Why Is The GOP Senate So Afraid To Call Witnesses??

Do you need a link to the transcript?

No and its a memo. tramp needs only to look in the mirror and see his accuser.
And Taylor, vinderman said it was accurate enjoy

Taylor and Vindman spoke the truth.
Yes they did about the phone call the transcript was accurate thank you

The memo says tramp is guilty of abuse of power.
Lol ohh ok haha what part hurt your feelings? Haha
Why didn't democrats call witnesses when they had the chance?
Uh....they did..lots of them...what a bizarre post...

Lot's of them that were embarrassingly bad, Fort! Adam Schiff didn't prove a crime with any of those witnesses so now Pelosi and Schumer are left begging Mitch McConnell to help them out...like that was ever going to happen! This whole thing was so ill advised by the far left and so badly handled. They chose two of the sleaziest Democrats in the House...Schiff and Nadler...to run the hearings...which right from the start told anyone with even a modicum of common sense that they were going to be completely biased...didn't allow the GOP to call witnesses...and had to resort to charging obstruction of justice because Trump wouldn't give up his legal rights. They claimed it had to be done fast...because supposedly Donald Trump was such a danger to national security...but then they won't send the articles to the Senate? I'm sorry but the Democrats have made a mockery of the entire process! They don't have an impeachable offense! They KNOW they don't have an impeachable offense and yet they're so desperate because of the pitifully weak field of candidates they've got going up against Trump that they've convinced themselves this is the only way to "save" the 2020 elections! Now the polls are coming out and it's becoming painfully obvious that they've badly misjudged the public's response to their actions!
Why didn't democrats call witnesses when they had the chance?
Uh....they did..lots of them...what a bizarre post...

Lot's of them that were embarrassingly bad, Fort! Adam Schiff didn't prove a crime with any of those witnesses so now Pelosi and Schumer are left begging Mitch McConnell to help them out...like that was ever going to happen! This whole thing was so ill advised by the far left and so badly handled. They chose two of the sleaziest Democrats in the House...Schiff and Nadler...to run the hearings...which right from the start told anyone with even a modicum of common sense that they were going to be completely biased...didn't allow the GOP to call witnesses...and had to resort to charging obstruction of justice because Trump wouldn't give up his legal rights. They claimed it had to be done fast...because supposedly Donald Trump was such a danger to national security...but then they won't send the articles to the Senate? I'm sorry but the Democrats have made a mockery of the entire process! They don't have an impeachable offense! They KNOW they don't have an impeachable offense and yet they're so desperate because of the pitifully weak field of candidates they've got going up against Trump that they've convinced themselves this is the only way to "save" the 2020 elections! Now the polls are coming out and it's becoming painfully obvious that they've badly misjudged the public's response to their actions!

Mr. Turtle isn't going to conduct a witch hunt against his friend and his President, no matter what Chuck and Nancy say.

They have no leverage really. The Senate doesn't want the articles of impeachment, so threatening not to deliver them isn't a viable threat. Its like someone stealing dog poop off your lawn and looking to try and get you to pay to get it back.
Why didn't democrats call witnesses when they had the chance?
Uh....they did..lots of them...what a bizarre post...

Lot's of them that were embarrassingly bad, Fort! Adam Schiff didn't prove a crime with any of those witnesses so now Pelosi and Schumer are left begging Mitch McConnell to help them out...like that was ever going to happen! This whole thing was so ill advised by the far left and so badly handled. They chose two of the sleaziest Democrats in the House...Schiff and Nadler...to run the hearings...which right from the start told anyone with even a modicum of common sense that they were going to be completely biased...didn't allow the GOP to call witnesses...and had to resort to charging obstruction of justice because Trump wouldn't give up his legal rights. They claimed it had to be done fast...because supposedly Donald Trump was such a danger to national security...but then they won't send the articles to the Senate? I'm sorry but the Democrats have made a mockery of the entire process! They don't have an impeachable offense! They KNOW they don't have an impeachable offense and yet they're so desperate because of the pitifully weak field of candidates they've got going up against Trump that they've convinced themselves this is the only way to "save" the 2020 elections! Now the polls are coming out and it's becoming painfully obvious that they've badly misjudged the public's response to their actions!

