Why is the USDA paying for people to get high speed internet?

The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

You can have broadband in the sticks if you do a little infrastructure research before you buy.

Yes, this is true. But like I said earlier, there are people who buy homes next to the freeway, and then petition the state to put up sound barriers. I'm a truck driver, and the restrictions we have to go through to get to certain places is time consuming and aggravating. But people buy homes down the street from industry, and then have their politicians make their street a NO TRUCK zone because they don't like the noise. Well then WTF did you move down the street from an industrial area?

My point is that generally, people move to these rural areas because they really don't care about having the latest technology. They move to these areas for the small town environment, peace and quiet, and perhaps having land where they can raise farm animals and shoot their guns whenever they darn well please.
If you haven't heard people are not moving to most small rural towns to escape technology, get away from good jobs or for peace and quiet, they are moving away small rural towns and the country to the cities and suburbs.

People in cities and suburbs take modern technology for granted. Kids come home from school with assignments that require the internet to complete. In fact, more schools are putting their whole curriculum on line. Small town libraries are disappering in favor of internet streaming and downloading material. 5% of all workers work from home online. If you live in a rural area, your options to purchase what you need locally are shrinking as price is rising. Shopping online is not just a convince anymore. And just because you live in the country does not mean your business is excused from using modern technology. As rural hospitals and clinics across the county are closing people are turning to the internet to connect with doctors, get medical information, and order their prescriptions online.

No, people do not chose to live in the country in order live like their great grandparents. Most people do so because it's their family home where they were raised, and where there business or job is.
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Cool story, bro. I'm sure you'd love it if we left these people without electricity or running water while we're at it. In the meantime, I think it's not the worst idea to get them a decent internet connection. Being out there in the sticks they could use some online shopping so they can order supplies and have them delivered to their homes, instead of having to take a canoe into town once a month.

Yeah, well the Amish live exactly that way: no running water or electricity, and they do just fine. It's why they live where they live.

Providing high speed internet to these areas is just another attempt at vote buying. And I'd be willing to bet over half of them won't even use it. Hell, I know older people who don't have cable, internet or a cell phone in the city. They are quite happy living the way they always lived. The only reason my mother has a cell phone is because I was concerned about her being driven by my Aunt and Uncle who didn't have a phone either. It made me nervous. But when I get my bill from Verizon, they itemize the usage of what I'm paying for. My mother hasn't used that phone in almost a year.
It might come as a surprise to you Ray but most farmers today are not trying to live and run their farm in the 19th century. Farming is a business and like most all businesses they benefit from high speed communications to communicate with customers, place orders, access FDA services, weather, crop reports, work permit validation, financial services, educational material, etc. When farms run more efficiently, not only do farmers benefit but whole communities as well as our nation that depends on our farmers.

Oh please. As I stated earlier, they do have internet access via satellite dishes. Do they have to be on supersonic high speed to farm? Give me a break.
Satellite internet connections for the kind of speed you can get on cable or dsl cost 2 to 4 times the price. Not only that but advertised signal strength goes down as moisture increases in the air and the signal often fails with stormy weather. Unlike one way communications such as TV, Internet connections are interactive and thus time sensitive. Delays in delivering packets result in timeouts which means lost of connection.

And yet people in the city exclusively use dishes all the time. I don't have the dish for the very reason you stated, but my father loves his dish and says he would never go back to cable because of the cost. He said he can tolerate not having signals when the weather gets too bad outside. It's worth it to him.
They don't use dishes for internet except where it is the only option. In other words were cell phones don't even work. Believe me I tried to sell those things. It was hard to find those dead zones.I gave up trying to sell them in any place where they had cable.
Yeah, well the Amish live exactly that way: no running water or electricity, and they do just fine. It's why they live where they live.

