Why is the gay community afraid of "conversion therapy"?

Interesting that, if you want it, you can get counseling on how to live like a gay person, how to act like a person of the opposite gender, or how to feel good about yourself even though you're attracted to your own gender, but even if you want it, you are not allowed to get counseling on how to go the other direction.

Yes, you are. California and New Jersey said you can't make kids go to this harmful "therapy"...adults are free to fuck themselves up if they choose to.

Jun 11, 2014 : In New Jersey, Liberty Counsel has brought two separate lawsuits challenging New Jersey's virtually identical law known as Assembly Bill 3371 ("A3371"). ...... a licensed psychologist, and a licensed professional counselor. One of those counselors is a former lesbian who received SOCE counseling and was successfully able to eliminate her unwanted same-sex attractions. The district court denied Liberty Counsel's request ... saying that A3371 was merely a professional regulation with no First Amendment implications Liberty Counsel is appealing

There are elements in our society standing up to the Queer Agenda. Lberty Counsel is one of them.
Yes it's all a plot to get you.

Why are you so paranoid about this?
Where was I hammerred Jack Ass ? :lol: Not in the realm of reality or factual evidence - drive by comments prove nothing.

[MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION] I think you do enough to sabotage your own arguments
I don't think you need anyone's help with that

Arguing over "which sources are valid or invalid"
"Which people are worthless or jackasses"

These are all BESIDES the point, those are distracting from content, and you will lose.
People will stick to their beliefs, you cannot win this way.

To change minds on something THIS profound, people need to see DIRECT PROOF.
If you can talk about how YOU changed and became a different person,
and how the SAME process CHANGED someone else regarding orientation.

Then if they see that case is valid, you might change minds or open them up to the POSSIBILITY.
But most people still need proof, or it doesn't make sense and isn't real to them.

With Scott Peck, who did not believe the process of deliverance was real,
it took witnessing the process applied to two Schizophrenic patients otherwise deemed incureable and beyond treatment.

He did NOT change his mind just because his friend argued "which source" was valid or not.

Peck had to SEE IT FOR HIMSELF. He changed his mind, but it took him 10 years to explain the observation in writing, because the changes were so profound.

It's going to take medical research, replicated consistently, to show the difference
between the ABUSIVE FRAUDULENT malpractice that people are protesting for banning,
versus the natural healing and recovery process that is consistent with medical therapy.

You are not going to change minds by insulting or attacking anyone, which makes you look
like a "jackass" if that's all you have to argue with!

Now Greenbean, do you have other medical research or sources to add?
Some resources I recommend for formal medical research to replicate studies are here:
freespiritualhealing | Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

If you have more references to ACTUAL cases, people or practices that are successful,
free, effective and without any issues of fraud/complaints/malpractice, please post those!
Thanks, Greenbean
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you can't convert children into gay people. I am sure somebody hs told you that yet you likelyjust stomp off and ignore them like a petulant little child

A friend of mine who counsels people for healing and recovery for diverse conditions,
told me one woman she helped out of the cycle of abuse
was sexually abused which caused her to sexually abuse others as a lesbian.

Her defining moment in counseling was when she explained that "someone hurt her"
and had to come to understand that if she wanted to be forgiven for abusing others
that was MORE people she hurt than the one person who hurt her.

All that had to be forgiven before she could be freed from this abusive pattern.

Yes, you can argue she never was lesbian.
She was naturally heterosexual and the behavior was abusive (regardless what orientation in which it was expressed)

Because more of our population is heterosexual by %
of course more sexual abuse is going to be heterosexual.

Not ALL people with sexual abuse or sexual addiction patterns
were "sexually abused as children"

But if you talk with counselors and prison outreach,
the cycle of abuse of all kinds strongly correlates with childhood/parental relations.

Children of Incarcerated parents have a much higher risk of continuing in that same pattern.

And the same therapies and recovery, based on forgiveness to prevent abuses from repeating, apply to any number of conditions. Sexual abuses that are homosexual are just one area, that just happens to be targeted. The heterosexual abuses are far more common because of the greater population; but for some weird reason, not enough people cared to research healing of THOSE abuses until the homosexuality issue got targeted.