Mr. Turtle isn't going to conduct a witch hunt against his friend and his President, no matter what Chuck and Nancy say.

They have no leverage really. The Senate doesn't want the articles of impeachment, so threatening not to deliver them isn't a viable threat. Its like someone stealing dog poop off your lawn and looking to try and get you to pay to get it back.

I don't think Nancy ever really wanted to impeach Trump! She's smart enough to know that they don't have an impeachable offense and that there is zero chance of getting a conviction in a GOP controlled Senate trial! I think she went along with it to appease the liberal far left and the liberal media and now she's stuck with the result. This is 100% political theatre and it's backfiring on the Democrats in a major way!
Why didn't democrats call witnesses when they had the chance?
Uh....they did..lots of them...what a bizarre post...

Lot's of them that were embarrassingly bad, Fort! Adam Schiff didn't prove a crime with any of those witnesses so now Pelosi and Schumer are left begging Mitch McConnell to help them out...like that was ever going to happen! This whole thing was so ill advised by the far left and so badly handled. They chose two of the sleaziest Democrats in the House...Schiff and Nadler...to run the hearings...which right from the start told anyone with even a modicum of common sense that they were going to be completely biased...didn't allow the GOP to call witnesses...and had to resort to charging obstruction of justice because Trump wouldn't give up his legal rights. They claimed it had to be done fast...because supposedly Donald Trump was such a danger to national security...but then they won't send the articles to the Senate? I'm sorry but the Democrats have made a mockery of the entire process! They don't have an impeachable offense! They KNOW they don't have an impeachable offense and yet they're so desperate because of the pitifully weak field of candidates they've got going up against Trump that they've convinced themselves this is the only way to "save" the 2020 elections! Now the polls are coming out and it's becoming painfully obvious that they've badly misjudged the public's response to their actions!

Mr. Turtle isn't going to conduct a witch hunt against his friend and his President, no matter what Chuck and Nancy say.

They have no leverage really. The Senate doesn't want the articles of impeachment, so threatening not to deliver them isn't a viable threat. Its like someone stealing dog poop off your lawn and looking to try and get you to pay to get it back.

I don't think Nancy ever really wanted to impeach Trump! She's smart enough to know that they don't have an impeachable offense and that there is zero chance of getting a conviction in a GOP controlled Senate trial! I think she went along with it to appease the liberal far left and the liberal media and now she's stuck with the result. This is 100% political theatre and it's backfiring on the Democrats in a major way!

I don't know about Nancy herself. But a lot of Libs thought that they would be able to change hearts and minds with their bullshit witch hunt, and the speeches and votes we had earlier this week in the house, and it would get the ball moving.

That's why they kept it on TV ALL DAY and most of the evening, preempting both The Price is Right and Jeopardy for this spectacle. In fact, after the event was over, the media were packed into Washington DC bars celebrating Impeachmas they were so sure they had succeeded.
There is a legal way to get that the House Democrats could have gone to the courts make their case and the judge rules if the WH has grounds to block these people from testifying. The Democrats instead chose to push ahead with impeachment and not go that route the reason why is simple this is and always has been about politics nothing more.

Save that bullshit, had they gone to court it would have been drug out and you know that the flunkies Trump has put on the court would have covered his ass.
Save that bullshit you don't like the speed the courts run at to fucking bad it runs at the same speed for Democrats and Republicans I suspect you never gave a shit about judges Obama put on the court being partisan. So spare us all your phony outrage.

Come on Trump Humper you know why republicans are whining about the courts, because they are stacked in Trump's favor.
Remember the phrase elections have consquences dipshit? Remember who said it? Do you remember who made it possible for Trump to get so many judges confirmed when the Senate voted to change the number of votes needed for confirmation from 60 to a simple majority? The answers are Obama after his 2008 win and Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats in 2013.

Harry Reid on did it for the obstruction of the Republicans and did not include Scotus, so what did tramp do, decide nuclear option was good for Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, they are illegitimate judges, Garland was up for the supreme court, remember McConnell did even give him the time of day.