Providing high speed internet to these areas is just another attempt at vote buying. And I'd be willing to bet over half of them won't even use it. Hell, I know older people who don't have cable, internet or a cell phone in the city. They are quite happy living the way they always lived. The only reason my mother has a cell phone is because I was concerned about her being driven by my Aunt and Uncle who didn't have a phone either. It made me nervous. But when I get my bill from Verizon, they itemize the usage of what I'm paying for. My mother hasn't used that phone in almost a year.
It might come as a surprise to you Ray but most farmers today are not trying to live and run their farm in the 19th century. Farming is a business and like most all businesses they benefit from high speed communications to communicate with customers, place orders, access FDA services, weather, crop reports, work permit validation, financial services, educational material, etc. When farms run more efficiently, not only do farmers benefit but whole communities as well as our nation that depends on our farmers.

Oh please. As I stated earlier, they do have internet access via satellite dishes. Do they have to be on supersonic high speed to farm? Give me a break.
Satellite internet connections for the kind of speed you can get on cable or dsl cost 2 to 4 times the price. Not only that but advertised signal strength goes down as moisture increases in the air and the signal often fails with stormy weather. Unlike one way communications such as TV, Internet connections are interactive and thus time sensitive. Delays in delivering packets result in timeouts which means lost of connection.

And yet people in the city exclusively use dishes all the time. I don't have the dish for the very reason you stated, but my father loves his dish and says he would never go back to cable because of the cost. He said he can tolerate not having signals when the weather gets too bad outside. It's worth it to him.
They don't use dishes for internet except where it is the only option. In other words were cell phones don't even work. Believe me I tried to sell those things. It was hard to find those dead zones.I gave up trying to sell them in any place where they had cable.

Here they are all over the place. You can drive down any street and half of the houses have dish network.
The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

You can have broadband in the sticks if you do a little infrastructure research before you buy.

Yes, this is true. But like I said earlier, there are people who buy homes next to the freeway, and then petition the state to put up sound barriers. I'm a truck driver, and the restrictions we have to go through to get to certain places is time consuming and aggravating. But people buy homes down the street from industry, and then have their politicians make their street a NO TRUCK zone because they don't like the noise. Well then WTF did you move down the street from an industrial area?

My point is that generally, people move to these rural areas because they really don't care about having the latest technology. They move to these areas for the small town environment, peace and quiet, and perhaps having land where they can raise farm animals and shoot their guns whenever they darn well please.
If you haven't heard people are not moving to most small rural towns to escape technology, get away from good jobs or for peace and quiet, they are moving away small rural towns and the country to the cities and suburbs.

People in cities and suburbs take modern technology for granted. Kids come home from school with assignments that require the internet to complete. In fact, more schools are putting their whole curriculum on line. Small town libraries are disappering in favor of internet streaming and downloading material. 5% of all workers work from home online. If you live in a rural area, your options to purchase what you need locally are shrinking as price is rising. Shopping online is not just a convince anymore. And just because you live in the country does not mean your business is excused from using modern technology. As rural hospitals and clinics across the county are closing people are turning to the internet to connect with doctors, get medical information, and order their prescriptions online.

No, people do not chose to live in the country in order live like their great grandparents. Most people do so because it's their family home where they were raised, and where there business or job is.

And they are all fine without super speed internet.

You leftists want to make everything a a necessity. As such, government needs to provide for those necessities.

We are 21 trillion in debt, and all you people on the left can think about is how to spend more.

Do you know what we did without cable and internet 30 years ago? We watched televisions with rabbit ears and read books. We had a landline phone. We were just fine.
The internet is a vital piece of national infrastructure in this day and age.

You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

You can have broadband in the sticks if you do a little infrastructure research before you buy.

Yes, this is true. But like I said earlier, there are people who buy homes next to the freeway, and then petition the state to put up sound barriers. I'm a truck driver, and the restrictions we have to go through to get to certain places is time consuming and aggravating. But people buy homes down the street from industry, and then have their politicians make their street a NO TRUCK zone because they don't like the noise. Well then WTF did you move down the street from an industrial area?