It is like the denial of other problems not getting addressed (like rapists and pedophiles) have built up, and all that got "projected" onto "homosexuality" as a visible target.

Instead of focusing and arguing there, why not EXPAND the real focus to address ALL areas where sexual abuse and mental and criminal illness could benefit from therapy?

This is the wisdom I see in the changes made to the Republican platform that took out the language targeting and blaming "homosexuality" and replaced it with "sexual sins" in general. I believe that is the better approach, to address ALL sexual abuse, and not just target homosexuality which is not the cause of the real problems.
A friend of mine who counsels people for healing and recovery for diverse conditions,
told me one woman she helped out of the cycle of abuse
was sexually abused which caused her to sexually abuse others as a lesbian.

Her defining moment in counseling was when she explained that "someone hurt her"
and had to come to understand that if she wanted to be forgiven for abusing others
that was MORE people she hurt than the one person who hurt her.
You need to get this out of your mind. Sexual abuse isn't the reason people are gay.

All that had to be forgiven before she could be freed from this abusive pattern.

Yes, you can argue she never was lesbian.
She was naturally heterosexual and the behavior was abusive (regardless what orientation in which it was expressed)

Because more of our population is heterosexual by %
of course more sexual abuse is going to be heterosexual.

Not ALL people with sexual abuse or sexual addiction patterns
were "sexually abused as children"

But if you talk with counselors and prison outreach,
the cycle of abuse of all kinds strongly correlates with childhood/parental relations.

Children of Incarcerated parents have a much higher risk of continuing in that same pattern.

And the same therapies and recovery, based on forgiveness to prevent abuses from repeating, apply to any number of conditions. Sexual abuses that are homosexual are just one area, that just happens to be targeted. The heterosexual abuses are far more common because of the greater population; but for some weird reason, not enough people cared to research healing of THOSE abuses until the homosexuality issue got targeted.

It is like the denial of other problems not getting addressed (like rapists and pedophiles) have built up, and all that got "projected" onto "homosexuality" as a visible target.

Instead of focusing and arguing there, why not EXPAND the real focus to address ALL areas where sexual abuse and mental and criminal illness could benefit from therapy?
Talk about this in the appropriate thread none of this has anything to do with my statement. I wasn't talking about sexual abuse.

I was trying to explain the link between homosexuality and sexual abuse is not real. This needs to be in the law forum or you need to start a thread that is about sexual abuse.

This is the wisdom I see in the changes made to the Republican platform that took out the language targeting and blaming "homosexuality" and replaced it with "sexual sins" in general.
That would be highly inappropriate setting as homosexuality isn't sexual necessarily or at all sinful
I believe that is the better approach, to address ALL sexual abuse, and not just target homosexuality which is not the cause of the real problems.
I think it's a bad move. Whenever the republicanparty becomes all bible thumpy it doesn't go well for them. The bible thumpers aren't conservative, they are progressive, the conservative party would be best served by dumping them. Most Christians aren't bible thumpers. I think using that language would alienate most ofthe party.

Simply being against Tahoe and sexual abuse would be plenty.
A friend of mine who counsels people for healing and recovery for diverse conditions,
told me one woman she helped out of the cycle of abuse
was sexually abused which caused her to sexually abuse others as a lesbian.

Her defining moment in counseling was when she explained that "someone hurt her"
and had to come to understand that if she wanted to be forgiven for abusing others
that was MORE people she hurt than the one person who hurt her.
You need to get this out of your mind. Sexual abuse isn't the reason people are gay.

All that had to be forgiven before she could be freed from this abusive pattern.

Yes, you can argue she never was lesbian.
She was naturally heterosexual and the behavior was abusive (regardless what orientation in which it was expressed)

Because more of our population is heterosexual by %
of course more sexual abuse is going to be heterosexual.

Not ALL people with sexual abuse or sexual addiction patterns
were "sexually abused as children"

But if you talk with counselors and prison outreach,
the cycle of abuse of all kinds strongly correlates with childhood/parental relations.

