Why is there such a HUGE abyss between conservative and liberal politics?

I don't think things are as bad as you are making them out to be. ;)
You don't think that's your problem. You're in denial, but your progeny will see it. Advanced automation and artificial intelligence = Socialism.
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You're the self-righteous, right-wing fogey criminal, who turns the whole world to shit. The sooner you old-school fascists get out of here the better. The abuse of hard drugs is a medical condition hence the best way to address the problem is medically, not by locking people up in a penitentiary with rapists and murderers. After jail or prison, these drug addicts are burdened with criminal records, making it even more difficult for them to recover. The criminals are those who smuggle and sell the drugs, not their victims.

For the sale of hard drugs like cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl, I would impose the death penalty (death by firing squad) and I would send the addicts to rehab. Ejudicate them, forcing them to get treatment in an institution, until they recover. The answer is tough love, not what you're advocating which is to criminalize addicts, making their lives even worse, and unrecoverable. An old right-wing fogey-square asshole like you would want that.
You got all that from a simple statement? If you go back through my posts on the subject, you'll find that I have always advocated compulsory treatment for addicts, not prison. But that doesn't change the fact that using an illegal substance is a criminal offense.
You don't think that's your problem. You're in denial, but your progeny will see it. Advanced automation and artificial intelligence = Socialism.
I went through all the hardships that you described for the working class, and I understand it better than you think I do. The working class isn't the poverty class. I think you are conflating the two. If one has a job, any job, they can be on their way up the economic ladder. You are a lousy spokesman for the working class.
You got all that from a simple statement? If you go back through my posts on the subject, you'll find that I have always advocated compulsory treatment for addicts, not prison. But that doesn't change the fact that using an illegal substance is a criminal offense.

Criminalizing them only worsens their condition, stigmatizing addiction as a crime, rather than identifying it as a medical emergency and need. You create more problems with your impractical, self-righteous policies. Burdening addicts with a rap sheet makes rehabilitation much more difficult.
Criminalizing them only worsens their condition, stigmatizing addiction as a crime, rather than identifying it as a medical emergency and need. You create more problems with your impractical, self-righteous policies. Burdening addicts with a rap sheet makes rehabilitation much more difficult.
They have to held accountable for the mayhem they've caused.

And you should see someone about your anger issues before you harm someone.
I went through all the hardships that you described for the working class, and I understand it better than you think I do. The working class isn't the poverty class. I think you are conflating the two. If one has a job, any job, they can be on their way up the ladder. You are a lousy spokesman for the working class.
You're full of shit when you say "any job" will get a person out of poverty or en route to prosperity. Over half of America is one or two paychecks away from skidrow and is struggling to survive. The situation is now getting worse, not better. You had to wait to get government subsidies and become a geriatric patient in your 80s, before becoming a millionaire.
They have to held accountable for the mayhem they've caused.
It's your right-wing mayhem, gutting our economy for Wall Street and big finance, that leads to social unrest, including more crime and drug use. Despair leads to destructive behavior, the response, should be a practical one, that eliminates the problem. You out of your skewed sense of righteousness, seek to punish addicts, rather than to rehabilitate them. You speak with a forked tongue, portraying yourself as a socially conscious right-winger, but it's all a bullshit act. You say one thing, then contradict it with another. Addicts should be adjudicated into treatment and then provided with the resources to get back on their feet. That's what is good for them and everyone else.
They have to held accountable for the mayhem they've caused.

And you should see someone about your anger issues before you harm someone.
Anger doesn't make anyone wrong or crazy. You always fail, to refute anything I say, due to your inability to reason. All you can do is resort to gaslighting and disingenuous, self-serving arguments.
Addicts should be adjudicated into treatment and then provided with the resources to get back on their feet. That's what is good for them and everyone else.
That's what I've been saying all along. Part of their treatment should be to admit to the loss of life, corruption, law enforcement costs, destabilization of whole countries politically and economically, the resultant immigration problems, as well as the impact on family, friends and community. And of course, they must account for any crimes committed relating to their addiction.
Anger doesn't make anyone wrong or crazy. You always fail, to refute anything I say, due to your inability to reason. All you can do is resort to gaslighting and disingenuous, self-serving arguments.
My ideas solve problems, not milk them for all they're worth.
That's what I've been saying all along. Part of their treatment should be to admit to the loss of life, corruption, law enforcement costs, destabilization of whole countries politically and economically, the resultant immigration problems, as well as the impact on family, friends and community. And of course, they must account for any crimes committed relating to their addiction.
That's absurd because everyone is guilty of such crimes. You as a right-wing fogey, jingoist square, have voted for policies that led to unnecessary wars, economic sanctions, US State Dept-sponsored coups and puppet dictators..etc throughout the planet, which has led to more illegal immigration and social unrest both in our country and around the world. Every fucking American, including me, has contributed in one way or another, to American hegemonic imperialism, with our mass consumerism and privileges as citizens of the empire (the world's labor aristocracy). You're a self-righteous hypocrite, so you'll never admit to any of the above, but it's nonetheless true.

Making such a stupid, odd demand upon people suffering from substance abuse in our country demonstrates how out of touch with reality you are. You're freaking weird. You say that as if you're standing on higher moral ground when you're not. Irrational right-wingers like you are responsible for much more pain and destruction than some 22-year-old addict trying to get clean. You right-wing conservatives have destroyed this country. I have plenty of negative criticism to say about liberals, with their child puberty blocker injections and "gender fluidity", but you right-wingers are just as destructive as they are. Just as irrational.
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That's absurd because everyone is guilty of such crimes. You as a right-wing fogey, jingoist square, have voted for policies that led to unnecessary wars, economic sanctions, US State Dept-sponsored coups and puppet dictators..etc throughout the planet, which has led to more illegal immigration and social unrest both in our country and around the world. Every fucking American, including me, has contributed in one way or another, to American hegemonic imperialism, with our mass consumerism and privileges as citizens of the empire (the world's labor aristocracy). You're a self-righteous hypocrite, so you'll never admit to any of the above, but it's nonetheless true.

Making such a stupid, odd demand upon people suffering from substance abuse in our country demonstrates how out of touch with reality you are. You're freaking weird. You say that as if you're standing on higher moral ground when you're not. Irrational right-wingers like you are responsible for much more pain and destruction than some 22-year-old addict trying to get clean. You right-wing conservatives have destroyed this country. I have plenty of negative criticism to say about liberals, with their child puberty blocker injections and "gender fluidity", but you right-wingers are just as destructive as they are. Just as irrational.
I am on higher moral ground, now. I too was once part of the problem, that's why I understand it so well. Now I'm part of the solution. :biggrin:
Your ideas caused the problem, but thank goodness such ideas are soon to go the way of the dodo. Good riddance.
I had no ideas back then. I was just rolling with the flow (never took drugs though).
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Label the truth whatever you want. Even have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you've won something.
I've won everything so far: Health, wealth, happiness, long life, and the assurance of salvation. :bowdown:

This little dustup with you is unimportant to me. ;)

Thanks for the last word.
Bye. :)
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