Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden

All of a sudden in the 1930's socialism became popular in America as New Deal programs with socialist tenets were implemented to resolve the Great Depression by creating jobs and eventually prepare for WWII. 90 years later and 90 years after socialism became a major structure and part of the American economy, in 2018 some Americans are whining about Socialism "suddenly" becoming popular as if socialism in America is "new".
You are right.

Democrats are introducing communism now, not socialism.

You don't know what communism is junior. But what you want is fascism. That's what your white nationalism is.
White nationalism =//= fascism

Fascism is a specific type of government.

White nationalism is wanting a nation for white people.

You don’t know what any of the 3 terms are, moron.

I said what I did because I know what I am saying.

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization
  2. (in general use) extreme authoritarian, oppressive, or intolerant views or practices.


fas·cism | \ ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi- \
Definition of fascism

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
Plenty of white nationalists are in favor of a Republic, moron.

White nationalism is purely about forming a white nation state. That nation state can have any form of government.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Decades of increasing doses of Gubmint Cheese (social services programming and benefits) have made us lazy enough to go for it?

There are some things that we do better collectively, but we keep waffling between Bedford Falls and Pottersville, and can't get it right.

That's a fallacy to put it nicely.
Well... that's one opinion... declaring it thus does not render it thus, but... thank you for your feedback.

Actually it does since I worked with people on so called government programs and did not see one who chose tp stay on that program for life. So until you can restructure your thinking to talk about the government programs that never end like those which gives oil companies billions in subsidies while they make record profits, and other never ending programs for to the richest, then you will make sense.

Not to mention the huge amount of money we spend on the military.

If you "worked with" people on government programs----you were dealing
with people who did not WANT TO STAY on the government programs. Lots
of people stay on government programs for life. For the record----I am
PRO-WELFARE programs for those who need them. However in my own work
I have seen lots of exploitation and welfare as a "way of life" Right now---in my
state-----it is CLEAR that the politician who promises bread and circuses WINS.
It is very clear to me that that "the shit will soon hit the fan"------in my city the issue
is housing. Remember Robert Moses? He tried and failed ABYSMALLY
to HOUSE THE MASSES. My city is RIGHT NOW making the same mistake
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Decades of increasing doses of Gubmint Cheese (social services programming and benefits) have made us lazy enough to go for it?

There are some things that we do better collectively, but we keep waffling between Bedford Falls and Pottersville, and can't get it right.

That's a fallacy to put it nicely.
Well... that's one opinion... declaring it thus does not render it thus, but... thank you for your feedback.

Actually it does since I worked with people on so called government programs and did not see one who chose tp stay on that program for life. So until you can restructure your thinking to talk about the government programs that never end like those which gives oil companies billions in subsidies while they make record profits, and other never ending programs for to the richest, then you will make sense.

Not to mention the huge amount of money we spend on the military.

If you "worked with" people on government programs----you were dealing
with people who did not WANT TO STAY on the government programs. Lots
of people stay on government programs for life. For the record----I am
PRO-WELFARE programs for those who need them. However in my own work
I have seen lots of exploitation and welfare as a "way of life" Right now---in my
state-----it is CLEAR that the politician who promises bread and circuses WINS.
It is very clear to me that that "the shit will soon hit the fan"------in my city the issue
is housing. Remember Robert Moses? He tried and failed ABYSMALLY
to HOUSE THE MASSES. My city is RIGHT NOW making the same mistake

Sure, yeah, right. You only get 5 years lifetime on welfare since 1998 irosie, you can't say in welfare for life. Unless you are a corporation, a farmer, or a billionaire.
All of a sudden in the 1930's socialism became popular in America as New Deal programs with socialist tenets were implemented to resolve the Great Depression by creating jobs and eventually prepare for WWII. 90 years later and 90 years after socialism became a major structure and part of the American economy, in 2018 some Americans are whining about Socialism "suddenly" becoming popular as if socialism in America is "new".
You are right.

Democrats are introducing communism now, not socialism.

You don't know what communism is junior. But what you want is fascism. That's what your white nationalism is.
White nationalism =//= fascism

Fascism is a specific type of government.

White nationalism is wanting a nation for white people.

You don’t know what any of the 3 terms are, moron.