Children of Incarcerated parents have a much higher risk of continuing in that same pattern.

And the same therapies and recovery, based on forgiveness to prevent abuses from repeating, apply to any number of conditions. Sexual abuses that are homosexual are just one area, that just happens to be targeted. The heterosexual abuses are far more common because of the greater population; but for some weird reason, not enough people cared to research healing of THOSE abuses until the homosexuality issue got targeted.

It is like the denial of other problems not getting addressed (like rapists and pedophiles) have built up, and all that got "projected" onto "homosexuality" as a visible target.

Instead of focusing and arguing there, why not EXPAND the real focus to address ALL areas where sexual abuse and mental and criminal illness could benefit from therapy?
Talk about this in the appropriate thread none of this has anything to do with my statement. I wasn't talking about sexual abuse.

I was trying to explain the link between homosexuality and sexual abuse is not real. This needs to be in the law forum or you need to start a thread that is about sexual abuse.

This is the wisdom I see in the changes made to the Republican platform that took out the language targeting and blaming "homosexuality" and replaced it with "sexual sins" in general.
That would be highly inappropriate setting as homosexuality isn't sexual necessarily or at all sinful
I believe that is the better approach, to address ALL sexual abuse, and not just target homosexuality which is not the cause of the real problems.
I think it's a bad move. Whenever the republicanparty becomes all bible thumpy it doesn't go well for them. The bible thumpers aren't conservative, they are progressive, the conservative party would be best served by dumping them. Most Christians aren't bible thumpers. I think using that language would alienate most ofthe party.

Simply being against Tahoe and sexual abuse would be plenty.

I just wanted to remark on one point you made.

Do you think that sexual abuse might be the reason that some people are gay? Certainly I would think it could be the reason some people become sexual abusers themselves, or perhaps develop certain sexual tendencies or quirks. It might make someone avoid sexuality entirely. Why not lead someone to be gay, particularly if they tended towards bisexuality to begin with?

Perhaps it would be better to say it could be a factor for some people, rather than the sole cause.

My point is that I find it more likely that sexuality runs on a scale rather than being an either/or proposition. Because of that, and because various factors can cause people's sexual tastes to change with time, I don't see any reason that change can't be to homosexuality if one has lived as a heterosexual, or to heterosexuality if one has lived as a homosexual. It may be rare, but it sounds completely plausible to me that sexual abuse might cause a shift in a person's sexual tastes or tendencies.

I understand that it might seem damaging to link abuse to homosexuality. I don't want to imply that all or even most homosexuals are homosexual because of abuse, nor am I saying that it's a one way street; there's no reason abuse could not effect someone so that they grow to be heterosexual. Again, as I tend to look at sexuality as more of a sliding scale than an either/or, it might be more accurate to say that abuse might push someone in either direction on that scale.

Anyway, I just wonder why you and others sometimes seem adamant that sexual abuse could not change someone's sexual inclinations.
I just wanted to remark on one point you made.

Do you think that sexual abuse might be the reason that some people are gay? Certainly I would think it could be the reason some people become sexual abusers themselves, or perhaps develop certain sexual tendencies or quirks. It might make someone avoid sexuality entirely. Why not lead someone to be gay, particularly if they tended towards bisexuality to begin with?
No, I don't think that abuse is a very large factor in sexual orientation

Perhaps it would be better to say it could be a factor for some people, rather than the sole cause.
All evidence is to the contrary

My point is that I find it more likely that sexuality runs on a scale rather than being an either/or proposition. Because of that, and because various factors can cause people's sexual tastes to change with time, I don't see any reason that change can't be to homosexuality if one has lived as a heterosexual, or to heterosexuality if one has lived as a homosexual. It may be rare, but it sounds completely plausible to me that sexual abuse might cause a shift in a person's sexual tastes or tendencies.
Tastes and tendencies aren't really related to sexual orientation. I agree that it isn't a black and white thing but I don't think it is as fickle as taste.

