Why is there such a HUGE abyss between conservative and liberal politics?

John Adams was a devout Christian
Define devout. The main message of Christianity, which requires belief that Jesus died on the cross, to save us from our sins, and has proven he was resurrected from the dead. John Adams did not believe in original sin and salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.

One significant difference between John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson, was that Adams believed God intervened in the affairs of men, and Jefferson did not believe that. But to both men , God was bigger than the author of the Judeo Christian Bible and JESUS WAS A GREAT MORAL TEACHER which at the time was considered to be an important religion
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Well, I skimmed through the first part of the material at this site and it is not or probably not a site I would agree with totally on religious issues but I tend to think we'd agree on the political... which kind of defines my experiences at usmb

But anyhow, the site says that liberals do not believe the Bible came from God.

Wait... there may be a disagreement with my own faith right there. It is true they reject the bible as being from God. But they reject God PERIOD. Even if you disregard the Bible entirely, there is no god you could possibly believe in who would condone what liberals are always condoning. the murder of helpless children is the most egregious example I now think of, but there are other examples.

In any case, when you don't have Higher Power to answer to, someone who will hold you accountable for all that you did on Planet E while you were here... and multiply that by all the other liberals in the world...

We can hardly be surprised when... Societal chaos and mayhem ensue..
But your God doesn't hold you accountable for all the things you have done in your life. All you have to do is believe bullshit and you're good.
But anyhow, the site says that liberals do not believe the Bible came from God.

Wait... there may be a disagreement with my own faith right there. It is true they reject the bible as being from God. But they reject God PERIOD.

All the Biden Voters who are black Christians, white Christians, Asian Christians and Catholics - reject God - you say.

Who are you exactly?
It use to be that Republicans and Democrats were mostly mainstream Conservative America.

About the time of Jimmy Carter the Democrats made a hard turn to the Left. Nowadays they are sicko bat shit crazy Leftest that represent a coalition of all the scum in the country.

Negroes that vote their race and welfare check
Environmental Wackos
Anti Gun Nuts
Union Bosses
Welfare Queens
Queers, Pedos and Tyrannies
Moon Bats
Confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.
John Adams was a Deistic Unitarian, which meant he didn’t believe in original sin, salvation through the blood of Christ, the concept of the Trinity, and all the rest that goes with a thousand years of organized superstition.

You call why do you call him a Christian
Nice dodge. The point is that America's strength requires a moral people, as do all nations.
If we were - - { F.B.I - feces free ) _ -_ - as family Agents, our children / offspring could be great, sturdy, healthy males or females / workers to support their parents and even grand parents

but the majority of Liberal Democrat Parents are not even able to support themselves in a real labor duty -

selling one's Liberal Democrat orifice is not a long lasting family plan

especially when we realize that the Federal Agents of Liberal Democrats efforts to get the good dope to the proper voter has not helped the economy
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Sadly, the division of labor has changed this equation. Labor has been 'divided and conquered'. Skilled labor can produce capital. The division of labor has taken the skill out of it, thus the ability of the worker to produce capital for himself.
Most of the resources, if not all of them, which workers now earn, go towards survival expenses. Paying for food, shelter, and other basics, because the cost of living is extremely high. Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, hand to mouth. Education, and vocational job training, used to be much more affordable, and that's one of the reasons there are so many people living in poverty. The working class is being eaten alive by the wealthy elites.
imagine Hillary Clinton taking on ' herself - a 43 pound machine gunner role

defending your very family - fighting ' herself - against miles of enemy \

Hillary Clinton is a herpes infected weak Government Federal Agent - C.I.A - F.B.I - A.T.F. and also a prostitute - giving herself to many, many Meth Fueled Sexual encounters of many, many multiple partners

as a USA military operative wielding a 43 pound machine gun - ADDICTTED TO Methadone BISQUITS - AND A SLUT . WHORE - F;B;I FEDERAL AGENT - distant traitor F;B;I contract of self - promotions

INFECTED - with herpes and vaginal bacterium - assulting her immune systen and endurance as a warrior / bitch - - how would you trust a Liberal Democrat Federal Agent to protect your children in a real war - reality ?

?" ?
Negroes that vote their race
Why should a Negro vote against their race
The point is that America's strength requires a moral people, as do all nations.
And being moral has no requirement to submit to the fundamental requirement of Christianity to believe that we are all sinners and condemned to eternal separation from God unless we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior,

John Adams repudiated the concept of the Trinity in mainline Christianity, and as a Unitarian he did not accept that Jesus was God. Jesus was a great moral teacher. Perhaps the greatest, but he did not die on the cross to save every human being from original sin.

Unitarians did identify themselves in the Christian tradition by emphasizing the ethical teachings of Jesus over the Biblical notion that Jesus was divine to the point of being the same as God.

well, most christians (the real ones, that is) will agree w/ whaat I'm saying. the reason you do not, or do not understand Christians... is because you likely have never been one... and you can't u/stand anyone until u walk a mile in his/her shoes

But your God doesn't hold you accountable for all the things you have done in your life. All you have to do is believe bullshit and you're good.

What would YOU know about God?
So it can be credibly asserted that I know where you are coming from. It cannot, however, be credibly asserted that YOU know where I (devout SEDE Catholic) am coming from
I do not care where you come from. This is a discussion forum so I care about what you discuss.

