Why is Trump so gung-ho about protecting Putin and Asange?

Anybody with a working brain cell, can see this unyeilding alliance Trump has for Putin and Assange, vs our intelligence community and Obama, has a very suspicious taint to it. Like what fuckin president goes against its own people and protects a murderer and a rapist instead??

I'll say it again, Trump and Putin were both in on this email thing with Hillederbeast Clinton and protecting that source is crucial to Trump, else the shit from Russia will hit the fan and Trump will be exposed as the lying con fuck nut that he is.

White America, making your country great again, comes with a price tag, Trump is willing to pay...selling the American constitution, its current president and the American stupid down the drain...again, fools, you get exactly what you deserve....a nightmare in the works!!

And to prove I'm right...ever notice how all the Trump supporters post is shit about blacks, gays and bullshit...never about this headlined shit that they CAN'T EXPLAIN NOR DEFENDS...DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT AND DEFLECT SOME MORE!! lololol


Is Marriage a better word?

Media Hype is more like it. Did the Russians tamper with the vote count?
No they didn't.... that only came from Trump. They never postponed it...... it's always been Friday. Why do you lie like Trump?

After the hearing today they brief senators about Putin hacking into our ( not yours) system.
Do you have evidence that Putin thug didn't do the hacking?
Have you heard any specific evidence that Putin hacked us?
Have you even heard one thing like who did it, when did they do it, and how did they do it?
All you've heard is that there is evidence of it. Not what the evidence is. If it really happened, they should be able to answer those questions. Instead they want to take their word for it. And nobody is asking them to give specific evidence of it the way they did when Comey testified that Hillary did indeed send and receive classified information on her internet server.

So, you never saw a classified Clinton e-mail and believed the FBI.

But we are supposed to not believe the intelligence agencies because they did not show you any proof.

I get it
According to Hillary she had no classified emails.
But this isn't what was phished from Hillary's server. It appears that it all came from John Podesta's email account. You seem to want to muddy the waters by bringing up something else.

BTW, what do you think was on Hillary's server that changed the vote tallies in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania?

She had no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey said so.

Now you Russia lovin' morons are claiming that the hacking did not change the votes made. But you ignore that they influenced people in their decisions. Why do you keeop hiding from that aspect.

When Comey came out with the new e-mail crap close to the election, yes it changed people's minds. Some may have decided to vote Trump & some may have decided not to vote at all.
So being better informed is the problem here, not the fact that the media has been in collusion with Democrats to either depress the vote or create a false image of anyone who runs as a Republican calling them racists. That's not a problem. The fact that George Soros rigged the election to get an American-hating Progressive/Statist into power so he could screw up America. That's not a problem. Supposedly Russia telling everyone what Hillary has really been up to....THAT'S A PROBLEM!!
Behind closed doors Putin has called Trump a "Useful Idiot"!!!
Because they got him elected. He owes them.
So they weren't just trying to influence the election, you say they got him elected. Back it up.

If the DNC leaks weren't released , Trump wouldn't have stood a chance.
In other words you believe once the Democrat corruption was revealed it sunk them. LOL. Thanks.

Which one was the worse revelation?
Imagine what you would find in the GOP emails?
Don't worry between wikileaks and the KGB and Assasange(sp)will hand over GOP emails for the world to see.
Russia's interference would only be a factor.

You mean America finding out the truth about your criminal party? That is what sunk you, all across the nation. Remember, it wasn't just Deplorable Hillary who lost, governorships and state legislatures across the nation went to the GOP.

America got to see what the corrupt press has long suppressing on behalf of the criminal party they serve. Once exposed to the facts, America tossed you criminals out.

Trump's ties to Russia will come out beyond what we know now.

Trump's "ties to Russia" are a baseless conspiracy theory floated by you moron Communists who refuse to accept the outcome of a free election.

Hillary with he uranium deal has FAR more ties to Russia that Trump.


Trump gets a lot of money from his business interests in Russia as his kid said. Trump hired a campaign manager who was employed by a top Ukraine official who was pro Russia. Trump defends Russia's interfering with the election.

