Why is the left still so angry???

Imagine, thinking spending is to high. They are freaking nuts, I hear ya man. Too high. WTF?

they also think Obama is a Muslim, was born in Kenya, is an illegal alien, is a Communist, and that government should keep their hands of MediCare.

They are very stupid people.

I've never seen kaz say Obama is a Kenyan Muslim who should keep his hands off Medicare.

You closed down our fucking government and brought us on the verge of default....all because of an obsession with Obamacare

It was Obama's fault, didn't you know? They had to bring America on the brink of destruction, Obama made them do it!!

of course it was obama :rolleyes:

have ever heard about one little atrocity which happened to this country and is named obamacare?
or you are too stooopid to know that?

And Republicans were so obsessed with it they were prepared to throw the US (and possibly other countries) into a massive recession.

Fuck Republicans.

You closed down our fucking government and brought us on the verge of default....all because of an obsession with Obamacare

It was Obama's fault, didn't you know? They had to bring America on the brink of destruction, Obama made them do it!!

If only Obama would do what they tell him we wouldn't have these problems

How dare that black man not pay attention and heed the wishes of a bunch of old white men. He should be lynched, I tell you!
you won yet again on the budget/debt limit as the republicans/conservatives/tea party got squat. It's quite a winning streak you have going.

- you got obamacare
- federal spending is soaring
- taxes on the "rich" are going up
- the "poor" are not only not paying taxes but getting refunds of taxes they didn't pay
- state rights are reduced to only that which the federal government decides to allow them
- we are doing little to nothing to secure our borders
- the republican majority in the house is irrelevant and has no power
- obama is doing what w did in the middle east and w is still being blamed for it
- w is still being blamed for our economy five years after he left.

You are completely and utterly dominating the republican party in every conceivable way and you have been for the last decade. So i don't get it, why are you still so angry? You have no tolerance, no empathy, no mercy for those you have utterly crushed. Why? What would it take to get you to pull the stick out? Aren't you getting enough?

20 years after obama leaves office, you republicans will still be blaming him for everything. Lets not get hypocritical.

It was Obama's fault, didn't you know? They had to bring America on the brink of destruction, Obama made them do it!!

If only Obama would do what they tell him we wouldn't have these problems

How dare that black man not pay attention and heed the wishes of a bunch of old white men. He should be lynched, I tell you!

And the race card is played again....
The only ones that bring race into any of this are those on the left...
Well at least the word "hostage" wasn't used..
It's been about 5 minutes since those on the left has used the Valerie Jarrett term she told the lefties
to use at any opportunity.
They just can't accept the possibility that people on the right just wont genuflect in Obama's
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I've seen partisans on both sides call the other side terrorists on this forum.

It's difficult to lend credence to them unless they heavily justify it (which no one really has).
If only Obama would do what they tell him we wouldn't have these problems

How dare that black man not pay attention and heed the wishes of a bunch of old white men. He should be lynched, I tell you!

And the race card is played again....
The only ones that bring race into any of this are those on the left...

I am willing to bet that many Republicans hate Obama because he is black. Racism is rife in the US.
Im angry that Conservatives refuse to kneal and admit that Obaba is the one true Son of God and King of the Jews!!
How dare that black man not pay attention and heed the wishes of a bunch of old white men. He should be lynched, I tell you!

And the race card is played again....
The only ones that bring race into any of this are those on the left...

I am willing to bet that many Republicans hate Obama because he is black. Racism is rife in the US.

And we like guns too.....

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