Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

I dont want him impeached. Im having waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much fun on these pages watching the whole ideology implode like a reverse terrorist suicide bomber. I can put up with the dick for 18 more months........the more time for a whole generation to see you dont put a far left guy in the white house ever.

I'm sure you CAN put up with dick for 18 more months. Sounds like the story of your life, prag. :poop:
answer the question reb-dude. What does "reb" stand for? Your answer may well determine the validity of your thread.

If "reb" stands for Rebel, which it must since he's dodging the question, and he's one of those War of Southern Rebellion sympathizers who think the war isn't officially over, he couldn't recognize the Constitution. So, he's one of the last people on the board who should've started this thread. War of Southern Rebellion sympathizers don't recognize the Constitution as valid.

Not to mention at the very least by definition UNpatriotic. :salute:
Is this thread still alive???? Ya'll just cannot wait to get the darkie out of the White House.

Unfortunately, even on line they don't have the balls to say it. Such is the cowardice of the many and the weakness of the tea.:poop:
The far right fool Kenyans -- henry, fool auto, and othrers -- here are silly.

Yes, silly with laughter at the antics of the cleverly disguised Marxists!

I know we shouldn't laugh - it only encourages - as we'll see in the response......

I don't know your education level, but for the record Marx wouldn't be happy with liberals, much less Obama...sorry. :poop:

See how fucked up obama is he can't even be a good marxist he will fuc k that up to.
Is this thread still alive???? Ya'll just cannot wait to get the darkie out of the White House.

Unfortunately, even on line they don't have the balls to say it. Such is the cowardice of the many and the weakness of the tea.:poop:

I'll say it for you, you need to stop sniffing obama shit while your sucking his dick. It's making you lie to much.
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What does his skin color have to do with his PISS POOR POLICIES?

It has to do with why people have wanted him out of the White House before he stepped through the door.

Of course the only proof you can offer is the parroting of DNC talking points.

Get off the saltines and try graham crackers.

Really??? download right America feeling wronged. A documentary on the right wing where they spoke in their OWN words. This was from IMMEDIATELY after the election.:poop:
Is this thread still alive???? Ya'll just cannot wait to get the darkie out of the White House.

You're the **** that keeps clinging to race. Listen up cock sucker, his race has nothing to do with anything. He's not black he had a white mother, raised by his white grand parents, taught by his liberal family and friends. He's not a leader, his eneffectiveness as a leader is killing the economy. Now address what I just posted and stop being a racist.

Yeah...that's what the south thinks when they see him. As far as INEFFECTIVENESS, (notice the spelling) name an instance where his plans weren't watered down just to get something passed, if not outright filibustered (more than any other time in history) by cons and I'll take that challenge. :poop:
Is this thread still alive???? Ya'll just cannot wait to get the darkie out of the White House.

You're the **** that keeps clinging to race. Listen up cock sucker, his race has nothing to do with anything. He's not black he had a white mother, raised by his white grand parents, taught by his liberal family and friends. He's not a leader, his eneffectiveness as a leader is killing the economy. Now address what I just posted and stop being a racist.

Clinging to race? Kind of hard not to when he is called a Tar Baby by a Conservative Senator and BOY by Pat Buchanan. You foul language show that you are probably one of these foul people, and I have hit a nerve.

Don't forget the latest slip by a would be governor that compared people on welfare to coons. Of course then we will be reminded that whites are on it too, like that's what the tea bag clan thinks of when they think lazy as they were referred to as. :doubt:
Come on people why is congress sitting on their ass and dong nothing? obama tried to get cap and trade passed in 2009 that was a fail, so he get's his EPA thugs to create rules that will work as good as passing cap and trade.

Next he by-passes congress and uses the military in Libya with out congressional approval.

Next last year the dream act was not passed by congress but obama issues a presidential order by-passes congress again and passes the dream act.

Why is he being allowed to misuse the "presidential order"
Isn't this how dictators begin?

What's the charge? You can't run out with flagrant suppositions like these, without substantiating any of them. Show me why he needed congress for the type of presence we had in Libya. Show me documents that the pres. abused any power with the dream act and when it passed. Show me any form of "ABUSE" as you call it, that's even impeachable. Then show me a.)where you got your info and b.) where you shop for drugs. :poop:

If you have to ask
What's the charge?

When a presidnt does things without congressional authority he becomes a dictator. Going to Libya made obama a dictator Helping Americas enemy in Libya gave aid to the enemy thats grounds for treason.

So your reply is :poop:

No the banana just cracks me up. :poop:
When Congress didn't pass it and that is the will of the people.
obama is using the executive order as a dictator rubber stamp.

Like the patriot act and water boarding. :poop:

Congress passed the patriot act Bush and obama signed them both.:poop:

Who ran congress when bush signed off on it. and at what time did Obama approve water boarding? Last I checked one of his first acts as pres. was to condemn it as illegal. Correct me if I'm wrong. :poop:
Is this thread still alive???? Ya'll just cannot wait to get the darkie out of the White House.

Unfortunately, even on line they don't have the balls to say it. Such is the cowardice of the many and the weakness of the tea.:poop:

I'll say it for you, you need to stop sniffing obama shit while your sucking his dick. It's making you lie to much.

O.K. It appears that SOMEONE, not only needs spell check, but English grammar and composition...So much for the teachers union. OH! and speaking of dumb policies, you are proof that bush fucked up with no child left behind. :poop:
answer the question reb-dude. What does "reb" stand for? Your answer may well determine the validity of your thread.

If "reb" stands for Rebel, which it must since he's dodging the question, and he's one of those War of Southern Rebellion sympathizers who think the war isn't officially over, he couldn't recognize the Constitution. So, he's one of the last people on the board who should've started this thread. War of Southern Rebellion sympathizers don't recognize the Constitution as valid.

Not to mention at the very least by definition UNpatriotic. :salute:

littledebfascist is indeed a believer in the War of Southern Aggression, and, yes, he is unpatriotic and unAmerican.

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