Why is Your Party Good?

No, your obvious disdain for Trump supporters, which I conveniently highlighted in large, bold, red script is what shows your blatant bias. Again, show me where you've said the same of Biden supporters. :dunno: Your example falls very short.
You didn't even read the post I linked to, did you?
I have to agree with you there, but it's not because of mules and deep state lizards. It's because of partisan morons voting "strategically" - ie voting for the lesser of two evils rather than the best candidates. If most people are voting for bad candidates purpose, there's pretty much no way we can expect good results.
As I posted, we are far beyond picking the best candidate. Any American citizen who believes our government and media has not been corrupted with Democrat Party objectives is living in a fantasy world. The GOP is a very flawed party but they are not actively supporting the rise of China and the degradation and division of America.
No it is not! How many Republican state legislatures have enacted laws to restrict voting for people of color? Why is Alabama in violation of the Supreme Court for illegal gerrymandering?

So no, I am not lying!

What laws?
The republicans are good at free speech, better trade, keeping Iran and North Korea in check, cutting regulation, home grown energy, not letting criminals run free, border security, keeping porn out of grade and middle schools, and believing that America is actually a nice place that shouldn't be under the thumb of globalists. They also think the constitution shouldn't be rewritten without the aid of amendments. They also don't tell minorities they are stupid and helpless. They need to spend less and do better about selling us out to foreign countries, but at least they get it right sometimes.
That’s a good summary for dblack ..
That’s a good summary for dblack ..
Indeed. Laslow was one of the few respondents to actually answer my question. I don't agree with the reasoning, but at least it's reasoning. I can respect that.

But if all you can say for your candidate is that the other "side" is worse, I can't respect that at all. That's just chickenshit fear-mongering.
Not handing out water bottles to people in line. Voter ID laws. Restricting mail in ballots. Voter purges. Illegal and disportionate gerrymandering tactics. The list goes on.

So only black people are not allowed to be given water while in line? Only black people are restricted from mailing their ballots in. And disproportionate gerrymandering???? Yeah, dems don't do that at all.. lol What a fool! :cuckoo: Thanks for the laugh, I knew you couldn't cite any 'laws' for your bullshit claim.
Indeed. Laslow was one of the few respondents to actually answer my question. I don't agree with the reasoning, but at least it's reasoning. I can respect that.

But if all you can say for your candidate is that the other "side" is worse, I can't respect that at all. That's just chickenshit fear-mongering.
Chicken shit…is claiming the moral high ground with nothing to back it up. Like you for instance.
So only black people are not allowed to be given water while in line? Only black people are restricted from mailing their ballots in. And disproportionate gerrymandering???? Yeah, dems don't do that at all.. lol What a fool! :cuckoo: Thanks for the laugh, I knew you couldn't cite any 'laws' for your bullshit claim.
No, not only black people. But they are one of the groups most affected by this illegal legislation.
Indeed. Laslow was one of the few respondents to actually answer my question. I don't agree with the reasoning, but at least it's reasoning. I can respect that.

But if all you can say for your candidate is that the other "side" is worse, I can't respect that at all. That's just chickenshit fear-mongering.
What don’t you agree with

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