I said what I did because I know what I am saying.

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization
  2. (in general use) extreme authoritarian, oppressive, or intolerant views or practices.


fas·cism | \ ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi- \
Definition of fascism

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
Plenty of white nationalists are in favor of a Republic, moron.

White nationalism is purely about forming a white nation state. That nation state can have any form of government.

You're a fascist.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Decades of increasing doses of Gubmint Cheese (social services programming and benefits) have made us lazy enough to go for it?

There are some things that we do better collectively, but we keep waffling between Bedford Falls and Pottersville, and can't get it right.

That's a fallacy to put it nicely.
Well... that's one opinion... declaring it thus does not render it thus, but... thank you for your feedback.

Actually it does since I worked with people on so called government programs and did not see one who chose tp stay on that program for life. So until you can restructure your thinking to talk about the government programs that never end like those which gives oil companies billions in subsidies while they make record profits, and other never ending programs for to the richest, then you will make sense.

Not to mention the huge amount of money we spend on the military.

If you "worked with" people on government programs----you were dealing
with people who did not WANT TO STAY on the government programs. Lots
of people stay on government programs for life. For the record----I am
PRO-WELFARE programs for those who need them. However in my own work
I have seen lots of exploitation and welfare as a "way of life" Right now---in my
state-----it is CLEAR that the politician who promises bread and circuses WINS.
It is very clear to me that that "the shit will soon hit the fan"------in my city the issue
is housing. Remember Robert Moses? He tried and failed ABYSMALLY
to HOUSE THE MASSES. My city is RIGHT NOW making the same mistake
Yet, the right wing cannot solve simple poverty, even in right to work States, or give federal employees a raise.
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Decades of increasing doses of Gubmint Cheese (social services programming and benefits) have made us lazy enough to go for it?

There are some things that we do better collectively, but we keep waffling between Bedford Falls and Pottersville, and can't get it right.

That's a fallacy to put it nicely.
Well... that's one opinion... declaring it thus does not render it thus, but... thank you for your feedback.

Actually it does since I worked with people on so called government programs and did not see one who chose tp stay on that program for life. So until you can restructure your thinking to talk about the government programs that never end like those which gives oil companies billions in subsidies while they make record profits, and other never ending programs for to the richest, then you will make sense.

Not to mention the huge amount of money we spend on the military.

If you "worked with" people on government programs----you were dealing
with people who did not WANT TO STAY on the government programs. Lots
of people stay on government programs for life. For the record----I am
PRO-WELFARE programs for those who need them. However in my own work
I have seen lots of exploitation and welfare as a "way of life" Right now---in my
state-----it is CLEAR that the politician who promises bread and circuses WINS.
It is very clear to me that that "the shit will soon hit the fan"------in my city the issue
is housing. Remember Robert Moses? He tried and failed ABYSMALLY
to HOUSE THE MASSES. My city is RIGHT NOW making the same mistake

Sure, yeah, right. You only get 5 years lifetime on welfare since 1998 irosie, you can't say in welfare for life. Unless you are a corporation, a farmer, or a billionaire.

there are all kinds of "benefits" and various ways to get them-----
Decades of increasing doses of Gubmint Cheese (social services programming and benefits) have made us lazy enough to go for it?

There are some things that we do better collectively, but we keep waffling between Bedford Falls and Pottersville, and can't get it right.

That's a fallacy to put it nicely.
Well... that's one opinion... declaring it thus does not render it thus, but... thank you for your feedback.

Actually it does since I worked with people on so called government programs and did not see one who chose tp stay on that program for life. So until you can restructure your thinking to talk about the government programs that never end like those which gives oil companies billions in subsidies while they make record profits, and other never ending programs for to the richest, then you will make sense.

Not to mention the huge amount of money we spend on the military.

