Why is the USDA paying for people to get high speed internet?

Uhhh, because we are now 21 trillion in debt and growing????
Tax the rich at a higher rate than the rest of us like everyone else in the world and every tax system ever. The ratio of debt 2 GDP is coming down...

We do tax them at a higher rate than the rest of us. That's why the top 20% contribute 87% of all collected income taxes, and the bottom 45% pay zero in income taxes.
that would be federal income taxes, which is the only thing the brainwashed GOP voters can talk about, our only progressive tax and seems to be there only for propaganda purposes. Other taxes are just as important as federal income taxes- we have a flat system -if they make pay 87% of taxes, it is because they make 87% of income. Which is just about right. Great job GOP.

False on every level.

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You dupes can only talk about federal income taxes, it's amazing how brainwashed you are.

Because federal income tax is what supports all our federal programs. Your city tax? You get that back in city services. Same thing with county tax, state tax. If you live to the average age in this country, what you contribute to SS and Medicare, you get that back and much more on average.

When it comes to federal income tax, the wealthy pay most of it for everybody else, yet they get less benefits from programs that are funded by the federal income tax than lower income people.
Why is the USDA paying for people to get high speed internet?

Because it's not their money to spend, it's ours. After all, what would you have bought by the end of the night if I gave you my Amazon password and said buy anything you like and as much as you want by midnight?

and come next Nov, you will vote for them again and they will keep doing it....

The option is not going to be any better.
Where I live there is only 1 DSL choice and and no cable, etc. That one DSL provider is the worst. Spotty service, low speeds (the advertise 3MPS but 1MPS is typical IF it doesn't go down which it does throughout the day, each day every day. I have both DSL and Satellite because I run a business but Satellite is expensive and comes with data limits. Yet, I still do not agree with any government edict making everyone else pay for my better internet service. More and more folks are moving to rural areas and already I see some services expanding into these areas.

And that's exactly it. If a rural area needs or wants this kind of technology, they can pool their own money together and get it themselves if the provider doesn't see the investment as a money making opportunity.

A former coworker of mine lived in a town just outside of the city. As has been discussed, the cable companies didn't see the market in that town. They provided several services in the nearby city. So when enough people wanted it, they put it up for a tax levy vote and passed it. After the city setup the lines and whatever, one company decided to provide service, but like you said, it was expensive and unreliable. But because the infrastructure was there, other companies eventually came along to compete with the substandard expensive company. Now he has more than acceptable service, and options to boot.

That's the way it's supposed to work in this country.

Yes, I would look at it as an opportunity actually if the government didn't have control over internet infrastructure. Permits, rights of way, etc.
The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.

Yeah, well the Amish live exactly that way: no running water or electricity, and they do just fine. It's why they live where they live.

Providing high speed internet to these areas is just another attempt at vote buying. And I'd be willing to bet over half of them won't even use it. Hell, I know older people who don't have cable, internet or a cell phone in the city. They are quite happy living the way they always lived. The only reason my mother has a cell phone is because I was concerned about her being driven by my Aunt and Uncle who didn't have a phone either. It made me nervous. But when I get my bill from Verizon, they itemize the usage of what I'm paying for. My mother hasn't used that phone in almost a year.
It might come as a surprise to you Ray but most farmers today are not trying to live and run their farm in the 19th century. Farming is a business and like most all businesses they benefit from high speed communications to communicate with customers, place orders, access FDA services, weather, crop reports, work permit validation, financial services, educational material, etc. When farms run more efficiently, not only do farmers benefit but whole communities as well as our nation that depends on our farmers.

Oh please. As I stated earlier, they do have internet access via satellite dishes. Do they have to be on supersonic high speed to farm? Give me a break.
Satellite internet connections for the kind of speed you can get on cable or dsl cost 2 to 4 times the price. Not only that but advertised signal strength goes down as moisture increases in the air and the signal often fails with stormy weather. Unlike one way communications such as TV, Internet connections are interactive and thus time sensitive. Delays in delivering packets result in timeouts which means lost of connection.
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The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

You can have broadband in the sticks if you do a little infrastructure research before you buy.

