Why is trump so quiet about Stormy Daniels?

Why is trump being so quiet about the Stormy Daniels affair?

  • He is listening to his lawyers....for a change.

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • He is afraid of what she has.

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • Because he knows there are many more like her out there.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he doesn't think it is important.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he didn't have the affair.....cough....hack....

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Other...please specify.

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters
Why is trump so quiet about Stormy Daniels?

He is afraid she will spank him again
Did you huys consider Trump isn't saying anything about her because they have a non-disclosure agreement?

Wait! He said norhing happened....what is he afraid of being disclosed?

You and I both know that if he speaks out...she will sue him for defamation. That will bring about Discovery. trump does not want that....

He had a one night sexual fling with a porn slut, not very smart, but that's all it was. Then she breached the NDA she signed, so he could sue her in court if he chooses to.

Is this all you dems can find? Shall we discuss the Clinton foundation? the Clinton connections to Russia? the cheating by the DNC?

careful what you ask for, it might bite you in the ass.
Hillary and Bill weren't afraid to show their tax returns going all the way back Trump will cut off his right arm before he does It'll show the lying cheaters money laundering schemes going way back

How many times must I explain it to you libs? Trump's tax return is very complicated, probably hundreds of pages. If he were to release it, morons like you and CNN would pull out one page, make up lies about it and the president would have to waste many hours refuting your lies. Then you would pull out another page and make up lies about it.

Madcow on CNN got his 05 return and not one of you assholes could find anything wrong with it. What you found is that he paid a higher % then the Clintons of most of the Hollywood lunatics.
what you don't get is that most of the conservatives on this board are NOT republicans or democrats. They are independent thinking patriotic American taxpayers who vote in their and the country's best interests.

Everything is not about party, fool. Trump was elected because he is NOT a partisan, he was elected because he is a successful businessman who knows how to get things done and what is needed to fix the mess created by generations of liberals from both parties.
Successful only over the bodies of others and how's that mess he's fixing coming along ?? Seems like he steps in doo doo with ever move he makes

jobless claims are the lowest in 30 years, taxes have been cut for average americans, the economy is growing faster than any of obozo's 8 years, the market is up, companies are moving back to the USA, bad trade deals are being fixed, NK is finally coming to the negotiation table, I would call that quite successful for the first year.

His tax cuts are leading us to our first 2 trillion dollar deficit. That becomes official just 5 weeks before the mid-term elections.

MAGA, baby!!

both parties voted for that spending bill. don't fool yourself into thinking that voters don't hold the dems responsible. The dems could have fixed the DACA mess but they chose not to.
fixed it? How? by giving the moron billions to build his wall?

that would be one way. Every other civilized country in the world has secure borders. We spend billions every year on people here illegally, building the wall and securing the border would result in a net saving to the country.
If trump speaks a word against Stormy...her lawyer will sue his for defamation. Then he will be deposed.

There are many more like Stormy out there....waiting.
The more the merrier Love giving the slime a dose of their own medicine How long were they after Clintons ?? Obama??We have years to go

Good to see you admit it's for revenge and not because he actually did anything wrong.
yeah trumps hands are clean lol

They probably smell like fish...and it ain't Melania.

Again that you are OK with a sexual predator and voted for him and his hoe three times and you're melting down over a dog who cheats on his wife shows what a pathetic immoral piece of shit that you are.

What he did to Melinia would reasonably land Trump in divorce court. What Clinton did should have landed him in jail.

Your reaction?

Get Trump ... get Trump ... get Trump ...

Women being assaulted and raped? No biggie ... for you ...

to the libs on this board, party is all that matters. no morals, no ethics, no common sense.
what you don't get is that most of the conservatives on this board are NOT republicans or democrats. They are independent thinking patriotic American taxpayers who vote in their and the country's best interests.

