Why Isn't Carter Page In Prison?

Memo points to FBI’s sustained interest in Carter Page, ex-adviser to Trump

Russian spy released from prison and deported

Russian spy Evgeny Buryakov who belonged to a spy ring that attempted to recruit Trump associate Carter Page has been released from a US prison and deported to Moscow. (it'd be interesting to learn why the Trump administration released this Russian spy.)

Russian spy released from prison and deported - CNN Video - CNN.com

The FBI suspected Carter Page was working as an agent for Russia ...

Russian spies tried to recruit Trump campaign aide Carter Page in 2013

Organization, Mission and Functions Manual: Federal Bureau of Investigation | DOJ | Department of Justice
The mission of the FBI is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States...
The FACT that Page has been under surveillance for YEARS and has never been charged with a fucking parking ticket explains how corrupt the DOJ/FBI leadership are.
I wonder who is paying for the fucking storage locker which holds the mountain of pages of FISA warrant applications against Page?

good trumpling

good, good trumpling

keep swinging!

In the Manhattan Federal Court suit, filed by Page himself, he charges that on Sept. 23, 2016 Yahoo “published a highly misleading article filled with false allegations.”

Page charged that Yahoo knew the information was wrong but published it anyway.

“They printed the allegations including those portions that falsely accused Dr. Page of participating in an alleged conspiracy to commit crimes against the U.S. Democratic Party’s Leadership, not to mention a conspiracy to undermine American democracy and the 2016 U.S. election,” the suit states.

Page said the Yahoo article — written by veteran Beltway journalist Michael Isikoff — was based on dirt “marketed by the Clinton Campaign” and that he has received death threats since it was published.

The Huffington Post’s website was also named as a defendant because it ran a similar story several days later based on the Yahoo report.

In the Manhattan Federal Court suit, filed by Page himself, he charges that on Sept. 23, 2016 Yahoo “published a highly misleading article filled with false allegations.”

Page charged that Yahoo knew the information was wrong but published it anyway.

“They printed the allegations including those portions that falsely accused Dr. Page of participating in an alleged conspiracy to commit crimes against the U.S. Democratic Party’s Leadership, not to mention a conspiracy to undermine American democracy and the 2016 U.S. election,” the suit states.

Page said the Yahoo article — written by veteran Beltway journalist Michael Isikoff — was based on dirt “marketed by the Clinton Campaign” and that he has received death threats since it was published.

The Huffington Post’s website was also named as a defendant because it ran a similar story several days later based on the Yahoo report.

Best of luck to Carter Page with THAT law suit........LOL

In the Manhattan Federal Court suit, filed by Page himself, he charges that on Sept. 23, 2016 Yahoo “published a highly misleading article filled with false allegations.”

Page charged that Yahoo knew the information was wrong but published it anyway.

“They printed the allegations including those portions that falsely accused Dr. Page of participating in an alleged conspiracy to commit crimes against the U.S. Democratic Party’s Leadership, not to mention a conspiracy to undermine American democracy and the 2016 U.S. election,” the suit states.

Page said the Yahoo article — written by veteran Beltway journalist Michael Isikoff — was based on dirt “marketed by the Clinton Campaign” and that he has received death threats since it was published.

The Huffington Post’s website was also named as a defendant because it ran a similar story several days later based on the Yahoo report.

Best of luck to Carter Page with THAT law suit........LOL
I'm sure he cares that you are wishing him luck. He has to be given a JURY TRIAL.............and has to prove MALICE............

shouldn't be too hard given the last year..................guess Yahoo better hope for a Jury of GNATS.........LMAO
I'm sure he cares that you are wishing him luck. He has to be given a JURY TRIAL.............and has to prove MALICE...........

As Manafort found out, Carter Page is going to CURSE the day that he hooked up ....even remotely......with the Trump cesspool.

Any lawsuit will bring out HOW this nitwit managed to accumulate about half a billion dollars................LOL
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and unnamed intelligence officials, who have suggested that on a July trip to Moscow, Page met with “highly-sanctioned individuals” and perhaps even discussed an unholy alliance between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

Reid wrote to FBI Director James B. Comey asking him to initiate an investigation into Page’s Moscow visit, where Page gave a speech at the graduation ceremony of the New Economic School.

Without naming Page, Reid said the FBI should investigate his meetings as part of the larger look into whether the Trump campaign was conspiring with the Russian government to tamper with the U.S. presidential election.