How much do you people need to admit that Russia/Trump relationship is a problem?

You pouting children are a joke. You belong to a party that is more of a criminal mob than it is a legitimate political organization. Your tantrum boils down to "WAAAHHHHHH, THEY TOLD THE TRUTH, NO FAIR!"
Trump and the Trump voters now belong to the Communist Party and the Kremlin!!!!

Lets just say for fun, that all this intelligence is fake, fabricated and made up....by both the CIA, FBI and God, all phoney.....again, why would a soon to be president be so bat shit crazy about proving them all wrong? Is he afraid it would de-legitimize his win? What gains does Trump and the american stupid receive by defending Putin? Let the intell community do its job and keep it moving Trump, stop trying to derail their claims but defending a known enemy...the fact he calls Trump a smart guy, speaks volume on how unhinged and dangerous he is....

WHAT "intelligence," Klan Boi?

  1. Riots - failed
  2. Recount - failed
  3. Corrupt the Electoral College - failed
  4. Blame Russia
This idiotic shit is just the latest in the temper tantrum of the fucktarded left.
Trump as president - failed.

And he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

He will be dogged by the fact that Russia helped him win for four years....if he makes it that long.


Just as the electors defected and put Hillary in office.

You snowflakes are so special.
Meanwhile......Trump will be proven to be Putin's Puppet.
Russia's interference would only be a factor.

You mean America finding out the truth about your criminal party? That is what sunk you, all across the nation. Remember, it wasn't just Deplorable Hillary who lost, governorships and state legislatures across the nation went to the GOP.

America got to see what the corrupt press has long suppressing on behalf of the criminal party they serve. Once exposed to the facts, America tossed you criminals out.

Trump's ties to Russia will come out beyond what we know now.

Trump's "ties to Russia" are a baseless conspiracy theory floated by you moron Communists who refuse to accept the outcome of a free election.

Hillary with he uranium deal has FAR more ties to Russia that Trump.


Trump gets a lot of money from his business interests in Russia as his kid said. Trump hired a campaign manager who was employed by a top Ukraine official who was pro Russia. Trump defends Russia's interfering with the election.

How much do you people need to admit that Russia/Trump relationship is a problem?

You pouting children are a joke. You belong to a party that is more of a criminal mob than it is a legitimate political organization. Your tantrum boils down to "WAAAHHHHHH, THEY TOLD THE TRUTH, NO FAIR!"
Who was partying with a known mobster New Years Eve?

She had no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey said so.

You're lying. You are a Communist, so lying is your way.

{From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification.}

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Now you Russia lovin' morons are claiming that the hacking did not change the votes made. But you ignore that they influenced people in their decisions. Why do you keeop hiding from that aspect.

When Comey came out with the new e-mail crap close to the election, yes it changed people's minds. Some may have decided to vote Trump & some may have decided not to vote at all.

Russia didn't change anything Comrade.

The American people finding out the TRUTH regarding your corrupt and criminal party did.

Even IF, and it's a BIG "if," the source of the leaked email was Russia, it remains the fact that what sunk you crooks were your own words and criminal acts.

Here's and idea for you Communist democrats. stop being a party of crooked, lying skunks..

She had no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey said so.

You're lying. You are a Communist, so lying is your way.

{From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification.}

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Now you Russia lovin' morons are claiming that the hacking did not change the votes made. But you ignore that they influenced people in their decisions. Why do you keeop hiding from that aspect.

When Comey came out with the new e-mail crap close to the election, yes it changed people's minds. Some may have decided to vote Trump & some may have decided not to vote at all.

Russia didn't change anything Comrade.

The American people finding out the TRUTH regarding your corrupt and criminal party did.

Even IF, and it's a BIG "if," the source of the leaked email was Russia, it remains the fact that what sunk you crooks were your own words and criminal acts.

Here's and idea for you Communist democrats. stop being a party of crooked, lying skunks..
Funny chit there bro. You go from "OMG OMG OMG Russia didn't hack anything" to "They didn't have any affect"
Anybody with a working brain cell, can see this unyeilding alliance Trump has for Putin and Assange, vs our intelligence community and Obama, has a very suspicious taint to it. Like what fuckin president goes against its own people and protects a murderer and a rapist instead??

