Why Is The Government Killing The Last Of Our Wild Horses?

but the government gets paid for that

wild horses don't pay taxes and fees so they must die

Sounds reasonable to me.

The BLM is tasked with balancing the needs of the natural ecosystem vs. useful agriculture. These horses fall into neither category, as they are no longer useful (we have motor vehicles now) and are not native to the region (humans introduced them, making them as much an invasive species as the Zebra Mussel or the Asian Carp).

But they are romantic creatures to some people, so we should let them chew up all the brush because they have no natural predators?
but the government gets paid for that

wild horses don't pay taxes and fees so they must die

Sounds reasonable to me.

The BLM is tasked with balancing the needs of the natural ecosystem vs. useful agriculture. These horses fall into neither category, as they are no longer useful (we have motor vehicles now) and are not native to the region (humans introduced them, making them as much an invasive species as the Zebra Mussel or the Asian Carp).

But they are romantic creatures to some people, so we should let them chew up all the brush because they have no natural predators?
By that argument we should raze all the national parks since they produce nothing
It's not a native species. Nor is it a useful domesticated one. There's really no compelling reason to preserve them.

HISTORY, dumbass. Thst is the compelling reason. Those wild horses were the stock from which the Indians bred the Appaloosa, the Nez Perce horse abd a half dozen other breeds of the most amazing horses you could imsgine. THOSE breeds then became the stock for the American Quarterhorse, and half a dozen other truly American horse breeds thst still exist today.

Those horses have a far greater clsim to thst grazing land than any ranchers coes do.
For the first, and probably last time, Im going to agree whi Lakotah on something. The are majestic animals with a history and background thst is pRt of whst made America what it is today.

These animals should be treasured by the American people, not abused and slaughtered by our Government. BLM needs to get their shit straightened out and pit the needs of these animals above the desires of ranchers, on Federal land. The US Government has already wiped out or nearly done so to at least 2 other breeds of horses because of their association with native tribes. To lose the Mustang as well would be a disgrace of rpic proportions.

It's not a native species. Nor is it a useful domesticated one. There's really no compelling reason to preserve them.
Joe, you obviously know nothing of that area. Many of the ranchers there still use horses, and will into the foreseeable future. The Kiger, in fact, the mustang period, is a valued asset to many of these ranchers. Obviously they cannot use all of them, and, in drought times, the excess number of horses are a detriment to the land. As noted, the government is making sure that this breed survives.
I'm just curious. Have you ever lived on a farm or ranch? Have you ever spent any time at all in the Great Basin either working, camping, or hiking?
There is no compelling reason to protecting Bald Eagles either. Wild horses are a part of the heritage of this country and they are awesome animals. With all the money the Feds piss away, we can afford to protect them. Cancel a couple of Obama's vacations and you have enough to cover all the Wild horses in America for a year.
I'm just curious. Have you ever lived on a farm or ranch? Have you ever spent any time at all in the Great Basin either working, camping, or hiking?
Don't know to whom you are addressing this to. But the Oregon High Desert is not part of the Great Basin. And, yes, I have spent time in the Great Basin, and much more time in the Oregon's High Desert. Both are extremely dry, and sparsely vegetated. Very fragile, vulnerable habitats. Just as we allow extra tags for deer and elk when there numbers become to great for the habitat, we could do the same for the horses. Except we have a cultural ihibitation concerning eating horsemeat. So, how do you propose we handle the overpopulation of horses in the High Desert?
HISTORY, dumbass. Thst is the compelling reason. Those wild horses were the stock from which the Indians bred the Appaloosa, the Nez Perce horse abd a half dozen other breeds of the most amazing horses you could imsgine. THOSE breeds then became the stock for the American Quarterhorse, and half a dozen other truly American horse breeds thst still exist today.

Those horses have a far greater clsim to thst grazing land than any ranchers coes do.

Are those breeds about to become extinct? Oh, wait, no, they aren't, and it's not like they are even distinct species that can't be recreated through selective breeding.
There is no compelling reason to protecting Bald Eagles either. Wild horses are a part of the heritage of this country and they are awesome animals. With all the money the Feds piss away, we can afford to protect them. Cancel a couple of Obama's vacations and you have enough to cover all the Wild horses in America for a year.

Bald Eagles are an endangered species and they are part of the ecosystem.

