Why is the Democratic candidate field....nothing but old white people?

So....what's with the Democrats? Nothing but old white people.

Martin O'Malley is 52. I suppose that would seem "old"...to a 12-year-old. It also makes him two years younger than Rand Paul.
Lincoln Chaffee is the same age as Carly Fiorina, and younger than Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, and Donald Trump.
Jim Webb is the same age as Donald Trump, who's older than Hillary Clinton.

But the all-time eldest Presidential candidate at age 77 was Ron Paul.

John McCain was 72 when he ran in 2008. Democrats said he was too old. Currently, Bernie Sanders is 74 and would be 75 if he gets the nomination. However, many of the ones who said McCain was too old say Sanders isn't.

Many Democrats say Reagan was too old. He was 69 years 11 months when he took office in 1981. Hillary Clinton would be 69 years 3 months on inauguration day if she won. I don't hear the Democrats saying anything about her being too old.

She's still younger than Trump, and waaay younger than Ron Paul. And it's - I assume - a Republican who started the OP.
Ya know....the past 7 years have made me pay more attention to diversity and care about race and my white privilege.

So....what's with the racist Democrats? Nothing but old white people.

No hispanics.
No blacks.
Only 1 establishment woman.
No younger candidates.

Just mad old whites. No diversity.
So...how many hispanics, blacks, younger or women candidates were rejected by the Democrats and told they could not run?
How many were told by republicans? Probably none you would be lying if you came up with any.
I didn't make such an assertion. So...I didn't come up with any. But then again, I'm not starting this thread, am I?
Ya know....the past 7 years have made me pay more attention to diversity and care about race and my white privilege.

So....what's with the racist Democrats? Nothing but old white people.

No hispanics.
No blacks.
Only 1 establishment woman.
No younger candidates.

Just mad old whites. No diversity.
So...how many hispanics, blacks, younger or women candidates were rejected by the Democrats and told they could not run?

Apparently all of them....since the Dems are offering nothing but old angry whites. Damn bigots.
What non-old angry whites were prevented to run on the Democrat ticket?
Ahh, do you remember when the right complained when they didn't have any minorities and the left pointed that out?

Do you remember how they defended it?

Pepperidge Farm remembers
Ok...so the OP wants to make a point that non-angry whites were somehow prevented to run for the Democratic ticket....if that's so, he should be able to give us some examples.

Or.....he's upset that there are no token minorities.
Ahh, do you remember when the right complained when they didn't have any minorities and the left pointed that out?

Do you remember how they defended it?

Pepperidge Farm remembers
Ok...so the OP wants to make a point that non-angry whites were somehow prevented to run for the Democratic ticket....if that's so, he should be able to give us some examples.

Or.....he's upset that there are no token minorities.

You tell me. That's what Dems always said about the angry white GOP. Now....it's your party's turn to splain yo self and yo bigotry.
Ahh, do you remember when the right complained when they didn't have any minorities and the left pointed that out?

Do you remember how they defended it?

Pepperidge Farm remembers
Ok...so the OP wants to make a point that non-angry whites were somehow prevented to run for the Democratic ticket....if that's so, he should be able to give us some examples.

Or.....he's upset that there are no token minorities.

You tell me. That's what Dems always said about the angry white GOP. Now....it's your party's turn to splain yo self and yo bigotry.
I'm sure you can link us to lots of examples.
Dems are going to have on hell of a time getting out all those Obama voters out in force to vote for some old white person like Cankletoes or Bernie.
Remember how they wailed the Republican party was the party of white people?

Now look at them. all meek and silent on those all white people running for president

you watch they'll go dig up another nobody who is minority to stick in there. all they do is play games on the people in this country.
I remember when the left ripped Reagan's age, he was 69 as he entered the White House, and had early stages of Alzheimers towards the end of his second term.
In January of 2017:

Hillary - 69
Joe B. - 74
Bernie - 75

The rest of the field are non-contenders.
So....what's with the Democrats? Nothing but old white people.

