americans are whining about Socialism "suddenly" becoming popular as if socialism in America is "new".
You are right.

Democrats are introducing communism now, not socialism.

You don't know what communism is junior. But what you want is fascism. That's what your white nationalism is.
White nationalism =//= fascism

Fascism is a specific type of government.

White nationalism is wanting a nation for white people.

You don’t know what any of the 3 terms are, moron.

I said what I did because I know what I am saying.

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization
  2. (in general use) extreme authoritarian, oppressive, or intolerant views or practices.


fas·cism | \ ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi- \
Definition of fascism

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
Socialist (previously calling themselves Democrats) have taken over the Education System;

Immigrants come for the handouts and to perpetrate their own cultures--most of which are as backward as Socialism;

60 million people living here don't speak the official language in their homes;

Loons and Gangs run Big Bankrupt Rotting Cities in the North;

In short---Democrats have fucked everything up that was once the greatest country in the history of the human experiment---and left us 21 trillion in debt in the process.
There is merit in what you say.

Trouble is, you (non-Democrats) do not present the country at-large with a viable middle-ground alternative.

The Republican Party has been the whore of Corporate America for a century.

The only reason you're still on your feet is as a periodic brake on the worst that the idiots on the Left serve-up.

But you stopped being the Party of the Common Man eons ago; it just took most of the 20th for Americans to catch on.
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Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Decades of increasing doses of Gubmint Cheese (social services programming and benefits) have made us lazy enough to go for it?

There are some things that we do better collectively, but we keep waffling between Bedford Falls and Pottersville, and can't get it right.

That's a fallacy to put it nicely.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Decades of increasing doses of Gubmint Cheese (social services programming and benefits) have made us lazy enough to go for it?

There are some things that we do better collectively, but we keep waffling between Bedford Falls and Pottersville, and can't get it right.

That's a fallacy to put it nicely.
Well... that's one opinion... declaring it thus does not render it thus, but... thank you for your feedback.
In short---Democrats have fucked everything up that was once the greatest country in the history of the human experiment---and left us 21 trillion in debt in the process.

Democrats did not do this.
Socialist (previously calling themselves Democrats) have taken over the Education System;

Immigrants come for the handouts and to perpetrate their own cultures--most of which are as backward as Socialism;

60 million people living here don't speak the official language in their homes;

Loons and Gangs run Big Bankrupt Rotting Cities in the North;

In short---Democrats have fucked everything up that was once the greatest country in the history of the human experiment---and left us 21 trillion in debt in the process.
There is merit in what you say.

Trouble is, you (non-Democrats) do not present the country at-large with a viable middle-ground alternative.

The Republican Party has been the whore of Corporate America for a century.

The only reason you're still on your feet is as a periodic brake on the worst that the idiots on the Left serve-up.

But you stopped being the Party of the Common Man eons ago; it just took most of the 20th for Americans to catch on.

the "LEFT" is doing its worst right now. Label me "old lady----first time
republican 2017"
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Decades of increasing doses of Gubmint Cheese (social services programming and benefits) have made us lazy enough to go for it?

There are some things that we do better collectively, but we keep waffling between Bedford Falls and Pottersville, and can't get it right.

That's a fallacy to put it nicely.
Well... that's one opinion... declaring it thus does not render it thus, but... thank you for your feedback.

Actually it does since I worked with people on so called government programs and did not see one who chose tp stay on that program for life. So until you can restructure your thinking to talk about the government programs that never end like those which gives oil companies billions in subsidies while they make record profits, and other never ending programs for to the richest, then you will make sense.

Not to mention the huge amount of money we spend on the military.

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