Elections do have consequences and I hope the Democrats prove that to you, control of the WH and control of the congress.
I think what you mean is Reid did it because he didn't like the Republicans were using the power given the minority party to have a say in these things the power both parties have when they are in the minority. When Reid used the nuclear option it was ironically Mitch McConnell who told the Democrats you will regert what you have done here one day and that day might be sooner than you think. As for Garland Mitch McConnell had the authority not to call for a vote on him he rolled the dice on the Preidential election result when Reid used the nuclear option everyone knew the Supreme Court was next it was just a question of who was going to be in control of the Senate when it happened.Yes the Democrats will take advantage of what McConnell did when they get the chance just like the Republicans did with Reid's actions I have said here before when either party does something to give themselves an advantage in the moment they are giving the other party that same advantage down the road.
There is a legal way to get that the House Democrats could have gone to the courts make their case and the judge rules if the WH has grounds to block these people from testifying. The Democrats instead chose to push ahead with impeachment and not go that route the reason why is simple this is and always has been about politics nothing more.

Save that bullshit, had they gone to court it would have been drug out and you know that the flunkies Trump has put on the court would have covered his ass.
Save that bullshit you don't like the speed the courts run at to fucking bad it runs at the same speed for Democrats and Republicans I suspect you never gave a shit about judges Obama put on the court being partisan. So spare us all your phony outrage.

Come on Trump Humper you know why republicans are whining about the courts, because they are stacked in Trump's favor.
Remember the phrase elections have consquences dipshit? Remember who said it? Do you remember who made it possible for Trump to get so many judges confirmed when the Senate voted to change the number of votes needed for confirmation from 60 to a simple majority? The answers are Obama after his 2008 win and Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats in 2013.

Harry Reid on did it for the obstruction of the Republicans and did not include Scotus, so what did tramp do, decide nuclear option was good for Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, they are illegitimate judges, Garland was up for the supreme court, remember McConnell did even give him the time of day.

Elections do have consequences and I hope the Democrats prove that to you, control of the WH and control of the congress.

Had Mrs. Clinton won the election, Mr. Turtle would have moved Judge Garland through to confirmation before Thanksgiving 2016.

The purpose of holding him up was to respect democracy.

Further, the Garland appointment was to replace Scalia who was whacked just a short time before, had he been confirmed, it would have hurt the fragile balance in the Supreme Court that our democracy counts on. Both sides should have a chance in the SCOTUS.

The balance would have been out of kilter.
Poll numbers? That is your reference point for justice?
No genius, it was my reference point for public opinion, which you brought up.
The numbers are no longer in your favor, that is what I know. Independents making a swing against libs.
I think they are getting tired of the "Boy who cried wolf". We got him, we got him, we got him, ooops we don't have him.
People are finding out that a lie can travel half way around the world before the truth gets it boot on.
Not true, polls are moving north again since he was impeached. A political poll was 50% before he was impeached but inched up to 52% since...

Poll: Majority approves of Trump's impeachment
Go figure. It's hugely confusing.

The Republicans whined that there was no "first hand" testimony.

So their solution? Refuse to allow first hand testimony to be given.

Why not?

Either they are afraid of what it might reveal or....

they are afraid of what it might reveal.
Do you need a link to the transcript?

You have seen Bolton's transcript? Mulvaney? Wow. You must work miracles or something.
Save that bullshit, had they gone to court it would have been drug out and you know that the flunkies Trump has put on the court would have covered his ass.
Save that bullshit you don't like the speed the courts run at to fucking bad it runs at the same speed for Democrats and Republicans I suspect you never gave a shit about judges Obama put on the court being partisan. So spare us all your phony outrage.

Come on Trump Humper you know why republicans are whining about the courts, because they are stacked in Trump's favor.
Remember the phrase elections have consquences dipshit? Remember who said it? Do you remember who made it possible for Trump to get so many judges confirmed when the Senate voted to change the number of votes needed for confirmation from 60 to a simple majority? The answers are Obama after his 2008 win and Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats in 2013.