Everything is not about party, fool. Trump was elected because he is NOT a partisan, he was elected because he is a successful businessman who knows how to get things done and what is needed to fix the mess created by generations of liberals from both parties.
Successful only over the bodies of others and how's that mess he's fixing coming along ?? Seems like he steps in doo doo with ever move he makes

jobless claims are the lowest in 30 years, taxes have been cut for average americans, the economy is growing faster than any of obozo's 8 years, the market is up, companies are moving back to the USA, bad trade deals are being fixed, NK is finally coming to the negotiation table, I would call that quite successful for the first year.

His tax cuts are leading us to our first 2 trillion dollar deficit. That becomes official just 5 weeks before the mid-term elections.

MAGA, baby!!

both parties voted for that spending bill. don't fool yourself into thinking that voters don't hold the dems responsible. The dems could have fixed the DACA mess but they chose not to.
Imbecile, try and pay attention... the problem was caused by Trump’s tax cuts. Good luck pinning that on Democrats. :mm:

The tax cuts are working for average working class americans, it takes some time for the economy to rebound, but it is and it will continue. But, you are free to pay more taxes if you feel so inclined, so are your asshole buddies in hollyloony land. Do it, send a check to the IRS today.
Why would he talk about her? She's also a known liar who's changed her story. She has no credibility.

Why do you care about an affair? You voted for a guy who raped and assaulted women twice, then her hoe who attacked them again. That makes Trump about a two on the scale of one to a guy you voted for
If what you say is true about Clinton who led America upwards it was how many years ago?? ,we have a slimebag lying pervert in our WH NOW who you support

If trump speaks a word against Stormy...her lawyer will sue his for defamation. Then he will be deposed.

There are many more like Stormy out there....waiting.
The more the merrier Love giving the slime a dose of their own medicine How long were they after Clintons ?? Obama??We have years to go

To me rape and sexual assaults are worse than being a dog who cheats on his wife. I guess that's just me.

You're a sick fuck that you don't know the difference and you vote for sexual predators, vote for themagain, then vote for their hoe who victimized their victims yet again
Do you ever stop kazzing? Ever??

What sexual predator besides Trump was voted for?

UHH, did you sleep through the Clinton years? did you not hear the testimony of his victims? Consensual sex is not predatory (Trump). Rape and sexual assault is predatory (Clinton).
Successful only over the bodies of others and how's that mess he's fixing coming along ?? Seems like he steps in doo doo with ever move he makes

jobless claims are the lowest in 30 years, taxes have been cut for average americans, the economy is growing faster than any of obozo's 8 years, the market is up, companies are moving back to the USA, bad trade deals are being fixed, NK is finally coming to the negotiation table, I would call that quite successful for the first year.

His tax cuts are leading us to our first 2 trillion dollar deficit. That becomes official just 5 weeks before the mid-term elections.

MAGA, baby!!

both parties voted for that spending bill. don't fool yourself into thinking that voters don't hold the dems responsible. The dems could have fixed the DACA mess but they chose not to.
Imbecile, try and pay attention... the problem was caused by Trump’s tax cuts. Good luck pinning that on Democrats. :mm:

The tax cuts are working for average working class americans, it takes some time for the economy to rebound, but it is and it will continue. But, you are free to pay more taxes if you feel so inclined, so are your asshole buddies in hollyloony land. Do it, send a check to the IRS today.

You dumbfuck, the economy has already rebounded. Meanwhile, we're on track to add $2 trillion to the debt this fiscal year. We'll see exactly where that number ends up in October, just 5 weeks before the election.

If what you say is true about Clinton who led America upwards it was how many years ago?? ,we have a slimebag lying pervert in our WH NOW who you support

If trump speaks a word against Stormy...her lawyer will sue his for defamation. Then he will be deposed.

There are many more like Stormy out there....waiting.
The more the merrier Love giving the slime a dose of their own medicine How long were they after Clintons ?? Obama??We have years to go

To me rape and sexual assaults are worse than being a dog who cheats on his wife. I guess that's just me.

You're a sick fuck that you don't know the difference and you vote for sexual predators, vote for themagain, then vote for their hoe who victimized their victims yet again
Do you ever stop kazzing? Ever??

What sexual predator besides Trump was voted for?

