Why is Texas seeing such weather extremes?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

It is just the beginning. Scientist see weather extremes and wild fires to increase as the atmosphere warms. It may be too late to reverse much of the damage that fossil fuels have inflicted on the planet? All the efforts that the Biden administration has put in place will be lost if trump is re-elected. He has said he will stop the US efforts to increase EV sales.

It is just the beginning. Scientist see weather extremes and wild fires to increase as the atmosphere warms. It may be too late to reverse much of the damage that fossil fuels have inflicted on the planet? All the efforts that the Biden administration has put in place will be lost if trump is re-elected. He has said he will stop the US efforts to increase EV sales.


It's the fact of human caused climate change.

It is just the beginning. Scientist see weather extremes and wild fires to increase as the atmosphere warms. It may be too late to reverse much of the damage that fossil fuels have inflicted on the planet? All the efforts that the Biden administration has put in place will be lost if trump is re-elected. He has said he will stop the US efforts to increase EV sales.

Just like unvaccinated people paid the most, so too are red states who vote for politicians who argue with science. Also good female doctors are leaving red states. So the women in red states will suffer for their new abortion laws. Back to the days when dentists also delivered children.

It is just the beginning. Scientist see weather extremes and wild fires to increase as the atmosphere warms. It may be too late to reverse much of the damage that fossil fuels have inflicted on the planet? All the efforts that the Biden administration has put in place will be lost if trump is re-elected. He has said he will stop the US efforts to increase EV sales.

You anti-science AGWCultists should be on antipsychotics

We need more EV stations ay $1 Billion a pop!
Just like unvaccinated people paid the most, so too are red states who vote for politicians who argue with science. Also good female doctors are leaving red states. So the women in red states will suffer for their new abortion laws. Back to the days when dentists also delivered children.
Like I said in another thread. Iran has their Morality Police. The US has the Republican Party.

It's the fact of human caused climate change.
Yesterday I got a Republican who denies man made climate change. I told him I didn't believe we landed on the moon. Boy did he get mad when I doubted NASA

It is undeniable that human activities have produced the atmospheric gases that have trapped more of the Sun's energy in the Earth system. This extra energy has warmed the atmosphere, ocean, and land, and widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere, and biosphere have occurred

So he must thing the Global Warming division of NASA is corrupt but the fly people to the moon department is not. LOL
You anti-science AGWCultists should be on antipsychotics

We need more EV stations ay $1 Billion a pop!
No doubt going green is going to cost us. Especially when you won't make the corporate polluters pay. But it'll be worth it in the long run. Once the EV stations are built and we slowly get people off gas, your gas prices will go down, the planet will heal itself, you will live 3 years longer. It's all good.

But yea, I would have made the corporate polluters pay more but Republicans won't allow that. They'll just pass on the costs to us right? Pussy.
Texas has always had bad weather, for one, and for two, it's the solar and wind scams that keep crapping out and causing power failures, i.e. the idiotic Green garbage. We have more than enough natural gas, and there are Europeans who can build us pretty solid nuclear plants, so it's obvious the 'shortages' are deliberate and completely unnecessary.
Just like unvaccinated people paid the most, so too are red states who vote for politicians who argue with science. Also good female doctors are leaving red states. So the women in red states will suffer for their new abortion laws. Back to the days when dentists also delivered children.

lol the population here is booming. You're just dumb is all.
Texas has always had bad weather, for one, and for two, it's the solar and wind scams that keep crapping out and causing power failures, i.e. the idiotic Green garbage. We have more than enough natural gas, and there are Europeans who can build us pretty solid nuclear plants, so it's obvious the 'shortages' are deliberate and completely unnecessary.

Hey Texas. Please don't blame us for your failures. Did we force idiotic Green garbage on you goobers? No we did not.

You guys should only sell Texas natural gas to Texans for cheap.

Why do the Europeans have to build your nuclear plants? Who's going to pay them? Texas?

Are you saying the Texas governor is playing you? Or is he not in on it?
Did we force idiotic Green garbage on you goobers? No we did not.

Yes, you did, and lying about it just makes you look even dumber and uninformed. Not a problem for you, in any case; credibility isn't important to you and the cultists.
lol the population here is booming. You're just dumb is all.
Good! Of course it's booming. With all the illegal employers hiring undocumented workers and all the women forced to have babies.

Your big cities are getting bigger. Texas will be blue soon. Did you know

As of July 1, 2023, Texas' population was estimated to be 30,503,301, which is a 1.58% increase from July 2022. This growth is due to new births and new residents moving to the state, and Texas is expected to continue growing, reaching a population of 30,699,849 by 2030. However, some areas of Texas have seen population decline, including rural areas and some counties:
  • Rural areas: The out-migration of young people and the downturn in the oil and gas sector have contributed to a shrinking population in rural Texas.
“Depending on which data you're looking at, around half or sometimes more than half of the 254 counties have lost their population,” explained You. According to the TDC, 75 of the state's counties shrank in population between 2022 and 2023. This trend could present a problem for rural Texas.
Just like unvaccinated people paid the most, so too are red states who vote for politicians who argue with science. Also good female doctors are leaving red states. So the women in red states will suffer for their new abortion laws. Back to the days when dentists also delivered children.

^^^Look at the conspiracy nut who still believes Biden's lie that vaccinated people can't get covid.

600,000 Americans died because of that lie. You probably killed several hundred yourself.

It is just the beginning. Scientist see weather extremes and wild fires to increase as the atmosphere warms. It may be too late to reverse much of the damage that fossil fuels have inflicted on the planet? All the efforts that the Biden administration has put in place will be lost if trump is re-elected. He has said he will stop the US efforts to increase EV sales.

Wow, the insanity is just oozing out your giant ears now jimboliar.
^^^Look at the conspiracy nut who still believes Biden's lie that vaccinated people can't get covid.

600,000 Americans died because of that lie. You probably killed several hundred yourself.
Most of the people who died before the vaccine, would not have died if they were vaccinated. Fact.

And most of the people who died after the vaccinate came out, were unvaccinated. So I don't know what you are talking about.

Every Republican Senator and Trump got the shot right?

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