Harry Reid on did it for the obstruction of the Republicans and did not include Scotus, so what did tramp do, decide nuclear option was good for Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, they are illegitimate judges, Garland was up for the supreme court, remember McConnell did even give him the time of day.

Elections do have consequences and I hope the Democrats prove that to you, control of the WH and control of the congress.

Had Mrs. Clinton won the election, Mr. Turtle would have moved Judge Garland through to confirmation before Thanksgiving 2016.

The purpose of holding him up was to respect democracy.

Further, the Garland appointment was to replace Scalia who was whacked just a short time before, had he been confirmed, it would have hurt the fragile balance in the Supreme Court that our democracy counts on. Both sides should have a chance in the SCOTUS.

The balance would have been out of kilter.

First off - the purpose was not to respect democracy but to subvert it. Make no mistake about that because I guarantee the Republicans are not going to step aside and give a SCOTUS nominee to the Dems if the situation arose again.

Second - the whole thing about balance is bullshit. The SCOTUS is not supposed to be about PARTISAN balance. Do you seriously think if Ginsburg leaves they are going hold it open for a liberal nomination? Seriously? Where in the constitution does it say anything about partisan balance?
Go figure. It's hugely confusing.

The Republicans whined that there was no "first hand" testimony.

So their solution? Refuse to allow first hand testimony to be given.

Why not?

Either they are afraid of what it might reveal or....

they are afraid of what it might reveal.
Do you need a link to the transcript?

You have seen Bolton's transcript? Mulvaney? Wow. You must work miracles or something.
You want to talk to trumps cabinet about privileged information? Do you have a good reason?
They complained there were no first hand accounts.

There are witnesses WITH first hand accounts.

Why won't they call them?

Are they afraid?

They won't call them because the House has the responsibility to uncover the facts, not the Senate. It is not fear, but standing up for the Constitution's separation of powers. The Executive branch is not subject to this type of hearing as upheld by the Supreme Court during the Obama Administration. Do your homework Coyote.

Trump stopped them from coming in, why?

Separation of powers. Presidents typically protect the office from Congressional over reach.

Yes - but how far does that protection stretch? That was tested in Clinton's impeachment I think...?

It isn't unlimited.
Go figure. It's hugely confusing.

The Republicans whined that there was no "first hand" testimony.

So their solution? Refuse to allow first hand testimony to be given.

Why not?

Either they are afraid of what it might reveal or....

they are afraid of what it might reveal.
Do you need a link to the transcript?

You have seen Bolton's transcript? Mulvaney? Wow. You must work miracles or something.
You want to talk to trumps cabinet about privileged information? Do you have a good reason?

Maybe I'm confused...I thought you guys were demanding first hand knowledge...now you're not? Make up your minds.
Go figure. It's hugely confusing.

The Republicans whined that there was no "first hand" testimony.

So their solution? Refuse to allow first hand testimony to be given.

Why not?

Either they are afraid of what it might reveal or....

they are afraid of what it might reveal.
Do you need a link to the transcript?

You have seen Bolton's transcript? Mulvaney? Wow. You must work miracles or something.
You want to talk to trumps cabinet about privileged information? Do you have a good reason?

Maybe I'm confused...I thought you guys were demanding first hand knowledge...now you're not? Make up your minds.
They have executive privilege you can’t talk to them about what Trump is discussing about foreign relations. Lol We have the transcript.. trump sets Foreign policy if you want to change that have people like you nobody does
Go figure. It's hugely confusing.

The Republicans whined that there was no "first hand" testimony.

So their solution? Refuse to allow first hand testimony to be given.

Why not?

Either they are afraid of what it might reveal or....

they are afraid of what it might reveal.
Do you need a link to the transcript?

You have seen Bolton's transcript? Mulvaney? Wow. You must work miracles or something.
You want to talk to trumps cabinet about privileged information? Do you have a good reason?

Maybe I'm confused...I thought you guys were demanding first hand knowledge...now you're not? Make up your minds.
They have executive privilege you can’t talk to them about what Trump is discussing about foreign relations. Lol We have the transcript.. trump sets Foreign policy if you want to change that have people like you nobody does
Even Trump is not above the law...you want to set some dangerous precedents. What will happen when a Dem is in that seat?
Do you need a link to the transcript?