My point is that generally, people move to these rural areas because they really don't care about having the latest technology. They move to these areas for the small town environment, peace and quiet, and perhaps having land where they can raise farm animals and shoot their guns whenever they darn well please.
If you haven't heard people are not moving to most small rural towns to escape technology, get away from good jobs or for peace and quiet, they are moving away small rural towns and the country to the cities and suburbs.

People in cities and suburbs take modern technology for granted. Kids come home from school with assignments that require the internet to complete. In fact, more schools are putting their whole curriculum on line. Small town libraries are disappering in favor of internet streaming and downloading material. 5% of all workers work from home online. If you live in a rural area, your options to purchase what you need locally are shrinking as price is rising. Shopping online is not just a convince anymore. And just because you live in the country does not mean your business is excused from using modern technology. As rural hospitals and clinics across the county are closing people are turning to the internet to connect with doctors, get medical information, and order their prescriptions online.

No, people do not chose to live in the country in order live like their great grandparents. Most people do so because it's their family home where they were raised, and where there business or job is.

And they are all fine without super speed internet.

You leftists want to make everything a a necessity. As such, government needs to provide for those necessities.

We are 21 trillion in debt, and all you people on the left can think about is how to spend more.

Do you know what we did without cable and internet 30 years ago? We watched televisions with rabbit ears and read books. We had a landline phone. We were just fine.

psssttt...this iniative is directly from the GOP congress and Trump. It is his USDA that is doing this. You keep wanting to blame this on the left, but it is the right that did this one.

Here is more that Trump's USDA is doing.

USDA Launches Ace the Waste! Food Waste Contest for Students
Funny how broadband in Europe costs about $35 and is much much faster. Eastern Europe and Russia $10 and under. We better buck up!British broadband is the eighth cheapest in Europe | Finder UK

francoHFW is right. Why answer with childish name calling?

Why do RWs demand the US be behind the rest of the world on everything? Why can't we be best, for a change?
There is a reason why most every country is past the point of no return in debt... Your socialism costs too much...
It might come as a surprise to you Ray but most farmers today are not trying to live and run their farm in the 19th century. Farming is a business and like most all businesses they benefit from high speed communications to communicate with customers, place orders, access FDA services, weather, crop reports, work permit validation, financial services, educational material, etc. When farms run more efficiently, not only do farmers benefit but whole communities as well as our nation that depends on our farmers.

Oh please. As I stated earlier, they do have internet access via satellite dishes. Do they have to be on supersonic high speed to farm? Give me a break.
Satellite internet connections for the kind of speed you can get on cable or dsl cost 2 to 4 times the price. Not only that but advertised signal strength goes down as moisture increases in the air and the signal often fails with stormy weather. Unlike one way communications such as TV, Internet connections are interactive and thus time sensitive. Delays in delivering packets result in timeouts which means lost of connection.

And yet people in the city exclusively use dishes all the time. I don't have the dish for the very reason you stated, but my father loves his dish and says he would never go back to cable because of the cost. He said he can tolerate not having signals when the weather gets too bad outside. It's worth it to him.
They don't use dishes for internet except where it is the only option. In other words were cell phones don't even work. Believe me I tried to sell those things. It was hard to find those dead zones.I gave up trying to sell them in any place where they had cable.

Here they are all over the place. You can drive down any street and half of the houses have dish network.
In a condo I own, there are probably 15 dishes on the roof. I think there is only one owner that uses a disk and that's just for TV. Internet speeds are terrible and connections are not reliable compared to either cable or DSL. Wherever you get good cable services on fiber optics, people chose cable or go with the less expensive dsl even thou it's more expensive than Dish or Direct TV.
You don't move out to the sticks to be part of the newest trends and technology. Just like you don't move downtown of a city for peace and quiet.

You can have broadband in the sticks if you do a little infrastructure research before you buy.

Yes, this is true. But like I said earlier, there are people who buy homes next to the freeway, and then petition the state to put up sound barriers. I'm a truck driver, and the restrictions we have to go through to get to certain places is time consuming and aggravating. But people buy homes down the street from industry, and then have their politicians make their street a NO TRUCK zone because they don't like the noise. Well then WTF did you move down the street from an industrial area?