I'll say it again, Trump and Putin were both in on this email thing with Hillederbeast Clinton and protecting that source is crucial to Trump, else the shit from Russia will hit the fan and Trump will be exposed as the lying con fuck nut that he is.

White America, making your country great again, comes with a price tag, Trump is willing to pay...selling the American constitution, its current president and the American stupid down the drain...again, fools, you get exactly what you deserve....a nightmare in the works!!

And to prove I'm right...ever notice how all the Trump supporters post is shit about blacks, gays and bullshit...never about this headlined shit that they CAN'T EXPLAIN NOR DEFENDS...DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT AND DEFLECT SOME MORE!! lololol


Is Marriage a better word?

Media Hype is more like it. Did the Russians tamper with the vote count?
The original meeting was set before Friday. Read a little you fucking idiot.

They postponed it to Friday.

They had no evidence that Russia did anything.

No they didn't.... that only came from Trump. They never postponed it...... it's always been Friday. Why do you lie like Trump?

After the hearing today they brief senators about Putin hacking into our ( not yours) system.
Do you have evidence that Putin thug didn't do the hacking?
Have you heard any specific evidence that Putin hacked us?
Have you even heard one thing like who did it, when did they do it, and how did they do it?
All you've heard is that there is evidence of it. Not what the evidence is. If it really happened, they should be able to answer those questions. Instead they want to take their word for it. And nobody is asking them to give specific evidence of it the way they did when Comey testified that Hillary did indeed send and receive classified information on her internet server.

So, you never saw a classified Clinton e-mail and believed the FBI.

But we are supposed to not believe the intelligence agencies because they did not show you any proof.

I get it
According to Hillary she had no classified emails.
But this isn't what was phished from Hillary's server. It appears that it all came from John Podesta's email account. You seem to want to muddy the waters by bringing up something else.

BTW, what do you think was on Hillary's server that changed the vote tallies in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania?

She had no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey said so.

Now you Russia lovin' morons are claiming that the hacking did not change the votes made. But you ignore that they influenced people in their decisions. Why do you keeop hiding from that aspect.

When Comey came out with the new e-mail crap close to the election, yes it changed people's minds. Some may have decided to vote Trump & some may have decided not to vote at all.
Comey got some explaining to do!!!!!!
Russia's interference would only be a factor.

You mean America finding out the truth about your criminal party? That is what sunk you, all across the nation. Remember, it wasn't just Deplorable Hillary who lost, governorships and state legislatures across the nation went to the GOP.

America got to see what the corrupt press has long suppressing on behalf of the criminal party they serve. Once exposed to the facts, America tossed you criminals out.

Trump's ties to Russia will come out beyond what we know now.

Trump's "ties to Russia" are a baseless conspiracy theory floated by you moron Communists who refuse to accept the outcome of a free election.

Hillary with he uranium deal has FAR more ties to Russia that Trump.


Trump gets a lot of money from his business interests in Russia as his kid said. Trump hired a campaign manager who was employed by a top Ukraine official who was pro Russia. Trump defends Russia's interfering with the election.

How much do you people need to admit that Russia/Trump relationship is a problem?

You pouting children are a joke. You belong to a party that is more of a criminal mob than it is a legitimate political organization. Your tantrum boils down to "WAAAHHHHHH, THEY TOLD THE TRUTH, NO FAIR!"
Who was partying with a known mobster New Years Eve?
Was it Melania!!!! You do know She has an open marriage arrangement with Trump.
Nah. She thought she had the election in the bag and didn't bother with the rust belt. Big mistake.

Trump got his message out and got the win.

You can blame it on whoever or whatever you want to but the ultimate blame goes to Hillary.

She was a lousy candidate to begin with and the DNC should have talked Biden into running.

Hillary cooked her own goose and you idiots just refuse to believe she was her own worst enemy.

Trump won. Hilary lost. Get over it. Or not.
Putin won! Remember, Trump is the Puppet!!!

