Why is the gay community afraid of "conversion therapy"?

I wonthe argument on content.

Jake was just letting me know somebody saw it.

To be fair, let's dig up some content behind what
Greenbean and I are arguing, that there are some
forms of therapy that do heal people in beneficial, voluntary, and natural ways
and NOT abusive, coercive, fraudulent, forced/unnatural in any way.

Greenbean may lose on delivery and presentation.
But there is some truth to his objections he is not able to express,
just protest very loudly, insulting or attacking others which of course will fail.

The research speaks for itself. Let's try focusing on that content
and help show Greenbean better ways to share this information in the future.
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I wonthe argument on content.

Jake was just letting me know somebody saw it.

To be fair, let's dig up some content behind what
Greenbean and I are arguing, that there are some
forms of therapy that do heal people in beneficial, voluntary, and natural ways
and NOT abusive, coercive, fraudulent, forced/unnatural in any way.
Since there is nothing wrong with being homosexual why would anybody need healing k

Greenbean may lose on delivery and presentation.
And facts
But there is some truth to his objections
No ma'am. His objections are pure bigotry. He apparently had you fooled.
he is not able to express,
just protest very loudly, insulting or attacking others which of course will fail.
Its because it's complete hogwash.

The research speaks for itself. Let's try focusing on that content
and help show Greenbean better ways to share this information in the future.
The best way to share lies and hatred? Just don't. You don't have to post unsupported malarkey, you don't have to fabricate conspiracy theories if he just wasn'tso insistent on the lie .
Seriously mannered.

Greenbean Snow, how has marriage equality injured your own personal and civil liberties
Emily, there is denial on the hetero-fascist front and confusion constitutionally, medically, and psychologically on this issue.

Tell us how marriage equality has harmed your personal and civil liberties?
Interesting that, if you want it, you can get counseling on how to live like a gay person, how to act like a person of the opposite gender, or how to feel good about yourself even though you're attracted to your own gender, but even if you want it, you are not allowed to get counseling on how to go the other direction.

Because no gay person ever has wanted to change but rather they are coerced or, in the case of gay kids, forced into it which is why it is being banned. In other cases, when say, a married man is caught having an affair with another man because he was a closeted homosexual afraid to be open for fear of persecution, will lie and say he has a problem that needs to be fixed because he fears the backlash from his community.
Interesting that, if you want it, you can get counseling on how to live like a gay person, how to act like a person of the opposite gender, or how to feel good about yourself even though you're attracted to your own gender, but even if you want it, you are not allowed to get counseling on how to go the other direction.

Because no gay person ever has wanted to change but rather they are coerced or, in the case of gay kids, forced into it which is why it is being banned. In other cases, when say, a married man is caught having an affair with another man because he was a closeted homosexual afraid to be open for fear of persecution, will lie and say he has a problem that needs to be fixed because he fears the backlash from his community.

Wait, you can speak for all gay people?

Perhaps this gay conversion therapy is a crock, perhaps it is harmful, perhaps it should be banned. None of that provides you the authority to speak for all gay people with any accuracy.
Greenbean Snow has posted opinion and calls that fact.

He has added absolutely nothing of worth to the discussion.

When you have evidence, bring it.

Otherwise, you are going to keep getting hammered.

Where was I hammerred Jack Ass ? :lol: Not in the realm of reality or factual evidence - drive by comments prove nothing.
You failed to prove your conspiracy theory, you put me on ignorebecause I call it what it is. Seems you were devastatingly hammered.

he was. but if he proclaims himself victor, he can feel better about himself.
Interesting that, if you want it, you can get counseling on how to live like a gay person, how to act like a person of the opposite gender, or how to feel good about yourself even though you're attracted to your own gender, but even if you want it, you are not allowed to get counseling on how to go the other direction.

Because no gay person ever has wanted to change but rather they are coerced or, in the case of gay kids, forced into it which is why it is being banned. In other cases, when say, a married man is caught having an affair with another man because he was a closeted homosexual afraid to be open for fear of persecution, will lie and say he has a problem that needs to be fixed because he fears the backlash from his community.

Wait, you can speak for all gay people?