If you "worked with" people on government programs----you were dealing
with people who did not WANT TO STAY on the government programs. Lots
of people stay on government programs for life. For the record----I am
PRO-WELFARE programs for those who need them. However in my own work
I have seen lots of exploitation and welfare as a "way of life" Right now---in my
state-----it is CLEAR that the politician who promises bread and circuses WINS.
It is very clear to me that that "the shit will soon hit the fan"------in my city the issue
is housing. Remember Robert Moses? He tried and failed ABYSMALLY
to HOUSE THE MASSES. My city is RIGHT NOW making the same mistake
Yet, the right wing cannot solve simple poverty, even in right to work States, or give federal employees a raise.

so far no one has been able to solve simple poverty-----IMHO----the republicans are NOW-----doing a better job than are the NEW DEMOS. Right to work was ----at one time, a DEMO thing, Unions were demo things<<< good demos Now the primary demo things in my state are FREEBIES for any group that declares itself as "people of color" ALL PEOPLE are eligible to declare themselves "PEOPLE OF COLOR" ---- Sobie------even red cheeked polacks can DECIDE to be "people of color" (spread it around in Greenpoint---sobie) There is a person Linda Sarsour----who put a rag on her head and thereby became a "person of color" Sobie----tell your fellows to construct
a hat that looks like a pierogi and declare "PIEROGI PERSONS OF COLOR"
an oppressed race----in order to BECOME eligible. Worry not-----the donkey
is, PRESENTLY, that pixilated
That's a fallacy to put it nicely.
Well... that's one opinion... declaring it thus does not render it thus, but... thank you for your feedback.

Actually it does since I worked with people on so called government programs and did not see one who chose tp stay on that program for life. So until you can restructure your thinking to talk about the government programs that never end like those which gives oil companies billions in subsidies while they make record profits, and other never ending programs for to the richest, then you will make sense.

Not to mention the huge amount of money we spend on the military.

If you "worked with" people on government programs----you were dealing
with people who did not WANT TO STAY on the government programs. Lots
of people stay on government programs for life. For the record----I am
PRO-WELFARE programs for those who need them. However in my own work
I have seen lots of exploitation and welfare as a "way of life" Right now---in my
state-----it is CLEAR that the politician who promises bread and circuses WINS.
It is very clear to me that that "the shit will soon hit the fan"------in my city the issue
is housing. Remember Robert Moses? He tried and failed ABYSMALLY
to HOUSE THE MASSES. My city is RIGHT NOW making the same mistake

Sure, yeah, right. You only get 5 years lifetime on welfare since 1998 irosie, you can't say in welfare for life. Unless you are a corporation, a farmer, or a billionaire.

there are all kinds of "benefits" and various ways to get them-----
That's a fallacy to put it nicely.
Well... that's one opinion... declaring it thus does not render it thus, but... thank you for your feedback.

Actually it does since I worked with people on so called government programs and did not see one who chose tp stay on that program for life. So until you can restructure your thinking to talk about the government programs that never end like those which gives oil companies billions in subsidies while they make record profits, and other never ending programs for to the richest, then you will make sense.

Not to mention the huge amount of money we spend on the military.

If you "worked with" people on government programs----you were dealing
with people who did not WANT TO STAY on the government programs. Lots
of people stay on government programs for life. For the record----I am
PRO-WELFARE programs for those who need them. However in my own work
I have seen lots of exploitation and welfare as a "way of life" Right now---in my
state-----it is CLEAR that the politician who promises bread and circuses WINS.
It is very clear to me that that "the shit will soon hit the fan"------in my city the issue
is housing. Remember Robert Moses? He tried and failed ABYSMALLY
to HOUSE THE MASSES. My city is RIGHT NOW making the same mistake
Yet, the right wing cannot solve simple poverty, even in right to work States, or give federal employees a raise.

so far no one has been able to solve simple poverty-----IMHO----the republicans are NOW-----doing a better job than are the NEW DEMOS. Right to work was ----at one time, a DEMO thing, Unions were demo things<<< good demos Now the primary demo things in my state are FREEBIES for any group that declares itself as "people of color" ALL PEOPLE are eligible to declare themselves "PEOPLE OF COLOR" ---- Sobie------even red cheeked polacks can DECIDE to be "people of color" (spread it around in Greenpoint---sobie) There is a person Linda Sarsour----who put a rag on her head and thereby became a "person of color" Sobie----tell your fellows to construct
a hat that looks like a pierogi and declare "PIEROGI PERSONS OF COLOR"
an oppressed race----in order to BECOME eligible. Worry not-----the donkey
is, PRESENTLY, that pixilated
it is not difficult; the right wing doesn't like it, Because the Poor, may benefit.
Well... that's one opinion... declaring it thus does not render it thus, but... thank you for your feedback.

