Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden

How much higher?
same as before; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

What is special about fifteen? Why not more?
social services cost the equivalent to fourteen an hour; one dollar an hour more should encourage Labor to look for work if they don't want to be poor.

Where did you get that number from?
I found it on the internet; why else is the, "fight for fifteen" crowd, clamoring.

I have no idea why they are clamoring. Minimum wage has always mystified me. The economics of it simply make no sense. The only thing it really accomplishes is securing an underclass for society to use.
same as before; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

What is special about fifteen? Why not more?
social services cost the equivalent to fourteen an hour; one dollar an hour more should encourage Labor to look for work if they don't want to be poor.

Where did you get that number from?
I found it on the internet; why else is the, "fight for fifteen" crowd, clamoring.

I have no idea why they are clamoring. Minimum wage has always mystified me. The economics of it simply make no sense. The only thing it really accomplishes is securing an underclass for society to use.
Only Because we didn't solve simple poverty through unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed. That would act as an automatic stabilizer for our economy.

The difference would be, Persons can still spend money and participate in our market economy in a manner analogous to this concept regarding democracy:

The right wing simply doesn't like, the "liberty and equality" of natural rights.
What is special about fifteen? Why not more?
social services cost the equivalent to fourteen an hour; one dollar an hour more should encourage Labor to look for work if they don't want to be poor.

Where did you get that number from?
I found it on the internet; why else is the, "fight for fifteen" crowd, clamoring.

I have no idea why they are clamoring. Minimum wage has always mystified me. The economics of it simply make no sense. The only thing it really accomplishes is securing an underclass for society to use.
Only Because we didn't solve simple poverty through unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed. That would act as an automatic stabilizer for our economy.

The difference would be, Persons can still spend money and participate in our market economy in a manner analogous to this concept regarding democracy:

The right wing simple doesn't like, the "liberty and equality" of natural rights.
Yeah, yeah. I've heard all this nonsense. But it entirely ignore the realities of markets. I know it's all been explained to you by others, so I won't bother. I was just curious about your arbitrary choice of fifteen dollars an hour. If I really thought we could improve everyone's standard of living by just mandating higher wages, I'd go for a lot more than that.
social services cost the equivalent to fourteen an hour; one dollar an hour more should encourage Labor to look for work if they don't want to be poor.

Where did you get that number from?
I found it on the internet; why else is the, "fight for fifteen" crowd, clamoring.

I have no idea why they are clamoring. Minimum wage has always mystified me. The economics of it simply make no sense. The only thing it really accomplishes is securing an underclass for society to use.
Only Because we didn't solve simple poverty through unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed. That would act as an automatic stabilizer for our economy.

The difference would be, Persons can still spend money and participate in our market economy in a manner analogous to this concept regarding democracy:

The right wing simple doesn't like, the "liberty and equality" of natural rights.
Yeah, yeah. I've heard all this nonsense. But it entirely ignore the realities of markets.

Aristotle, gave me the clue and the Cause; the right wing has nothing but fallacy.

Get a right winger to actually debate this issue; so we can discuss it properly.
What is special about fifteen? Why not more?
social services cost the equivalent to fourteen an hour; one dollar an hour more should encourage Labor to look for work if they don't want to be poor.

Where did you get that number from?
I found it on the internet; why else is the, "fight for fifteen" crowd, clamoring.

I have no idea why they are clamoring. Minimum wage has always mystified me. The economics of it simply make no sense. The only thing it really accomplishes is securing an underclass for society to use.
Only Because we didn't solve simple poverty through unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed. That would act as an automatic stabilizer for our economy.

The difference would be, Persons can still spend money and participate in our market economy in a manner analogous to this concept regarding democracy:

The right wing simply doesn't like, the "liberty and equality" of natural rights.

Liberty and equality are found when government does not decide who, or which group, is in their own best interest. Liberty and equality is found when when individuals are allowed to succeed and fail based on their own merits, sweat of their brow or level of education they each choose (for themselves) to attain. You are not “entitled” to anything but what your own efforts achieves. Entitlement creates division, and it allows the few who have attained their own success to share their efforts with those who make less of an effort to.

If you want socialism and entitlement, then only use those cell phones, computers, homes, and transportation the government provides FOR you. Don’t engage in purchasing items where someone is profiting through capitalism. Live what you preach, if free market, consumer driven, capitalism is that bad.
social services cost the equivalent to fourteen an hour; one dollar an hour more should encourage Labor to look for work if they don't want to be poor.