You have seen Bolton's transcript? Mulvaney? Wow. You must work miracles or something.
You want to talk to trumps cabinet about privileged information? Do you have a good reason?

Maybe I'm confused...I thought you guys were demanding first hand knowledge...now you're not? Make up your minds.
They have executive privilege you can’t talk to them about what Trump is discussing about foreign relations. Lol We have the transcript.. trump sets Foreign policy if you want to change that have people like you nobody does
Even Trump is not above the law...you want to set some dangerous precedents. What will happen when a Dem is in that seat?
Lol dude YOU NEED TO HAVE EVIDENCE, give it to the courts.. you have none. Stop undermining the Greatest president that ever lived
Do you need a link to the transcript?

You have seen Bolton's transcript? Mulvaney? Wow. You must work miracles or something.
You want to talk to trumps cabinet about privileged information? Do you have a good reason?

Maybe I'm confused...I thought you guys were demanding first hand knowledge...now you're not? Make up your minds.
They have executive privilege you can’t talk to them about what Trump is discussing about foreign relations. Lol We have the transcript.. trump sets Foreign policy if you want to change that have people like you nobody does
Even Trump is not above the law...you want to set some dangerous precedents. What will happen when a Dem is in that seat?
Democrat Hypocrisy:

Obama directed his AG to ignore Congressional subpoenas during the Fast & Furious scandal

An American died as a result of what Obama & Holder tried to cover up

And Democrats STILL didn't call for his impeachment for "Obstruction of Congress"

You have seen Bolton's transcript? Mulvaney? Wow. You must work miracles or something.
You want to talk to trumps cabinet about privileged information? Do you have a good reason?

Maybe I'm confused...I thought you guys were demanding first hand knowledge...now you're not? Make up your minds.
They have executive privilege you can’t talk to them about what Trump is discussing about foreign relations. Lol We have the transcript.. trump sets Foreign policy if you want to change that have people like you nobody does
Even Trump is not above the law...you want to set some dangerous precedents. What will happen when a Dem is in that seat?
Lol dude YOU NEED TO HAVE EVIDENCE, give it to the courts.. you have none. Stop undermining the Greatest president that ever lived

Trump Humpers are in a cult, greatest president that ever lived. Dude you are delusional, please tell me what has he done to earn that label.
You have seen Bolton's transcript? Mulvaney? Wow. You must work miracles or something.
You want to talk to trumps cabinet about privileged information? Do you have a good reason?

Maybe I'm confused...I thought you guys were demanding first hand knowledge...now you're not? Make up your minds.
They have executive privilege you can’t talk to them about what Trump is discussing about foreign relations. Lol We have the transcript.. trump sets Foreign policy if you want to change that have people like you nobody does
Even Trump is not above the law...you want to set some dangerous precedents. What will happen when a Dem is in that seat?
Democrat Hypocrisy:

Obama directed his AG to ignore Congressional subpoenas during the Fast & Furious scandal

An American died as a result of what Obama & Holder tried to cover up

And Democrats STILL didn't call for his impeachment for "Obstruction of Congress"


Trump has been in office for 3yrs, why has there been no investigations, arrests, indictments, etc.
You have seen Bolton's transcript? Mulvaney? Wow. You must work miracles or something.
You want to talk to trumps cabinet about privileged information? Do you have a good reason?

Maybe I'm confused...I thought you guys were demanding first hand knowledge...now you're not? Make up your minds.
They have executive privilege you can’t talk to them about what Trump is discussing about foreign relations. Lol We have the transcript.. trump sets Foreign policy if you want to change that have people like you nobody does
Even Trump is not above the law...you want to set some dangerous precedents. What will happen when a Dem is in that seat?
Democrat Hypocrisy:

Obama directed his AG to ignore Congressional subpoenas during the Fast & Furious scandal

An American died as a result of what Obama & Holder tried to cover up

And Democrats STILL didn't call for his impeachment for "Obstruction of Congress"

Is it too late to impeach him now?

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