Actually it does since I worked with people on so called government programs and did not see one who chose tp stay on that program for life. So until you can restructure your thinking to talk about the government programs that never end like those which gives oil companies billions in subsidies while they make record profits, and other never ending programs for to the richest, then you will make sense.

Not to mention the huge amount of money we spend on the military.

If you "worked with" people on government programs----you were dealing
with people who did not WANT TO STAY on the government programs. Lots
of people stay on government programs for life. For the record----I am
PRO-WELFARE programs for those who need them. However in my own work
I have seen lots of exploitation and welfare as a "way of life" Right now---in my
state-----it is CLEAR that the politician who promises bread and circuses WINS.
It is very clear to me that that "the shit will soon hit the fan"------in my city the issue
is housing. Remember Robert Moses? He tried and failed ABYSMALLY
to HOUSE THE MASSES. My city is RIGHT NOW making the same mistake

Sure, yeah, right. You only get 5 years lifetime on welfare since 1998 irosie, you can't say in welfare for life. Unless you are a corporation, a farmer, or a billionaire.

there are all kinds of "benefits" and various ways to get them-----
Well... that's one opinion... declaring it thus does not render it thus, but... thank you for your feedback.

Actually it does since I worked with people on so called government programs and did not see one who chose tp stay on that program for life. So until you can restructure your thinking to talk about the government programs that never end like those which gives oil companies billions in subsidies while they make record profits, and other never ending programs for to the richest, then you will make sense.

Not to mention the huge amount of money we spend on the military.

If you "worked with" people on government programs----you were dealing
with people who did not WANT TO STAY on the government programs. Lots
of people stay on government programs for life. For the record----I am
PRO-WELFARE programs for those who need them. However in my own work
I have seen lots of exploitation and welfare as a "way of life" Right now---in my
state-----it is CLEAR that the politician who promises bread and circuses WINS.
It is very clear to me that that "the shit will soon hit the fan"------in my city the issue
is housing. Remember Robert Moses? He tried and failed ABYSMALLY
to HOUSE THE MASSES. My city is RIGHT NOW making the same mistake
Yet, the right wing cannot solve simple poverty, even in right to work States, or give federal employees a raise.

so far no one has been able to solve simple poverty-----IMHO----the republicans are NOW-----doing a better job than are the NEW DEMOS. Right to work was ----at one time, a DEMO thing, Unions were demo things<<< good demos Now the primary demo things in my state are FREEBIES for any group that declares itself as "people of color" ALL PEOPLE are eligible to declare themselves "PEOPLE OF COLOR" ---- Sobie------even red cheeked polacks can DECIDE to be "people of color" (spread it around in Greenpoint---sobie) There is a person Linda Sarsour----who put a rag on her head and thereby became a "person of color" Sobie----tell your fellows to construct
a hat that looks like a pierogi and declare "PIEROGI PERSONS OF COLOR"
an oppressed race----in order to BECOME eligible. Worry not-----the donkey
is, PRESENTLY, that pixilated
it is not difficult; the right wing doesn't like it, Because the Poor, may benefit.

no longer true-------Trump---is under the façade----a DEMOCRAT which is why
I voted for him. -------the donkey is only temporarily pixilated but PRESENTLY
highly destructive
Actually it does since I worked with people on so called government programs and did not see one who chose tp stay on that program for life. So until you can restructure your thinking to talk about the government programs that never end like those which gives oil companies billions in subsidies while they make record profits, and other never ending programs for to the richest, then you will make sense.

Not to mention the huge amount of money we spend on the military.

If you "worked with" people on government programs----you were dealing
with people who did not WANT TO STAY on the government programs. Lots
of people stay on government programs for life. For the record----I am
PRO-WELFARE programs for those who need them. However in my own work
I have seen lots of exploitation and welfare as a "way of life" Right now---in my
state-----it is CLEAR that the politician who promises bread and circuses WINS.
It is very clear to me that that "the shit will soon hit the fan"------in my city the issue
is housing. Remember Robert Moses? He tried and failed ABYSMALLY
to HOUSE THE MASSES. My city is RIGHT NOW making the same mistake

Sure, yeah, right. You only get 5 years lifetime on welfare since 1998 irosie, you can't say in welfare for life. Unless you are a corporation, a farmer, or a billionaire.

there are all kinds of "benefits" and various ways to get them-----
Actually it does since I worked with people on so called government programs and did not see one who chose tp stay on that program for life. So until you can restructure your thinking to talk about the government programs that never end like those which gives oil companies billions in subsidies while they make record profits, and other never ending programs for to the richest, then you will make sense.