Lets just say for fun, that all this intelligence is fake, fabricated and made up....by both the CIA, FBI and God, all phoney.....again, why would a soon to be president be so bat shit crazy about proving them all wrong? Is he afraid it would de-legitimize his win? What gains does Trump and the american stupid receive by defending Putin? Let the intell community do its job and keep it moving Trump, stop trying to derail their claims but defending a known enemy...the fact he calls Trump a smart guy, speaks volume on how unhinged and dangerous he is....

WHAT "intelligence," Klan Boi?

  1. Riots - failed
  2. Recount - failed
  3. Corrupt the Electoral College - failed
  4. Blame Russia
This idiotic shit is just the latest in the temper tantrum of the fucktarded left.
Trump as president - failed.

And he hasn't even been sworn in yet.
These stupid conservative Trump voting Putin supporters ignorantly expect the ENTIRE country to line up and support Trump!!!........NOT.
Anybody with a working brain cell, can see this unyeilding alliance Trump has for Putin and Assange, vs our intelligence community and Obama, has a very suspicious taint to it. Like what fuckin president goes against its own people and protects a murderer and a rapist instead??

I'll say it again, Trump and Putin were both in on this email thing with Hillederbeast Clinton and protecting that source is crucial to Trump, else the shit from Russia will hit the fan and Trump will be exposed as the lying con fuck nut that he is.

White America, making your country great again, comes with a price tag, Trump is willing to pay...selling the American constitution, its current president and the American stupid down the drain...again, fools, you get exactly what you deserve....a nightmare in the works!!

And to prove I'm right...ever notice how all the Trump supporters post is shit about blacks, gays and bullshit...never about this headlined shit that they CAN'T EXPLAIN NOR DEFENDS...DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT AND DEFLECT SOME MORE!! lololol
It's Trump's narcissism getting in the way. The only way to keep him from doubling down and digging himself an ever deepening hole at times like this is to NOT make a big deal out of his defensive statements, ask him repeatedly about them, discuss them endlessly on cable news. It makes him more defensive. I'm telling ya, if when he first reacted to this, people had just nodded and said Uh huh, this would have been over long ago.
Trump tried to deflect the hacking onto the Chinese or a fat man in bed. He knows his presidency is not legitimate before it has even begun.
Is Marriage a better word?

Media Hype is more like it. Did the Russians tamper with the vote count?
So, you never saw a classified Clinton e-mail and believed the FBI.

But we are supposed to not believe the intelligence agencies because they did not show you any proof.

I get it
According to Hillary she had no classified emails.
But this isn't what was phished from Hillary's server. It appears that it all came from John Podesta's email account. You seem to want to muddy the waters by bringing up something else.

BTW, what do you think was on Hillary's server that changed the vote tallies in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania?

She had no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey said so.

Now you Russia lovin' morons are claiming that the hacking did not change the votes made. But you ignore that they influenced people in their decisions. Why do you keeop hiding from that aspect.

When Comey came out with the new e-mail crap close to the election, yes it changed people's minds. Some may have decided to vote Trump & some may have decided not to vote at all.

The USMB is infested with American Hating Republican Scum and Paid Russian Fake News Spreaders. Both these groups will be happy when Putin gives the state of fhe union address to Congress.

Comrade Trump is a putin lover who obviously is being blackmailed by Russia. Just a matter of time until it comes out. As a Repub friend recently told me, "This is not going to turn out well..."

The only American haters I've seen are you and the idiots like you.

As your cult leader accepts the word of Assange over the word of all our intelligence agencies, you continue to hump his leg like a horny hound. You and your Repub scum brothers have sold America to Putin. Vladimir will soon have a spy in the White House. That as makes you happy...

And who is responsible for preventing Russian Hacks? did we know previously our enemies have been trying to hack us? Yes we have, and it is the CURRENT administration's responsibility to guard against this.

You could say its a complete Fail when they hand over passwords and run Unprotected servers, the Secretary of State being among the ignorant.