UHH, did you sleep through the Clinton years? did you not hear the testimony of his victims? Consensual sex is not predatory (Trump). Rape and sexual assault is predatory (Clinton).
Only one woman accused Clinton of rape and she swore it never really happened. Only one woman accusing Clinton of assault actually took him to court over it and her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.
jobless claims are the lowest in 30 years, taxes have been cut for average americans, the economy is growing faster than any of obozo's 8 years, the market is up, companies are moving back to the USA, bad trade deals are being fixed, NK is finally coming to the negotiation table, I would call that quite successful for the first year.

His tax cuts are leading us to our first 2 trillion dollar deficit. That becomes official just 5 weeks before the mid-term elections.

MAGA, baby!!

both parties voted for that spending bill. don't fool yourself into thinking that voters don't hold the dems responsible. The dems could have fixed the DACA mess but they chose not to.
Imbecile, try and pay attention... the problem was caused by Trump’s tax cuts. Good luck pinning that on Democrats. :mm:

The tax cuts are working for average working class americans, it takes some time for the economy to rebound, but it is and it will continue. But, you are free to pay more taxes if you feel so inclined, so are your asshole buddies in hollyloony land. Do it, send a check to the IRS today.

You dumbfuck, the economy has already rebounded. Meanwhile, we're on track to add $2 trillion to the debt this fiscal year. We'll see exactly where that number ends up in October, just 5 weeks before the election.


yes, we will see what it looks like in October. We will also remember that this budget was passed by dems and rinos. Yes, Trump signed it, but he really had no alternative.

your juvenile use of insults like dumbfuck and imbecile just verifies that you are unable to debate the issues in a civil manner, and yes, I sometimes respond in kind which is also wrong.

The federal budget is passed be congress, both parties are accountable. It is also true that we could have had a more fiscally responsible budget if the dems had not insisted on full funding for all of their socialist programs and their ignoring of the DACA problem.

Trump tried to work with them on DACA but they refused to even try to find the middle ground because its the only issue they have left for the fall elections. this stuff is not complicated if we take the emotion and bullshit out of the debate.
If trump speaks a word against Stormy...her lawyer will sue his for defamation. Then he will be deposed.

There are many more like Stormy out there....waiting.
The more the merrier Love giving the slime a dose of their own medicine How long were they after Clintons ?? Obama??We have years to go

To me rape and sexual assaults are worse than being a dog who cheats on his wife. I guess that's just me.

You're a sick fuck that you don't know the difference and you vote for sexual predators, vote for themagain, then vote for their hoe who victimized their victims yet again
Do you ever stop kazzing? Ever??

What sexual predator besides Trump was voted for?

UHH, did you sleep through the Clinton years? did you not hear the testimony of his victims? Consensual sex is not predatory (Trump). Rape and sexual assault is predatory (Clinton).
Only one woman accused Clinton of rape and she swore it never really happened. Only one woman accusing Clinton of assault actually took him to court over it and her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.

Paula Jones received a 750K settlement.

His tax cuts are leading us to our first 2 trillion dollar deficit. That becomes official just 5 weeks before the mid-term elections.

MAGA, baby!!

both parties voted for that spending bill. don't fool yourself into thinking that voters don't hold the dems responsible. The dems could have fixed the DACA mess but they chose not to.
Imbecile, try and pay attention... the problem was caused by Trump’s tax cuts. Good luck pinning that on Democrats. :mm:

The tax cuts are working for average working class americans, it takes some time for the economy to rebound, but it is and it will continue. But, you are free to pay more taxes if you feel so inclined, so are your asshole buddies in hollyloony land. Do it, send a check to the IRS today.

You dumbfuck, the economy has already rebounded. Meanwhile, we're on track to add $2 trillion to the debt this fiscal year. We'll see exactly where that number ends up in October, just 5 weeks before the election.


yes, we will see what it looks like in October. We will also remember that this budget was passed by dems and rinos. Yes, Trump signed it, but he really had no alternative.

your juvenile use of insults like dumbfuck and imbecile just verifies that you are unable to debate the issues in a civil manner, and yes, I sometimes respond in kind which is also wrong.

