Why Is The Vaccine Killing Our Young Men And Women?

What do you think Dr Moonfartglow ?

Silly Swedish doctors . You are much better qualified .

COVID Vaccines Are "Obviously Dangerous" And Should Be Halted Immediately, Say Senior Swedish Doctors

SATURDAY, JAN 14, 2023 - 01:10 PM
Authored by Dr. Johan Eddebo via The Daily Sceptic,,
There follows a public statement by a group of five senior Swedish doctors who, in collaboration with Dr. Johan Eddebo, a researcher in digitalisation and human rights, are raising the alert about the Covid vaccines, which they describe as “obviously dangerous”. They say there should be an “immediate halt” to the mass vaccination pending “thorough investigations” of the true incidence and severity of adverse effects.
A blow to the chest can cause cardiac arrest in some people.

Ask the questions.

Ah ha , A member of the Coincidence Society .

Flat Earther as well ?? Presumably anything that does not involve science and the scientific process .
TRANSLATION: "Man I hate payback"
Doen't make sense. It goes against G....errr, Henrys Law.
because the stats are getting hard to ignore>
The VICP is a big fucking sham.

From your link that you obviously didn't bother to read and/or comprehend...

The Court orders the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (AKA taxpayers) to award compensation (give the productive taxpayer money to scumbags). Even if the petition is dismissed, if certain requirements are met, the Court may order the Department (the productive taxpayers) to pay attorneys' fees and costs (rip off the productive members of society and give that money to non-productive Democrat shysters leeches on society like RFK Jr.

It's a fucking scam.
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Dr. Leana Wen slammed after admitting there's been 'overcounting' of COVID deaths: ‘TWO AND A HALF YEARS LATE’​

Wen claimed that the actual COVID-19 death count could only be '30 percent of what's currently reported'

The deaths are from the VACCINES...not Covid itself.
We told ya.

If you ran and got all jabbed up.......

This thread is another load of speculation from a blogger with zero forensic proof.

Better start gettin your affairs in order. Hurry !
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