I understand that it might seem damaging to link abuse to homosexuality. I don't want to imply that all or even most homosexuals are homosexual because of abuse, nor am I saying that it's a one way street; there's no reason abuse could not effect someone so that they grow to be heterosexual. Again, as I tend to look at sexuality as more of a sliding scale than an either/or, it might be more accurate to say that abuse might push someone in either direction on that scale.
All evidence points to orientation not being influenced by such things. I understand that you aren't really clear about orientation being that you keep mentioning tastes inclinations and tendencies.

Anyway, I just wonder why you and others sometimes seem adamant that sexual abuse could not change someone's sexual inclinations.
I think you are confused I never once mentioned that abuse couldn't alter somebody's sexual inclinations.

I don't think sexual orientation is a proclivity, inclination, tendency, or a taste.
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Greenbean Snow complains that his opinion is not taken as fact.

A person is not necessarily worthless, but using that type of approach in the first line above is worthless.

Not one of you hetero-fascists have demonstrated in any way, shape, or form that marriage equality has harmed him or hers civil or personal liberties.

Guys, you are going to get that kicked up your hypothetical asses every time.

If you can't logically answer that question now, the millenials will probably take your voting rights based on stupidity: the ability but refusal to learn.
Greenbean Snow complains that his opinion is not taken as fact.

A person is not necessarily worthless, but using that type of approach in the first line above is worthless.

Not one of you hetero-fascists have demonstrated in any way, shape, or form that marriage equality has harmed him or hers civil or personal liberties.

Guys, you are going to get that kicked up your hypothetical asses every time.

If you can't logically answer that question now, the millenials will probably take your voting rights based on stupidity: the ability but refusal to learn.
They will just put you on ignore. Greenbean ran away from logic.
That must mean hefe doesn't have any and he has to protect his opinion from it.

Emily just rants incessantly about irrelevant stuff.
Conversion therapy (also known as reparative therapy) is a range of treatments that aim to change sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Such treatments have been criticized for being pseudo-scientific.
Conversion therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The major premise of conversion therapy advocates is that majority of homosexuals are NOT genetically pre-disposed but a learned behavior.

So if the gay community believes so strongly that there is a "I gotta be me" genetic coding that pre-disposes a person to homosexuality why are they so afraid?

So afraid that "conversion therapy aimed at turning gay kids straight will soon be illegal in California, with the state's governor declaring he hopes a new law will relegate such efforts "to the dustbin of quackery."
This bill bans non-scientific 'therapies' that have driven young people to depression and suicide," Brown tweeted. "These practices have no basis in science or medicine."
California governor OKs ban on gay conversion therapy, calling it 'quackery' - CNN.com

Why is there such angst about something that a gay MUST be?

I have NO doubt some "suicides" but HOW MANY ? Where are the facts Mr. Brown?

People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Those are the ONLY two ways that a homosexual IS a homosexual.

I would like anyone to refute that.

How long did it take you to find out it could be "learned"? Did you have to "practice"?
Where was I hammerred Jack Ass ? :lol: Not in the realm of reality or factual evidence - drive by comments prove nothing.

[MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION] I think you do enough to sabotage your own arguments
I don't think you need anyone's help with that

Arguing over "which sources are valid or invalid"
"Which people are worthless or jackasses"

These are all BESIDES the point, those are distracting from content, and you will lose.
People will stick to their beliefs, you cannot win this way.

To change minds on something THIS profound, people need to see DIRECT PROOF.
If you can talk about how YOU changed and became a different person,
and how the SAME process CHANGED someone else regarding orientation.

Then if they see that case is valid, you might change minds or open them up to the POSSIBILITY.
But most people still need proof, or it doesn't make sense and isn't real to them.

With Scott Peck, who did not believe the process of deliverance was real,
it took witnessing the process applied to two Schizophrenic patients otherwise deemed incureable and beyond treatment.

He did NOT change his mind just because his friend argued "which source" was valid or not.

Peck had to SEE IT FOR HIMSELF. He changed his mind, but it took him 10 years to explain the observation in writing, because the changes were so profound.

It's going to take medical research, replicated consistently, to show the difference
between the ABUSIVE FRAUDULENT malpractice that people are protesting for banning,
versus the natural healing and recovery process that is consistent with medical therapy.