My point is that generally, people move to these rural areas because they really don't care about having the latest technology. They move to these areas for the small town environment, peace and quiet, and perhaps having land where they can raise farm animals and shoot their guns whenever they darn well please.
If you haven't heard people are not moving to most small rural towns to escape technology, get away from good jobs or for peace and quiet, they are moving away small rural towns and the country to the cities and suburbs.

People in cities and suburbs take modern technology for granted. Kids come home from school with assignments that require the internet to complete. In fact, more schools are putting their whole curriculum on line. Small town libraries are disappering in favor of internet streaming and downloading material. 5% of all workers work from home online. If you live in a rural area, your options to purchase what you need locally are shrinking as price is rising. Shopping online is not just a convince anymore. And just because you live in the country does not mean your business is excused from using modern technology. As rural hospitals and clinics across the county are closing people are turning to the internet to connect with doctors, get medical information, and order their prescriptions online.

No, people do not chose to live in the country in order live like their great grandparents. Most people do so because it's their family home where they were raised, and where there business or job is.

And they are all fine without super speed internet.

You leftists want to make everything a a necessity. As such, government needs to provide for those necessities.

We are 21 trillion in debt, and all you people on the left can think about is how to spend more.

Do you know what we did without cable and internet 30 years ago? We watched televisions with rabbit ears and read books. We had a landline phone. We were just fine.

psssttt...this iniative is directly from the GOP congress and Trump. It is his USDA that is doing this. You keep wanting to blame this on the left, but it is the right that did this one.

Here is more that Trump's USDA is doing.

USDA Launches Ace the Waste! Food Waste Contest for Students

The Winning on Reducing Food Waste Initiative is a collaborative effort among USDA, EPA, and FDA to affirm their shared commitment to work towards the national goal of reducing food loss and waste by 50 percent by 2030

Nowhere do I see the mention of Congress in the article. The House happens to be Democrat anyway, and no mention of Trump either.

And I don't understand what this has to do with the OP or what we are talking about. If you are trying to prove bureaucracies are worthless, I'm with you. I'm for getting rid of every single one. Or maybe you're trying to support my point that we don't need a law for everything, perhaps an incentive, but not a law. Again, I'm with you on that one if it's your point.
Nowhere do I see the mention of Congress in the article. The House happens to be Democrat anyway, and no mention of Trump either.

The initiative that is the broadband came from Congress when it was controlled by the GOP. You keep blaming the left for it but it came from a GOP controlled congress and was instituted by Trump's USDA.
Oh please. As I stated earlier, they do have internet access via satellite dishes. Do they have to be on supersonic high speed to farm? Give me a break.
Satellite internet connections for the kind of speed you can get on cable or dsl cost 2 to 4 times the price. Not only that but advertised signal strength goes down as moisture increases in the air and the signal often fails with stormy weather. Unlike one way communications such as TV, Internet connections are interactive and thus time sensitive. Delays in delivering packets result in timeouts which means lost of connection.

And yet people in the city exclusively use dishes all the time. I don't have the dish for the very reason you stated, but my father loves his dish and says he would never go back to cable because of the cost. He said he can tolerate not having signals when the weather gets too bad outside. It's worth it to him.
They don't use dishes for internet except where it is the only option. In other words were cell phones don't even work. Believe me I tried to sell those things. It was hard to find those dead zones.I gave up trying to sell them in any place where they had cable.

Here they are all over the place. You can drive down any street and half of the houses have dish network.
In a condo I own, there are probably 15 dishes on the roof. I think there is only one owner that uses a disk and that's just for TV. Internet speeds are terrible and connections are not reliable compared to either cable or DSL. Wherever you get good cable services on fiber optics, people chose cable or go with the less expensive dsl even thou it's more expensive than Dish or Direct TV.
5g will melt your brain... Or what’s left of it
Oh please. As I stated earlier, they do have internet access via satellite dishes. Do they have to be on supersonic high speed to farm? Give me a break.
Satellite internet connections for the kind of speed you can get on cable or dsl cost 2 to 4 times the price. Not only that but advertised signal strength goes down as moisture increases in the air and the signal often fails with stormy weather. Unlike one way communications such as TV, Internet connections are interactive and thus time sensitive. Delays in delivering packets result in timeouts which means lost of connection.