Where did you get that number from?
I found it on the internet; why else is the, "fight for fifteen" crowd, clamoring.

I have no idea why they are clamoring. Minimum wage has always mystified me. The economics of it simply make no sense. The only thing it really accomplishes is securing an underclass for society to use.
Only Because we didn't solve simple poverty through unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed. That would act as an automatic stabilizer for our economy.

The difference would be, Persons can still spend money and participate in our market economy in a manner analogous to this concept regarding democracy:

The right wing simply doesn't like, the "liberty and equality" of natural rights.

Liberty and equality are found when government does not decide who, or which group, is in their own best interest. Liberty and equality is found when when individuals are allowed to succeed and fail based on their own merits, sweat of their brow or level of education they each choose (for themselves) to attain. You are not “entitled” to anything but what your own efforts achieves. Entitlement creates division, and it allows the few who have attained their own success to share their efforts with those who make less of an effort to.

If you want socialism and entitlement, then only use those cell phones, computers, homes, and transportation the government provides FOR you. Don’t engage in purchasing items where someone is profiting through capitalism. Live what you preach, if free market, consumer driven, capitalism is that bad.
You miss the point. It is about, "full employment of resources". Everybody has to share in the "responsibility of Government, in a true democracy".

In that same manner, "all adult market participants should be participating in our markets". Equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at the will of either party, can make that happen.

Yes, we are Entitled to equal protection of the law.

Spare me your alleged, "moral indignation". It requires morals and the right wing, has none.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Progressives are fucked in the head...

And they have no education then being snowflakes in their safe spaces.

Oh wow. The intellectual debate begins here.

I hear there are snowflakes on all sides btw. Some folks actually get OFFENDED when a boy kneels during the national anthem.

Kneeling offends them snowflakes I tell you, kneeling like at the Catholic Mass or when you get knighted.

Given that they are kneeling PRECISELY for the purpose of being offensive, you wouldn't want us to hurt their feelings by making them feel ineffectual, would you?
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
I’m sure part of it is the need for affordable healthcare. Repubs have no answer. Countries with socialized healthcare seem to have an answer.

Both parties are deep into social policies. Look at republicans and deals like Foxconn.

"I'm sure part of it is because I'm so damned smart, and my worldview is reality! That HAS to be it!"

Spare me.

ALL of it is because they - like you - have been lied to, and they - like you - are too damned simpleminded to pull their heads out and think for themselves.

As much as I hate to say it, the origin of ALL the bad ideas that are so popular right now come from the same place: a lack of individual critical thinking.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Progressives are fucked in the head...

And they have no education then being snowflakes in their safe spaces.

Oh wow. The intellectual debate begins here.

I hear there are snowflakes on all sides btw. Some folks actually get OFFENDED when a boy kneels during the national anthem.

Kneeling offends them snowflakes I tell you, kneeling like at the Catholic Mass or when you get knighted.

Given that they are kneeling PRECISELY for the purpose of being offensive, you wouldn't want us to hurt their feelings by making them feel ineffectual, would you?
bringing it to national attention, is something.
You'll have to do better than scream SOCIALISM and insult people.
Let's see how that goes.
Problem is, people know that's not the goal. They look at other countries. Canada. Australia. Germany.

So something better is still needed. It will need to include reason and intelligence.

Problem is, people have always had trouble understanding which road is paved with good intentions, and that the goal doesn't necessarily dictate where you actually end up.
You'll have to do better than scream SOCIALISM and insult people.
Let's see how that goes.
Problem is, people know that's not the goal. They look at other countries. Canada. Australia. Germany.

So something better is still needed. It will need to include reason and intelligence.

Problem is, people have always had trouble understanding which road is paved with good intentions, and that the goal doesn't necessarily dictate where you actually end up.
Agreed. But to me, that just means making sure they have enough information to make the smartest possible decisions.

That's hard work. It requires reason and clarity and patience. I don't see any of those qualities right now, just platitudes.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Progressives are fucked in the head...

And they have no education then being snowflakes in their safe spaces.

Oh wow. The intellectual debate begins here.

I hear there are snowflakes on all sides btw. Some folks actually get OFFENDED when a boy kneels during the national anthem.

