Why is the left still so angry???

Who is angry?

I am frustrated that this shit had to happen in the first place. I am not pleased that it wasted 24 billion dollars. I lost a few bucks myself.

I am glad that the POTUS did not give in to the demands of the hostage takers.

I am a little concerned that some of the nutters here were not moved to burst their bubble as a result of this dopey play. I thought a few might.

Angry? Nah.

You're at the cemetery with the tombstone that says "Republican Party" still unloading your gun shooting at the body six feet under.

This actually is the point of the question in the op, you won, they are crushed, what would it take for you to get over it and move on? Is there some point where you've shot, stabbed, poisoned, hung, blown up, slit their neck, ... where they are dead enough for you? What would it take?

That is ridiculous.

Not only is it not ridiculous, but you even knew it. That's why Obama and Reid didn't "negotiate." They knew that the media would suck them off, the public would drop Republicans to single digit approval and the Republicans would cave and give a bunch more. You're completely aware of what happened.

The only snag, which was minor and temporary, was it turned out Obama saying no negotiations turned out to be a bit too stubborn for the public even with the media lap dancing the Democrats. So Obama had them over for a cigarette and told them they get zip, that was his negotiation. The media sucked them off, the public decided he was negotiating and the Republicans caved and gave a bunch more.

But please, stop with the BS you don't know what's going on. You clearly do.
The worst whiners are the media whiners. They convince themselves that nobody knows the truth but them.....the rest of the world is being deceived by media.

Arrogant and stupid make strange bedfellows.
He's right...we shouldn't be mad at the toddler for their costly tantrum...we just need to calmly give them the time-out they deserve.

My question is why do you even care about that? You've crushed them, yet your whole schick is still to continue to attack them. Why do you care?
The worst whiners are the media whiners. They convince themselves that nobody knows the truth but them.....the rest of the world is being deceived by media.

Arrogant and stupid make strange bedfellows.


The media is in seventh heaven, what are you talking about, Willis?
They didn't win to get rid of the sequester, which they hate.
They still can't completely and totally spend and tax us into oblivion yet.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves wanting the Dem's in power who will put this humongous financial problems onto our future generations.

So, if onlyDemocrats hate the Sequester, why did the GOP try so hard to call it the "Obamaquester" and blame it on him?

The Dems tried to get rid of the sequester spending in this last shut down fight.
Im angry cause the Tea Party exists.

Imagine, thinking spending is to high. They are freaking nuts, I hear ya man. Too high. WTF?

Be honest! You only talk about spending when your guy is not in the WH. You are very transparent.

Will you admit that the deficit is lower this year than last? Will you?

How can you keep bitching about spending when the trend is downward? How?

Burst the bubble, angry boy........free yourself.
Imagine, thinking spending is to high. They are freaking nuts, I hear ya man. Too high. WTF?

they also think Obama is a Muslim, was born in Kenya, is an illegal alien, is a Communist, and that government should keep their hands of MediCare.

They are very stupid people.
Im angry cause the Tea Party exists.

Imagine, thinking spending is to high. They are freaking nuts, I hear ya man. Too high. WTF?

Be honest! You only talk about spending when your guy is not in the WH. You are very transparent.

Will you admit that the deficit is lower this year than last? Will you?

How can you keep bitching about spending when the trend is downward? How?

Burst the bubble, angry boy........free yourself.

I always like the, I'm a liberal and I don't get it, duh, which makes me "intelligent."

I'm a libertarian, dumb ass, not a Republican. You've clearly been in enough discussions with me to know that. Saying you're dumb as bricks and have no long term memory makes you intelligent. Got it, moron.
They didn't win to get rid of the sequester, which they hate.
They still can't completely and totally spend and tax us into oblivion yet.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves wanting the Dem's in power who will put this humongous financial problems onto our future generations.

So, if onlyDemocrats hate the Sequester, why did the GOP try so hard to call it the "Obamaquester" and blame it on him?

The Dems tried to get rid of the sequester spending in this last shut down fight.