Martin O'Malley is 52. I suppose that would seem "old"...to a 12-year-old. It also makes him two years younger than Rand Paul.
Lincoln Chaffee is the same age as Carly Fiorina, and younger than Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, and Donald Trump.
Jim Webb is the same age as Donald Trump, who's older than Hillary Clinton.

But the all-time eldest Presidential candidate at age 77 was Ron Paul.

John McCain was 72 when he ran in 2008. Democrats said he was too old. Currently, Bernie Sanders is 74 and would be 75 if he gets the nomination. However, many of the ones who said McCain was too old say Sanders isn't.

Many Democrats say Reagan was too old. He was 69 years 11 months when he took office in 1981. Hillary Clinton would be 69 years 3 months on inauguration day if she won. I don't hear the Democrats saying anything about her being too old.

She's still younger than Trump, and waaay younger than Ron Paul. And it's - I assume - a Republican who started the OP.

Since Ron Paul wasn't a serious contender, using him makes you look foolish. Bernie Sanders is older than both McCain and Reagan as the same point in time yet many who said both of those were too old don't have a problem with Sanders being OLDER.
Ahh, do you remember when the right complained when they didn't have any minorities and the left pointed that out?

Do you remember how they defended it?

Pepperidge Farm remembers
Ok...so the OP wants to make a point that non-angry whites were somehow prevented to run for the Democratic ticket....if that's so, he should be able to give us some examples.

Or.....he's upset that there are no token minorities.

You tell me. That's what Dems always said about the angry white GOP. Now....it's your party's turn to splain yo self and yo bigotry.
I'm sure you can link us to lots of examples.

Dont be so sure, innuendo doesnt work like that.
So....what's with the Democrats? Nothing but old white people.

Martin O'Malley is 52. I suppose that would seem "old"...to a 12-year-old. It also makes him two years older than Rand Paul.
Lincoln Chaffee is the same age as Carly Fiorina, and younger than Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, and Donald Trump.
Jim Webb is the same age as Donald Trump, who's older than Hillary Clinton.

But the all-time eldest Presidential candidate at age 77 was Ron Paul.
And lets recall the great Negro support from democrats shall we?
Jesse Jackson ran and got NONE.
Al Sharpton ran and got NONE.
A FAKE Negro ran and got it all. Obama is 1/4 arab 1/4 Negro and 1/2 white.

The democrats have NEVER supported a REAL Negro like Alan West or Herman Cain or Colin Powell or Ben Carson.
Democrats PREFER FAKE Negros.

You cannot say that. Ber ashamed of yourself. It is a well known fact that Bill Clinton was the first Black American President.
I just posted this in a new thread. I thought it summed up the so called debate fairly well. SAD, a bunch of angry old white folks who seems to hate us and our country the same as Obama. is this what you all are going to vote for AGAIN? Listening to Obama put us down every day for eight years wasn't ENOUGH?

Democrats Debate: Two Hours I’ll Never Get Back
Derek Hunter | Oct 15, 2015
It’s over. The Democratic Party’s first debate just ended, and my main takeaway is how sad it is that the party of JFK has been reduced to five elderly white people arguing over who can out nut-job each other.

For all his problems, Kennedy was a tax-cutting anti-communist who loved and defended this country whose values have no place in today’s Democratic Party.

I don’t know what country those candidates were talking about, but it sounds awful. It has a rigged system that keeps down minorities, women, gays, men, aliens, animals, trees, anything living and most things dead. But somehow this horrible nation favors the rich. I’m not sure how they earn the money the rich steal from them since they’re so severely oppressed, but it all just sounds horrible.

Whoever has been running the place they were speaking about must be some kind of monster for not fixing these egregious injustices.

Fear not, America. Those Democrats running to replace that person promise more of the same, only with different results. There’s a definition of insanity in there somewhere.

The basic theme of the Democratic debate was: “Big government isn’t working, so we need bigger government.”

Aside from Jim Webb – who appears to have been in hibernation since the JFK days and still believes in what the Democratic Party once stood for – not a single candidate has any semblance of a realistic view of the world.