Kneeling offends them snowflakes I tell you, kneeling like at the Catholic Mass or when you get knighted.

Given that they are kneeling PRECISELY for the purpose of being offensive, you wouldn't want us to hurt their feelings by making them feel ineffectual, would you?

lol. That's good.

As long as we're not all hypocrites calling people snowflakes for this or that then getting offended by someone getting on their knees. We can agree or disagree with the protestors or the Trump or whoever. Inconsistencies annoy me though lol.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Progressives are fucked in the head...

And they have no education then being snowflakes in their safe spaces.

Oh wow. The intellectual debate begins here.

I hear there are snowflakes on all sides btw. Some folks actually get OFFENDED when a boy kneels during the national anthem.

Kneeling offends them snowflakes I tell you, kneeling like at the Catholic Mass or when you get knighted.

Given that they are kneeling PRECISELY for the purpose of being offensive, you wouldn't want us to hurt their feelings by making them feel ineffectual, would you?

lol. That's good.

As long as we're not all hypocrites calling people snowflakes for this or that then getting offended by someone getting on their knees. We can agree or disagree with the protestors or the Trump or whoever. Inconsistencies annoy me though lol.

Sorry, but your view of "inconsistencies" - which apparently means "you have to like whatever I think you should, or you're 'inconsistent'" matters not at all to me. There's a difference between being rightly offended by things that are, after all, INTENDED to be offensive, and being offended by every frigging blink of other people's eyes because you're LOOKING to be offended. That you don't see that difference doesn't mean it isn't there; it just means you don't want to see it, because you want to be an asshole while claiming it's everyone else's fault.
Problem is, people know that's not the goal. They look at other countries. Canada. Australia. Germany.

So something better is still needed. It will need to include reason and intelligence.
Canada, Australia, and Germany do not have complete socialist economies where the state owns the means of production. Besides, they are close allies with the nation sporting the most powerful military the world has ever known. Those nations have the benefit of American tax payers funding a HUGE percentage of their defense.

Count me in as one wants much less defense spending, but watch these other nations slowly slip in standards of living as the responsibility for their defense starts to take its toll.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Progressives are fucked in the head...

And they have no education then being snowflakes in their safe spaces.

Oh wow. The intellectual debate begins here.

I hear there are snowflakes on all sides btw. Some folks actually get OFFENDED when a boy kneels during the national anthem.

Kneeling offends them snowflakes I tell you, kneeling like at the Catholic Mass or when you get knighted.

Given that they are kneeling PRECISELY for the purpose of being offensive, you wouldn't want us to hurt their feelings by making them feel ineffectual, would you?

lol. That's good.

As long as we're not all hypocrites calling people snowflakes for this or that then getting offended by someone getting on their knees. We can agree or disagree with the protestors or the Trump or whoever. Inconsistencies annoy me though lol.

Sorry, but your view of "inconsistencies" - which apparently means "you have to like whatever I think you should, or you're 'inconsistent'" matters not at all to me. There's a difference between being rightly offended by things that are, after all, INTENDED to be offensive, and being offended by every frigging blink of other people's eyes because you're LOOKING to be offended. That you don't see that difference doesn't mean it isn't there; it just means you don't want to see it, because you want to be an asshole while claiming it's everyone else's fault.

So a man kneeling offends you?

At the most holy time of Catholic Mass when they theing the eucharist is becoming the body and blood of christ they kneel.

This man KNEELING offends you?

Or is it his point of view which offends you?

Notice I did not say that you disagree with him. Disagreeing on how beautiful a woman is or the effects of tariffs is different than being offended when I call a woman beautiful or when I support big government tariffs.
the left should be advocating for more cooperation between academia and Government; State legislatures should be asking their Academics, for Pareto optimal solutions to any given problem in our State.
Problem is, people know that's not the goal. They look at other countries. Canada. Australia. Germany.

So something better is still needed. It will need to include reason and intelligence.
Canada, Australia, and Germany do not have complete socialist economies where the state owns the means of production. Besides, they are close allies with the nation sporting the most powerful military the world has ever known. Those nations have the benefit of American tax payers funding a HUGE percentage of their defense.

Count me in as one wants much less defense spending, but watch these other nations slowly slip in standards of living as the responsibility for their defense starts to take its toll.
My only point is that those who are advocating for "socialism" are pointing at those countries, not Venezuela. Euro-socialism.

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