Wild HOrses are just horses that don't know their fucking place.
FYI wolves and coyotes prey on horses
Sorry but I can't condone the wholesale slaughter of animals for no reason as you can

We have a reason. THey are competing with useful animals for grazing area.

I wish you guys would show as much compassion for people as you do for stupid animals.
FYI wolves and coyotes prey on horses
Sorry but I can't condone the wholesale slaughter of animals for no reason as you can

We have a reason. THey are competing with useful animals for grazing area.

I wish you guys would show as much compassion for people as you do for stupid animals.

Not really since they move around much more and actually don't graze as low as cattle and sheep hence theyare actually gentler on the land

And people have a choice and voice animals don't

I judge people on how they treat animals because animals are truly helpless in the face of cruelty
Not really since they move around much more and actually don't graze as low as cattle and sheep hence theyare actually gentler on the land

And people have a choice and voice animals don't

I judge people on how they treat animals because animals are truly helpless in the face of cruelty

right, people totally chose to be poor and the victims of 400 years of institutionalized racism.

But the poor horsies...don't shoot the horsies...
Not really since they move around much more and actually don't graze as low as cattle and sheep hence theyare actually gentler on the land

And people have a choice and voice animals don't

I judge people on how they treat animals because animals are truly helpless in the face of cruelty

right, people totally chose to be poor and the victims of 400 years of institutionalized racism.

But the poor horsies...don't shoot the horsies...

All those people have choices how many people were born poor but still managed to make something of their lives?

There are thousands of charities that help people and billions in taxes are spent on people. they have plenty of choices and opportunities to get help and to help themselves.

Like I said I do judge people on how they treat animals that leaves you lower than a banana slug in my book
Are those breeds about to become extinct? Oh, wait, no, they aren't, and it's not like they are even distinct species that can't be recreated through selective breeding.

Actually some of the Natice American breeds ARE on the edge of extinction..... mostly because the US Army went with a policy of active eradication for several decades in the early 20th century.

Obviously you've never dealt much with horses in your life. You've lost out in that way.
I'm just curious. Have you ever lived on a farm or ranch? Have you ever spent any time at all in the Great Basin either working, camping, or hiking?
Don't know to whom you are addressing this to. But the Oregon High Desert is not part of the Great Basin. And, yes, I have spent time in the Great Basin, and much more time in the Oregon's High Desert. Both are extremely dry, and sparsely vegetated. Very fragile, vulnerable habitats. Just as we allow extra tags for deer and elk when there numbers become to great for the habitat, we could do the same for the horses. Except we have a cultural ihibitation concerning eating horsemeat. So, how do you propose we handle the overpopulation of horses in the High Desert?

In answer to YOUR question, I would cull them as the BLM wants to do and let them be sold to be used for dog and cat food. I would also see about exporting some of the meat to Third World countries that would grab it up in a second.

Save the remainder and make some $$$$ at the same time.
All those people have choices how many people were born poor but still managed to make something of their lives?

There are thousands of charities that help people and billions in taxes are spent on people. they have plenty of choices and opportunities to get help and to help themselves.

Like I said I do judge people on how they treat animals that leaves you lower than a banana slug in my book

I am not the one killing these invasive species, and I would be opposed if they were using methods that were cruel for the sake of being cruel.

The rest of your statement is a white guy who was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.
Actually some of the Natice American breeds ARE on the edge of extinction..... mostly because the US Army went with a policy of active eradication for several decades in the early 20th century.

Obviously you've never dealt much with horses in your life. You've lost out in that way.

Not really. We have technology now. I'd personally ride in a nice safe car than on a unpredictable animal.
All those people have choices how many people were born poor but still managed to make something of their lives?

There are thousands of charities that help people and billions in taxes are spent on people. they have plenty of choices and opportunities to get help and to help themselves.

Like I said I do judge people on how they treat animals that leaves you lower than a banana slug in my book

I am not the one killing these invasive species, and I would be opposed if they were using methods that were cruel for the sake of being cruel.

The rest of your statement is a white guy who was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.

You have no idea of my upbringing

And you are in favor of the wholesale slaughter of horses let's see if you think being hunted down from helicopters is cruel or not

It is needless slaughter there is plenty of open land in our country to accommodate these noble animals

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