Why Isn't Carter Page In Prison?

Isakoff and David 'Cornhole' are planning on releasing another Trump-hate book next March.
Note to these radical LIB Trump-haters: Maybe you all better reconsider the timing of the book's release? You all might be too busy trying not to get your asses suied off by Carter Page.

There is absolutely NO PROOF that the election would have been changed had none of this happened as the DNC has proposed.

In regards to hacking the DNC.................under Obama the intel communities found a hacker ring from Russia.........

More sanctions were ordered as a result.................Russian diplomats were kicked out...........American diplomats were kicked out..........

None of this proves that TRUMP...........OR ANY OF THE OTHERS HAD ANY THING TO DO WITH IT.........

No charges were EVER FILED AGAINST TRUMP..........None of these companies or people working for them HAVE EVER BEEN FOUND IN VIOLATION OF U.S. SANCTIONS.........


YOU STILL HAVE NOTHING..........or the FBI would HAVE THROWN THEM UNDER A JAIL CELL BY NOW...........It's been OVER A YEAR.........and they HAVEN'T GOT ENOUGH TO GO ON TO ARREST someone for PETTY THEFT................

Your sides CIRCUS is turning in on your side..........Evidence of CRIMINAL MISCONDUCT BEING FOUND IS AGAINST CLINTON, AND THE DNC.........

Your losing.............It's that simple
In 2013 the first FISA warrant to spy on Page was issued.
Where they any more than just one warrant between 2013 and 2017?
All of a sudden after Trump won the election four warrants to spy on Page were issued consecutively..

Get the facts straight. The FBI started a Carter Page investigation in 2013
The first FISA warrant was issued in Oct 2016 (BEFORE THE ELECTION)
The second one issued in January 2017
The third one issued in April 2017
The fourth one issued in July 2017
The warrants spanned October 2016 thru October 2017
In 2013 the first FISA warrant to spy on Page was issued.
Where they any more than just one warrant between 2013 and 2017?
All of a sudden after Trump won the election four warrants to spy on Page were issued consecutively..

Get the facts straight. The FBI started a Carter Page investigation in 2013
The first FISA warrant was issued in Oct 2016 (BEFORE THE ELECTION)
The second one issued in January 2017
The third one issued in April 2017
The fourth one issued in July 2017
The warrants spanned October 2016 thru October 2017
And each time went to the FISA court for another three month extension they would have had to provide evidence of Page being an ongoing Russian agent. The problem is Page would have had to be INCREASING his Russian spying. Ya sure. The dofuss Page must be the greatest spy in world history to be able to escape from having the FBI charge him with something......right? ASSHOLE!!!!!
ALL those thousands of pages of PROOF that Page was actively spying for the Russians presented to the FISA court judges?
How big does the storage locker have to be to hold all of them?
U.S. law enforcement’s interest in Page dates back to 2013, when Russian operatives sought to recruit him as a spy. The bureau never accused Page of wrongdoing, but according to F.B.I. documents, the Russians thought Page was “an idiot.”

Ex-press secretary Sean Spicer offered up a similar characterization of Page during an interview with MSNBC. When asked whether he believed that Page was acting as a Russian agent during the 2016 election, Spicer replied, “I don’t think Carter Page acted as anything but a clown.”

Carter Page Finally Realizes He’d Better Stop Talking
speaking of idiots and clowns...

WHERE oh where is the evidence that the FBI acted inappropriately??

"the controversial Nunes memo, which allegedly proves that F.B.I. and D.O.J. officials sought to conceal the extent to which their surveillance of Page was influenced by the infamous Steele dossier"


I read the Nunes memo. There’s not a single damning thing in it.

derrrp so how does surveillance of a suspected spy supposedly "prove" the FBI and DOJ acted inappropriately toward trump??

Trump tweets memo ‘totally vindicates’ him in Russia inquiry

President Donald Trump said Saturday that the memo released by the House Intelligence Committee the day before has vindicated him and proved that the special counsel's Russia investigation is an "American disgrace."

In a tweet posted Saturday morning, Trump continued his attacks against his own FBI and Justice Department for its investigation...

Trump says memo proves Russia probe is an 'American disgrace'

:laugh: :cuckoo:
"The constellation of Russian connections circling around Planet Trump is quite extraordinary," says Guardian reporter Luke Harding. His new book is Collusion.

Journalist Investigating Trump And Russia Says 'Full Picture Is One Of Collusion'
noun: collusion
secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.

The Hidden History of Trump’s First Trip to Moscow

Report Suggests President Trump Told Michael Flynn to Lie to the FBI

In December 2016, Flynn sat at the center of hidden diplomacy between the Trump transition team and Russia. The departing Obama administration was putting into place sanctions to punish Russia for its criminal theft of emails.

The Trump team was quietly telling Russia not to retaliate because it would reverse or undermine those sanctions. Flynn conveyed this message to Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December. The next month he denied doing so to FBI agents.

Two days after that, Sally Yates, the acting attorney general, met with White House counsel Don McGahn and told him about Flynn’s lie, which she had learned of through FBI surveillance of Russia. The danger of the lie was extreme.

Since the Russians were privy to the conversation Flynn had denied ever having, they knew he was lying, and thus had powerful blackmail leverage over him.