The federal budget is passed be congress, both parties are accountable. It is also true that we could have had a more fiscally responsible budget if the dems had not insisted on full funding for all of their socialist programs and their ignoring of the DACA problem.

Trump tried to work with them on DACA but they refused to even try to find the middle ground because its the only issue they have left for the fall elections. this stuff is not complicated if we take the emotion and bullshit out of the debate.
For the third time, about a trillion dollars of the deficit is attributable to Trump's tax cuts. You can't pass that onto Democrats. That's all Trump's.
The more the merrier Love giving the slime a dose of their own medicine How long were they after Clintons ?? Obama??We have years to go

To me rape and sexual assaults are worse than being a dog who cheats on his wife. I guess that's just me.

You're a sick fuck that you don't know the difference and you vote for sexual predators, vote for themagain, then vote for their hoe who victimized their victims yet again
Do you ever stop kazzing? Ever??

What sexual predator besides Trump was voted for?

UHH, did you sleep through the Clinton years? did you not hear the testimony of his victims? Consensual sex is not predatory (Trump). Rape and sexual assault is predatory (Clinton).
Only one woman accused Clinton of rape and she swore it never really happened. Only one woman accusing Clinton of assault actually took him to court over it and her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.

Paula Jones received a 750K settlement.
So? That wa after her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit.
The more the merrier Love giving the slime a dose of their own medicine How long were they after Clintons ?? Obama??We have years to go

Good to see you admit it's for revenge and not because he actually did anything wrong.
yeah trumps hands are clean lol

They probably smell like fish...and it ain't Melania.

Again that you are OK with a sexual predator and voted for him and his hoe three times and you're melting down over a dog who cheats on his wife shows what a pathetic immoral piece of shit that you are.

What he did to Melinia would reasonably land Trump in divorce court. What Clinton did should have landed him in jail.

Your reaction?

Get Trump ... get Trump ... get Trump ...

Women being assaulted and raped? No biggie ... for you ...

to the libs on this board, party is all that matters. no morals, no ethics, no common sense.

You voted for the orange clown and you talk about morals...ethics...and common sense? Really?

You realize he has NONE of these...
both parties voted for that spending bill. don't fool yourself into thinking that voters don't hold the dems responsible. The dems could have fixed the DACA mess but they chose not to.
Imbecile, try and pay attention... the problem was caused by Trump’s tax cuts. Good luck pinning that on Democrats. :mm:

The tax cuts are working for average working class americans, it takes some time for the economy to rebound, but it is and it will continue. But, you are free to pay more taxes if you feel so inclined, so are your asshole buddies in hollyloony land. Do it, send a check to the IRS today.

You dumbfuck, the economy has already rebounded. Meanwhile, we're on track to add $2 trillion to the debt this fiscal year. We'll see exactly where that number ends up in October, just 5 weeks before the election.


yes, we will see what it looks like in October. We will also remember that this budget was passed by dems and rinos. Yes, Trump signed it, but he really had no alternative.

your juvenile use of insults like dumbfuck and imbecile just verifies that you are unable to debate the issues in a civil manner, and yes, I sometimes respond in kind which is also wrong.

The federal budget is passed be congress, both parties are accountable. It is also true that we could have had a more fiscally responsible budget if the dems had not insisted on full funding for all of their socialist programs and their ignoring of the DACA problem.

Trump tried to work with them on DACA but they refused to even try to find the middle ground because its the only issue they have left for the fall elections. this stuff is not complicated if we take the emotion and bullshit out of the debate.
For the third time, about a trillion dollars of the deficit is attributable to Trump's tax cuts. You can't pass that onto Democrats. That's all Trump's.

technically the tax bill was passed by the house and the senate. the president does not write legislation. Most americans are happy with larger paychecks. I guess your welfare payments did not increase.
Good to see you admit it's for revenge and not because he actually did anything wrong.
yeah trumps hands are clean lol

They probably smell like fish...and it ain't Melania.

