Why is the Hunter Biden canard so important to Team Trump? Does #DTS ring a bell?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
How Trump abandoned his pledge to ‘drain the swamp’

"On a Friday evening in late September, President Trump huddled with high-dollar donors, lobbyists and corporate executives in a private room at the hotel he owns in Washington, where attendees took turns pitching the president on their pet issues.

Trump was there to raise big money for his reelection effort. The price of admission: as much as $100,000 per person to get in the door.

One attendee’s plea on behalf of an obscure railway project in Alaska in need of federal approval appeared to get immediate results.
Just after midnight, mere hours after the campaign fundraiser, Trump tweeted that it was his “honor to inform you that I will be issuing a Presidential Permit for the A2A Cross-Border rail.”

Among the many laughable claims Capt. Clorox made on the campaign trail in 2016, #DTS has reached the level of hilarity. It was designed as cover with the gullible rubes for what would be, and still is, the most corrupt admin since Grant. What better way to dupe The Following that personally profiting from the office was somehow okay because the Grifter-in-Chief was draining the swamp. It was a slight of hand only a professional conman could pull off.

The firm that once employed Trump’s pick to run Interior is making millions lobbying it
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck has quadrupled its business since David Bernhardt joined the Interior Department in 2017.

After all, you don't get elected prez after your crowning achievement was playing the role of a fictional executive on TV by being a second rate huckster. Don is the best. What else explains how he has orchestrated attention away from things like price gouging while insisting government employees stay at his properties and instead on disproven claims of corruption by his election opponent? Well, other than help from the Murdoch's that is.

"Ever since he first took office, President Donald Trump has been charged with using his position to profit off the presidency, as foreign leaders stay at Trump Organization properties while the president himself ferries back and forth to the “winter White House” and Trump properties around the world. And while the Trump administration has been understandably cagey about just how much taxpayer money is funneling into the Trump Organization’s pockets, we now have a somewhat better idea when it comes to one major charge. Following reports earlier this year that the Trump Organization has charged the Secret Service as much as $650 a night to stay at Trump properties when accompanying the president, the Washington Post reported Thursday that those hefty hotel bills have so far added up to nearly a million dollars—at least."

Karl Rove pioneered the idea of accusing your political rival of the thing you have the most liability for. It's why the chicken hawk coward known as Shrub, who didn't even finish the cushy gig his dad got for him with the ANG, ended up assassinating the character of a war hero.

I can't help wondering why you think these repeated instances of deceitfully editing pictures and videos so Biden's words are taken out of context would be persuasive with anyone other than hicks who just fell off the turnip truck. Oh......wait.........that would be folks like you.

you say the video is edited instead of giving your opinion show the full video

I can't help wondering why you think these repeated instances of deceitfully editing pictures and videos so Biden's words are taken out of context would be persuasive with anyone other than hicks who just fell off the turnip truck. Oh......wait.........that would be folks like you.

Russian, right? Probably the same Rooskies who sneaked in and poured all that pee on the bed Obama slept in.

They're so sneaky.
Reading the WAPO is akin to watching CNN
Trumpleton's revulsion of the truth is well documented.
wapo cnn are proven propagandist for the democrat party
Jeff Bezos hates Trump. That's for sure. He bought the paper just for expressing his political view. Who else, that knows so much about business, would buy a failing entity.
yep some are hoping they can get a ticket to team Biden administration that will give them some protection against bidens failed policies.

I can't help wondering why you think these repeated instances of deceitfully editing pictures and videos so Biden's words are taken out of context would be persuasive with anyone other than hicks who just fell off the turnip truck. Oh......wait.........that would be folks like you.