You said John Adams had Christian Values. Adams was a Unitarian and he was as anti Catholic Church as most English colonists were in Adam’s time,

I am a rational theist and a Unitarian/Universalist if you want a religious label.

I asked a simple question perhaps I missed an answer. Here it is again.

nmdc.22.07.33 #129 As John Adams, co-Founder of the USA said •••• (my paraphrase) This nation was created for moral and upright people. It is wholly inadequate for any other •••• He was a Christian and he was speaking of Christian values.​
nf.23.09.15 #11,024 to nmdc.22.07.33 #129 Was John Adams a Christian if he did not believe in original sin?​
The thing of it is most Unitarian:Universalists and most Catholics are moral enough to satisfy John Adams concern about the health of the state because he hoped our religions were separated from it. L

Can a Unitarian Universalist with no belief in the Holy Trinity, be a Catholic like you?

nf.23.10.06 #175
Why should a Negro vote against their race

And being moral has no requirement to submit to the fundamental requirement of Christianity to believe that we are all sinners and condemned to eternal separation from God unless we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior,

John Adams repudiated the concept of the Trinity in mainline Christianity, and as a Unitarian he did not accept that Jesus was God. Jesus was a great moral teacher. Perhaps the greatest, but he did not die on the cross to save every human being from original sin.

Unitarians did identify themselves in the Christian tradition by emphasizing the ethical teachings of Jesus over the Biblical notion that Jesus was divine to the point of being the same as God.

Of course. God acknowledges that there are moral people outside of his religion. But the fact remains that it takes a moral people to form a strong and stable nation. The Christian religion provides those strong moral teachings for the common people. Highly educated people like Adams and Jefferson recognize the same need intellectually without the need for religion.
Most of the resources, if not all of them, which workers now earn, go towards survival expenses. Paying for food, shelter, and other basics, because the cost of living is extremely high. Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, hand to mouth. Education, and vocational job training, used to be much more affordable, and that's one of the reasons there are so many people living in poverty. The working class is being eaten alive by the wealthy elites.
The working class can raise their prospects if they choose to. Sadly, they waste too much money and time on unprofitable pursuits (been there, done that). :(
The working class can raise their prospects if they choose to. Sadly, they waste too much money and time on unprofitable pursuits (been there, done that). :(
Says the old rich fart who just gave each of his children $5000, to "help them out". The same rich, cynical, condescending, indifferent wanker, who votes for right-wing policies that undermine labor rights, lowering people's wages, increasing the cost of living, and strip working-class families of their means to survive. People like you create the conditions for a revolution. You cut your noses, in spite of your faces.

Keep bankrupting people with medical bills, keep tightening the noose around the necks of the working class (those who need to sell their labor power to eat and have a roof over their heads = the people who actually produce everything in this world) to advance your financial interests.

Eventually, the shit will hit the fan, and you or your surviving, privileged progeny will lose it all. You create the deplorable conditions for a violent revolution.

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I do not care where you come from. This is a discussion forum so I care about what you discuss.

You said John Adams had Christian Values. Adams was a Unitarian and he was as anti Catholic Church as most English colonists were in Adam’s time,

I am a rational theist and a Unitarian/Universalist if you want a religious label.

I asked a simple question perhaps I missed an answer. Here it is again.

nmdc.22.07.33 #129 As John Adams, co-Founder of the USA said •••• (my paraphrase) This nation was created for moral and upright people. It is wholly inadequate for any other •••• He was a Christian and he was speaking of Christian values.​
nf.23.09.15 #11,024 to nmdc.22.07.33 #129 Was John Adams a Christian if he did not believe in original sin?​
The thing of it is most Unitarian:Universalists and most Catholics are moral enough to satisfy John Adams concern about the health of the state because he hoped our religions were separated from it. L

Can a Unitarian Universalist with no belief in the Holy Trinity, be a Catholic like you?

nf.23.10.06 #175

You can cherry-pick, pretending most of the founding fathers of America met the criteria for being born-again Christians, or disciples of Jesus, but the truth is obviously incongruent with your white-washed, Evangelical fantasies about American history and its supposed Christian roots. Most of the founding fathers of this country would be declared heretics by the vast majority of modern-day mainstream Evangelicals if they were here with us today. Colombia:

Is a freaking pagan goddess. Washington DC (District Of COLOMBIA) was designed by masonic occultists. The whole city layout is full of occult symbols, from Egyptian to Western European witchcraft.


Thomas Jefferson wrote his own bible, taking out all of the references to Christ's miracles. The "In God We Trust" printed on our money, is a novelty from the 1950s, in response to the USSR and its supposed "evil secularism".



The United States is the whore of Babylon!



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Why should a Negro vote against their race
Only a racist like you would say that voting for another person of a different race is "voting against their race".

It is that kind of racism that got us Gay Barry.

All the goddamn Negros voting for the worthless sonofabitch just because he was a Negro. And then we had the racism of the pukey dumbass Whites voting for the piece of shit because they thought it was time for a Black to be President. How dumb was that?

Then we get all these incompetent low IQ Democrat Negroes Mayors and Police Chiefs that are making shitholes of the once great American cities because the ghetto Negroes vote their race.

Just look at all the really stupid dumbass members of Congress that come from Black districts like Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee. The average IQ of the Democrat Black Caucus probably wouldn't registure much above Imbecile. All voted in because of their race.

All racism.

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