Perhaps this gay conversion therapy is a crock, perhaps it is harmful, perhaps it should be banned. None of that provides you the authority to speak for all gay people with any accuracy.

how is he speaking for all gay people? science is science. the reality is I suspect many gay people would love to be heterosexual because it's easier. it's easier because of people who talk about "conversion therapy" as if it is something to be desired. who chase them from their churches by judgmental and ugly treatment. and who, instead of saying "ok, this is who you are", spew garbage about them being aberrations and sinners.

gay people are gay. heteros are hetero. let me know when someone can force a straight man to want sex with other men.
Interesting that, if you want it, you can get counseling on how to live like a gay person, how to act like a person of the opposite gender, or how to feel good about yourself even though you're attracted to your own gender, but even if you want it, you are not allowed to get counseling on how to go the other direction.

Because no gay person ever has wanted to change but rather they are coerced or, in the case of gay kids, forced into it which is why it is being banned. In other cases, when say, a married man is caught having an affair with another man because he was a closeted homosexual afraid to be open for fear of persecution, will lie and say he has a problem that needs to be fixed because he fears the backlash from his community.

Wait, you can speak for all gay people?

Perhaps this gay conversion therapy is a crock, perhaps it is harmful, perhaps it should be banned. None of that provides you the authority to speak for all gay people with any accuracy.

An adult gay that thinks they can change their orientation can get unicorn fart therapy if they want to. In CA and NJ, you can't send kids to this bullshit, adults can do it all they want. In Texas, Rick Oops Perry wants to spend taxpayer money on it.
Because no gay person ever has wanted to change but rather they are coerced or, in the case of gay kids, forced into it which is why it is being banned. In other cases, when say, a married man is caught having an affair with another man because he was a closeted homosexual afraid to be open for fear of persecution, will lie and say he has a problem that needs to be fixed because he fears the backlash from his community.

Wait, you can speak for all gay people?

Perhaps this gay conversion therapy is a crock, perhaps it is harmful, perhaps it should be banned. None of that provides you the authority to speak for all gay people with any accuracy.

how is he speaking for all gay people? science is science. the reality is I suspect many gay people would love to be heterosexual because it's easier. it's easier because of people who talk about "conversion therapy" as if it is something to be desired. who chase them from their churches by judgmental and ugly treatment. and who, instead of saying "ok, this is who you are", spew garbage about them being aberrations and sinners.

gay people are gay. heteros are hetero. let me know when someone can force a straight man to want sex with other men.

He said, "no gay person ever has wanted to change". I'm not trying to argue for conversion therapy, but I dislike when someone feels they can speak for the wants and desires of all gay people, or all people of any large group.
Wait, you can speak for all gay people?

Perhaps this gay conversion therapy is a crock, perhaps it is harmful, perhaps it should be banned. None of that provides you the authority to speak for all gay people with any accuracy.

how is he speaking for all gay people? science is science. the reality is I suspect many gay people would love to be heterosexual because it's easier. it's easier because of people who talk about "conversion therapy" as if it is something to be desired. who chase them from their churches by judgmental and ugly treatment. and who, instead of saying "ok, this is who you are", spew garbage about them being aberrations and sinners.

gay people are gay. heteros are hetero. let me know when someone can force a straight man to want sex with other men.

He said, "no gay person ever has wanted to change". I'm not trying to argue for conversion therapy, but I dislike when someone feels they can speak for the wants and desires of all gay people, or all people of any large group.
I am sure many gay people at one point or another in their lives would want to be straight. Just like at one point in people's lives they may want to have different patents or to be a different race, or girls wanting bigger breasts or straighter hair, perhaps to be thinner or have more muscle mass, so on. You have to learn to accept yourself, which is why this "therapy" should be scrutinized.
I am sure many gay people at one point or another in their lives would want to be straight. Just like at one point in people's lives they may want to have different patents or to be a different race, or girls wanting bigger breasts or straighter hair, perhaps to be thinner or have more muscle mass, so on. You have to learn to accept yourself, which is why this "therapy" should be scrutinized.