Again that you are OK with a sexual predator and voted for him and his hoe three times and you're melting down over a dog who cheats on his wife shows what a pathetic immoral piece of shit that you are.

What he did to Melinia would reasonably land Trump in divorce court. What Clinton did should have landed him in jail.

Your reaction?

Get Trump ... get Trump ... get Trump ...

Women being assaulted and raped? No biggie ... for you ...

to the libs on this board, party is all that matters. no morals, no ethics, no common sense.

You voted for the orange clown and you talk about morals...ethics...and common sense? Really?

You realize he has NONE of these...

no one can be that successful in business without those three attributes. Ask anyone that ever worked for him or did business with him. Tough but fair is what you will hear from them.
Imbecile, try and pay attention... the problem was caused by Trump’s tax cuts. Good luck pinning that on Democrats. :mm:

The tax cuts are working for average working class americans, it takes some time for the economy to rebound, but it is and it will continue. But, you are free to pay more taxes if you feel so inclined, so are your asshole buddies in hollyloony land. Do it, send a check to the IRS today.

You dumbfuck, the economy has already rebounded. Meanwhile, we're on track to add $2 trillion to the debt this fiscal year. We'll see exactly where that number ends up in October, just 5 weeks before the election.


yes, we will see what it looks like in October. We will also remember that this budget was passed by dems and rinos. Yes, Trump signed it, but he really had no alternative.

your juvenile use of insults like dumbfuck and imbecile just verifies that you are unable to debate the issues in a civil manner, and yes, I sometimes respond in kind which is also wrong.

The federal budget is passed be congress, both parties are accountable. It is also true that we could have had a more fiscally responsible budget if the dems had not insisted on full funding for all of their socialist programs and their ignoring of the DACA problem.

Trump tried to work with them on DACA but they refused to even try to find the middle ground because its the only issue they have left for the fall elections. this stuff is not complicated if we take the emotion and bullshit out of the debate.
For the third time, about a trillion dollars of the deficit is attributable to Trump's tax cuts. You can't pass that onto Democrats. That's all Trump's.

technically the tax bill was passed by the house and the senate. the president does not write legislation. Most americans are happy with larger paychecks. I guess your welfare payments did not increase.

^^^ Look at the brain-dead con trying to distance Trump from his own tax plan because they're causing the deficit to blow up.


His tax cuts are leading us to our first 2 trillion dollar deficit. That becomes official just 5 weeks before the mid-term elections.

MAGA, baby!!

both parties voted for that spending bill. don't fool yourself into thinking that voters don't hold the dems responsible. The dems could have fixed the DACA mess but they chose not to.
Imbecile, try and pay attention... the problem was caused by Trump’s tax cuts. Good luck pinning that on Democrats. :mm:

The tax cuts are working for average working class americans, it takes some time for the economy to rebound, but it is and it will continue. But, you are free to pay more taxes if you feel so inclined, so are your asshole buddies in hollyloony land. Do it, send a check to the IRS today.

You dumbfuck, the economy has already rebounded. Meanwhile, we're on track to add $2 trillion to the debt this fiscal year. We'll see exactly where that number ends up in October, just 5 weeks before the election.


yes, we will see what it looks like in October. We will also remember that this budget was passed by dems and rinos. Yes, Trump signed it, but he really had no alternative.

your juvenile use of insults like dumbfuck and imbecile just verifies that you are unable to debate the issues in a civil manner, and yes, I sometimes respond in kind which is also wrong.

The federal budget is passed be congress, both parties are accountable. It is also true that we could have had a more fiscally responsible budget if the dems had not insisted on full funding for all of their socialist programs and their ignoring of the DACA problem.

Trump tried to work with them on DACA but they refused to even try to find the middle ground because its the only issue they have left for the fall elections. this stuff is not complicated if we take the emotion and bullshit out of the debate.

trump's budget....trump's deficit...trump's red ink....recession coming coupled with run away inflation. All because the orange clown wanted to make his Billionaire friends richer....

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