Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden

Progressives are fucked in the head...

And they have no education then being snowflakes in their safe spaces.

Oh wow. The intellectual debate begins here.

I hear there are snowflakes on all sides btw. Some folks actually get OFFENDED when a boy kneels during the national anthem.

Kneeling offends them snowflakes I tell you, kneeling like at the Catholic Mass or when you get knighted.

Given that they are kneeling PRECISELY for the purpose of being offensive, you wouldn't want us to hurt their feelings by making them feel ineffectual, would you?

lol. That's good.

As long as we're not all hypocrites calling people snowflakes for this or that then getting offended by someone getting on their knees. We can agree or disagree with the protestors or the Trump or whoever. Inconsistencies annoy me though lol.

Sorry, but your view of "inconsistencies" - which apparently means "you have to like whatever I think you should, or you're 'inconsistent'" matters not at all to me. There's a difference between being rightly offended by things that are, after all, INTENDED to be offensive, and being offended by every frigging blink of other people's eyes because you're LOOKING to be offended. That you don't see that difference doesn't mean it isn't there; it just means you don't want to see it, because you want to be an asshole while claiming it's everyone else's fault.

So a man kneeling offends you?

At the most holy time of Catholic Mass when they theing the eucharist is becoming the body and blood of christ they kneel.

This man KNEELING offends you?

Or is it his point of view which offends you?

Notice I did not say that you disagree with him. Disagreeing on how beautiful a woman is or the effects of tariffs is different than being offended when I call a woman beautiful or when I support big government tariffs.

Yes, I notice that you did not include the possibility that I just disagree with him, because you're incapable of considering that possibility. That might actually require you to acknowledge, understand, and respect my differing opinions. Better to just dismiss them entirely.

What offends me is specifically the fact that he's TRYING to offend me. Not the act, not the opinion, the context. It's the difference between saying something, saying something I disagree with, and saying it right up in my face in a belligerent tone of voice.

And I just officially lost all patience with and tolerance for your smirking pretense of not understanding what could POSSIBLY bother anyone about kneeling during the anthem, gosh no, HONEST it's not like anyone was TRYING to offend anyone.

Either you're a dishonest piece of shit, or you're too damned dumb to breathe. There's literally no other choice available for your line of posting, and I'm not interested in pretending to take your ersatz innocence seriously any longer.
Problem is, people know that's not the goal. They look at other countries. Canada. Australia. Germany.

So something better is still needed. It will need to include reason and intelligence.
Canada, Australia, and Germany do not have complete socialist economies where the state owns the means of production. Besides, they are close allies with the nation sporting the most powerful military the world has ever known. Those nations have the benefit of American tax payers funding a HUGE percentage of their defense.

Count me in as one wants much less defense spending, but watch these other nations slowly slip in standards of living as the responsibility for their defense starts to take its toll.
My only point is that those who are advocating for "socialism" are pointing at those countries, not Venezuela. Euro-socialism.
Venezuela is a federal republic. just lousy management.
Problem is, people know that's not the goal. They look at other countries. Canada. Australia. Germany.

So something better is still needed. It will need to include reason and intelligence.
Canada, Australia, and Germany do not have complete socialist economies where the state owns the means of production. Besides, they are close allies with the nation sporting the most powerful military the world has ever known. Those nations have the benefit of American tax payers funding a HUGE percentage of their defense.

Count me in as one wants much less defense spending, but watch these other nations slowly slip in standards of living as the responsibility for their defense starts to take its toll.
My only point is that those who are advocating for "socialism" are pointing at those countries, not Venezuela. Euro-socialism.

In other words, they're trying to advocate for something with examples which aren't that thing.
Problem is, people know that's not the goal. They look at other countries. Canada. Australia. Germany.

So something better is still needed. It will need to include reason and intelligence.
Canada, Australia, and Germany do not have complete socialist economies where the state owns the means of production. Besides, they are close allies with the nation sporting the most powerful military the world has ever known. Those nations have the benefit of American tax payers funding a HUGE percentage of their defense.

