Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden

No, the ones who are screeching for socialism have not a clue as to what socialism is. They just hear free free free......
What is actually happening is that they're looking at countries like Canada, Australia and Germany, and beginning to think there may be a better way.

I don't know why this so difficult to at least understand, let alone discuss intelligently.
b/c we have seen multiple countries go under in a big way to even want to discuss risking the entire world.

seriously, try to imagine what would happen to the world if we went down like Ven, Cuba or the 'former' USSR.
Venezuela is a case of crime, corruption along with damage inflicted from other countries.
Cuba is doing ok. with good scores on education and healthcare, otherwise nothing spectacular.
USSR is a victim of bad Gorbachev policies. nothing to do with Marxism or socialism, but just policies inappropriate for the situation.

Yet, one of the most important collapse is Greece. caused by exploitation by our banks. but you can fault them for allowing themselves to be exploited.

But none of this comes close to the failed states in Africa. not even close.
you are, w/o any doubt, the best informed idiot I have ever seen.

through every example I listed the main and only constant was central government (socialism)

and yet you think it's not to blame

stunning, just stunning.

but yes, African countries can't get going do to using leftist style governments.
Venezuela economy is mostly privatized. Youre ignorance is again laid bare.
would you like a link to the video where che fired the leaders of the oil industry?

probably not

from your idiotic link

Published July 18, 2010
All we really need is fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States, along with Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

lol. simply fix the minimum at a higher rate. problem solved. it is still the minimum wage; your concept is irrelevant.

If this is how you fill out a job application, I see why you wish for a higher minimum wage. If you are too lazy to hit the shift key and capitalize the first letter at the beginning of a sentence, how can an employer expect you to not burn the fries?

lol. simply fix the minimum at a higher rate. problem solved. it is still the minimum wage; your concept is irrelevant.

If this is how you fill out a job application, I see why you wish for a higher minimum wage. If you are too lazy to hit the shift key and capitalize the first letter at the beginning of a sentence, how can an employer expect you to not burn the fries?

You have to have more than tax cut economics for me to take you seriously, economically.

It is a simple cost of living increase; and, higher paid labor, pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
higher paid labor, pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

Agreed. So improve yourself and make a higher wage. No one should be content making minimum wage. Minimum wage is for kids starting out and retired folks finishing up. If you are only able to perform a minimum wage job, you have far, far greater problems than money. A mental or physical disability for example.
higher paid labor, pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

Agreed. So improve yourself and make a higher wage. No one should be content making minimum wage. Minimum wage is for kids starting out and retired folks finishing up. If you are only able to perform a minimum wage job, you have far, far greater problems than money. A mental or physical disability for example.
you miss the point; we need an institutional upward pressure on wages, not Individual. why do You believe wages have been stagnant for Labor?
we need an institutional upward pressure on wages, not Individual.

No "we" don't.

Personal responsibility. Personal accountability. You reap what you sew. Sit on the couch all day long smoking pot won't land you that six figure job, nice house, cars and boat. Busting your ass will.
we need an institutional upward pressure on wages, not Individual.

No "we" don't.

Personal responsibility. Personal accountability. You reap what you sew. Sit on the couch all day long smoking pot won't land you that six figure job, nice house, cars and boat. Busting your ass will.
Yes, we do. You merely have little to no understanding of economics.

why complain about the cost of social services, right wingers. no more whinery from the right wing, with that ideology.
You merely have little to no understanding of economics.

You are hilarious.

I put myself through college working part time jobs. Learned a valuable skill by signing my life over to the USAF. I took that skill and through cautious saving and investment was able to retire at 54. I didn't sit around and whine waiting for some one to give me something. I know more about real economics than you ever will.

Get to work. The fries are getting cold.
You merely have little to no understanding of economics.

You are hilarious.

I put myself through college working part time jobs. Learned a valuable skill by signing my life over to the USAF. I took that skill and through cautious saving and investment was able to retire at 54. I didn't sit around and whine waiting for some one to give me something. I know more about real economics than you ever will.

Get to work. The fries are getting cold.
Good for you. Microeconomics is always good.

Are you a right winger who complains about the cost of social services for the poor?
Are you a right winger who complains about the cost of social services for the poor?

If a person is mentally or physically unable to support themselves, I'm all for their family, community, church and as a last resort, local government to step in and help provide food, clothing, shelter and medical care.

Able bodied people who refuse to work? Not so much. All we've done since LBJ's War on Poverty began is spend trillions breaking up families and teaching people to accept a low standard of living and hopeless futures. We as a country have robbed these people of ambition and self determination. Making able bodied people dependent on handouts is a crime.

Are you a right winger who complains about the cost of social services for the poor?

If a person is mentally or physically unable to support themselves, I'm all for their family, community, church and as a last resort, local government to step in and help provide food, clothing, shelter and medical care.

Able bodied people who refuse to work? Not so much. All we've done since LBJ's War on Poverty began is spend trillions breaking up families and teaching people to accept a low standard of living and hopeless futures. We as a country have robbed these people of ambition and self determination. Making able bodied people dependent on handouts is a crime.

Your economic reasoning is unsound. Full employment of resources is what I am referring too. Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment is for Capitalists and Their bottom line, not Labor's.

And, wild animals are experiencing degradation due to our activities. I don't mind leaving food out for the wild animals; I just don't try to domesticate them. And, we should remember to pack out, all non biodegradables.
lol. simply fix the minimum at a higher rate. problem solved. it is still the minimum wage; your concept is irrelevant.

How much higher?
same as before; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

What is special about fifteen? Why not more?
social services cost the equivalent to fourteen an hour; one dollar an hour more should encourage Labor to look for work if they don't want to be poor.
lol. simply fix the minimum at a higher rate. problem solved. it is still the minimum wage; your concept is irrelevant.

How much higher?
same as before; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

What is special about fifteen? Why not more?
social services cost the equivalent to fourteen an hour; one dollar an hour more should encourage Labor to look for work if they don't want to be poor.

Where did you get that number from?
lol. simply fix the minimum at a higher rate. problem solved. it is still the minimum wage; your concept is irrelevant.

How much higher?
same as before; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

What is special about fifteen? Why not more?
social services cost the equivalent to fourteen an hour; one dollar an hour more should encourage Labor to look for work if they don't want to be poor.

Where did you get that number from?
I found it on the internet; why else is the, "fight for fifteen" crowd, clamoring.

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