Not to mention the huge amount of money we spend on the military.

If you "worked with" people on government programs----you were dealing
with people who did not WANT TO STAY on the government programs. Lots
of people stay on government programs for life. For the record----I am
PRO-WELFARE programs for those who need them. However in my own work
I have seen lots of exploitation and welfare as a "way of life" Right now---in my
state-----it is CLEAR that the politician who promises bread and circuses WINS.
It is very clear to me that that "the shit will soon hit the fan"------in my city the issue
is housing. Remember Robert Moses? He tried and failed ABYSMALLY
to HOUSE THE MASSES. My city is RIGHT NOW making the same mistake
Yet, the right wing cannot solve simple poverty, even in right to work States, or give federal employees a raise.

so far no one has been able to solve simple poverty-----IMHO----the republicans are NOW-----doing a better job than are the NEW DEMOS. Right to work was ----at one time, a DEMO thing, Unions were demo things<<< good demos Now the primary demo things in my state are FREEBIES for any group that declares itself as "people of color" ALL PEOPLE are eligible to declare themselves "PEOPLE OF COLOR" ---- Sobie------even red cheeked polacks can DECIDE to be "people of color" (spread it around in Greenpoint---sobie) There is a person Linda Sarsour----who put a rag on her head and thereby became a "person of color" Sobie----tell your fellows to construct
a hat that looks like a pierogi and declare "PIEROGI PERSONS OF COLOR"
an oppressed race----in order to BECOME eligible. Worry not-----the donkey
is, PRESENTLY, that pixilated
it is not difficult; the right wing doesn't like it, Because the Poor, may benefit.

no longer true-------Trump---is under the façade----a DEMOCRAT which is why
I voted for him. -------the donkey is only temporarily pixilated but PRESENTLY
highly destructive
only in right wing fantasy. the rich already got richer, faster.

and, no raises for federal workers and social service cuts for the Poor, is what the right wing is about.
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it is not difficult; the right wing doesn't like it, Because the Poor, may benefit.
What a truck-load of horseshit. You could dry that out and fertilize the lawn with it.

The "right wing" knows how the economy works. The poor in Venezuela benefited for all of a month or two before reality set in.

Those who support socialism MUST reject any well-developed Anthropological theory. Otherwise, that is a perfect example of cognitive dissonance.

Greed, lust, laziness, pride, etc. are primal human traits necessary for the survival of the species. Those human traits cannot be suppressed.

Productive people will not work hard if hard work gets them no additional value. The socialist must naively believe that people will work hard out of a sense of duty to society. (That is why I am convinced that all socialists are either filthy, lying tyrants, or they fucking idiots.)

Laziness will ALWAYS outwork duty unless there are incentives, and therein lies the UNAVOIDABLE and IRREPARABLE flaw in socialism.

Socialist nations have discovered the enormous flaw in socialism, and have incentivized productivity with threats and fear, which is what I like to call slavery.

So, take your flawed economic system and do it elsewhere. It has no place in America.
it is not difficult; the right wing doesn't like it, Because the Poor, may benefit.
What a truck-load of horseshit. You could dry that out and fertilize the lawn with it.

The "right wing" knows how the economy works. The poor in Venezuela benefited for all of a month or two before reality set in.

Those who support socialism MUST reject any well-developed Anthropological theory. Otherwise, that is a perfect example of cognitive dissonance.

Greed, lust, laziness, pride, etc. are primal human traits necessary for the survival of the species. Those human traits cannot be suppressed.

Productive people will not work hard if hard work gets them no additional value. The socialist must naively believe that people will work hard out of a sense of duty to society. (That is why I am convinced that all socialists are either filthy, lying tyrants, or they fucking idiots.)