Count me in as one wants much less defense spending, but watch these other nations slowly slip in standards of living as the responsibility for their defense starts to take its toll.
My only point is that those who are advocating for "socialism" are pointing at those countries, not Venezuela. Euro-socialism.

In other words, they're trying to advocate for something with examples which aren't that thing.
In a way. When they say "socialism", that's what they mean.

The least we can do is agree on definitions.
Problem is, people know that's not the goal. They look at other countries. Canada. Australia. Germany.

So something better is still needed. It will need to include reason and intelligence.
Canada, Australia, and Germany do not have complete socialist economies where the state owns the means of production. Besides, they are close allies with the nation sporting the most powerful military the world has ever known. Those nations have the benefit of American tax payers funding a HUGE percentage of their defense.

Count me in as one wants much less defense spending, but watch these other nations slowly slip in standards of living as the responsibility for their defense starts to take its toll.
My only point is that those who are advocating for "socialism" are pointing at those countries, not Venezuela. Euro-socialism.

In other words, they're trying to advocate for something with examples which aren't that thing.
In a way. When they say "socialism", that's what they mean.

The least we can do is agree on definitions.
Ours is defined by our social Contract and Constitutions of our Republic.
Problem is, people know that's not the goal. They look at other countries. Canada. Australia. Germany.

So something better is still needed. It will need to include reason and intelligence.
Canada, Australia, and Germany do not have complete socialist economies where the state owns the means of production. Besides, they are close allies with the nation sporting the most powerful military the world has ever known. Those nations have the benefit of American tax payers funding a HUGE percentage of their defense.

Count me in as one wants much less defense spending, but watch these other nations slowly slip in standards of living as the responsibility for their defense starts to take its toll.
My only point is that those who are advocating for "socialism" are pointing at those countries, not Venezuela. Euro-socialism.

In other words, they're trying to advocate for something with examples which aren't that thing.
In a way. When they say "socialism", that's what they mean.

The least we can do is agree on definitions.

Call me silly, but I tend to go with the ACTUAL definitions. I haven't a lot of patience with sloppy English.

Also, I believe that when leftist leaders talk about "socialism", what they're actually talking about is just them in power over everything; they HOPE voters are dumb enough to believe they're talking about Europe.
Why do you say that? Government requires the use of the other peoples money; maybe an ancap could do what you suggest. That is why we resort to socialism.
Socialism is government's exclusive control of the means of production.

More government just means more waste, and inevitably more tyranny and fewer liberties, but that's not socialism.

Quit yelling for socialism if you don't want it.
Problem is, people know that's not the goal. They look at other countries. Canada. Australia. Germany.

So something better is still needed. It will need to include reason and intelligence.
Canada, Australia, and Germany do not have complete socialist economies where the state owns the means of production. Besides, they are close allies with the nation sporting the most powerful military the world has ever known. Those nations have the benefit of American tax payers funding a HUGE percentage of their defense.

Count me in as one wants much less defense spending, but watch these other nations slowly slip in standards of living as the responsibility for their defense starts to take its toll.
My only point is that those who are advocating for "socialism" are pointing at those countries, not Venezuela. Euro-socialism.

In other words, they're trying to advocate for something with examples which aren't that thing.
In a way. When they say "socialism", that's what they mean.

The least we can do is agree on definitions.

Call me silly, but I tend to go with the ACTUAL definitions. I haven't a lot of patience with sloppy English.

Also, I believe that when leftist leaders talk about "socialism", what they're actually talking about is just them in power over everything; they HOPE voters are dumb enough to believe they're talking about Europe.
I definitely agree that calling Euro-socialism "socialism" is a lousy idea. Not sure where that started. But beyond any doubt, that's what they're after.

The Right isn't doing itself any favors by constantly dragging Venezuela into it, though. And worse, the term "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people anyway.

If the Right doesn't stop just screaming SOCIALISM! VENEZUELA! pretty soon, the lefties will get their way. A smarter, more reasoned approach to this is needed.
Why do you say that? Government requires the use of the other peoples money; maybe an ancap could do what you suggest. That is why we resort to socialism.
Socialism is government's exclusive control of the means of production.