You are not going to change minds by insulting or attacking anyone, which makes you look
like a "jackass" if that's all you have to argue with!

Now Greenbean, do you have other medical research or sources to add?
Some resources I recommend for formal medical research to replicate studies are here:
freespiritualhealing | Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

If you have more references to ACTUAL cases, people or practices that are successful,
free, effective and without any issues of fraud/complaints/malpractice, please post those!
Thanks, Greenbean

Hi Emily, my apologies for the delay in responding - long hours and so forth.

I believe we've had this conversation in the past - or one very similar to it - it basically boils down to methodology. You are kind and caring person , I don't believe you are even capable of utterring an unkind word and I respect you for that .

I'm a mean green ornery S.O.B., at least thats the role I play on these forums . I don't expect any of these demented dysphoric individuals to concede so much as an inch in any of the rabid discussions we engage in - I expect them to depsise me - cause I'm the guy thats twisting the knife and rubbing salt in their wounds. However - despite their intense dislike for me I feel that I am planting some seeds within their thought process . Some of the tactics I use are based on neuro-linguistics , some are basic concepts repeated continuoslly untill it sinks in, if not on the consious, then on the uncons. level . Over the long term - it's a seed that is sewn and takes time to grow.

Now Greenbean, do you have other medical research or sources to add?
Some resources I recommend for formal medical research to replicate studies are here:
freespiritualhealing | Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I don't subscribe to the "spiritual healing" scenario. Although , I'm sure it has it merits and success stories . I spent many years working in the mental hygene field - I prospered - it treated me well, and I sadly left it for greener pastures of Entrepeneurship, which has also been kind to me .

Many of the people I used to work with early in my career were homosexuals - many of them are dead now- many of those that are dead could have lead decent respectable healthy lives had it not been for Liberal Jack Asses who told them it was okay to gay, it was something to be proud of , if it feels good do it . ..... well it didn't feel too good with those purple lessions eating their flesh, gasping for every breath like someone who smoked a carton a day .... then there was the guy who blew his brains out in the parking lot - tested HIV pos. because he experimented with Gay sodomy- infected his wife - don't know what happenned with her , lost contact ... long time now.

Anyway - Gay is Not Okay ! :mad:
Greenbean Snow complains that his opinion is not taken as fact.

A person is not necessarily worthless, but using that type of approach in the first line above is worthless.

Not one of you hetero-fascists have demonstrated in any way, shape, or form that marriage equality has harmed him or hers civil or personal liberties.

Guys, you are going to get that kicked up your hypothetical asses every time.

If you can't logically answer that question now, the millenials will probably take your voting rights based on stupidity: the ability but refusal to learn.
They will just put you on ignore. Greenbean ran away from logic.
That must mean hefe doesn't have any and he has to protect his opinion from it.

Emily just rants incessantly about irrelevant stuff.

So - what logic did you present other than your opinions, and they were just that opinions.

What facts did you post ?
What scholars did you quote ?
What Studies did you cite ?

Nothing nada zilch and zero added together still equals nothing

When and if you can present some evidence , any evidence beyond your convoluted fuzzy opinions, and have something intelligent to add - perhaps I'll give you the distinguished honor of my attention again by responding . In the interim Fuck Off. :eusa_clap:
Conversion therapy (also known as reparative therapy) is a range of treatments that aim to change sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Such treatments have been criticized for being pseudo-scientific.
Conversion therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The major premise of conversion therapy advocates is that majority of homosexuals are NOT genetically pre-disposed but a learned behavior.

So if the gay community believes so strongly that there is a "I gotta be me" genetic coding that pre-disposes a person to homosexuality why are they so afraid?

So afraid that "conversion therapy aimed at turning gay kids straight will soon be illegal in California, with the state's governor declaring he hopes a new law will relegate such efforts "to the dustbin of quackery."
This bill bans non-scientific 'therapies' that have driven young people to depression and suicide," Brown tweeted. "These practices have no basis in science or medicine."
California governor OKs ban on gay conversion therapy, calling it 'quackery' - CNN.com

Why is there such angst about something that a gay MUST be?

