Why is the fired CEO of a major corporation and a sleepy-eyed surgeon....


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Why is the fired CEO of a major corporation and a sleepy-eyed ex-surgeon gaining in the GOP polls?

Was it Carly Fiorina's blatant lie about the segment that was edited into the PP fake video ("...it's heart beating, it's legs kicking...")? The woman who had that miscarriage has been identified and outed Fiorina for her lies.

Or Carson's response to what he would do about Hurricane Joaquin a few days ago ("I don't know.") that really grabbed the right's attention?

I can see they don't want another Bush, the last one cost us $4,000,000,000,000, 4000 lives and 45,000 wounded....for nothing. (Oh wait, Cheney was the pimp on that one, Bush was just the puppet.)

But really....Fiorina is playing on emotions and Carson just doesn't realize there's a thing called Congress that he would have to contend with. Rubio? He looks like he still has to show ID to buy beer. Americans don't want a wimpy, short guy in the Oval Office, especially one who just mouths right wing talking points like he just wrote them last night at his desk in his mother's basement.

Trump is the right's only heavy weight. And American's don't watch the middle and light weight matches, those fighters never get air time.

Because they're mad, goddamnit, and they aren't gonna take it lying down!!

What the hell is up with your sigfile. That's weird.
Let's see. Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and possibly Joe Biden is in the opposite corner.

Why is the fired CEO of a major corporation and a sleepy-eyed surgeon gaining in the GOP polls?

Because this is exactly what happens a year before the election. A lot of inconsequential circus nonsense for people stupid enough to pay for this entertainment on cable TV. It feels good for people to pretend they like a spear chucker, and they love that he is a big government neocon, but there is no way the RNC wants a boot lip for a nominee.
Racism and misogyny in one OP.

Hey, this PC Police stuff is fun!

Looks like the racist Democrats are getting frustrated. LOL
Carson, Trump, and Fiorina are really hot with the GOP base, because they want someone from outside the Washington Beltway. Someone like Jimmy Carter.....:banana:
Racism and misogyny in one OP.

Hey, this PC Police stuff is fun!


I don't see any racism or misology. :afro:

Please expound. :confused-84:

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