Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden

Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Bernie Sanders showed that socialism is not communism as portrayed by GOP propaganda. We are the only country frightened by socialism. It is always democratic, Fair capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!"-- Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. The definition of socialism has evolved, Marxism before 1917, USSR communism in the twenties, more and more the above definition until now only Republican dupes Cold War dinosaurs go By the first two...
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Bernie Sanders showed that socialism is not communism as portrayed by GOP propaganda. We are the only country frightened by socialism. It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!"-- Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. The definition of socialism has evolved, Marxism before 1917, USSR communism in the twenties, more and more the above definition until now only Republican dupes Cold War dinosaurs go By the first two...

If it's not "really" socialism, why call it that? Seriously, if you're trying to say that your definition of socialism is no different than what we already have - why bother advocating for it? What is it you want to change?

Unless of course you're just equivocating, and want to trojan in your pet ideology with no scrutiny. Couldn't be that, could it?
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Bernie Sanders showed that socialism is not communism as portrayed by GOP propaganda. We are the only country frightened by socialism. It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!"-- Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. The definition of socialism has evolved, Marxism before 1917, USSR communism in the twenties, more and more the above definition until now only Republican dupes Cold War dinosaurs go By the first two...

If it's not "really" socialism, why call it that? Seriously, if you're trying to say that your definition of socialism is no different than what we already have - why bother advocating for it? What is it you want to change?

Unless of course you're just equivocating, and want to trojan in your pet ideology with no scrutiny. Couldn't be that, could it?
Always democratic, Fair capitalism with a good safety net is the definition everywhere in the world now but with you brainwashed tools who can only listen to Fox and Rush etc etc to get your brainwash... Has been since World War II basically...
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Bernie Sanders showed that socialism is not communism as portrayed by GOP propaganda. We are the only country frightened by socialism. It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!"-- Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. The definition of socialism has evolved, Marxism before 1917, USSR communism in the twenties, more and more the above definition until now only Republican dupes Cold War dinosaurs go By the first two...

If it's not "really" socialism, why call it that? Seriously, if you're trying to say that your definition of socialism is no different than what we already have - why bother advocating for it? What is it you want to change?

Unless of course you're just equivocating, and want to trojan in your pet ideology with no scrutiny. Couldn't be that, could it?
Where did I say it's not really socialism, super duper? the brainwash is strong with this one. Not to worry you have plenty of company. Poor America.
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Sorry, but your view of "inconsistencies" - which apparently means "you have to like whatever I think you should, or you're 'inconsistent'" matters not at all to me. There's a difference between being rightly offended by things that are, after all, INTENDED to be offensive, and being offended by every frigging blink of other people's eyes because you're LOOKING to be offended. That you don't see that difference doesn't mean it isn't there; it just means you don't want to see it, because you want to be an asshole while claiming it's everyone else's fault.

So a man kneeling offends you?

At the most holy time of Catholic Mass when they theing the eucharist is becoming the body and blood of christ they kneel.

This man KNEELING offends you?

Or is it his point of view which offends you?

Notice I did not say that you disagree with him. Disagreeing on how beautiful a woman is or the effects of tariffs is different than being offended when I call a woman beautiful or when I support big government tariffs.

Yes, I notice that you did not include the possibility that I just disagree with him, because you're incapable of considering that possibility. That might actually require you to acknowledge, understand, and respect my differing opinions. Better to just dismiss them entirely.

What offends me is specifically the fact that he's TRYING to offend me. Not the act, not the opinion, the context. It's the difference between saying something, saying something I disagree with, and saying it right up in my face in a belligerent tone of voice.

And I just officially lost all patience with and tolerance for your smirking pretense of not understanding what could POSSIBLY bother anyone about kneeling during the anthem, gosh no, HONEST it's not like anyone was TRYING to offend anyone.

Either you're a dishonest piece of shit, or you're too damned dumb to breathe. There's literally no other choice available for your line of posting, and I'm not interested in pretending to take your ersatz innocence seriously any longer.

Offended = Snowflake you are over this kneeling issue. I'm kinda hypersensitive to NAZI's. Hopefully I'm not a snowflake there. 1st step is to recognize your problem though. Its ok.

If all protestors just knelt to get their point across life would be good and the race relations would be better.

What do you want anyway? To USE BIG GOVERNMENT to force everyone to stand for the anthem or goose step or salute Stalin or whatever? Small government no title nation we have, right?

Bleh bleh bleh "If you don't like us being 'outraged' about everything, that means you can't ever be upset about ANYTHING, because that's hypocrisy to childish simpletons like me!"

Literally all I heard you say in the one sentence I bothered to read before dismissing you as not worth my time.

Try harder. Or don't, whatever. Maybe that actually WAS your best effort, in which case you have my pity.

Your personal attack is noted.

Were you saying you aren't offended by kneeling anymore?

You can disagree 100% and not be a snowflake.

but hey, if you think the rest of them talk show host inspired snowflakes are right to be offended you don't have a bathroom for each of the 32 possible genders then you can be offended by kneeling and be consistent.

And that's why I haven't read more than a sentence of any of your last three or so posts right there: because you're not reading MY posts either. Difference is, I'M aware of it and willing to admit it.

Dismissed. Feel free to have your conversation with the voices in your head WITHOUT wasting space pretending it's something else.
The problem with socialism that it has to be forced, whether people want it or not. So yes, socialism does suck hairy ass....
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Bernie Sanders showed that socialism is not communism as portrayed by GOP propaganda. We are the only country frightened by socialism. It is always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!"-- Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. The definition of socialism has evolved, Marxism before 1917, USSR communism in the twenties, more and more the above definition until now only Republican dupes Cold War dinosaurs go By the first two...

If it's not "really" socialism, why call it that? Seriously, if you're trying to say that your definition of socialism is no different than what we already have - why bother advocating for it? What is it you want to change?

Unless of course you're just equivocating, and want to trojan in your pet ideology with no scrutiny. Couldn't be that, could it?
mixed-market capitalism isn't really capitalism; but we still call it that.
Please explain where all this socialism is found. I have yet to find anything in our policies that resembles it.
Please explain where all this socialism is found. I have yet to find anything in our policies that resembles it.
To do that, they'd need to pin themselves down to an actual definition.
Every successful developed country but us. Great jobs scumbag GOP and silly Dupes like you. Faire capitalism always democratic with a good safety net, maybe a nationalized Industry or two.
Please explain where all this socialism is found. I have yet to find anything in our policies that resembles it.
These stupid dictionary definition is where industry and business is owned or regulated Buy the community. Pure socialism is communism and doesn't work. You certainly have to see that we do regulate our business and industry. However you don't get to be socialists without Healthcare.
Please explain where all this socialism is found. I have yet to find anything in our policies that resembles it.
These stupid dictionary definition is where industry and business is owned or regulated Buy the community. Pure socialism is communism and doesn't work. You certainly have to see that we do regulate our business and industry. However you don't get to be socialists without Healthcare.
political jargon left over from the Cold War.

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