I have NO doubt some "suicides" but HOW MANY ? Where are the facts Mr. Brown?

People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Those are the ONLY two ways that a homosexual IS a homosexual.

I would like anyone to refute that.

Same reason you'd be afraid of straight to gay conversion... or maybe not.
Greenbean Snow complains that his opinion is not taken as fact.

A person is not necessarily worthless, but using that type of approach in the first line above is worthless.

Not one of you hetero-fascists have demonstrated in any way, shape, or form that marriage equality has harmed him or hers civil or personal liberties.

Guys, you are going to get that kicked up your hypothetical asses every time.

If you can't logically answer that question now, the millenials will probably take your voting rights based on stupidity: the ability but refusal to learn.
They will just put you on ignore. Greenbean ran away from logic.
That must mean hefe doesn't have any and he has to protect his opinion from it.

Emily just rants incessantly about irrelevant stuff.

So - what logic did you present other than your opinions, and they were just that opinions. What facts did you post ? What scholars did you quote ? What Studies did you cite ?

Far right social con TPdroid drones, the APA has done that, many and many studies etc have been posted here, and all you do is give us fuzzy comments, demonstrating you have fogged and brainwashed opinions.

So, you losers don't get "just once more."

SCOTUS is going to ram it up your asses (that's funny)and tell you, "Fuck off, losers."

Tis what tis.
Sadness rests in the hearts of true Christians for those hetero-fascists of the droid far right who simply cannot follow the Two Great Commandments.

Truly sad.
Greenbean Snow complains that his opinion is not taken as fact.

A person is not necessarily worthless, but using that type of approach in the first line above is worthless.

Not one of you hetero-fascists have demonstrated in any way, shape, or form that marriage equality has harmed him or hers civil or personal liberties.

Guys, you are going to get that kicked up your hypothetical asses every time.

If you can't logically answer that question now, the millenials will probably take your voting rights based on stupidity: the ability but refusal to learn.
They will just put you on ignore. Greenbean ran away from logic.
That must mean hefe doesn't have any and he has to protect his opinion from it.

Emily just rants incessantly about irrelevant stuff.

So - what logic did you present other than your opinions, and they were just that opinions.
I didn't insist that there was a conspiracy of gay people to control information.

What facts did you post ?
The fact that your conspiracy is a delusion
What scholars did you quote ?
Don't really need a scholar to debunk your conspiracy there isn't any facts that you presented, just paranoid garbage.
What Studies did you cite ?
Studies? That prove the APA isn't controled by a secret conspiracy of gay people to um... You were never clear on their super villain plot. I don't think studies exist to debunk your delusions.

Nothing nada zilch and zero added together still equals nothing
Yep so your paranoid delusions and make believe conspiracy theories thatyour entire argument hinges on is not really valid.

When and if you can present some evidence , any evidence beyond your convoluted fuzzy opinions, and have something intelligent to add - perhaps I'll give you the distinguished honor of my attention again by responding. In the interim Fuck Off. :eusa_clap:
You ignored me because you are a pouty little child. Go on stock yourfingers inyour ears and scream conspiracy. You may want to fashion a tinfoil hat while you are at it.
Howey makes Greenbean look like a pouty screaming little child at the store, not getting a candy.

Disgusting. The courts state and federal are saying your side is wrong.

Tuff that.

GreenBean I presented factual evidence

HOWEY: lol...no you didn't. You presented the insane ramblings of an insane kook who's been discredited by the profession. Why has he claimed to have converted thousands of gays and has yet to name one name?

This guy has about as much credibility as Marcus "Sugar Daddy" Bachmann or your tiny dick.

So you feel Dr Cummings was a "Kook" when he authored and supported the motion to remove Homosexuality from the DSM - effectively delisting it as a Mental Illness ?? Hmmm - intersting point and not without validity - I hoave to agree that was a assinine move - so whatelse do you feelDr.Cummings has done that would classify him as a kook- other than to disagree with your wholly unqualified Opinion ?