It has been scrutinized and rejected by nearly every reputable mental health and medical organization on earth. Only ones that have not rejected it are ones backed by religious groups like NARTH which has been discredited multiple times.
I am sure many gay people at one point or another in their lives would want to be straight. Just like at one point in people's lives they may want to have different patents or to be a different race, or girls wanting bigger breasts or straighter hair, perhaps to be thinner or have more muscle mass, so on. You have to learn to accept yourself, which is why this "therapy" should be scrutinized.

It has been scrutinized and rejected by nearly every reputable mental health and medical organization on earth. Only ones that have not rejected it are ones backed by religious groups like NARTH which has been discredited multiple times.
I agree, it has. The political climate rejects scrutiny.

I don't see why this is viewed any differently than plastic surgery for teens. Changing something you don't want to accept about yourself doesn't fix anything.
NOW - GreenBean I presented factual evidence

lol...no you didn't. You presented the insane ramblings of an insane kook who's been discredited by the profession. Why has he claimed to have converted thousands of gays and has yet to name one name?

This guy has about as much credibility as Marcus "Sugar Daddy" Bachmann or your tiny dick.

So you feel Dr Cummings was a "Kook" when he authored and supported the motion to remove Homosexuality from the DSM - effectively delisting it as a Mental Illness ?? Hmmm - intersting point and not without validity - I hoave to agree that was a assinine move - so whatelse do you feelDr.Cummings has done that would classify him as a kook- other than to disagree with your wholly unqualified Opinion ?

And while you're at it what about Dr. Rogers Wright former member of APA's Board of Directors, who stated that "psychology has been ultra-libera...and beholden to the Gay Rights movement" Wright described the difficulties he has encountered with the American Psychological Association -

Or Dr. A. Dean Byrd another former APA officer who has bailed out of theorganization - because it has lost all crredibility

Or Dr. Frank Farley who stated that "...APA should give the widest possible hearing to Dr. Cummings' concern about APA's preoccupation with political correctness, and should instead focus efforts on the decline in psychological practice."

Or Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. In his talk entitled "Judicial Abuse of Scientific Literature on Homosexuality by the American Mental Health Professional Organizations," he offered a tediously referenced description of ethics and morals breeches in recent legal cases that have led to landmark changes in family-law policy.

Or Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons who has stated said that "the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has continuously ignored evidence that homosexuality is a manifestation of a psychiatric disorder."

Or Dr. Apu Chakraborty who has been blasted by the Gay Mafia for producing findings that were heresy to their ears and eyes - he prooved that the rates of mental disorder among gays were significantly higher,nay ridiculously higher than sane people. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse , alcohol dependence. ......

I guess they were all quacks Right ? And of course you are much more qualified to judge the issues because you're a cock sucker - I'd call you a dirty cock sucker- but I have no proof of that and couldn't really give a flying fuck either - Oh and FYI -if you truly are a dirty cock sucker watch out for shigelosis - you don know what shigelosis is don't you? It's an extremely common disease among faggots - it comes from eating their partners feces
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I am sure many gay people at one point or another in their lives would want to be straight. Just like at one point in people's lives they may want to have different patents or to be a different race, or girls wanting bigger breasts or straighter hair, perhaps to be thinner or have more muscle mass, so on. You have to learn to accept yourself, which is why this "therapy" should be scrutinized.

It has been scrutinized and rejected by nearly every reputable mental health and medical organization on earth. Only ones that have not rejected it are ones backed by religious groups like NARTH which has been discredited multiple times.

You are sadly misinformed Mr.Vader - I fear you are heavily influenced by the Dark Side of the force.
Because no gay person ever has wanted to change but rather they are coerced or, in the case of gay kids, forced into it which is why it is being banned. In other cases, when say, a married man is caught having an affair with another man because he was a closeted homosexual afraid to be open for fear of persecution, will lie and say he has a problem that needs to be fixed because he fears the backlash from his community.

Wait, you can speak for all gay people?

Perhaps this gay conversion therapy is a crock, perhaps it is harmful, perhaps it should be banned. None of that provides you the authority to speak for all gay people with any accuracy.

how is he speaking for all gay people? science is science. the reality is I suspect many gay people would love to be heterosexual because it's easier. it's easier because of people who talk about "conversion therapy" as if it is something to be desired. who chase them from their churches by judgmental and ugly treatment. and who, instead of saying "ok, this is who you are", spew garbage about them being aberrations and sinners.

gay people are gay. heteros are hetero. let me know when someone can force a straight man to want sex with other men.