So now they want to deflect and blame it all on Trump? Trump Russian connection? more like the Democrats will do anything nonstop to discredit Trump. I understand why,... you all feel he's the Devil incarnate, so anything goes. Lies, whatever
Media Hype is more like it. Did the Russians tamper with the vote count?
According to Hillary she had no classified emails.
But this isn't what was phished from Hillary's server. It appears that it all came from John Podesta's email account. You seem to want to muddy the waters by bringing up something else.

BTW, what do you think was on Hillary's server that changed the vote tallies in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania?

She had no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey said so.

Now you Russia lovin' morons are claiming that the hacking did not change the votes made. But you ignore that they influenced people in their decisions. Why do you keeop hiding from that aspect.

When Comey came out with the new e-mail crap close to the election, yes it changed people's minds. Some may have decided to vote Trump & some may have decided not to vote at all.

The USMB is infested with American Hating Republican Scum and Paid Russian Fake News Spreaders. Both these groups will be happy when Putin gives the state of fhe union address to Congress.

Comrade Trump is a putin lover who obviously is being blackmailed by Russia. Just a matter of time until it comes out. As a Repub friend recently told me, "This is not going to turn out well..."

The only American haters I've seen are you and the idiots like you.

As your cult leader accepts the word of Assange over the word of all our intelligence agencies, you continue to hump his leg like a horny hound. You and your Repub scum brothers have sold America to Putin. Vladimir will soon have a spy in the White House. That as makes you happy...

And who is responsible for preventing Russian Hacks? did we know previously our enemies have been trying to hack us? Yes we have, and it is the CURRENT administration's responsibility to guard against this.

You could say its a complete Fail when they hand over passwords and run Unprotected servers, the Secretary of State being among the ignorant.

So now they want to deflect and blame it all on Trump? Trump Russian connection? more like the Democrats will do anything nonstop to discredit Trump. I understand why,... you all feel he's the Devil incarnate, so anything goes. Lies, whatever

Trump is putin's president. Congrats...
She had no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey said so.

Now you Russia lovin' morons are claiming that the hacking did not change the votes made. But you ignore that they influenced people in their decisions. Why do you keeop hiding from that aspect.

When Comey came out with the new e-mail crap close to the election, yes it changed people's minds. Some may have decided to vote Trump & some may have decided not to vote at all.

The USMB is infested with American Hating Republican Scum and Paid Russian Fake News Spreaders. Both these groups will be happy when Putin gives the state of fhe union address to Congress.

Comrade Trump is a putin lover who obviously is being blackmailed by Russia. Just a matter of time until it comes out. As a Repub friend recently told me, "This is not going to turn out well..."

The only American haters I've seen are you and the idiots like you.

As your cult leader accepts the word of Assange over the word of all our intelligence agencies, you continue to hump his leg like a horny hound. You and your Repub scum brothers have sold America to Putin. Vladimir will soon have a spy in the White House. That as makes you happy...

And who is responsible for preventing Russian Hacks? did we know previously our enemies have been trying to hack us? Yes we have, and it is the CURRENT administration's responsibility to guard against this.

You could say its a complete Fail when they hand over passwords and run Unprotected servers, the Secretary of State being among the ignorant.

So now they want to deflect and blame it all on Trump? Trump Russian connection? more like the Democrats will do anything nonstop to discredit Trump. I understand why,... you all feel he's the Devil incarnate, so anything goes. Lies, whatever

Trump is putin's president. Congrats...

That's your opinion. Putin is not an ally and I'm sure Trump realizes that. Was Obama the Saudis president? or Iran's president? Seems to me he's kissed their ass so by your logic he must work for them. Trump hasnt done one damn thing in office yet, when he does something as president that hurts the USA and helps Russia get back to us then. Until then its all DNC wishful thinking to discredit their opponent
Media Hype is more like it. Did the Russians tamper with the vote count?
According to Hillary she had no classified emails.
But this isn't what was phished from Hillary's server. It appears that it all came from John Podesta's email account. You seem to want to muddy the waters by bringing up something else.

BTW, what do you think was on Hillary's server that changed the vote tallies in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania?

She had no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey said so.