Find the nearest/best broadband carrier and request a map of coverage.
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

Where do I sign?

Actually, out here in the out in back of the outback, we already have "high speed" but its hard to tell. We can't stream anything and if we go over the data ceiling, they bleeping slow us down. I don't think that's gonna change anytime soon.

Also really bad cell signal. Had to put the land line back in. Doubt that will change either.

OTOH, we have the lake as our back yard and before some asshole dumped their cats, lots of wildlife.
The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

You can have broadband in the sticks if you do a little infrastructure research before you buy.

Find the nearest/best broadband carrier and request a map of coverage.
I used to sell satellite and dish and DirecTV and I have no idea what you're talking about. We have to invest like other countries do or we will fall behind. We already have in many ways. Thanks GOP
Funny how broadband in Europe costs about $35 and is much much faster. Eastern Europe and Russia $10 and under. We better buck up!British broadband is the eighth cheapest in Europe | Finder UK
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????

It isn't their job. This is just another sneaky way of redistributing money to help their base. The leftists are pushing for murderers to vote from prison. I guess people like the Boston bomber are their base and they intend to cater to them any way possible.

The private sector does much better though you'll never get a big government-loving idiot leftist to admit that. The most advances in everything are due to the private sector. Government fucks things up and spends a ton of money doing it. The private sector will step up when there is a demand. Of course, they need customers who are willing to pay for the service or product.

Government is what screws up the economy. While leftists complain about capitalism, they approve of crony capitalism, which is at the core of most of our problems.

It's government's fault that college tuition went up. As soon as they took over student loans, tuition costs soared because the mainly liberal institutions saw deep pockets and took advantage of it. While leftists like Warren want tax payers to pay for college because those graduates just can't pay their own bills, she and others make insane salaries for indoctrinating students. Now she wants us to pay for their student loans because the snowflakes can't find a decent job. They left their safe spaces and can't handle things in the real world.

The medical costs went up because Big Pharma saw deep pockets thanks to Obamacare.

Now, they are looking for other things to fund, which will mean the cost of internet and anything else the government subsidizes will increase. That always happens. Government needs to stay the hell away from the private sector.

And they will just raise taxes again and continue to hurt the low and middle class.

I paid over $1,500 less in taxes this past year. Felt good. I just hate that these radical leftists are angry about that and can't wait to get in power so they can start taking more of our money.

They want to give social security, medical, housing, and schooling to illegal aliens as well as their citizen base. It's all about making the little snowflakes feel good and none of them stop to think that they will have their turn being robbed by tyrants. All some can think about is what will be given to them by the Dems. It's sick.

The free phone were initially intended only for really poor people living in rural areas. Now, millions of people, many teens, are walking around the latest expensive phones, all which have internet and every other bell and whistle. And there are no checks and balances. I personally know some people who have more than one phone because they didn't think one had enough minutes. So much for free phones for emergencies only. There have been a lot of articles about people showing how easy it was to get as many phones as you wanted.

Now that they want to pay for internet, the next step is free computers for all the people.

It just never ends. Once Dems realize that they can buy votes, the sky is the limit for spending OUR MONEY.

Meanwhile, a recent report showed that billions were spent by politicians on really important stuff like lobster dinners, golf carts, alcohol, new office furniture, etc. They think nothing of spending a few million here and there. Chump change to these thieves. They are so used to gobbling up money and they could care less how the average tax payers suffer for their reckless spending.

They misuse government agencies to further their agenda. When a bill written, the first thing they do is add a lot of crap they want to the bill.

This is just the latest scheme for government to get further involved in the private sector, where they have no business being.
It isn't their job. This is just another sneaky way of redistributing money to help their base.

Yes, that's exactly what the Trump administration is doing. Trying to pander to their base in the sticks by serving up government paid broadband access.

The leftists are pushing for murderers to vote from prison.

Stay on topic.
It isn't their job. This is just another sneaky way of redistributing money to help their base.
I will believe that when I see it.
Yes, that's exactly what the Trump administration is doing. Trying to pander to their base in the sticks by serving up government paid broadband access.