That wasn't my question. I'm aware that the Dems want it gone. Anyone with half a brain want the sequester cuts to end. The GOP wanted to blame the Sequester on the President, but now want to own it?
He's right...we shouldn't be mad at the toddler for their costly tantrum...we just need to calmly give them the time-out they deserve.

My question is why do you even care about that? You've crushed them, yet your whole schick is still to continue to attack them. Why do you care?

Why should I care that their tantrum cost $24 billion? Really?
Because they are fear based?
So none of this has stopped their fear of backlash and bullying
since their "wins" depend on politics not solving the problems underneath?

I question this fear-based dependence on party with a friend of mine
who couldn't explain it either. He just has such distrust of rightwing
Republicans and conservatives, that he cannot align even when he agrees with them.
but depends on the Democrat party to keep a sense of liberty being represented.
That maybe because these people are so uncompromising, to the point of
being unreasonable about it, he knows they will at least defend what does represent him.

And I guess for the part he doesn't agree with, he underhandedly relies on the
opposition from Republicans to fight that battle and win it.

So it's more wimpy behavior of just depending on this side or that side to fight it out,
and trusting that whatever you get will be fair since both sides will not give in.

I think the ACA proves this can produce some bastard bill nobody wants
the way it came out. But someone people will excuse it as long as someone
else is there to fight out the parts that are messed up and need fixing.

They will stick with their side and depend on the other to fix the messes made.

When I asked on my bf radio show to Steve Stockman, this idea of holding Democrats responsible for paying for their own policies, he said they would turn into conservatives.

so that may be the solution to stop this nonsense is to hold people to the laws
they actually pass and support, and make them pay for them and be under them.
voters included, by holding them to the party they choose to pay their taxes to
for the programs that are partisan. for federal policies those can be covered by
income taxes as is. but any of these biased programs pushed by one side or the other
should be funded by their own party bases to hold them responsible for their own.

You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?
He's right...we shouldn't be mad at the toddler for their costly tantrum...we just need to calmly give them the time-out they deserve.

My question is why do you even care about that? You've crushed them, yet your whole schick is still to continue to attack them. Why do you care?

Why should I care that their tantrum cost $24 billion? Really?

Why not charge that back to the people who failed to resolve conflicts BEFORE passing ACA in the first place.

And while we're at it, we can charge govt leaders with paying back to taxpayers billions more in wasted war spending on contested contracts. and use that to fund health care not only for vets but a lot more people by the time we build enough programs to cover the demand.
You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?
Could be that cons' stunt cost us $24,000,000,000.

Could be that cons' stunt cost us $24,000,000,000.

Quote of the day....

$17 trillion in debt and we needed to raise the debt ceiling AGAIN....

And the Libs are now concerned about money...

All of a sudden Libs are worried about money.
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Imagine, thinking spending is to high. They are freaking nuts, I hear ya man. Too high. WTF?

Be honest! You only talk about spending when your guy is not in the WH. You are very transparent.

Will you admit that the deficit is lower this year than last? Will you?

How can you keep bitching about spending when the trend is downward? How?

Burst the bubble, angry boy........free yourself.

I always like the, I'm a liberal and I don't get it, duh, which makes me "intelligent."

I'm a libertarian, dumb ass, not a Republican. You've clearly been in enough discussions with me to know that. Saying you're dumb as bricks and have no long term memory makes you intelligent. Got it, moron.

Bullshit. You vote for Republicans and you support them here. Why lie?
You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?

I'll tell you why they are so angry...because they are not winning. Obama Care is a disaster and they know it. Inside they blame republicans for that. They don't want Obama Care they want Totally free care in a single payer system. You just can't tax the rich enough to satisfy their unbridled anger towards people that have a bigger TV than they do. They are also not happy with the war on terror and they see it as a Bush war that the republicans and the Tea Party won't let Barry Obama out from.
In other words they are unrepentant extreme whack jobs that have never read the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights and were raised to hate their own Nations Founders. They were lied to in school and they sucked it right in and now they are voting. Voting against their own children's future and they are too Damn angry to see it.
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