Now you Russia lovin' morons are claiming that the hacking did not change the votes made. But you ignore that they influenced people in their decisions. Why do you keeop hiding from that aspect.

When Comey came out with the new e-mail crap close to the election, yes it changed people's minds. Some may have decided to vote Trump & some may have decided not to vote at all.

The USMB is infested with American Hating Republican Scum and Paid Russian Fake News Spreaders. Both these groups will be happy when Putin gives the state of fhe union address to Congress.

Comrade Trump is a putin lover who obviously is being blackmailed by Russia. Just a matter of time until it comes out. As a Repub friend recently told me, "This is not going to turn out well..."

The only American haters I've seen are you and the idiots like you.

As your cult leader accepts the word of Assange over the word of all our intelligence agencies, you continue to hump his leg like a horny hound. You and your Repub scum brothers have sold America to Putin. Vladimir will soon have a spy in the White House. That as makes you happy...

And who is responsible for preventing Russian Hacks? did we know previously our enemies have been trying to hack us? Yes we have, and it is the CURRENT administration's responsibility to guard against this.

You could say its a complete Fail when they hand over passwords and run Unprotected servers, the Secretary of State being among the ignorant.

So now they want to deflect and blame it all on Trump? Trump Russian connection? more like the Democrats will do anything nonstop to discredit Trump. I understand why,... you all feel he's the Devil incarnate, so anything goes. Lies, whatever
Russia Today (RT) is saying the same as you and more. If you tune-in you will get lots of ways to ridicule the CIA and American intelligence sources. I think you will be impressed.
The USMB is infested with American Hating Republican Scum and Paid Russian Fake News Spreaders. Both these groups will be happy when Putin gives the state of fhe union address to Congress.

Comrade Trump is a putin lover who obviously is being blackmailed by Russia. Just a matter of time until it comes out. As a Repub friend recently told me, "This is not going to turn out well..."

The only American haters I've seen are you and the idiots like you.

As your cult leader accepts the word of Assange over the word of all our intelligence agencies, you continue to hump his leg like a horny hound. You and your Repub scum brothers have sold America to Putin. Vladimir will soon have a spy in the White House. That as makes you happy...

And who is responsible for preventing Russian Hacks? did we know previously our enemies have been trying to hack us? Yes we have, and it is the CURRENT administration's responsibility to guard against this.

You could say its a complete Fail when they hand over passwords and run Unprotected servers, the Secretary of State being among the ignorant.

So now they want to deflect and blame it all on Trump? Trump Russian connection? more like the Democrats will do anything nonstop to discredit Trump. I understand why,... you all feel he's the Devil incarnate, so anything goes. Lies, whatever

Trump is putin's president. Congrats...

That's your opinion. Putin is not an ally and I'm sure Trump realizes that. Was Obama the Saudis president? or Iran's president? Seems to me he's kissed their ass so by your logic he must work for them. Trump hasnt done one damn thing in office yet, when he does something as president that hurts the USA and helps Russia get back to us then. Until then its all DNC wishful thinking to discredit their opponent

Obama forced Iran to the table. He did it without tweeting stupid threats & bragging how smart he is. Obama stopped Iran from getting a nuke while Trump thinks more countries should have them & those that do should make more.

Trump mocked our intel community. He sided with Assange & now the orange coward backs away. Trump tweets first & then changes depends on the blowback. He vs too stupid to think of anything on hos own.
The Russian Republican party will be tuning into RT radio now on a daily basis to get their instructions from Putin. Putin will soon have his man in the White House.

Putin will take the US without firing a shot. There are quite a few russian trolls on USMB that celebrated trump's win.
She had no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey said so.

Now you Russia lovin' morons are claiming that the hacking did not change the votes made. But you ignore that they influenced people in their decisions. Why do you keeop hiding from that aspect.

When Comey came out with the new e-mail crap close to the election, yes it changed people's minds. Some may have decided to vote Trump & some may have decided not to vote at all.

The USMB is infested with American Hating Republican Scum and Paid Russian Fake News Spreaders. Both these groups will be happy when Putin gives the state of fhe union address to Congress.