More government just means more waste, and inevitably more tyranny and fewer liberties, but that's not socialism.

Quit yelling for socialism if you don't want it.
only in right wing special pleading. socialism is Government.
Canada, Australia, and Germany do not have complete socialist economies where the state owns the means of production. Besides, they are close allies with the nation sporting the most powerful military the world has ever known. Those nations have the benefit of American tax payers funding a HUGE percentage of their defense.

Count me in as one wants much less defense spending, but watch these other nations slowly slip in standards of living as the responsibility for their defense starts to take its toll.
My only point is that those who are advocating for "socialism" are pointing at those countries, not Venezuela. Euro-socialism.

In other words, they're trying to advocate for something with examples which aren't that thing.
In a way. When they say "socialism", that's what they mean.

The least we can do is agree on definitions.

Call me silly, but I tend to go with the ACTUAL definitions. I haven't a lot of patience with sloppy English.

Also, I believe that when leftist leaders talk about "socialism", what they're actually talking about is just them in power over everything; they HOPE voters are dumb enough to believe they're talking about Europe.
I definitely agree that calling Euro-socialism "socialism" is a lousy idea. Not sure where that started. But beyond any doubt, that's what they're after.

The Right isn't doing itself any favors by constantly dragging Venezuela into it, though. And worse, the term "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people anyway.

If the Right doesn't stop just screaming SOCIALISM! VENEZUELA! pretty soon, the lefties will get their way. A smarter, more reasoned approach to this is needed.

It's called "being honest", so I'm not sure you have much of a case to make that we're "not doing ourselves any favors" by being honest.

Let me break it down for you:

Socialism is what leftist leaders actually want. Euro-socialism is the smokescreen they present to rank-and-file doofuses to get them on board. Venezuela is what we eventually get if we allow it to go on. Power-mad dictators never know when to stop, and they refuse to believe Venezuela - and China, the Soviet Union, etc. - are inevitable, and not just "because WE weren't in charge".
Socialism is what leftist leaders actually want. Euro-socialism is the smokescreen they present to rank-and-file doofuses to get them on board. Venezuela is what we eventually get if we allow it to go on. Power-mad dictators never know when to stop, and they refuse to believe Venezuela - and China, the Soviet Union, etc. - are inevitable, and not just "because WE weren't in charge".
Ok, that's what you believe.

And how do you feel when left wingers tell you what you "actually want"?
My only point is that those who are advocating for "socialism" are pointing at those countries, not Venezuela. Euro-socialism.

In other words, they're trying to advocate for something with examples which aren't that thing.
In a way. When they say "socialism", that's what they mean.

The least we can do is agree on definitions.

Call me silly, but I tend to go with the ACTUAL definitions. I haven't a lot of patience with sloppy English.

Also, I believe that when leftist leaders talk about "socialism", what they're actually talking about is just them in power over everything; they HOPE voters are dumb enough to believe they're talking about Europe.
I definitely agree that calling Euro-socialism "socialism" is a lousy idea. Not sure where that started. But beyond any doubt, that's what they're after.

The Right isn't doing itself any favors by constantly dragging Venezuela into it, though. And worse, the term "socialism" is scaring fewer and fewer people anyway.

If the Right doesn't stop just screaming SOCIALISM! VENEZUELA! pretty soon, the lefties will get their way. A smarter, more reasoned approach to this is needed.

It's called "being honest", so I'm not sure you have much of a case to make that we're "not doing ourselves any favors" by being honest.

Let me break it down for you:

Socialism is what leftist leaders actually want. Euro-socialism is the smokescreen they present to rank-and-file doofuses to get them on board. Venezuela is what we eventually get if we allow it to go on. Power-mad dictators never know when to stop, and they refuse to believe Venezuela - and China, the Soviet Union, etc. - are inevitable, and not just "because WE weren't in charge".
simple appeals to emotion, right wingers?

you have no case for your dictionary understanding of socialism.

the left has an encyclopedic understanding of socialism.

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