Martin O’Malley was a robot low on batteries. His most memorable moment was… Wait, he was there? O’Malley tries to speak in sweeping prose, but he never says anything. He’s the white Maya Angelou, minus the talent, who seems to be running for president only because he knows he’s otherwise unemployable outside of academia. I don’t promote drug use, but Marty could use a bump or two of cocaine before the next debate, if he makes it that long.

Lincoln Chafee was governor of Rhode Island. Seriously. In fact, Rhode Island elected him the mayor of a city and to the U.S. Senate before it made him governor. Again, I am not kidding. Our smallest state is, it turns out, our densest when it comes to crazy.

ALL of it here:
Democrats Debate: Two Hours I’ll Never Get Back
I find this diversity stuff funny over the years each party had had one female on the ticket neither has had a Hispanic and the only black is the current President. The Democrats will and another woman with Hillary and their is. reasonable chance the Republicans will put up the first Hispanic with Rubio but overall both parties are still highly white.
Bernie Sanders is older than both McCain and Reagan as the same point in time yet many who said both of those were too old don't have a problem with Sanders being OLDER.

I'd be more concerned about any candidate's health.

Strange thing is the Democrats didn't with McCain or Reagan. They used a NUMBER called age only.
As I recall, there were concerns about the fact that McCain was a cancer survivor. And if the truth were known about Reagan's health status at the time, far more concerns would have been raised.

But you're harboring a grudge from 1980? Really?
Bernie Sanders is older than both McCain and Reagan as the same point in time yet many who said both of those were too old don't have a problem with Sanders being OLDER.

I'd be more concerned about any candidate's health.

Strange thing is the Democrats didn't with McCain or Reagan. They used a NUMBER called age only.
As I recall, there were concerns about the fact that McCain was a cancer survivor. And if the truth were known about Reagan's health status at the time, far more concerns would have been raised.

But you're harboring a grudge from 1980? Really?

Hasn't Hillary had a series of fainting spells?

So you justify what was done in 1980 to Reagan on something not known at the time?

I use Reagan as an example just like the Democrats still do.
Bernie Sanders is older than both McCain and Reagan as the same point in time yet many who said both of those were too old don't have a problem with Sanders being OLDER.

I'd be more concerned about any candidate's health.

Strange thing is the Democrats didn't with McCain or Reagan. They used a NUMBER called age only.
As I recall, there were concerns about the fact that McCain was a cancer survivor. And if the truth were known about Reagan's health status at the time, far more concerns would have been raised.

But you're harboring a grudge from 1980? Really?

Hasn't Hillary had a series of fainting spells?

So you justify what was done in 1980 to Reagan on something not known at the time?

I use Reagan as an example just like the Democrats still do.

Reagan's "policies" and their outcomes in the present are the issue.

But you keep harboring that grudge and playing "I know you are, but what am I?" That'll help you choose the best candidate. Don't forget to comment on their looks, too. Very important.
Bernie Sanders is older than both McCain and Reagan as the same point in time yet many who said both of those were too old don't have a problem with Sanders being OLDER.

I'd be more concerned about any candidate's health.

Strange thing is the Democrats didn't with McCain or Reagan. They used a NUMBER called age only.
As I recall, there were concerns about the fact that McCain was a cancer survivor. And if the truth were known about Reagan's health status at the time, far more concerns would have been raised.

But you're harboring a grudge from 1980? Really?

Hasn't Hillary had a series of fainting spells?

So you justify what was done in 1980 to Reagan on something not known at the time?

I use Reagan as an example just like the Democrats still do.

Reagan's "policies" and their outcomes in the present are the issue.

But you keep harboring that grudge and playing "I know you are, but what am I?" That'll help you choose the best candidate. Don't forget to comment on their looks, too. Very important.

Those addressing Reagan don't address the issues but the NUMBER.

You keep kissing Democrat ass and the country will continue to slide. Don't forget to put vaseline on your lips first so they don't get chapped.

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