Comrade Trump is a putin lover who obviously is being blackmailed by Russia. Just a matter of time until it comes out. As a Repub friend recently told me, "This is not going to turn out well..."

The only American haters I've seen are you and the idiots like you.

As your cult leader accepts the word of Assange over the word of all our intelligence agencies, you continue to hump his leg like a horny hound. You and your Repub scum brothers have sold America to Putin. Vladimir will soon have a spy in the White House. That as makes you happy...

And who is responsible for preventing Russian Hacks? did we know previously our enemies have been trying to hack us? Yes we have, and it is the CURRENT administration's responsibility to guard against this.

You could say its a complete Fail when they hand over passwords and run Unprotected servers, the Secretary of State being among the ignorant.

So now they want to deflect and blame it all on Trump? Trump Russian connection? more like the Democrats will do anything nonstop to discredit Trump. I understand why,... you all feel he's the Devil incarnate, so anything goes. Lies, whatever

Trump is putin's president. Congrats...
Sorry, but Trump is America's president.
Obama was looking out for the welfare of foreigners more than America. His policies proved it and his actions in the last few weeks solidified the proof.
She had no properly marked classified e-mails. Comey said so.

Now you Russia lovin' morons are claiming that the hacking did not change the votes made. But you ignore that they influenced people in their decisions. Why do you keeop hiding from that aspect.

When Comey came out with the new e-mail crap close to the election, yes it changed people's minds. Some may have decided to vote Trump & some may have decided not to vote at all.

The USMB is infested with American Hating Republican Scum and Paid Russian Fake News Spreaders. Both these groups will be happy when Putin gives the state of fhe union address to Congress.

Comrade Trump is a putin lover who obviously is being blackmailed by Russia. Just a matter of time until it comes out. As a Repub friend recently told me, "This is not going to turn out well..."

The only American haters I've seen are you and the idiots like you.

As your cult leader accepts the word of Assange over the word of all our intelligence agencies, you continue to hump his leg like a horny hound. You and your Repub scum brothers have sold America to Putin. Vladimir will soon have a spy in the White House. That as makes you happy...

And who is responsible for preventing Russian Hacks? did we know previously our enemies have been trying to hack us? Yes we have, and it is the CURRENT administration's responsibility to guard against this.

You could say its a complete Fail when they hand over passwords and run Unprotected servers, the Secretary of State being among the ignorant.

So now they want to deflect and blame it all on Trump? Trump Russian connection? more like the Democrats will do anything nonstop to discredit Trump. I understand why,... you all feel he's the Devil incarnate, so anything goes. Lies, whatever
Russia Today (RT) is saying the same as you and more. If you tune-in you will get lots of ways to ridicule the CIA and American intelligence sources. I think you will be impressed.
For years the Democrats were saying that the CIA and our intel sources were totally wrong about Saddam with respect to WMDs.
Now it's unAmerican to question their politically motivated findings on Russian hacking that any fool can see is total BS.

However, I think you're guilty of reading into the actual proof that they've presented.

  1. James Clapper clearly stated that they have no evidence that Russian influenced our election
  2. He also said that nothing Russia attempted changed one single vote
  3. The phishing attempts took place anywhere from 6 months to a year before the election
  4. The evidence presented showed that Democrats are a massive security risk because they cannot protect sensitive information due to constant leaks inside and out side the current administration.
The Trump deniers are becoming totally delusional. The GOP is lining up behind a Putin-Assange Lover.

You don't even make sense, Comrade.

IF Russia supplied the emails from your corrupt and criminal party, it was to WikiLeaks and Assange. Russia released nothing, and certainly did not interact with Trump.

You stupid butthurt Communists are flailing.

Go back to rioting, at least that give us cause to shoot your stupid asses.

If they hack Trump which I think they did. .... ......... Americans like us ( not you) we'll still be pissed....... Its not the content of the hacking........ It's about foreign nationals interfered into our democracy. Ask McCain, Graham and 99 other senators.
Get real dude. This not about butt hurt it's about america's integrity, pride, honor and justice. Do you understand the shit I'm talking about?

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