And yet, despite having been informed that the incoming national security adviser was an extreme security risk, the White House responded with strange lethargy. Flynn remained on the job for 18 more days...

well, now.. GOOD THING the FBI was surveilling these lying weasels. :eusa_clap:
I am new to this forum but just wanted to add a little to the confusion. Seems everybody is already an expert on the legal requirements of FISA warrants but in case there is anybody on here that has not actually written one or presented one to a judge here is a little primer on how a source or asset or informant is evaluated and how it can change for each affidavit to renew the warrant. This is a link which is standard in secret agent school 101. Intelligence source and information reliability - Wikipedia
The point is that someone like Steele who is a former intel guy from another country would normally be rated highly like an B-2. In secret agent school the tell you that only another person from your agency would be an A-1. You rate the person or source and then do a very separate evaluation on the information. So, the first FISA affidavit would rate much higher than later ones in which they learned Steele was selling or discussing this matter with several media outlets and secondly that the FBI later learned he hated Trump. Any time you have a source who says he hates the person he is ratting on, then his credibility just went down the tubes and the information suddenly is suspect. He had both financial and emotional interests in harming the Trump folks. So, the problem as I see it, is really whether the involved FBI Agents, lawyers and Director of the FBI and DOJ, properly raised these issues with the FISA Judge. As I recall those judges sit on call for a period of time and rotate, so we do not know if it was 1, 2,3 or 4 judges who heard this changing information. After all, they are secret courts, right? So, from this recent memo we do not really know very much and if the other side writes a counter memo we can know even less right? So, is there really any new information they gathered along the way to show that Page or Bubba or someone else actually has engaged in the conduct of being a foreign agent? One other thought. I read above that pretty much everyone on here is legal scholar so this is probably a wasted comment, but, whenever a law enforcement agency engages in conduct such as using false information to obtain evidence of a crime, then it might be called illegally obtained and thrown out by a judge as evidence under the poisonous tree doctrine. Which could likely mean that nobody could be prosecuted as most if not all of the evidence was illegally obtained. Yes, I do know this is a counterintelligence case and not a criminal case, but the FBI is still law enforcement and the 4th Amendment does not go away just because they say they were trying to identify foreign agents. If that were to be the case, then we can thank Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, girlfriend Page and Strozh and anyone else in that loop. Just things to ponder. Oh yea one other thought, Comey says he wrote 9 personal memos. What is he hiding that he will not reveal to the public? Is he just saving it for the book he is writing, or something the public has a right to know?


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The implication is apparently that partisan information was used to request surveillance of a Trump campaign aide when it shouldn’t have been. This argument — assuming it’s the argument made by the memo! — is contingent on a lot of shaky assumptions, several of which were parsed by Orin Kerr at Lawfare. For example: Steele’s background made him a credible source to the FBI, and judges are used to considering motivation when determining whether to grant a warrant.

Assuming, that is, that it’s fair to consider Steele a biased source. There’s no indication that Steele knew who the client was for whom he was indirectly working. In his testimony before the Senate last year, Fusion GPS’s Glenn Simpson said that Steele was told only to “see if you can find out what Donald Trump’s been doing on these trips to Russia.”

But the broader question that’s important to answer is if there was other evidence, besides what Steele provided, that might have prompted the FBI to seek a warrant to surveil Page’s activities. After all, if there were 40 pieces of evidence cited, one of which came from Steele, even if Steele’s evidence were somehow inappropriate to include (again, not necessarily a fair assumption) there would still be 39 other reasons that a warrant might be justified.

Analysis | What we know about the warrant to surveil Carter Page

Nicely done Valerie - You should post more often! :eusa_clap:
Yes, copying and pasting is really difficult.
Original thoughts elude val.
The sanctions bill passed the House of Representatives Tuesday by a lopsided margin of 419-3, and the Senate could be voting on it as early as this week as well.

The Trump administration has given mixed signals about whether it would sign the bill into law, but that may not matter. The Senate passed a similar piece of legislation earlier this summer by a margin of 98-2, so it’s very likely that the bill’s supporters will have veto-proof majorities in both chambers of Congress.

AMERICA FIRST, donny boy! :itsok:
the notion that individuals can't have personal opinions while also honorably doing their job is laughable.

was the FBI supposed to love watching the shameless weasels lie to us?

trump tried to intimidate comey into being loyal to HIM, rather than upholding his oath to be loyal to the country, the constitution, and the truth..

oh boo hoo it's a big conspiracy the FBI and anyone with an ounce of intelligence "hates trump" :laugh2:
It has been claimed by numerous CNN/MSNBC 'legal experts' that normally to get a FISA warrant the evidence of spying etc must be comprehensive and factual and repeatedly verified. They claim that means usually the application is like forty or fifty pages long.
In 2013 the first FISA warrant to spy on Page was issued.
Where they any more than just one warrant between 2013 and 2017?
All of a sudden after Trump won the election four warrants to spy on Page were issued consecutively.
According to these LIB MSM experts in order to get another consecutive warrant there has to be a "significant amount of verified evidence. Like another forty or fifty pages of 'evidence. Imagine the literal mountain of pages of 'verified' legitimate evidence there know must be against Page.
Page has been grilled by Mueller's team and both House and Senate committees.
Someone explain why Page has NEVER been charged even with jaywalking?
Why is Page walking around a free man?
But don't anyone worry. Good old Carter has already begun numerous lawsuits against the DOJ/FBI.
So What? You might ask. Because Good old Carter gets to see ALL the so-called massive amounts of 'evidence' against him before he sets foot in the courtroom.
In America it's called getting to see what your accusers claim to have against you.
The DOJ/FBI will not be able to claim the evidence is 'classified' and they can't refuse to release it to Page's lawyers.
In a couple of years Page will be a multimillionaire and some corrupt members of the DOJ/FBI will be eating cat food sandwiches for lunch everyday in federal prison.
Nothing illegal about being a Russian Agent as long as you aren't National Security Adviser.

Ask Mike Flynn.
James Comey rebukes 'dishonest and misleading' GOP-Nunes memo

Former FBI Director James Comey on Friday skewered the Republican memo that alleges the FBI abused its surveillance authority.

"That's it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what?," Comey wrote on Twitter Friday.

He added, "DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs."

— James Comey (@Comey) February 2, 2018

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