Why is the left still so angry???

I have full faith the reactionary left will always come through for the Republicans

More people have applied to live on Mars than have signed up for Obamacare Over 200,000 people apply to live on Mars (Wired UK) … cc [MENTION=40940]Ezra[/MENTION]klein

Over 200,000 people apply to live on Mars
Over 200,000 people have applied to live on Mars as part of an ambitious proposal by private foundation Mars One to establish a human settlement on the Red Planet by 2023

Wired UK @WiredUK

according to government web site 4.7 million have sign up for it ... I my self sign up for it yesterday ... it takes 48 hours to confirm that you are sign up ... so like everything you posted so far your wrong once again ...

I'm going to call shenanigans. Could you please provide a link.
You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?

Why is the left still so angry???
Socialist Utopian Myth is proving to be just that. ;)
The shit deepens, the plot thickens, and they are running out of patsies to blame it on. ;)

Papa Obama became president:
total federal debt stood at $10.6 trillion.

This week:
$16.7 trillion — an increase of 57 percent.

In the same time frame under Bush:
total federal debt rose 38 percent.

Under Clinton:
it rose 32 percent.

truth is hard for the left

It looks like you might have to pull out the race card
on this one

Better yet. it might be better to use some bold print and tell
us how you won in some way

and yet this fool can't seem to show us what bills did obama pass that cause this 6.7 trillions of dollars of debt ... whys that???? you seem to love to run off at the mouth with numbers ??? how come you can't seem to run off at the mouth where all thise debt came from ???? is that because you're all mouth and no factual substance .??? we'll wait for you to show us what obama spent it on ... i'll bet you won't show us ...
Get rid of Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Steve King, Paul Broun, and Rand Paul and we'll be happy

actually Michele Bachmann is dropping out, so I guess that's something

Remove all of the checks and balances in the Constitution and the left will punish everyone that pisses them off, then they will be happy.


sounds good to me ... usually they have a reason to be pissed off ... its call greedy republicans ...
true numbers

truth hurts

Tell me about it


I have full faith the reactionary left will always come through for the Republicans

More people have applied to live on Mars than have signed up for Obamacare Over 200,000 people apply to live on Mars (Wired UK) … cc [MENTION=40940]Ezra[/MENTION]klein

Over 200,000 people apply to live on Mars
Over 200,000 people have applied to live on Mars as part of an ambitious proposal by private foundation Mars One to establish a human settlement on the Red Planet by 2023

Wired UK @WiredUK

according to government web site 4.7 million have sign up for it ... I my self sign up for it yesterday ... it takes 48 hours to confirm that you are sign up ... so like everything you posted so far your wrong once again ...

The website has crashed.

So far they have only been able to register 10,000 per week.

A friend of mine was told that his bank account would be accessed by the government if he failed to finish enrolling and fines assessed.

I guess all of the stories were true after all.
true numbers

truth hurts

as I predicted all mouth and no credible sources ... pops up a number abt he just can't seem to come up with were these numbers came from ... so "ll help you under rea=gan an bush 1, 5 trillion dollars of debt... 3 trillion dollars was caused by rean at 5 trillion dollars of debt in 8 years in office bush caused 10 .5 trillion dollars of debt ... see I can pull numbers out of a hat just like you ... tell us where obams debt came from...
You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?
Could be that cons' stunt cost us $24,000,000,000.

You do know the fed is printing 85 billion a MONTH to prop up our piss poor economy don't you? Where's your phony outrage for that?
true numbers

truth hurts

as I predicted all mouth and no credible sources ... pops up a number abt he just can't seem to come up with were these numbers came from ... so "ll help you under rea=gan an bush 1, 5 trillion dollars of debt... 3 trillion dollars was caused by rean at 5 trillion dollars of debt in 8 years in office bush caused 10 .5 trillion dollars of debt ... see I can pull numbers out of a hat just like you ... tell us where obams debt came from...

I just gave you some numbers.

Seems to me like you're all mouth because your numbers are bull shit.

