Why is Your Party Good?

Because people fell for the lesser-of-two-evils scam. Dems voted for him, knowing he was corrupt and worthless, because they were scared of Trump.
Then go talk to the Biden voters. You're wasting bandwidth on Trump voters.
Then go talk to the Biden voters. You're wasting bandwidth on Trump voters.
Jesus - get over yourself. This thread isn't criticizing Trump voters. It's criticizing lesser-of-two-evils campaigning. Dems do it every bit as much, if not more, than Republicans do.
it’s interesting that you have offered up no solution.
It's interesting that you think I should. Can you not think for yourself? All I'm saying is that if the only thing your candidate has going for them is "not as bad as the other guy", you should vote for someone else. Why is that so hard to understand?
It's interesting that you think I should. Can you not think for yourself? All I'm saying is that if the only thing your candidate has going for them is "not as bad as the other guy", you should vote for someone else. Why is that so hard to understand?
Are you offering up someone else? Because I sure as hell am not voting for a democrat or the Marxist light libertarians you guys offer up.
Are you offering up someone else? Because I sure as hell am not voting for a democrat or the Marxist light libertarians you guys offer up.
You're still not really listening. I don't care who you vote for, just don't ask me to vote for them because of bullshit fear-mongering. It's a con.
You're still not really listening. I don't care who you vote for, just don't ask me to vote for them because of bullshit fear-mongering. It's a con.
Obviously you do care. And I doubt you vote so…
Show me where you applied the same test to Biden voters.
This thread.

Goddamn - it's so difficult trying to talk with hard core partisans. You get shit stuck in your head (like the idea that I'm secretly a Democrat trying to trick you), and you just can't get past it.
This thread.

Goddamn - it's so difficult trying to talk with hard core partisans. You get shit stuck in your head (like the idea that I'm secretly a Democrat trying to trick you), and you just can't get past it.
Who do you think you're fooling?
??? I'm not following. Probably just me, but can you rephrase what you're getting at?
I’m saying if you can’t vote for the main two parties and you have no other suggestions as to a viable 3 rd option. Who do YOU vote for?
I’m saying if you can’t vote for the main two parties and you have no other suggestions as to a viable 3 rd option. Who do YOU vote for?
I vote for the best candidate on the ballot. If none are worth my vote, I'll write someone in. But I don't vote based on partisan fear-mongering.

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