Why isn't the media covering the killing of an unarmed white youth by a black police officer?

It's because of the blatant hypocrisy of our media. If the skin colors were reversed, we all know what would happen. The hypocrisy is despicable.

Black cops in this country wouldn't shoot a white guy if you promised them a new SS, new name and a billion bucks. And I don't blame them, they know it would be the end of their career as well as endless legal problems.
The Brown case in Ferguson has mystery and drama. There are all kinds of angles to debate and argue. The Dillion case is open and shut. Remember kids, when the cops show up and point their guns at you and your friends at the 7-11 store, and the friends standing beside you are dropping to the grounds with their hands up and outstretched as they lay face down on the pavement, don't be reaching into your pocket. Not even to turn off your music or earphones. In fact, anytime the cops are pointing their guns at you you should refrain from reaching into your pockets.

It's because of the blatant hypocrisy of our media. If the skin colors were reversed, we all know what would happen. The hypocrisy is despicable.
Winner winner chicken dinner! But like I said....it's over some folks heads.

Are you in high school or something? Oh, it's almost 4:00pm EST, so you're posting from your iPad on the bus home. Got it.
lol. We already went over all that, Raving. No, I didn't know it was offensive and now that I do? Oh fucking well. But..since you seem to think it IS, why did you tell me to watch out for Negroes ri'chere in this thread?

My oh my. The irony is amazing, dear. :rofl:
Well....I must leave for awhile. But when I get back home I will check to see if this thread is back on topic or just another pile of shit on the living room floor by Meltdown Jillian and Trashy Godless.

Toodles for now.
Beware of Negroes.
You two really need to get new material. It's old and musty smelling. :)
It's because of the blatant hypocrisy of our media. If the skin colors were reversed, we all know what would happen. The hypocrisy is despicable.
Winner winner chicken dinner! But like I said....it's over some folks heads.

Are you in high school or something? Oh, it's almost 4:00pm EST, so you're posting from your iPad on the bus home. Got it.

You would think so from her apparent lack of maturity in nearly all of her posts, and her low level of intelligence. However, she is actually an old crone.
It's because of the blatant hypocrisy of our media. If the skin colors were reversed, we all know what would happen. The hypocrisy is despicable.
Winner winner chicken dinner! But like I said....it's over some folks heads.

Are you in high school or something? Oh, it's almost 4:00pm EST, so you're posting from your iPad on the bus home. Got it.

You would think so from her apparent lack of maturity in nearly all of her posts, and her low level of intelligence. However, she is actually an old crone.
Teaparty was not addressing me, dear.
Go wash your smelly fishface and wake the fuck up.
So what did the kid do? You know a black policeman killing a white kid means the officer thought about it, really thought about it before firing.

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