And yet people in the city exclusively use dishes all the time. I don't have the dish for the very reason you stated, but my father loves his dish and says he would never go back to cable because of the cost. He said he can tolerate not having signals when the weather gets too bad outside. It's worth it to him.
They don't use dishes for internet except where it is the only option. In other words were cell phones don't even work. Believe me I tried to sell those things. It was hard to find those dead zones.I gave up trying to sell them in any place where they had cable.

Here they are all over the place. You can drive down any street and half of the houses have dish network.
In a condo I own, there are probably 15 dishes on the roof. I think there is only one owner that uses a disk and that's just for TV. Internet speeds are terrible and connections are not reliable compared to either cable or DSL. Wherever you get good cable services on fiber optics, people chose cable or go with the less expensive dsl even thou it's more expensive than Dish or Direct TV.

IMO, you take the good with the bad, that's all.

In the city I don't have the peace or quiet. I don't have acreage of land. I can't own livestock or shoot my gun in the backyard. But I have a convenience store less than a half-mile away, and to the topic, fiber optic cable and internet, a bus stop right around the corner from me, and I'm less than five minutes from the nearest interstate highway.

If you live out in the country, you don't have these things. Two different worlds. But we all make choices as to where we live, what the benefits are, and what the disadvantages are, and make our decision from there.
Nowhere do I see the mention of Congress in the article. The House happens to be Democrat anyway, and no mention of Trump either.

The initiative that is the broadband came from Congress when it was controlled by the GOP. You keep blaming the left for it but it came from a GOP controlled congress and was instituted by Trump's USDA.

I have no idea what you wish to discuss. You're all over the board here. Are we talking about technology or saving food?
Nowhere do I see the mention of Congress in the article. The House happens to be Democrat anyway, and no mention of Trump either.

The initiative that is the broadband came from Congress when it was controlled by the GOP. You keep blaming the left for it but it came from a GOP controlled congress and was instituted by Trump's USDA.

I have no idea what you wish to discuss. You're all over the board here. Are we talking about technology or saving food?

I am discussing your habit of blaming the left for all the world's ills while giving the right a free pass...even when the right did what you are whining about for the last 22 pages
Funny how broadband in Europe costs about $35 and is much much faster. Eastern Europe and Russia $10 and under. We better buck up!British broadband is the eighth cheapest in Europe | Finder UK

francoHFW is right. Why answer with childish name calling?

Why do RWs demand the US be behind the rest of the world on everything? Why can't we be best, for a change?
There is a reason why most every country is past the point of no return in debt... Your socialism costs too much...
Actually they doubled their debt just like we did to avert a full-blown depression in 2008 to 2009, and then had to use welfare programs and unemployment so people didn't starve to death. Great job by the GOP again- corruption is great isn't it? Of course half you brainwashed functional morons don't even know about the world depression your Heroes caused.
Funny how broadband in Europe costs about $35 and is much much faster. Eastern Europe and Russia $10 and under. We better buck up!British broadband is the eighth cheapest in Europe | Finder UK

francoHFW is right. Why answer with childish name calling?

Why do RWs demand the US be behind the rest of the world on everything? Why can't we be best, for a change?
There is a reason why most every country is past the point of no return in debt... Your socialism costs too much...
Actually they doubled their debt just like we did to avert a full-blown depression in 2008 to 2009, and then had to use welfare programs and unemployment so people didn't starve to death. Great job by the GOP again- corruption is great isn't it? Of course half you brainwashed functional morons don't even know about the world depression your Heroes caused.
Nowhere do I see the mention of Congress in the article. The House happens to be Democrat anyway, and no mention of Trump either.

