Why is the Democratic candidate field....nothing but old white people?

Bernie Sanders is older than both McCain and Reagan as the same point in time yet many who said both of those were too old don't have a problem with Sanders being OLDER.

I'd be more concerned about any candidate's health.

Bernie may be perfectly healthy, but 75 means that it's likely his mental capacity is deminishing and by the time he nears the end of his first term his ability to function at a high level in this kind of environment will be in doubt.

It's just not a good idea to be voting for someone that stands a good chance that he won't be able to serve out the term he would be elected to.
Ahh, do you remember when the right complained when they didn't have any minorities and the left pointed that out?

Do you remember how they defended it?

Pepperidge Farm remembers

I remember when candidates Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin and Herman Cain were reviled and denigrated by Democrats, while pointing out that the Republicans have no minorities.

Remember how Democrats TODAY are defending their slate of all white candidates, while bashing Republicans for lack of diversity?
When the statement said Reagan was too old, it doesn't mention the issues. What the hell do you not get about that?

What I get is that you only hear the statements about the number and ignore what doesn't fit your confirmation bias.

There's also the "AFAIC" part of my post. I guess you missed that, too. My objection to Reagan was not about a number. But you keep harboring that grudge.

Bernie may be perfectly healthy, but 75 means that it's likely his mental capacity is deminishing...

Then it's incumbent on you to find evidence to that effect. Go for it.

Is there some magic about 75 that would not apply at 70?
Ahh, do you remember when the right complained when they didn't have any minorities and the left pointed that out?

Do you remember how they defended it?

Pepperidge Farm remembers

I remember when candidates Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin and Herman Cain were reviled and denigrated by Democrats, while pointing out that the Republicans have no minorities.

Remember how Democrats TODAY are defending their slate of all white candidates, while bashing Republicans for lack of diversity?

Because the Republican party lack of diversity has nothing to do with Democrats and their candidates.

The Republican party has a diverse field of chumps and idiots "running" for president but they arent a diverse party no matter how much you point at the Dem debate stage.

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