And while you're at it what about Dr. Rogers Wright former member of APA's Board of Directors, who stated that "psychology has been ultra-libera...and beholden to the Gay Rights movement" Wright described the difficulties he has encountered with the American Psychological Association -

Or Dr. A. Dean Byrd another former APA officer who has bailed out of theorganization - because it has lost all crredibility

Or Dr. Frank Farley who stated that "...APA should give the widest possible hearing to Dr. Cummings' concern about APA's preoccupation with political correctness, and should instead focus efforts on the decline in psychological practice."

Or Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. In his talk entitled "Judicial Abuse of Scientific Literature on Homosexuality by the American Mental Health Professional Organizations," he offered a tediously referenced description of ethics and morals breeches in recent legal cases that have led to landmark changes in family-law policy.

Or Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons who has stated said that "the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has continuously ignored evidence that homosexuality is a manifestation of a psychiatric disorder."

Or Dr. Apu Chakraborty who has been blasted by the Gay Mafia for producing findings that were heresy to their ears and eyes - he prooved that the rates of mental disorder among gays were significantly higher,nay ridiculously higher than sane people. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse , alcohol dependence. ......

I guess they were all quacks Right ? And of course you are much more qualified to judge the issues because you're a cock sucker - I'd call you a dirty cock sucker- but I have no proof of that and couldn't really give a flying fuck either - Oh and FYI -if you truly are a dirty cock sucker watch out for shigelosis - you don know what shigelosis is don't you? It's an extremely common disease among faggots - it comes from eating their partners feces
For somebody who is so completely biased against homosexuals enough to call people you believe to have a mental disorder things like faggot, you most certainly area quack. Everything you view is through the prism of your own bias.

Nothing you say can be credible.

I guess I should thank you for being such a hateful biased moron, you aredoing far more damage to your argument than to anybody else's.

Please keep talking. Tell me what other diseases faggots contract. And link more tinfoil hat websites like loony bird and narth.
Howey makes Greenbean look like a pouty screaming little child at the store, not getting a candy.

Disgusting. The courts state and federal are saying your side is wrong.

Tuff that.
I am beginning to think greenbean is homosexual but he hates that about himself and he absolutely has to believe that treatments work and that the APA is wrong.

The pathology is the fabrication of some global conspiracy that has taken over the APA and of course this conspiracy has entered into the schools to wipe out heterosexuality sothat the only thing right is homosexuality thus making his worst fears a reality. This is a narcissistic paranoid delusion. The poor guy needs help.
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shigellosis - definition of shigellosis in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Description Shigellosis is a well-known cause of traveler's diarrhea and illness throughout the world. Shigella are extremely infectious bacteria, and ingestion of just 10 organisms is enough to cause severe diarrhea and dehydration. Shigella accounts for 10-20% of all cases of diarrhea worldwide, and in any given year infects over 140 million persons and kills 600,000, mostly children and the elderly. The most serious form of the disease is called dysentery, which is characterized by severe watery (and often blood- and mucous-streaked) diarrhea, abdominal cramping, rectal pain, and fever. Shigella is only one of several organisms that can cause dysentery, but the term bacillary dysentery is usually another name for shigellosis.

Most deaths are in less-developed or developing countries, but even in the United States, shigellosis can be a dangerous and potentially deadly disease. Poor hygiene, overcrowding, and improper storage of food are leading causes of infection. The following statistics show the marked difference in the frequency of cases between developed and less-developed countries; in the United States, about 30,000 individuals are hit by the disease each year or about 10 cases/100,000 population. On the other hand, infection in some areas of South America is 1,000 times more frequent. Shigellosis is most common in children below age five, and occurs less often in adults over 20.

Shigella infection spreads through food or water contaminated by human waste. Sources of transmission are:

•contaminated milk, ice cream, vegetables and other foods which often cause epidemics
•household contacts (40% of adults and 20% of children will develop infection from such a source)
•poor hygiene and overcrowded living conditions
•day care centers
•sexual practices which lead to oral-anal contact, directly or indirectly

Nothing about homosexuals, but I imagine the last cause is overwhelmingly heterosexual.

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