Why is the Ayatollah praising Donald Trump?

khamenei predict trump will win


4 days before election

Khamenei said

Today, according to the Americans themselves, the U.S. government and the U.S. system are far from humane values. Have you watched the debates between the two American candidates? Did you observe the truths that they spoke of? Did you hear them? They exposed the U.S. They themselves said things many times [worse than] what we had said [about them] that many did not believe and did not want to believe. And what is interesting is that the one who said these more explicitly, got more attention from the people. Because that man [Trump] spoke more clearly, more explicitly, the people of America gathered their attention toward him. The opposing side said that he is acting like a populist; populism, why populism? Because the people saw what he said and saw that those words were the truth; they had observed those in the realities of their own lives.

Why is the Ayatollah praising Donald Trump?

Because he's scared.
fact :republican always were good for iran regime

Jimmy? Is that you?
who is jimmy ?
khamenei predict trump will win


4 days before election

Khamenei said

Today, according to the Americans themselves, the U.S. government and the U.S. system are far from humane values. Have you watched the debates between the two American candidates? Did you observe the truths that they spoke of? Did you hear them? They exposed the U.S. They themselves said things many times [worse than] what we had said [about them] that many did not believe and did not want to believe. And what is interesting is that the one who said these more explicitly, got more attention from the people. Because that man [Trump] spoke more clearly, more explicitly, the people of America gathered their attention toward him. The opposing side said that he is acting like a populist; populism, why populism? Because the people saw what he said and saw that those words were the truth; they had observed those in the realities of their own lives.

Why is the Ayatollah praising Donald Trump?

Because he's scared.
fact :republican always were good for iran regime

Jimmy? Is that you?
Yeah, Carter had those towel heads running scared, didn't he?
khamenei predict trump will win


4 days before election

Khamenei said

Today, according to the Americans themselves, the U.S. government and the U.S. system are far from humane values. Have you watched the debates between the two American candidates? Did you observe the truths that they spoke of? Did you hear them? They exposed the U.S. They themselves said things many times [worse than] what we had said [about them] that many did not believe and did not want to believe. And what is interesting is that the one who said these more explicitly, got more attention from the people. Because that man [Trump] spoke more clearly, more explicitly, the people of America gathered their attention toward him. The opposing side said that he is acting like a populist; populism, why populism? Because the people saw what he said and saw that those words were the truth; they had observed those in the realities of their own lives.

Why is the Ayatollah praising Donald Trump?

Because he's scared.
fact :republican always were good for iran regime
Right, that's why they let the hostages go when Reagan took over.

because they hate democrat carter.

it was gift for reagan
Who cares? :confused-84:
i must concur....who gives a fuck what that asswipe thinks....the Iranian people should be wondering how this guy is their so called leader.....
Why isn't it of interest to you? You SHOULD be interested that Khamenei AGREES with Trump on so many issues. If you think Khamenei is an "asswipe," what does that say about Trump? Does this not sound as if they are "birds of a feather?"
i have said before that he,trump, is also an asswipe......but i think the difference between he and khomeni is,trump wont insist you wear a burka or bow to mecca 3 times a day....
khamenei predict trump will win


4 days before election

Khamenei said

Today, according to the Americans themselves, the U.S. government and the U.S. system are far from humane values. Have you watched the debates between the two American candidates? Did you observe the truths that they spoke of? Did you hear them? They exposed the U.S. They themselves said things many times [worse than] what we had said [about them] that many did not believe and did not want to believe. And what is interesting is that the one who said these more explicitly, got more attention from the people. Because that man [Trump] spoke more clearly, more explicitly, the people of America gathered their attention toward him. The opposing side said that he is acting like a populist; populism, why populism? Because the people saw what he said and saw that those words were the truth; they had observed those in the realities of their own lives.

Why is the Ayatollah praising Donald Trump?
There is a steel rain storm a brewin perhaps???

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