Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

When Congress didn't pass it and that is the will of the people.
obama is using the executive order as a dictator rubber stamp.

How about if a bill can't make through congress because of legislative shennigans, we put that bill up for a vote on a National level.

Majority wins.


I like that, you sure as fuck wouldn't have Obama care if that were the case......

We undoubtedly would have some form of national health care.
Burden of proof is on you. Where does the constitution grant the president the power to issue an executive order?

You have no critical thinking skills if you think that you make an assertion without any evidence or proof at all then tell me the 'burden of proof is on you.' Make your best case, sonny.

liberal progressive code words

Yes, I'm not surprised you shy away from that concept.
I like that, you sure as fuck wouldn't have Obama care if that were the case......

We undoubtedly would have some form of national health care.

National health care is too expensive.

It has not been in other industrialized countries. It's cheaper, the quality for all citizens is better, the citizens are healthier, and they live longer: than us.

It's coming, and you cannot stop it. Get used to it.
We undoubtedly would have some form of national health care.

National health care is too expensive.

It has not been in other industrialized countries. It's cheaper, the quality for all citizens is better, the citizens are healthier, and they live longer: than us.

It's coming, and you cannot stop it. Get used to it.
Pure propaganda. Our healthcare system is a disaster because of government mandates, bureaucracy, and regulation. We don't have free market healthcare. And the solution is to expand the problem.

It is not cheaper, the quality is not better, and the fact government runs healthcare is not why people are healthier.
Bush used presidential signing statements to avoid parts of bills he didn't like and planned not to follow on a regular basis too. Obama campaigned that he wouldn't do it, yet he has/is.

We didn't imbeach Bush for his war crimes or his abuse of the justice dept. or the mariade imbeachable offenses. Why would congress press Obama?

Face it. Congress is a wet noodle when it comes to utilizing their authority.
No, you don't understand. The constitution is a limiting document. Only powers enumerated in the constitution are legitimate. The executive order is not listed under the enumerated powers of the president. If you claim the president has the power, you have to say where in the constitution that power is granted.

EOs are subject to judicial review, the limiting powers of the Constitution are wielded by the Federal courts – a citizen must prove in court that a given action by government is un-Constitutional. Neither the Executive nor Legislative branches are required to ‘self approve’ the constitutionality of their respective actions.

The last time the Supreme Court ruled on the constitutionality of an EO was in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1952), striking down Truman’s effort to ‘nationalize’ steel companies during a strike. The court determined the EO had the effect of law, and the Executive is not sanctioned by the Constitution to make law.

Since then presidents have been careful to ensure their EOs conform to the law.

Some argue that EO’s are authorized by Article II Section 3 of the Constitution, where the Executive is admonished to ‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed…’

In any event, if a citizen believes a given EO is de facto law and potentially un-Constitutional, he’s free to file suit in Federal court. And even if a given EO is struck down as un-Constitutional, it is not an impeachable offense as no law was violated.
National health care is too expensive.

It has not been in other industrialized countries. It's cheaper, the quality for all citizens is better, the citizens are healthier, and they live longer: than us.

It's coming, and you cannot stop it. Get used to it.
Pure propaganda. Our healthcare system is a disaster because of government mandates, bureaucracy, and regulation. We don't have free market healthcare. And the solution is to expand the problem.

It is not cheaper, the quality is not better, and the fact government runs healthcare is not why people are healthier.

You are the one with propaganda. Control the health care cost, keep the system put a single payer in, make them bid for contracts, and the problems are resolved. The free market is not the answer, because all it cares about is eliminating competition and maximizing profit.

Yes, industrialized nations indeed are healthier, live longer, and the cost is cheaper.

That you don't like it doesn't mean crap.
bigrebnc has been corrected for trying to formulate an assertion without evidence then demand others refute it.

Not all Righty Extremist Fascists are anti-critical thinking skills but most here are. Their code talk means "I don't know, I don't what to know, and don't confuse me."

You got it wrong junior, your wishful thinking just isn't getting the job done. You need to take a tar and feather bath.

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