Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

littledebfascist is a racist and a sexist, nothing changes that, just a pussbag of a human being.

Those who associate with him are the same types of people.

Other than me calling you what you are a white ******. Show one post that is racist.

Oh idot I don't demean women by using the female term when addressing a man. littledeb is what you would call a short woman named debbie. My name is not debbie nor am I a woman.
Your whole persona on the Board is racist, littledebfascist. No one of integrity will support you.
I have posted many over the months. You are a slimy racist and sexist. Nothing will change for you until you are willing to go to God and repent. You are not ready for that. I hope the day comes when you are ready to get right with our Lord.
I have posted many over the months. You are a slimy racist and sexist. Nothing will change for you until you are willing to go to God and repent. You are not ready for that. I hope the day comes when you are ready to get right with our Lord.

I have posted many over the months.

You are a liar. I have challenged you in the past to show one post you never have. ASnd that repeat post of me calling you what you are a white ****** is not a racist post. Again show one post where I attack a person because of their race.

Nothing will change for you until you are willing to go to God and repent. You are not ready for that. I hope the day comes when you are ready to get right with our Lord

New flash dipshit in Gods eyes liars are on equal grounds with murders.
I have repeatedly shown your racist posts in the past, and your denial means only you are a liar.

Your implicit confession of your lies above does not help. The Lord's help is there for you at any time. You should avail of it.
I have repeatedly shown your racist posts in the past, and your denial means only you are a liar.

Your implicit confession of your lies above does not help. The Lord's help is there for you at any time. You should avail of it.

How about posting those offending remarks? They obviously weigh heavily on your mind.
Come on people why is congress sitting on their ass and dong nothing? obama tried to get cap and trade passed in 2009 that was a fail, so he get's his EPA thugs to create rules that will work as good as passing cap and trade.

Next he by-passes congress and uses the military in Libya with out congressional approval.

Next last year the dream act was not passed by congress but obama issues a presidential order by-passes congress again and passes the dream act.

Why is he being allowed to misuse the "presidential order"
Isn't this how dictators begin?

Kinda hard to impeach a man who was never a legal prez in the first place. The real failure of congress was to not void the election of non-natural born citizen back in 2008.
Come on people why is congress sitting on their ass and dong nothing? obama tried to get cap and trade passed in 2009 that was a fail, so he get's his EPA thugs to create rules that will work as good as passing cap and trade.

Next he by-passes congress and uses the military in Libya with out congressional approval.

Next last year the dream act was not passed by congress but obama issues a presidential order by-passes congress again and passes the dream act.

Why is he being allowed to misuse the "presidential order"
Isn't this how dictators begin?

Kinda hard to impeach a man who was never a legal prez in the first place. The real failure of congress was to not void the election of non-natural born citizen back in 2008.

That isnt going to change, however the FACT that he conspired to violate federal firearm laws is a no brainier. He signed the funding.
I have repeatedly shown your racist posts in the past, and your denial means only you are a liar.

Your implicit confession of your lies above does not help. The Lord's help is there for you at any time. You should avail of it.

How about posting those offending remarks? They obviously weigh heavily on your mind.

I have, over and over. This is common knowledge among the readership here the type of language and attitudes conveyed by littledebfascist. All Americans will not tolerate far righty extreme racial or cultural or political fascism.
I have repeatedly shown your racist posts in the past, and your denial means only you are a liar.

Your implicit confession of your lies above does not help. The Lord's help is there for you at any time. You should avail of it.

How about posting those offending remarks? They obviously weigh heavily on your mind.

I have, over and over. This is common knowledge among the readership here the type of language and attitudes conveyed by littledebfascist. All Americans will not tolerate far righty extreme racial or cultural or political fascism.

The readership knows one thing. They know you are a liar. Prove them wrong show your evidence.
The readership knows that you are projecting your reputation as a racist, sexist, and fascist liar on me, littledebfascist.

There is not a thing you can do to shake your rep a righty extremist fascist folly girl. :lol:
I have repeatedly shown your racist posts in the past, and your denial means only you are a liar.

Your implicit confession of your lies above does not help. The Lord's help is there for you at any time. You should avail of it.

How about posting those offending remarks? They obviously weigh heavily on your mind.

I have, over and over. This is common knowledge among the readership here the type of language and attitudes conveyed by littledebfascist. All Americans will not tolerate far righty extreme racial or cultural or political fascism.

So you got nothing........

Color me shocked.
I got everything because you far righty extremist fascists are far far out of the mainstream of America.
A statement that you are out of the mainstream is a declarative statement of fact. Your response is both risible and whining.
See, you have nothing but inane insults (at least that's what you seem to be doing).
See, you have nothing but inane insults (at least that's what you seem to be doing).

I ask for details you provide squat.

I thought shaming you into speaking with clarity would have worked.

Apparently not!!!! You have no shame.

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