Liberals claim Biden doesn't say something that is on tape, yet they 100% believe things anonymous people claim TRUMP said. :shok:

I can't help wondering why you think these repeated instances of deceitfully editing pictures and videos so Biden's words are taken out of context would be persuasive with anyone other than hicks who just fell off the turnip truck. Oh......wait.........that would be folks like you.

you say the video is edited instead of giving your opinion show the full video

Here you go:

“First of all, go to iwillvote.com to make a plan. Exactly how you're going to vote, where you're going to vote, when you're going to vote. Because it can get complicated. Because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote. Particularly people of color to vote. So go to iwillvote.com. Secondly, we're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama's administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people
from voting by implying that their vote won't be counted. It can't be counted. We're going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it's going to overwhelm the system. You see what's happening now. You guys know it as well as I do. You see the long, long lines in early voting. You see the millions of people have already cast a ballot. And so, don't be intimidated. If, in fact, you have any problem, go to and I don't have the number, but it's 833-DEM-VOTE. The letters D-E-M-V-O-T-E. Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them answering the phone. If you think there's any challenge to your voting, go to 833-DEM-VOTE. Dial those letters on your phone that will get
you the assistance that we have already put in place.”
Reading the WAPO is akin to watching CNN
Trumpleton's revulsion of the truth is well documented.
wapo cnn are proven propagandist for the democrat party
Jeff Bezos hates Trump. That's for sure. He bought the paper just for expressing his political view. Who else, that knows so much about business, would buy a failing entity.
It is incumbent on you to prove the assertions made by the WaPo are inaccurate rather than assuming they are because of motives you attribute to its owner.

I can't help wondering why you think these repeated instances of deceitfully editing pictures and videos so Biden's words are taken out of context would be persuasive with anyone other than hicks who just fell off the turnip truck. Oh......wait.........that would be folks like you.

You are kidding right? You mean like you morons built and entire “racist” theme around a quote from Charlottesville that was absolutely taken out of context.

I can't help wondering why you think these repeated instances of deceitfully editing pictures and videos so Biden's words are taken out of context would be persuasive with anyone other than hicks who just fell off the turnip truck. Oh......wait.........that would be folks like you.

you say the video is edited instead of giving your opinion show the full video

Here you go:

“First of all, go to iwillvote.com to make a plan. Exactly how you're going to vote, where you're going to vote, when you're going to vote. Because it can get complicated. Because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote. Particularly people of color to vote. So go to iwillvote.com. Secondly, we're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama's administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people
from voting by implying that their vote won't be counted. It can't be counted. We're going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it's going to overwhelm the system. You see what's happening now. You guys know it as well as I do. You see the long, long lines in early voting. You see the millions of people have already cast a ballot. And so, don't be intimidated. If, in fact, you have any problem, go to and I don't have the number, but it's 833-DEM-VOTE. The letters D-E-M-V-O-T-E. Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them answering the phone. If you think there's any challenge to your voting, go to 833-DEM-VOTE. Dial those letters on your phone that will get
you the assistance that we have already put in place.”

Well that was pretty extensive and inclusive. But you left out the extensive and inclusive part.
Liberals claim Biden doesn't say something that is on tape, yet they 100% believe things anonymous people claim TRUMP said.
Take a swing at this. Why would Biden create a video admitting his campaign is involved in massive voter fraud? Does that make any sense to you? Or is the more logical explanation his words were taken out of context by editing the tape?

I can't help wondering why you think these repeated instances of deceitfully editing pictures and videos so Biden's words are taken out of context would be persuasive with anyone other than hicks who just fell off the turnip truck. Oh......wait.........that would be folks like you.

you say the video is edited instead of giving your opinion show the full video

Here you go:

“First of all, go to iwillvote.com to make a plan. Exactly how you're going to vote, where you're going to vote, when you're going to vote. Because it can get complicated. Because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote. Particularly people of color to vote. So go to iwillvote.com. Secondly, we're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama's administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people
from voting by implying that their vote won't be counted. It can't be counted. We're going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it's going to overwhelm the system. You see what's happening now. You guys know it as well as I do. You see the long, long lines in early voting. You see the millions of people have already cast a ballot. And so, don't be intimidated. If, in fact, you have any problem, go to and I don't have the number, but it's 833-DEM-VOTE. The letters D-E-M-V-O-T-E. Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them answering the phone. If you think there's any challenge to your voting, go to 833-DEM-VOTE. Dial those letters on your phone that will get
you the assistance that we have already put in place.”

Where's the link?Yawn

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