The initiative that is the broadband came from Congress when it was controlled by the GOP. You keep blaming the left for it but it came from a GOP controlled congress and was instituted by Trump's USDA.

I have no idea what you wish to discuss. You're all over the board here. Are we talking about technology or saving food?

I am discussing your habit of blaming the left for all the world's ills while giving the right a free pass...even when the right did what you are whining about for the last 22 pages

I said leftists support this, not passed it even though it was a Vermont Congressman that sponsored the bill. I have no idea how the vote went down and can't find it anywhere on the internet.

However no matter what, at least some Republicans had to approve it since they were in charge at the time. And I'm against it. 21 trillion in debt and they added another over half-trillion so that hillbillies can have high speed internet. I'm against that no matter who passed it.

This is the problem in America today, and it's going to lead to our demise sometime in the near future. This vote buying and labeling everything a Fn necessity will be the end of this country yet, and we have nobody but ourselves to blame for not standing against waste of money like this.
USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program

These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service.

Why is this the job of the Fed Govt?????
Thank you! This is republicans sucking off the federal governments tit. These farmers should pay for the laying of the lines out to their rural farms.

They can tell us all the reasons it’s a good idea and normally us liberals would agree but we can’t approve of federal tax dollars going to anti government republicans.

By the way, I’m starting to hear republicans float the idea of raising taxes.....on us middle class people.

Didn’t we tell you this would happen when republicans gave the rich and corporations those tax breaks? The tax burden will be shifted on to us you idiots. And you’ll be sold or convinced it’s ok and overdue. Watch
Funny how broadband in Europe costs about $35 and is much much faster. Eastern Europe and Russia $10 and under. We better buck up!British broadband is the eighth cheapest in Europe | Finder UK

francoHFW is right. Why answer with childish name calling?

Why do RWs demand the US be behind the rest of the world on everything? Why can't we be best, for a change?
There is a reason why most every country is past the point of no return in debt... Your socialism costs too much...
Actually they doubled their debt just like we did to avert a full-blown depression in 2008 to 2009, and then had to use welfare programs and unemployment so people didn't starve to death. Great job by the GOP again- corruption is great isn't it? Of course half you brainwashed functional morons don't even know about the world depression your Heroes caused.
You republicans have successfully bankrupted the federal government with all the tax breaks to the rich and mor3 companies than ever don’t pay any federal taxes. Things are good but now taxes are being raised at a state level. And cuts being made to social programs.

So the rich shifted the tax burden more onto us yes? I guess they were paying too much and we weren’t paying enough.

francoHFW is right. Why answer with childish name calling?

Why do RWs demand the US be behind the rest of the world on everything? Why can't we be best, for a change?
There is a reason why most every country is past the point of no return in debt... Your socialism costs too much...
Actually they doubled their debt just like we did to avert a full-blown depression in 2008 to 2009, and then had to use welfare programs and unemployment so people didn't starve to death. Great job by the GOP again- corruption is great isn't it? Of course half you brainwashed functional morons don't even know about the world depression your Heroes caused.
You republicans have successfully bankrupted the federal government with all the tax breaks to the rich and mor3 companies than ever don’t pay any federal taxes. Things are good but now taxes are being raised at a state level. And cuts being made to social programs.

So the rich shifted the tax burden more onto us yes? I guess they were paying too much and we weren’t paying enough.
The federal government has no claim to those taxes
Funny how broadband in Europe costs about $35 and is much much faster. Eastern Europe and Russia $10 and under. We better buck up!British broadband is the eighth cheapest in Europe | Finder UK

francoHFW is right. Why answer with childish name calling?

Why do RWs demand the US be behind the rest of the world on everything? Why can't we be best, for a change?

The definition of being the best to a left-winger like yourself is government providing you with everything. We on the right don't believe that's making us the best. We believe it's called dependency.

Bullshit and as RWNJ lies go really very lame.

More to the point is that you are saying that if a faster isp were available, you would not subscribe.

Agree that THAT is very RWNJ and its also just flat out stupid. Oh wait, that's RWNJ as well.

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