Citing “a well-placed Western intelligence source,” Yahoo news last week reported that the U.S. government had received intelligence reports that Page met with Igor Sechin, a friend of Vladimir Putin who runs Russian oil giant Rosneft, and Igor Diveykin, a high–ranking Russian intelligence official.

The article floated accusations that Page had conducted “talks about the possible lifting of economic sanctions if the Republican nominee becomes president.” Various other reports have alleged Page met with Sergei Ivanov, who until recently was the chief of Putin’s presidential administration.
The article floated accusations that Page had conducted “talks about the possible lifting of economic sanctions if the Republican nominee becomes president.” Various other reports have alleged Page met with Sergei Ivanov, who until recently was the chief of Putin’s presidential administration.

....and THAT,my friend, is looming tsunami that will soon be hitting the orange buffoon.
The implication is apparently that partisan information was used to request surveillance of a Trump campaign aide when it shouldn’t have been.


A simple YES or NO, please?

So what. Talking to Russians isn't a crime.
Talking to Russians is not probable cause for a warrant, i.e. the first warrant was denied until they produced the fake dossier.
I'm sure he cares that you are wishing him luck. He has to be given a JURY TRIAL.............and has to prove MALICE...........

As Manafort found out, Carter Page is going to CURSE the day that he hooked up ....even remotely......with the Trump cesspool.

Any lawsuit will bring out HOW this nitwit managed to accumulate about half a billion dollars................LOL
A business man making money somehow gets Liberals panties in a wad?
So what. Talking to Russians isn't a crime.


The conversations were monitored......As Flynn found out, talking to Russians about a Trump administration lifting sanctions may be a bit damaging, don;t you think? (or do you "think"?)
Carter Page Net Worth: Is He As Rich As People Think? Questions Abound


So what's Carter Page net worth? Like many Russia-related individuals whom we've profiled, it is very difficult to account for all of Carter Page's assets.

Assets may be spread all over the world, where banking laws are extremely opaque, and reporting requirements are weak.

Given the information available to us, we estimate Carter Page net worth at around $1 million. Note, however, that other estimates vary wildly -- some reaching over $100 million.

Gnats were never good at math.
Yahoo News reported that Page was being probed by U.S. intelligence for purported back-channel ties to Russian leaders. The story resurfaced the name of a character who’d all but vanished from the campaign, and reawakened questions about who, exactly, Trump was surrounding himself with.

This had been a concern swirling around the outsider candidate since he began, a real-estate developer with almost no serious Washington connections to tap for advice. “I’m going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people," Trump famously told a Post reporter last summer about how he would staff his campaign.

Who Is Carter Page?
In March 2016, in a bold “Oh yeah?” moment during an interview with the Washington Post’s editorial board, Donald Trump took the paper’s dare and revealed, then and there, his very short list of foreign policy advisers. There were just five, though he said, “I have quite a few more.” The list was a head-scratcher, a random assortment of obscure and questionable pundits. One of the names, offered without elaboration, was, “Carter Page, PhD.”


Reporters quickly Googling found that Page is the founder and managing partner of an investment fund called Global Energy Capital, and that he claims to have years of experience investing in Russia and the energy sector. As for his connection to Trump, when Page was reached for comment by the New York Times the day after Trump’s big reveal, he said he had been sending policy memos to the campaign and the paper said he “will be advising Mr. Trump on energy policy and Russia.”

This piqued my interest: I have been a Russia wonk for most of my adult life, I spent years living and reporting from Moscow, still go there regularly for reporting trips, and am in touch with lots of friends there. And yet, despite the tightly knit nature of the expat business community in Russia, no one I spoke to had ever heard of Carter Page.

“What’s this guy’s name?” says one former Western energy CEO who spent years in Russia, and would have overlapped there with Page.

“I had not heard of Carter Page before it came out in the media,” says another prominent Western businessman who has worked in the former Soviet Union for more than two decades. “But I am getting a lot of emails from friends asking, ‘Have you heard of this guy?’”

“Strangely, I've never heard of Carter Page until this Trump connection,” Bill Browder responded to me in an email. He was one of the biggest Western players in the Russian market until President Vladimir Putin turned on him and Browder became his fierce critic. “It's odd, because I've heard of every other financier who was a player on Moscow at the time.”
So what. Talking to Russians isn't a crime.


The conversations were monitored......As Flynn found out, talking to Russians about a Trump administration lifting sanctions may be a bit damaging, don;t you think? (or do you "think"?)

Telling someone what the President elect might do after he is President isn't.

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