Why is it the debt, which was around $9 trillion during Bush and Reagan, was directly their fault and the debt, which is currently around $17 trillion, isn't Obama's.

You're fighting from a position of weakness numbnuts, and you're acting like you're winning the argument.

Fact is, to be a believer in Obamination you have to be in complete denial.
I have full faith the reactionary left will always come through for the Republicans

More people have applied to live on Mars than have signed up for Obamacare Over 200,000 people apply to live on Mars (Wired UK) … cc [MENTION=40940]Ezra[/MENTION]klein

Over 200,000 people apply to live on Mars
Over 200,000 people have applied to live on Mars as part of an ambitious proposal by private foundation Mars One to establish a human settlement on the Red Planet by 2023

Wired UK @WiredUK

according to government web site 4.7 million have sign up for it ... I my self sign up for it yesterday ... it takes 48 hours to confirm that you are sign up ... so like everything you posted so far your wrong once again ...

The website has crashed.

So far they have only been able to register 10,000 per week.

A friend of mine was told that his bank account would be accessed by the government if he failed to finish enrolling and fines assessed.

I guess all of the stories were true after all.

You believed him? Maybe you should rethink that friend thing. Friends don't lie to friends.

You gullible imbecile.
Tick.... tick....tick ... tick... I"m still waiting for your link.. tick... tick... tick....

While you are waiting you could always obtain the link you were asked to provide in post #129.

Oh sorry, I guess I should have explained myself instead of just laughing at the silliness of your post and moving on. I'm not sure if I can show you a link to My OPINION unless you just want to read post #129 again. I can show you links of Obama using angry petty rhetoric that leads me to believe that he uses fear mongering and hatred as a way to galvanize his supporters if you want.
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according to government web site 4.7 million have sign up for it ... I my self sign up for it yesterday ... it takes 48 hours to confirm that you are sign up ... so like everything you posted so far your wrong once again ...

The website has crashed.

So far they have only been able to register 10,000 per week.

A friend of mine was told that his bank account would be accessed by the government if he failed to finish enrolling and fines assessed.

I guess all of the stories were true after all.

You believed him? Maybe you should rethink that friend thing. Friends don't lie to friends.

You gullible imbecile.

I think you should STFU.

Who I choose to associate with is none of your God Damned business.

I tend to believe someone who is non-political and has no axe to grind over some fucken hack who feels he has to prove a point without any evidence.
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I have full faith the reactionary left will always come through for the Republicans

More people have applied to live on Mars than have signed up for Obamacare Over 200,000 people apply to live on Mars (Wired UK) … cc [MENTION=40940]Ezra[/MENTION]klein

Over 200,000 people apply to live on Mars
Over 200,000 people have applied to live on Mars as part of an ambitious proposal by private foundation Mars One to establish a human settlement on the Red Planet by 2023

Wired UK @WiredUK

according to government web site 4.7 million have sign up for it ... I my self sign up for it yesterday ... it takes 48 hours to confirm that you are sign up ... so like everything you posted so far your wrong once again ...

The website has crashed.

So far they have only been able to register 10,000 per week.

A friend of mine was told that his bank account would be accessed by the government if he failed to finish enrolling and fines assessed.

I guess all of the stories were true after all.

I believed that happen the first week ... there were millions of people going to the web sites that can't handle that amount of people looking into ... right now there isn't any web sight that can handle that amount of people checking it doesn't exist ... to sign up you have to go through several hoops... first the have to determined if you qualify for medicaid by sharing with them your tax information ... the state does this not the feds ... then you get medicaid rejection number ... it took me about 15 min to get a email of the medicaid rejection number ... in the email they sent you, you get a phone number that you call... they then take you rejection number information ... to determined if you get health care assistance ... this takes 48 hours for them to confirm if get you assistance... they then either call you or send you a email to tell you if you qualified ... you then call them back and set up a health care plan ... as of yesterday it took me about 10 minutes to sign up.. the whole thing took about a half of an hour to do ... now I waiting to see how much ... according to my insurance Broker what she has found it will cost me $251.12 ... thats 300 dollars cheeper then what I'm paying now ...
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