Laziness will ALWAYS outwork duty unless there are incentives, and therein lies the UNAVOIDABLE and IRREPARABLE flaw in socialism.

Socialist nations have discovered the enormous flaw in socialism, and have incentivized productivity with threats and fear, which is what I like to call slavery.

So, take your flawed economic system and do it elsewhere. It has no place in America.
All we really need is fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States, along with Industrial Automation to help with social costs.
All of a sudden in the 1930's socialism became popular in America as New Deal programs with socialist tenets were implemented to resolve the Great Depression by creating jobs and eventually prepare for WWII. 90 years later and 90 years after socialism became a major structure and part of the American economy, in 2018 some Americans are whining about Socialism "suddenly" becoming popular as if socialism in America is "new".
You are right.

Democrats are introducing communism now, not socialism.

Democrats and Republicans are on the same track: corporatism. Corporatism is not, as many assume, government and business colluding. It's government that dispenses with the goal of protecting individual rights and, instead, seeks to control society by distributing power and privilege to organized interest groups. It's compatible with both socialism and crony capitalism, which is why Democrats and Republicans both like it.
Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?

It’s populer here (in America) like Buddhism is. They like the asthmatics of it because it’s a cool word, has neet schwag and cool T-shirts, but no American Buddhist believes in it at all. So a socialist in America is nothing more then a stay at home dad drinking wine with the fellas saying “damn the man” and “facist” allot.
All of a sudden in the 1930's socialism became popular in America as New Deal programs with socialist tenets were implemented to resolve the Great Depression by creating jobs and eventually prepare for WWII. 90 years later and 90 years after socialism became a major structure and part of the American economy, in 2018 some Americans are whining about Socialism "suddenly" becoming popular as if socialism in America is "new".
You are right.

Democrats are introducing communism now, not socialism.

Democrats and Republicans are on the same track: corporatism. Corporatism is not, as many assume, government and business colluding. It's government that dispenses with the goal of protecting individual rights and, instead, seeks to control society by distributing power and privilege to organized interest groups. It's compatible with both socialism and crony capitalism, which is why Democrats and Republicans both like it.

Hate to tell you but the government has really never been on the side of individuals and we see rulings that protected specific groups since day 1. And that was before there ever was a democratic or republican party.
All of a sudden in the 1930's socialism became popular in America as New Deal programs with socialist tenets were implemented to resolve the Great Depression by creating jobs and eventually prepare for WWII. 90 years later and 90 years after socialism became a major structure and part of the American economy, in 2018 some Americans are whining about Socialism "suddenly" becoming popular as if socialism in America is "new".
You are right.

Democrats are introducing communism now, not socialism.

Democrats and Republicans are on the same track: corporatism. Corporatism is not, as many assume, government and business colluding. It's government that dispenses with the goal of protecting individual rights and, instead, seeks to control society by distributing power and privilege to organized interest groups. It's compatible with both socialism and crony capitalism, which is why Democrats and Republicans both like it.

Hate to tell you but the government has really never been on the side of individuals and we see rulings that protected specific groups since day 1. And that was before there ever was a democratic or republican party.

Oh, I hear you. It's been a constant struggle. Freedom is always the exception, rather than the rule, and many people in the US - from the beginning - have sought authoritarian government.

But in the last fifty years or so, I've seen real changes. When I was a kid, Democrats used to stand up for the rights of people with unpopular opinions. Now they lead pogroms against them. Republicans used to celebrate the "melting pot", embracing our role as a refuge for people looking for a better way. Now they want to build walls. Both parties used to hold up equal rights as the goal, but now they are preoccupied with using government to reward their friends and punish their enemies.

Democrats aren't going to give you a socialist paradise. Republicans aren't building Galt's Gulch. They're both herding you into their pens for easier processing.
do some research on that free Canadian healthcare
germany has a large jump in the number of rapes
why did England leave the EU?
There is certainly no perfect system. But more and more people are comfortable with the idea that a stronger safety net would be a good thing in the most prosperous nation on the planet.

Just pointing at imperfections and screaming SOCIALISM MARXISM VENEZUELA AAAUUUGGGHHH simply won't be good enough any more.
b/c of that, we don't need a strong safety net.

hope that sinks in
Great, run with that.
like a stone

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