The leftists are pushing for murderers to vote from prison.

Stay on topic.
That would be good if Trump did that but I will believe it when I see it. He's a lying sack of crap LOL
Funny how broadband in Europe costs about $35 and is much much faster. Eastern Europe and Russia $10 and under. We better buck up!British broadband is the eighth cheapest in Europe | Finder UK

francoHFW is right. Why answer with childish name calling?

Why do RWs demand the US be behind the rest of the world on everything? Why can't we be best, for a change?

The definition of being the best to a left-winger like yourself is government providing you with everything. We on the right don't believe that's making us the best. We believe it's called dependency.
The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

You can have broadband in the sticks if you do a little infrastructure research before you buy.

Yes, this is true. But like I said earlier, there are people who buy homes next to the freeway, and then petition the state to put up sound barriers. I'm a truck driver, and the restrictions we have to go through to get to certain places is time consuming and aggravating. But people buy homes down the street from industry, and then have their politicians make their street a NO TRUCK zone because they don't like the noise. Well then WTF did you move down the street from an industrial area?

My point is that generally, people move to these rural areas because they really don't care about having the latest technology. They move to these areas for the small town environment, peace and quiet, and perhaps having land where they can raise farm animals and shoot their guns whenever they darn well please.
The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

You can have broadband in the sticks if you do a little infrastructure research before you buy.

Find the nearest/best broadband carrier and request a map of coverage.
You can get internet coverage anywhere in the United States. That does not mean you can get coverage that allows you to access the web sites you need access or to utilized the facilities of the internet you need. For this you need high speed access. The connections to internet resources are broken when responses are not received fast enough, that is your router or your computer can not get a response through the network to the connected web site within specified time period. When that happens, you get an hour glass on the screen that does not go away or possibly a message like file not found or connection lost. In other words a slow internet connection often turns into no connection.
You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.

Yeah, well the Amish live exactly that way: no running water or electricity, and they do just fine. It's why they live where they live.

Providing high speed internet to these areas is just another attempt at vote buying. And I'd be willing to bet over half of them won't even use it. Hell, I know older people who don't have cable, internet or a cell phone in the city. They are quite happy living the way they always lived. The only reason my mother has a cell phone is because I was concerned about her being driven by my Aunt and Uncle who didn't have a phone either. It made me nervous. But when I get my bill from Verizon, they itemize the usage of what I'm paying for. My mother hasn't used that phone in almost a year.
It might come as a surprise to you Ray but most farmers today are not trying to live and run their farm in the 19th century. Farming is a business and like most all businesses they benefit from high speed communications to communicate with customers, place orders, access FDA services, weather, crop reports, work permit validation, financial services, educational material, etc. When farms run more efficiently, not only do farmers benefit but whole communities as well as our nation that depends on our farmers.

Oh please. As I stated earlier, they do have internet access via satellite dishes. Do they have to be on supersonic high speed to farm? Give me a break.
Satellite internet connections for the kind of speed you can get on cable or dsl cost 2 to 4 times the price. Not only that but advertised signal strength goes down as moisture increases in the air and the signal often fails with stormy weather. Unlike one way communications such as TV, Internet connections are interactive and thus time sensitive. Delays in delivering packets result in timeouts which means lost of connection.

And yet people in the city exclusively use dishes all the time. I don't have the dish for the very reason you stated, but my father loves his dish and says he would never go back to cable because of the cost. He said he can tolerate not having signals when the weather gets too bad outside. It's worth it to him.
Funny how broadband in Europe costs about $35 and is much much faster. Eastern Europe and Russia $10 and under. We better buck up!British broadband is the eighth cheapest in Europe | Finder UK

francoHFW is right. Why answer with childish name calling?

Why do RWs demand the US be behind the rest of the world on everything? Why can't we be best, for a change?

The definition of being the best to a left-winger like yourself is government providing you with everything. We on the right don't believe that's making us the best. We believe it's called dependency.
The greedy idiot GOP has brainwashed you. we will fall behind at this rate... We already have.

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