I don't believe an adult male without latent homosexual tendencies to begin with, can be converted to homosexuality - Among Adult Females however - it is actually more common than you would imagine - theoretically it's relative to the differring gender based sex drives.

The problem lies in conversion of Children - which itself is not an easy task , but much more feasible when they are exposed to it as early as possible . Which is one of the many reasons Gay Activists salivate at the prospects of getting into the School curriculum.

I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box. I want this just as badly as many parents want their own kids to grow up and rub urinary tracts together to trade proteins and forcefully excrete a baby. D.Villareal - Queerty.com
Where was I hammerred Jack Ass ? :lol: Not in the realm of reality or factual evidence - drive by comments prove nothing.
You failed to prove your conspiracy theory, you put me on ignorebecause I call it what it is. Seems you were devastatingly hammered.

he was. but if he proclaims himself victor, he can feel better about himself.

Inevitable: Proven - and you've been refuted

PS - I can still see your poorly informed and pathetic attempts to deflect when others quote you - but do please keep coming back at me - if you ever do manage to come up with a valid intellectual argument to justify your highly biased and wholly non-objective opinions - perhaps I'll get back to you -in the interim - fuck off.
Wait, you can speak for all gay people?

Perhaps this gay conversion therapy is a crock, perhaps it is harmful, perhaps it should be banned. None of that provides you the authority to speak for all gay people with any accuracy.

how is he speaking for all gay people? science is science. the reality is I suspect many gay people would love to be heterosexual because it's easier. it's easier because of people who talk about "conversion therapy" as if it is something to be desired. who chase them from their churches by judgmental and ugly treatment. and who, instead of saying "ok, this is who you are", spew garbage about them being aberrations and sinners.

gay people are gay. heteros are hetero. let me know when someone can force a straight man to want sex with other men.

I don't believe an adult male without latent homosexual tendencies to begin with, can be converted to homosexuality - Among Adult Females however - it is actually more common than you would imagine - theoretically it's relative to the differring gender based sex drives.

The problem lies in conversion of Children - which itself is not an easy task , but much more feasible when they are exposed to it as early as possible . Which is one of the many reasons Gay Activists salivate at the prospects of getting into the School curriculum.

I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box. I want this just as badly as many parents want their own kids to grow up and rub urinary tracts together to trade proteins and forcefully excrete a baby. D.Villareal - Queerty.com

you can't convert children into gay people. I am sure somebody hs told you that yet you likelyjust stomp off and ignore them like a petulant little child
You failed to prove your conspiracy theory, you put me on ignorebecause I call it what it is. Seems you were devastatingly hammered.

he was. but if he proclaims himself victor, he can feel better about himself.

Inevitable: Proven - and you've been refuted

PS - I can still see your poorly informed and pathetic attempts to deflect when others quote you - but do please keep coming back at me - if you ever do manage to come up with a valid intellectual argument to justify your highly biased and wholly non-objective opinions - perhaps I'll get back to you -in the interim - fuck off.

You put me on ignore because you can't form an argument. I am ready to smash you again any time. You put me on ignore you lost. It's the best when you can make a cry baby run away.
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Interesting that, if you want it, you can get counseling on how to live like a gay person, how to act like a person of the opposite gender, or how to feel good about yourself even though you're attracted to your own gender, but even if you want it, you are not allowed to get counseling on how to go the other direction.

Yes, you are. California and New Jersey said you can't make kids go to this harmful "therapy"...adults are free to fuck themselves up if they choose to.

Jun 11, 2014 : In New Jersey, Liberty Counsel has brought two separate lawsuits challenging New Jersey's virtually identical law known as Assembly Bill 3371 ("A3371"). ...... a licensed psychologist, and a licensed professional counselor. One of those counselors is a former lesbian who received SOCE counseling and was successfully able to eliminate her unwanted same-sex attractions. The district court denied Liberty Counsel's request ... saying that A3371 was merely a professional regulation with no First Amendment implications Liberty Counsel is appealing

There are elements in our society standing up to the Queer Agenda. Lberty Counsel is one of them.

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