Why is the left still so angry???

You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?

W took us to a war that they lied about abd yes we are still paying for that debt that he caused I realize you want to blame it on obama but it wasmn't obama that declared war on the middle east it was Bush ... if you're not bright enough to see that this debt that we are struggling with was cause By Bush and the Bush administration I would say you're blind...

$622 billion, according to the Congressional Research Service.

Where could the rest of that money have been spent?
You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?

here you republicans fucked them selves by trying to force obama care out of existence ... causing the government to shut down ... causing billions of dollars of more debt by doing this ... then trying to let the debt ceiling expire for your own personal political gain and your angry about a pulling a stick out ... hell you luck that they aren't pulling a 2 x 12 stick out of your republicans
You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?

You folks just grinded the economy to a halt and used a parliamentary trick that cost the American economy 24 billion dollars. That's after costing the economy big time after another near shutdown which came with a ratings downgrade from the S&P.

It's time for Conservatives to stop abusing government to destroy it.
You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?

W took us to a war that they lied about abd yes we are still paying for that debt that he caused I realize you want to blame it on obama but it wasmn't obama that declared war on the middle east it was Bush ... if you're not bright enough to see that this debt that we are struggling with was cause By Bush and the Bush administration I would say you're blind...

$622 billion, according to the Congressional Research Service.

Where could the rest of that money have been spent?

you have a source for this lie ?? what bill or bills did Obama sign into law that has cause us 5, or 6 trillion dollars of debt ... can you come up with that one ??? Congressional Research Service. really???
Papa Obama spends more than any other president
no lie

It is just that
truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy
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The DNC booing God at their last convention
might be a good start to show some angry

Perhaps his famous statement of

'If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun'.

that does not sound very non-fearful or at least
not very friendly
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You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?

thank god that they don't have any power ... with our past experiences we would be in a world of debt ... if the republicans had their way ...

Too funny,

only the extreme left would look at what we have now in terms of our national debt
and think it is small


really funny
only a right wing whack job would think that the national debt was created by a president that didn't sign any bill or bills that caused trillion of dollars of debt .. I love to see you show us where all of Obama's debt came from ... here's a clue, it will show it came from the Bush administration all the way back to the Reagan administration ... that's why you won't post where this debt came from under Obama ... you'll just say well he's president and the debt came under his watch ... that's a typical republican response ...
Papa Obama became president:
total federal debt stood at $10.6 trillion.

This week:
$16.7 trillion — an increase of 57 percent.

In the same time frame under Bush:
total federal debt rose 38 percent.

Under Clinton:
it rose 32 percent.

truth is hard for the left

It looks like you might have to pull out the race card
on this one

Better yet. it might be better to use some bold print and tell
us how you won in some way
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I have full faith the reactionary left will always come through for the Republicans

More people have applied to live on Mars than have signed up for Obamacare Over 200,000 people apply to live on Mars (Wired UK) … cc [MENTION=40940]Ezra[/MENTION]klein

Over 200,000 people apply to live on Mars
Over 200,000 people have applied to live on Mars as part of an ambitious proposal by private foundation Mars One to establish a human settlement on the Red Planet by 2023

Wired UK @WiredUK

according to government web site 4.7 million have sign up for it ... I my self sign up for it yesterday ... it takes 48 hours to confirm that you are sign up ... so like everything you posted so far your wrong once again ...
Papa Obama spends more than any other president
no lie

It is just that
truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

prove it ...show us any bill that has been passed under his administration that has cost us 6.7 trillion dollars in debt ... I'd love to see you prove it ... all you do is run off at the mouth with out fact one...
The DNC booing God at their last convention
might be a good start to show some angry

Perhaps his famous statement of

'If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun'.

that does not sound very non-fearful or at least
not very friendly

that's not what he said ..but you keep making a fool out of yourself ...you mastering that just fine here today...
he said you don't bring a knife, to a gun fight ... like Ive always said if repub-lie-tards can't get it right they lie about it
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Don't mind Neo, who does mean well but is very typical for an extremists with little grasp of American history and western political philosophy.
4.7 million unique visitors

the reactionary left lies
sorry Neotrotsky that's sign up, try again !!! you missed that one too !!! I saw the Colorado news yesterday they have sign up a little over 700,000 people ... that's just one state
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Get rid of Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Steve King, Paul Broun, and Rand Paul and we'll be happy

actually Michele Bachmann is dropping out, so I guess that's something

Remove all of the checks and balances in the Constitution and the left will punish everyone that pisses them off, then they will be happy.

You won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the Republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- You got Obamacare
- Federal spending is soaring
- Taxes on the "rich" are going up
- The "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- State rights are reduced to only that which the Federal government decides to allow them
- We are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- The Republican majority in the House is irrelevant and has no power
- Obama is doing what W did in the Middle East and W is still being blamed for it
- W is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the Republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So I don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?

Why is the left still so angry???
Socialist Utopian Myth is proving to be just that. ;)
The shit deepens, the plot thickens, and they are running out of patsies to blame it on. ;)
4.7 million unique visitors

the reactionary left lies
sorry Neotrotsky that's sign up, try again !!! you missed that one too !!! I saw the Colorado news yesterday they have sign up a little over 700,000 people ... that's just one state

Perhaps, if you had someone read you the article, it might help
If you want I can put it in big font or bold print for you

The Hill

In addition to the 4.7 million Web hits, HHS logged 190,000 calls to enrollment hotlines and 104,000 requests for live Web chats, Peters said.
The department has not said how many of those people successfully enrolled in coverage.

Race card, still your best best

Don't fret, no doubt concerned trolls will try to help you
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